Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 666 Triple Immortal Formation

"Oh my god, this, this is a top-level immortal artifact!"

Yang Jue exclaimed, in fact, even if he didn't say anything, everyone could find out from the special fluctuations emitted by the palace that this huge palace is a top-level fairy weapon.

"A top celestial weapon with space inside, a rare treasure!" Huang Qi couldn't help but licked her lips.

Compared to Yang Jue and Huang Qi's excitement, Gu Zheng frowned. He knew that this quasi-sage was an evil cultivator before, but seeing the three-story palace now, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

The palace has three floors, with four cornices on each floor. Under the twelve cornices on the third floor, there are a total of twelve skulls with green eyes shining and teeth constantly opening and closing.


While Gu Zheng and the others were still looking at the palace, a shadow shot towards the open gate of the palace.

Gu Zheng has sharp eyes, he has already discovered that this shadow is not a real person, but a bronze puppet, but he does not know when it sneaked nearby.


After waiting until now, Yang Jue, who was the first to enter, made a move, and the immortal power turned into a huge net and floated towards the puppet.


The twelve skulls under the eaves gritted their teeth at the same time, and the twenty-four green lights instantly condensed into three strands, one hit the bronze puppet, the other hit Yang Jue's celestial power net, and the other directed towards Yang Jue. Let's shoot.

The bronze puppet was knocked into the air, and a big hole was instantly melted out of its solid body, lying motionless on the ground. After Yang Jue's celestial power net was hit, it burned strangely in the air. As for Yang Jue himself, when he realized that the momentum was wrong, he immediately used the earth escape technique, barely dodging the flying green light.


Huang Qi couldn't help but exclaimed, the pressure brought by the green light made him understand that this light had the power to kill immortal cultivators in the Golden Immortal Realm.

"I've said it all, listen to me after entering the treasure, why do you act without authorization?"

Seeing Yang Jue emerging from the ground, Fang Xing immediately looked at him displeased.

"Isn't this still in the treasure?"

Yang Jue's face was dull, and he stiffened his neck and said something.

Fang Xing didn't say anything more to Yang Jue, just glared at him and looked at the three-story palace: "Although I have a treasure map, it's not an extremely detailed one! The picture does not explain what the restriction is, just like these few skulls today, I have a way to deal with them, but I still need time to consider and determine what the restriction is! I haven’t entered the treasure yet, and I have It is so dangerous, after entering the treasure, you must not take it lightly, everything must obey my orders!"

Seeing that the three of Gu Zheng were all nodding, Fang Xing didn't say anything else. He drew a fairy formation on the ground with his toes. At the same time, the skulls on the cornices seemed to be attracted, and they all aligned straight in the direction of the fairy formation, just like iron objects being attracted by a magnet.

"Go, enter the treasure!"

Fang Xing took the lead, and the three of Gu Zheng followed behind him, and arrived at the gate of the palace safely.

"You can't be cheap for latecomers!"

Fang Xing turned around, and a trace of fairy power sprang out from his fingertips like a spirit snake. After flying into the fairy formation on the ground, the light on the fairy formation dimmed immediately, and the skull on the cornice that was attracted by the fairy formation also returned to its original state.

The moment they stepped into the palace, the scene in front of everyone's eyes alternated between light and dark, appearing in a corridor.

The pattern of the cloister is somewhat similar to the treasures of the Tianluoku cave that Gu Zheng experienced. There are doors on the walls on both sides, but the doors here are not as dense as the treasures of the Tianluoku cave.

They didn't go to treasure hunting right away. According to the prior agreement, Gu Zheng and others immediately set up seven fairy formations and restrictions in the corridor. These things will cause some troubles for the latecomers and buy them some time to get ahead.

"It may be a reward for those who came first. There is not much danger in these rooms in the corridor. There are treasures in every room!"

After the seven layers of protection were completed, the excited Fang Xing came to a door, and after a few flashes of celestial light in his hand, the door slowly opened.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Three bursts of wind sounded, and Fang Xing waved his hands and used the magical power of 'Sleeve Universe' to wrap the thing that made the strange sound in his sleeve.

"Three low-level fairy artifacts!"

Fang Xing shook his sleeves at the crowd, and the things that were caught in his sleeves were immediately suspended in the air.

A flying sword, a scarf, and a copper ball with seven holes.

According to the agreement in advance, every time the treasures are obtained, one person will take them temporarily, and Gu Zheng will be the first person, and these three low-level fairy artifacts will be collected by him in the storage belt.

"It's just three low-level fairy artifacts! This time is precious, otherwise let's go directly to the second floor!"

In fact, not only is Yang's determination urgent, but the three low-level immortal weapons are not very attractive to the members of their group.

"Although according to the treasure map, the higher the baby's level, the better, but this is not absolute. Let's look at it one by one, so as not to miss any good things. As for the dangerous rooms, And the treasure map shows the treasures among them, we can keep some of them as we see fit, so as to restrain the latecomers!"

While talking, Fang Xing came to the door of the second room and began to break the restriction on the door.

at the same time.

Feng Weikong and Lu Piaoxiang also came outside the palace.

"The injury is not serious, but it can still be used after re-sacrificing."

Looking at the bronze puppet on the ground, Feng Weikong put it into his storage belt with a wave of his hand.

When Lu Piaoxiang turned her head, there were two people flying towards this side in the distance, and they were the two who were temporarily blinded before.

"Uncle Feng, let's go in quickly!" Lu Piaoxiang said.

"Are you in a hurry now? Who told you to enter later and don't want to meet someone surnamed Bai?" Feng Weikong teased.

"Uncle Feng!"

Lu Piaoxiang yelled coquettishly.

Feng Weikong trembled, quickly raised his feet to draw a formation, and at the same time muttered depressingly: "Go in later, and you will meet sooner or later!"

Feng Weikong's speed was very fast, the method he used to restrain the skull under the eaves was the same as Fang Xing's, and soon he led Lu Piaoxiang into the treasure.

"Damn it!"

After entering the treasure, Feng Weikong and Lu Piaoxiang immediately encountered the restriction imposed by Gu Zheng and the others, which made Feng Weikong curse.

"This bastard is quite vicious, and he even set up a ban to hold us back and break it for the old man!"

Feng Weikong gritted his teeth, his hands changed his finger art strangely, Xianli was already flickering on his fingers, and the first restriction was quickly broken.

at the same time.

The two people who were originally blind were worrying outside the treasure. They had already tried to enter, but they were blocked by twelve skulls.

"Master, what should we do now?"

The apprentice at the late stage of returning to the void looked at the master at the early stage of Jinxian.

"It's not impossible to break through the blockade and enter. It's just that it's so dangerous before entering. If you want to find treasure in it, it's just the two of us."

The master gritted his teeth fiercely, and then said: "I will inform your uncle and the others right away, fortunately our truth-seeking sect is not too far away from here."

"Master, people from our sect must have seen the light just now, I'm afraid they are already on their way here." The apprentice said.

"It's one thing for them to see it, but it's another for us to inform."

While speaking, the master used a secret method to inform them of the truth-seekers, but his eyes turned to the distance, because he saw a group of people flying towards this side.

There were more than 30 people who came, of which more than 20 were monks from Jialan Temple, and the others were immortal cultivators who were attracted by the previous light.

"It really is a treasure!"

"No wonder there are such bright lights and fluctuations!"

"This palace alone is already a top-level fairy artifact. It's really hard to imagine what kind of treasures there will be inside!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go on a treasure hunt together!"

"Don't rush in. According to the old man, the skulls under the cornices are not vegetarians. If you want to enter it, you have to pass the level of the skulls first!"

The people who were attracted by the light seemed to be very united, as if they all wanted to work together to enter.

"I saw the person who entered before, it seems that some kind of fairy formation was drawn on the ground with the toes, and the fairy formation was used to restrain the skull before entering it." The master among the two masters and apprentices said.

"A fairy formation drawn on the ground with the toes?"

A late golden immortal cultivator frowned, and immediately drew a fairy formation on the ground with his toes, and then changed the magic formula with both hands, and successfully attracted the skull under the eaves.

Everyone cheered, and followed the late golden immortal cultivator to the gate of the treasure.

"Hmph, since you monks are not in a hurry to enter, I'll let you bother!"

The immortal cultivators in the late Golden Immortal period looked at the monks in the air and smiled, and like Fang Xing before, they destroyed the immortal array on the ground and restored the skulls under the eaves to their original state.

The monks of Jialan Temple did not enter in a hurry, because the head monk Fuyuan was doing it.

Monk Fuyuan is a Supreme Elder of Jialan Temple. His cultivation level is equivalent to that of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. Although he knew that both Huiming and Zhiguang monks were dead, he didn't know how they died. Whose hands, so he approached to reproduce the nearby scene.

The scene reappeared under Fu Yuan's magical powers, and a circular light curtain appeared in the void, and all the things that happened within a radius of fifty miles around the light curtain were quickly played back in the light curtain.

The practice took a long time, but the playback speed of the scene was very fast. In just five minutes, Fu Yuan knew everything that happened in a day within a radius of fifty miles.


Fuyuan proclaimed the Buddha's call, and said to the monks who were waiting for his order: "The criminals have escaped into the treasure chest, and I will imprint their appearance in your minds! These three people killed the monks of Jialan Temple, Even the Buddha will not forgive them, and after entering the treasure and seeing them, they will be killed without mercy!"

Fu Yuan flicked his fingers, and the light spot on his fingertips was divided into more than twenty, which respectively entered the brows of the monks in Jialan Temple. The appearance of Gu Zheng and others also appeared clearly in front of the eyes of the monks.


All the monks proclaimed the Buddha's name together, and under the leadership of Fu Yuan, they easily entered the treasure.

About three minutes after the monks of Jialan Temple entered the treasure, more than 20 monks also came to the front of the palace and also entered the treasure. These monks are monks from Jianglong Temple, and their monastery is much closer than Jialan Temple.

After the monks of Jianglong Temple entered the treasure house, within about a stick of incense, nearly 30 people came one after another. Some of these people were killed by the skulls under the eaves, but most of them entered the treasure house among.

As time goes by, many people will enter this treasure. At this moment, Gu Zheng and others are still on the first floor of the treasure, and are trapped by a triple fairy array.

The third layer of the triple immortal formation is a killing formation. Although the killing moves in the formation have been settled by Fang Xing, the immortal formation has not yet been broken. It still needs Fang Xing to use his immortal power to break through the formation.

The key to breaking the formation is a light formation on the stone wall, and Fang Xing is continuously sending immortal power into it, just hoping to get it done as soon as possible.

Looking at Fang Xing's back, Yang Jue finally got a little impatient: "That's enough, is the treasure map you said true or not? We have been trapped in this fairy formation for a long time, when will you be able to break it?"

"The treasure map is naturally true. Before entering this fairy formation, I told you that this is a triple fairy formation that is difficult to deal with, but the rewards will be relatively generous. You also agreed to enter the formation to hunt for treasure. Now you How can you blame me? Moreover, I have explained when I was in the first level of the immortal formation and the second level of the immortal formation, because someone else entered and touched some restrictions in the treasure, and the third level of the immortal formation changed accordingly, which will cause me to You all know the reasons why the previously known method of breaking the formation fails, but what do you mean by blaming me now?" Fang Xing's voice was also a little angry.

"Okay, don't say a few words, why do you start fighting among yourself first?" Huang Qi scolded the two of them.

"I don't think of any internal strife, but Daoyou Yang is so angry, but it really makes it difficult for me to do it!"

Fang Xing sighed, and then said: "However, it is very gratifying for us to be able to get to where we are now in such a short period of time in the triple fairy formation that has undergone two changes. This shows our strength Overbearing! If someone else's four-person team is replaced, I'm sure they will be lucky if they don't die here, let alone break the formation! Fellow Daoist Bai should be the first to contribute here!"

Gu Zheng seemed very silent, and he just smiled at what Fang Xing said, and didn't say anything more.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, what happened to you?"

Huang Qi knew a little more about Gu Zheng, so he knew that Gu Zheng was not so taciturn on weekdays, so he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It's nothing, just be careful with everything in the treasure." Gu Zheng shrugged and smiled.

The abnormality of Gu Zheng comes from two points, the first is about Fang Xing.

Gu Zheng doesn't trust Fang Xing, and always feels that he seems to have some other purpose.

Second, since he never entered the treasure, Gu Zheng felt a chill in his heart, and the source of this chill was naturally the treasure!

In fact, whether it was for Fang Xing or the chill in his heart, it was a warning from Gu Zheng's sixth sense.

"Don't think too much, just be careful. I don't think your sixth sense is wrong. After all, this is the treasure of the quasi-sage. It's not inconceivable that there is any great danger."

Faced with Qi Ling's comfort, Gu Zheng nodded and smiled at her, but also didn't say much.


There was a crisp sound, the light array on the stone wall shattered, and the entire space was shattered into pieces amidst the shock.

"what happened?"

After the space of the fairy array was shattered, the scene in front of everyone's eyes changed drastically, and then there was a sound of exclamation.

Under normal circumstances, after the space of the fairy array is broken, everyone should appear in a room on the first floor of the treasure, but this is not what the room looks like, but a scene of mountains and flowing water.

"This is still a fairy formation!" Fang Xing gritted his teeth with sweat on his forehead.

The environment everyone was in was on a boulder protruding horizontally from a mountain peak. The boulder was not that big, it only looked like two rooms. In the distance, there are waterfalls rushing among the emerald green peaks. Nearby, there is a stone gate where the huge rock connects the mountain peaks. In front of the gate is a golden box five feet long and two feet high.

"I have seen boxes before, but they are all silver treasure boxes. There must be something unusual in this golden treasure box in front of me." Yang Jue said, licking his lips.

"Don't act rashly, it's all up to Fellow Daoist Fang." Huang Qi said.


Fang Xing let out a sigh of relief, he had already investigated the fairy formation in this moment.

"This is just a trap. As long as you follow in my footsteps, we won't make any mistakes. After taking the box and going through the door, we will most likely appear directly on the second floor of the palace!"

Fang Xing said something to the crowd, then walked on the platform with hesitation, approaching the treasure chest.

At a suitable distance, Fang Xing put the gold box into his storage belt.


After getting the golden box, Fang Xing, who seemed to have taken a reassurance, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. However, at this moment, the light in the fairy formation suddenly dimmed!

"Damn it, don't move!"

Fang Xing's reaction was also considered quick, and the voice of hastily reminding everyone was shocked and angry.

Fang Xing, who knew the fairy formation well, understood that it was an outsider who also entered the fairy formation! And this kind of fairy formation, every time a group of people enter, it will make a change! In other words, the original sleepy formation may become a phantom formation, or it may become a killing formation!

The darkness quickly returned to clarity, and there were seven more monks at the position where Gu Zheng and the others stood just now.

"It's you!"

All the monks roared in unison, the hatred in their eyes was undisguised, but they did not dare to act rashly.

"It seems that you are monks from Jialan Temple! But as monks, is it really okay for you to be so angry?"

Facing the enemy, the taciturn Gu Zheng seemed to come to life. Looking at the angry-eyed monks, he was talking and laughing happily.

"The villains must not be rampant!"

An old monk headed by roared that if eyes could kill, Gu Zheng would be torn to pieces under his gaze.

"You all want to kill me, don't you?"

Gu Zheng, who was chatting and laughing at first, became very calm.

"That's right, I will definitely save you villain today..."

The old monk took the lead to speak out, but unfortunately before he finished speaking, Gu Zheng just waved his hand, and a huge fire dragon galloped away.

That Gu Zheng dared to make a move not only surprised the monks, but also surprised Fang Xing and others. But when they saw that there was no change in the fairy formation due to Gu Zheng's action, the scene was chaotic in an instant, and the space of the fairy formation was shaken by everyone's fighting skills.

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