Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 67 Prepare

The clay figurine still has three points of fire. This President Hua gave him zero points at first, and then gave him three points before.

Judging from the current situation, the outcome of the game is meaningless. President Hua is too serious to afford to lose. Even if there is another match, winning is meaningless.

The key to the competition is no longer with the chef, but with their general manager. Therefore, Gu Zheng did not agree to the challenge, but directly said that he would make a dish of food for Mr. Hua to find out the faults. As long as he can find out the faults, then Even if you lose.

"No dispute, are you sure?"

Mr. Wu frowned. He recognized his indisputable cooking skills, especially his fried eggs, which were basically impeccable, but he insisted on finding faults with his duck blood vermicelli soup, and he could still find some faults. .

For example, the taste of the duck soup is still a bit bland, the duck blood and the duck soup are not better integrated, and the faults can still be picked out. After all, they are people who often taste delicious food, and they have a little bit of nitpicking ability.

Indisputable, but as I said, as long as Mr. Hua can find out the fault, and three judges approve him, he will lose. If Mr. Hua really finds out a small fault and the judges approve it, then the loss outweighs the gain. He has already won Yes, but because of this victory, he gave up again, and it feels like a loss anyway.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, I'm sure!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. The cooking skill of chicken blood soup comes from Tiexian. Although it is the earliest cooking skill of Tiexian, it is the cooking skill of the fairy world after all, and Tiexian himself is the most famous fairy chef in the fairy world. Even if his cooking skills are early Also extraordinary.

Besides, he has a mature fairy chicken in his hand, which is an ordinary quality ingredient, and it is an ordinary ingredient raised in the prehistoric space, which is better than the ordinary ingredient he raised from the inferior level.

With such main ingredients, coupled with Tiexian's cooking skills, it is equal to perfection on earth. Using top-notch, incomparable ingredients, coupled with unparalleled cooking skills, this kind of food is not inferior to His omelets taste even better than his omelets.

No one has mentioned a shortcoming of fried eggs so far. Of course, Gu Zheng is confident that chicken blood soup is better than fried eggs.

"President Hua, what do you think?"

After receiving Gu Zheng's reply, Mr. Wu's heart also stabilized, and he asked Mr. Hua with a smile. Mr. Hua hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and agreed.

He now understands that the chef's culinary skills cannot be compared to Buzheng's. The reason why he proposed an extra game is to make a move so that Buzheng loses a game and saves face.

Mr. Hua himself is also in trouble now. He is a very face-saving person and has great ambitions. He wants to let the company go public. He has been a villain before in order to protect these things, but he didn't expect to lose in the end. Really If he admits defeat, it means that he did that villain for nothing, and left an extremely bad reputation.

Right now, he can only hold on and really win a game. Although he still loses face, at least he will not be so passive in publicity in the future. Even if the food channel and other media publicize their bad things, they will have rebuttals.

He even thought about how to refute it. If the Food Network really smeared them, he would spend money to post on other websites and media to sue the Food Network.

The first extra match was proposed by Buzheng. Everyone knows that Buzheng is a contract critic of Food Channel. If they can propose an extra match, we can't? Now we propose to win the extra game, but Food Channel is not happy, and we are the most wronged by bringing other media to suppress us.

In order to have such a reason, in order to dismiss these things afterwards, Mr. Hua even planned to use the black hand. Anyway, he couldn't let Buzheng win again, so he had to move back to the round anyway.

It's just that the development of the situation didn't go according to what he thought. Buzheng didn't agree to an extra match, but he wanted to make a delicacy alone for him to find out the fault. .

After all, it is not so easy to do tricks, and it is even more difficult to hide from these judges if you want to do it without anyone noticing. approved by the judges.

These judges are quite pertinent, as long as there is something wrong, he can say it out, I believe it is not difficult to find three judges who support him.

After quickly comparing the gains and losses in his heart, Mr. Hua finally agreed. The third game will not be in the playoffs.

"The competition is not over yet, Buzheng seems to be angry, and actually put forward an extremely bold condition!"

"Buzheng will make a food similar to duck blood soup. As long as Mr. Hua here can find out the fault and three judges agree, even if he loses, it will be much more difficult than simple competition food. If Buzheng does not have an extremely powerful If you are confident, you are stupid!"

In the live broadcast room, the host continued to introduce that the popularity of this meeting is still increasing. At this time, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has exceeded 45,000, which made him very excited.

"Do you still make omelettes if you don't argue? If you make omelettes, I believe no one can find fault!"

"That Mr. Hua is too scumbag. He gave Buzheng zero points before, and now he is not admitting defeat?"

"That's right, I still often eat their duck blood vermicelli soup. I didn't expect the boss to be such a person!"

"What exactly is Buzheng doing, the host quickly tell me!"

The live broadcast room was very lively, the news was flipping through extremely fast, and the host couldn't see every comment clearly, so he could only skip it at a glance and pick some important ones to record for answering.

He didn't know what Buzheng was going to do, but Buzheng didn't cook food right away, but asked to rest for fifteen minutes first, and asked for a quiet room so that no one would disturb him.

The competition has been going on for almost an hour, and even made two kinds of food. It is understandable to have a rest. The judges briefly discussed and agreed to Gu Zheng's request.

Asking Du Yang and the others to guard the door, Gu Zheng entered a small room, locked the door behind him, and then entered his own prehistoric space.

He knows how to cook chicken blood soup, but he has never done it after all. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, Gu Zheng wants to improve the quality of one ingredient to ordinary. If there are two ordinary ingredients at the bottom, his confidence will be even greater.

Chicken blood soup needs chicken soup and chicken blood. Chicken blood is ready-made, you can get it after killing it, and chicken soup has to be boiled out. He has the cooking skills of the gods, and the soup is not complicated, and the finished product can be made in a short time.

Chicken blood soup has no fans, but it needs ingredients such as onion and ginger, and salt is also indispensable. After thinking about it for a while, Gu Zheng finally took out ice spring mineral water, ready to improve the quality of mineral water.

Different from making fried eggs, the mineral water in fried eggs is only used to wash the pot, not even the ingredients. The water in the chicken blood soup is the main ingredient. Using ordinary water can improve the taste of the soup, which is better than adding salt , The effect of ingredients such as onion and ginger is better, and only one can be selected to improve, and the water source is the most suitable.

The improvement of mineral water means that the main ingredients in his soup are all ordinary ingredients, and the ingredients are inferior ingredients such as scallion, ginger and salt. Unfortunately, he does not have other auxiliary ingredients. Those auxiliary ingredients can not only make the chicken blood soup more delicious, but also have therapeutic effects. role.

However, there are no auxiliary ingredients, and the taste of the main ingredient with the level of ordinary ingredients is enough, but the effect of diet therapy will be greatly reduced. What Gu Zheng needs at this time is not diet therapy, as long as it has this taste.

Today is Monday, as usual, there will be three updates, and there will be another chapter to add, thank you for your support

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