Gu Zheng led Fang Xing out of the cave first, and the bat monsters were really afraid of the sun, they didn't even dare to approach the cave entrance, calling for the disappearing energy from a distance and irritably.

If Gu Zheng didn't kill Fang Xing, he wanted Fang Xing to search for his soul, and he wanted to figure out what was going on.

Putting his hands on top of Fang Xing's head, the soul search technique also started immediately, and Fang Xing's memories flooded in immediately.

The matter started with the old man who ran away. This person was the ancestor of the Fang family. He was one of the candidates for inheritance and was trapped in the Skeleton Palace by the thousand corpse old devil.

In common sense, being trapped in the Skeleton Palace would also lose contact with the outside world, but Fang Tao, the ancestor of the Fang family, has his special means, and he can still communicate with the Fang family outside! However, this contact is very difficult. Even with the help of the Fang family's heirloom jade charm, the two parties cannot often obtain information about each other.

It is human nature to feel warm and cold. At first, the members of the Fang family were very dedicated to the ancestor's trap, and they all wanted to see if they could rescue Fang Tao.

However, Fang Tao only knew that he was in the Skeleton Palace, but he didn't know where the Skeleton Palace was. In this way, the Fang family has been passed down from generation to generation, and Fang Tao has always been imprisoned in the Skeleton Palace.

Later, the Fang family was no longer so enthusiastic about whether they could save the ancestor who had never met before. What's more, the Fang family also knew that when Fang Tao was imprisoned in the Skeleton Palace, he once beheaded an ancient giant worm, but he was also poisoned by it, and his strength was in a period of decline.

In Fang Xing's memory, he didn't intend to save any ancestors. After all, he was already the ancestor of the Fang family, so what's the point of saving another ancestor? What's more, the strength of this ancestor has declined to the late stage of Golden Immortal, and he urgently needs a celestial power ball from a late-stage Golden Immortal cultivator to restore his strength to the early stage of Golden Immortal of Da Luo, and then find a way to restore it to his level in the early stage of Golden Immortal of Da Luo. The peak period of Da Luo Jinxian was in the middle period.

But by accident, Fang Xing went to the Clothes Tomb of the Thousand Corpse Old Demon, where he was injured while fighting with others, and his strength also declined, from the initial Golden Immortal late stage, to the current Golden Immortal In the early days, he also urgently needed to recover his strength.

Fang Xing did get the map of the Skeleton Palace in the tomb of the Thousand Corpse Old Demon, but he didn't know the location of the Skeleton Palace. However, Fang Xing knew that the Azure Jade Carving contained information about the location of the Skeleton Palace, and the method to decipher the secret of the Azure Jade Carving did not know who got it in the tomb of the Thousand Corpse Old Demon.

Based on such a premise, there was an alliance between Gu Zheng, Huang Qi and Fang Xing.

Fang Xing came to the Skeleton Palace, other than hunting for treasure, the most important purpose was to restore his own strength.

Fang Tao once told Fang Xing that as long as he brought someone who was a late-stage Golden Immortal, not only would he be able to recover, but he would also have a way to make Fang Xing recover. So, after the two made a plan, Fang Xing led Gu Zheng to this place.

After Fang Xing conducted a soul search, Gu Zheng ended his life and also deprived him of several storage belts, which was quite rewarding.

However, Gu Zheng didn't particularly like such a harvest, he would rather that Fang Xing formed an alliance with him sincerely, rather than thinking about it for some purpose.

Looking at Fang Xing's body, Gu Zheng felt a lot of emotion in his heart. This person is only thinking of plotting against him, if not, he just needs to tell Gu Zheng about his situation, and Gu Zheng is confident that he can help him recover! It's a pity that he was all about scheming, so naturally he wouldn't say these words to Gu Zheng.

After getting rid of Fang Xing, Gu Zheng also had a more unexpected harvest. In Fang Xing's storage belt, there was a jade slip, which recorded a kind of supernatural power in terms of spiritual thoughts. The name of this supernatural power was "Peacefulness".

'Peacefulness' can be regarded as an incredible supernatural power. After this kind of supernatural power is cultivated successfully, when you want to kill someone, or have a sneak attack on a person, the person who will not be targeted by it will give birth to the sixth consciousness Aspects of induction.

Gu Zheng originally thought that the reason why his sixth sense didn't warn against Fang Xing's plot was because he had always been more on guard against Fang Xing. But now it seems that maybe this 'peace of mind' is working.

Moreover, almost all magical powers in terms of divine sense need to be comprehended! Like Qi Ling used to give Gu Zheng as a mission reward in the past, those pills that can produce supernatural powers in terms of divine sense are extremely precious things! However, the 'Peacefulness Technique' recorded in this piece of jade slips, Gu Zheng has a feeling of transparency just by looking at it. He thinks that as long as he can spare some time to practice, then when he needs to plot against a person in the future, the other party will The sixth sense should be difficult to warn.

After cleaning up Fang Xing, the person Gu Zheng will clean up next is Fang Tao, the patriarch of the Fang family.

Gu Zheng sensed with his heart and found that there was no trace of Fang Tao's aura in the air. This was not an accident. Since Fang Tao wanted to escape for his life, he would definitely deal with his aura.

Gu Zheng took out the Fang family's heirloom jade talisman again, and the spot of light that should have represented Fang Tao had disappeared, which showed that Fang Tao had also dealt with his heirloom jade talisman.

If it was normal, it would be almost impossible for Gu Zheng to find Fang Tao there. At this time, Fang Tao must have hidden his energy and hidden away, leaving no traces of energy or clues for Gu Zheng to track him down. , It can be said that it is the same as the world has evaporated.

"Do you think you can escape like this? It's just a little more trouble to find you!"

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled, there seemed to be indiscernible ripples in the air, and Fang Tao's disappearing aura reappeared.

For Gu Zheng, who has mastered some laws of time, it is not difficult to turn back time and reappear the lost energy.

Following the aura left by Fang Tao, Gu Zheng found a mountain.

"come out!"

While Gu Zheng was shouting loudly, the Soil Control Jue and Gold Control Jue were cast at the same time. The soil and rocks were affected by the Five Elements Immortal Art, and the whole mountain slowly cracked in front of Gu Zheng.

On the surface, it seems that the mountain is only slowly cracking, but Fangtao hidden in the ground is not feeling well. Under the control of Gu Zheng, the soil and rocks are squeezing him crazily, as if trying to knead it into a ball generally.


Fang Tao, who couldn't bear the pressure, soared from the ground to the sky. He had been waiting for his ancient battle for a long time, and swung his knife to slash it.


Fang Tao's reaction was also considered quick, and the palm wind he launched collided with Gu Zheng's saber light, making a loud noise.


There was another muffled sound, and the wind dragon kicked by Gu Zheng hit Fang Tao's abdomen, sending him flying.

Fang Tao still wanted to flee, but Gu Zheng mobilized the energy of heaven and earth to oppress him, making his speed change and his movements slow down.

Regardless of Fang Tao, he sacrificed his tripod-shaped fairy weapon and threw it at Gu Zheng.

It's a pity that this place is no longer in a cave, and Gu Zheng no longer needs to devote his strength to deal with another person, so Fang Tao's move is undoubtedly speeding up the end of the battle.

Gu Zheng's body's "real gold" vibrated, flew towards his tripod-shaped fairy weapon, flew back and hit Fang Tao's head, causing him to fall from the sky.

Fang Tao was just knocked out, and Gu Zheng, who flew over, punched him in the abdomen, disabled his Xianli ball, and immediately started searching for his soul.

As one of the candidates for inheritance, Fang Tao didn't know much about the Skeleton Palace. The only valuable information he provided to Gu Zheng was that there was a growing immortal food material that was about to mature. Moreover, there are at least five plants of this kind of fairy food transplanted by the Thousand Corpse Old Demon in the entire Skeleton Palace, and the maturity time is also within a short time after the Skeleton Palace appeared!

As inheritance candidates, they don't have any long possessions on their bodies, and they all only have a high-level fairy weapon. This is the restriction imposed on them by the Thousand Corpse Old Demon, and they are all thrown into a dangerous place, such as Ancient giant insects, such as bat monsters and so on.

In terms of material, in addition to providing Gu Zheng with a high-level fairy artifact, Fang Tao also provided Gu Zheng with his treasure place, where he obtained all the ancient giant worm skins after killing the ancient giant worms!

The skin of an ancient giant worm, divided into four parts, can make Gu Zheng and others a lot of money, not to mention that Gu Zheng will get everything.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng not only has a lot of storage belts, but also has a larger space in the prehistoric world. He has all the skins of ancient giant insects in his pocket.

After taking the ancient giant worm skin, Gu Zheng immediately flew to the place where the immortal resources were located.

The location of the fairy ingredients is a place of beauty in this small space. It is protected by a fairy array, and it is emitting a dense light.

The fairy food ingredient is a mutation of the high-grade ingredient Ziyuzhi. The Ziyuzhi, which would not bloom at all, bloomed a small flower with petals of five colors after the mutation.

As soon as Gu Zheng saw the mutated Purple Yuzhi, he knew its characteristics at a glance.

"How, do you have any different insights?" Qi Ling asked.

There are traces of Dao in the immortal ingredients, which is one of the reasons why it is expensive. Counting the current mutated Ziyuzhi, there are four fairy resources in the last ancient battle. The first is the mutated colorful deer photographed in Luxia Town, and the second is obtained after beheading the ancient giant worm. The third piece is obtained from the treasure chest contributed by the corpse tree.

"For ordinary people, there are traces of Dao in the ingredients of immortal products. For me, this is nothing. After all, I have already comprehended part of the way of eating. However, comprehending this kind of thing depends on chance, and I will see immortal products in the future. It’s not necessarily true that you’ll understand something when you get the ingredients.” Gu Zheng said.

"This mutated Ziyuzhi will mature in two days. With your current Five Elements Immortal Art and the law of time, will it shorten its ripening time to one hour?" Qi Ling asked.

"Half an hour will do."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said: "However, I can't ripen it yet, you can't see some things inside it, so you don't know that once this fairy food is mature, it will be put into use immediately. Otherwise, it will become a highly poisonous plant over time!"

"Ah? There are such immortal ingredients?" Qi Ling's eyes widened.

Gu Zheng sneered: "That's right, if I didn't have the eyes of the Tao, and the Tao is not low, it would be impossible to see that after it matures, some special substances in it will mutate, and they will move toward In terms of highly toxic transformation. Fang Tao died in my hands. Even if he did not die in my hands, he would be poisoned to death by this mutated Ziyuzhi. After all, he planned to refine it into 'Ganoderma elixir'. However, the characteristics of the mutated Ziyuzhi's mature ingredients are incompatible with fire, and the practice of refining it into a elixir will inevitably increase the toxicity. Not to mention that he is only in the early stage of Jinxian, even if it is eaten by Daluo Jinxian in the later stage It’s also ten deaths and no lives!”

"Then what are you going to do? Cook it as soon as it's ripe?" Qi Ling asked.

"That's right!"

Excitement appeared in Gu Zheng's eyes: "Before, I wanted to obtain the Northern Reed Ginseng Cooking Sacred Fruit Food Cultivation, so as to advance to the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, the process of obtaining the Northern Reed Ginseng was full of twists and turns. After I got it, it can't be used for the time being. In order to advance, I changed it. With my current resource reserves and this mutated Ziyuzhi, it is very suitable for cooking a Danyuan Food Cultivation with extraordinary medicinal effects, so that I can hit the realm of Daluo Jinxian. !"

"You have always thought that there should be immortal food cultivation on top of high-grade food cultivation, and you have always believed that fairy-grade ingredients are the key to cooking fairy-grade food cultivation. You can try it this time!" Qi Ling also became excited .

Without wasting any more time, Gu Zheng prepared to process the ingredients first, and then ripen the mutated Ziyuzhi.

Most of the ingredients that Gu Zheng will use for this cooking alchemy food repair are elixirs, including thirty fine-grade immortal pills, five high-grade immortal pills, dragon blood pills, and chalcedony Pill, Sanhua Sanyuan Pill, Good Fortune Pill, one high-grade ingredient Yaoyang Xiancao, and one high-grade ingredient Xianchen Fruit.

Gu Zheng first boiled the Yaoyang Immortal Grass, and then discarded the nearly melted Immortal Grass, leaving only a bowl of golden soup.

Squeeze the juice of Xianchen fruit, put the juice into the steamer for a while, and when you take it out, the original juice has turned into a red jelly.

Put Xianchen fruit paste into the oil pan and deep-fry until a peculiar fruity aroma is mouth-watering. The fried fairy morning fruit paste expands rapidly in the oil pan, just like fried egg liquid.

After the Xianchen Fruit Paste was fried, it was put aside for later use. Gu Zheng processed the cooled Yaoyang Immortal Grass Water, then boiled it and threw the Sanhua Sanyuan Pill in it.

In addition to the accident of Xianyuan Pill, Gu Zheng Cooked this time's Danyuan Shixiu, and used three other kinds of elixirs, including the three-leaf three-flower pill. And Danyuan Food Cultivation is a food cultivation based on pills, and it can naturally add various kinds of pills, but the premise is to be familiar with the medicinal effects of pills in the whole way of food cultivation.

The pills used by Gu Zheng this time are not of low grade, no matter which one they are, they are all refined from several top-quality resources. After the Sanhua Sanyuan Dan was melted in the pot, there was a sudden movement in the pot, which was a sign that it didn't match Yaoyang Immortal Grass Water.

Gu Zheng held down the restless pot, and the Five Elements Immortal Art worked on it in turn. After the pot gradually calmed down, a charming fragrance came out of it.

Although the Sanhua Sanyuan Pill is not compatible with Yaoyang Immortal Grass Water, but if they can be adjusted and transformed to fit, then they will be a highlight in the whole way of food cultivation.

Moreover, the only elixir that does not fit is the Sanhua Sanyuan elixir. After getting it done first, Gu Zheng will be able to free up his hands to spawn and deal with the mutated Ziyuzhi later.

The Yaoyang Immortal Grass Water containing the medicinal effect of the Sanhua Sanyuan Dan has stabilized, and Gu Zheng put the chalcedony pill into it, let it boil slowly, and then freed up his hands to give birth to the mutated Ziyuzhi.

Wood Controlling Art, Soil Controlling Art and Time Law were performed one after another, and the dense light on the mutated Purple Yuzhi became more intense, and developed towards a more crystal clear direction while shaking slightly.

The immortal essence is condensing towards the mutated Purple Yuzhi, and the flowers on the mutated Ziyuzhi that have not yet fully bloomed completely bloom, and the special medicinal fragrance in the air has also reached its peak at this moment.

The time was ripe, Gu Zheng picked the mutated Purple Yuzhi in the air, and then took out a golden mirror.

The mirror that Gu Zheng took out was actually the 'Sky Light Mirror' that he had asked Fang Xing about before.

When the treasure was divided, Fang Xing, a treacherous villain, won the 'Sky Light Mirror', just in case the share was in the hands of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng would happen to know that he could use it to deal with bat monsters! Therefore, after Fang Xing won the 'Sky Light Mirror', he gave some gifts to Huang Qi and the others, pretending to give away the 'Sky Light Mirror' as well.

Mutated Ziyuzhi cannot see fire, but it must be roasted if it wants to be added to the food repair. What Gu Zheng will do now is to use sunlight instead of flames to roast the mutated Ziyuzhi.

The 'Skylight Mirror' is an energy-storage fairy artifact, which stores the sun's brilliance, and the intensity of the sun's brilliance can be released according to the owner's will.

A beam of dazzling light shot out from the 'Sky Light Mirror' and hit the mutated Ziyuzhi.

Under the brilliance of the sun, the mutated Ziyuzhi immediately smoked, and Gu Zheng also used the water control formula to control the roasting effect he wanted at any time.

In a short time, Gu Zheng roasted the mutated Purple Yuzhi and ground it into powder. Although the mutated Purple Yuzhi has been processed, it still needs to be cooked immediately.

During Gu Zheng's process of ripening the mutated Purple Yuzhi, several other elixir, including a large amount of Xianyuan Pill, and the fried Xianchen Fruit Crisp, had already been put into the Yaoyang Immortal Grass by him. In the soup, it has been boiled for a while.

At this time, above the soup pot, the rich immortal essence gathered and did not disperse, and the air was filled with a special fragrance, which was a bit like a fruity fragrance, but also had a faint medicinal smell.

Time was running out, so Gu Zheng poured all the mutated purple jade sesame powder into the Lihuo soup pot.


As soon as the purple jade sesame powder was put into the pot, a vision appeared immediately, and there was only a bang in the pot, and the rich immortal essence that had been condensed on the top of the soup pot immediately dispersed, as if it was about to disappear into the air.

Gu Zheng, who had been on guard for a long time, waved one hand, and the immortal essence that was about to dissipate slowly gathered towards the top of the soup pot. And his other hand was close to the soup pot, and the five elements of immortality were performed in turn.

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