Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 646: Trading

PS, Xiaoyu was in a bad state when writing the previous chapter, and now there have been major changes. Before this chapter, you can go back and look at the revised part of the previous chapter.


Although Gu Zheng has a lot of resources, he doesn't have many fairy coins, and the resources he has given out to exchange for fairy coins are all things that are of little use to him, such as refining resources and fairy coins. device.

Since Qingfengguan held an auction, it would naturally help visitors exchange fairy coins, which Gu Zheng had already learned from Daotong before entering the door.

The deacon Taoist fiddled with the resource pile a few times, and then picked up two celestial artifacts to look at.

"These things can be exchanged for fifty yellow fairy coins in total," said the deacon Taoist.

As for the prices in the prehistoric world, Gu Zheng naturally knew very well. If these things were exchanged for immortal coins outside, they could be exchanged for fifty-five yellow immortal coins at most.

Although Qingfeng Temple provides the service of exchanging fairy coins, it still needs to charge some rewards, and the exchange below the market price can be considered as a disguised form of charging rewards.

"Okay, change it!" Gu Zheng said lightly.

All the resources that Gu Zheng uses to exchange for the Yellow Immortal Coins are all brought from the earth. Most of the resources he harvested in the prehistoric are food materials. In the prehistoric age, since there are many fairy chefs, food ingredients can be regarded as hard currency in resources. After all, there are purchase notices posted outside the big fairy kitchen shops, and good ingredients can be exchanged for fairy coins in fairy chef shops. .

"Exchange some blue fairy coins for me."

After Gu Zheng accepted the fifty yellow fairy coins, he took out five more high-level ingredients.

The deacon Taoist looked at the ingredients and said, "It can be exchanged for four pieces of blue fairy coins."

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. The reward for exchanging Huangxian coins for Qingfengguan is not counted, but it is still within the range he can afford, but if the five high-level ingredients are exchanged outside, let alone get them in Xianchu shop , even if it is an ordinary exchange bank, there are at least five pieces of blue fairy coins.

"Isn't it too much to give only four blue fairy coins?" Gu Zheng frowned.

The deacon Taoist looked at Gu Zheng, and said slowly: "This is the first time, fellow Taoist, to participate in the auction hosted by Qingfeng Temple? If the resources you gave are placed outside, it is indeed a small amount to exchange for four blue fairy coins." It’s a little bit, but it’s only worth so much in Qingfengguan.”

The deacon Taoist pushed the resources in front of Gu Zheng again: "If fellow Taoists feel that it is unfair, you can go outside to exchange, or go to the backyard to set up a stall, or find other fellow Taoists to exchange."

Qingfengguan was a bit ruthless, but it didn't give people the feeling that the shop was bullying customers. Anyway, they didn't seem to care too much about whether to change or not.

Gu Zheng collected the resources again. Although he still had some high-grade ingredients, they were not so much that he would lose one without paying attention.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, why are you exchanging so many fairy coins? Could it be that you have taken a fancy to the two most expensive auction items?"

Huang Qi, who had been by Gu Zheng's side all the time, didn't say much, until Gu Zheng left the side hall at this time, he couldn't help asking.

"No, I'm not interested in those two things." Gu Zheng said.

The two things that Huang Qi mentioned are immortal artifacts, and they are all of high grade.

"I want to help Fellow Daoist Bai, but I'm so shy!" Huang Qi smiled.

Although there are a lot of resources in the Great Desolation, very few resources belong to unowned things. For example, when Gu Zheng first came to the Great Desolation, some wild game could attract little monsters, so not every immortal cultivator in the Great Desolation is special rich. Just like those immortal cultivators who escaped to the earth but were beheaded by Gu Zheng, even if they had immortal coins, they still had very few immortal coins, and how many of them could have good resources that could be exchanged for yellow immortal coins. For Gu Zheng, it was a big gain.

Seeing that Gu Zheng just smiled and said nothing, Huang Qi said again: "Fellow Daoist Bai, if you want to exchange outside now, it must be too late. This is a border area, and the nearest exchange bank probably takes half a day to fly. The auction is probably over after a while. Or go to the backyard to set up a stall! Although they charge a fee for setting up a stall, it is still acceptable."

"Just go to the backyard and have a look. As for setting up a stall, I don't have the idea yet."

Although the northern reed ginseng is precious, Gu Zheng has more than fifty yellow immortal coins.

Gu Zheng and Huang Qi came to the backyard of Qingfengguan, and there were more than 20 stalls and more than a hundred cultivators.

The strength of the cultivators in the backyard is generally higher than those in the front yard. There are as many as thirteen cultivators in the Golden Immortal realm, but there are also no immortal cultivators in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm.

The stalls are not ground stalls. It may be because the auction will be held every five years. In the backyard of Qingfengguan, there are two rows of bluestone strips that are one meter high from the ground. The things that need to be sold are placed on the bluestone strips. , it looks very tidy.

"Forget it, since they're all here, I won't follow Fellow Daoist Bai, and I'll just take a look around." Huang Qi said.


Gu Zheng rushed to Huangqi and nodded, and then looked from the first booth on the left, while Huangqi went to the right.

Although there is also the possibility of picking up leaks when visiting this kind of stall in the wild, the possibility of picking up the leaks is much smaller than that on the earth. First, the ingredients in the wild are also resources, unlike on the earth, where the ingredients are in the extremely fragrant small Before the opening, it was just a kind of food to satisfy the appetite. Secondly, these people who set up the stalls are all immortal cultivators, and their knowledge is far from comparable to those on earth.

After visiting six stalls in a row, Gu Zheng finally found a resource worth buying.

"Staller, how do you sell this?"

Gu Zheng pointed to a long strip of ice, in which a pink tongue was frozen.

"If the kirin tongue, a high-grade ingredient, is sold in the fairy kitchen shop, it is worth one blue fairy coin plus two yellow fairy coins. However, in this Qingfengguan, I also urgently need fairy coins to prepare for the auction. How about just charging you one blue fairy coin and one yellow fairy coin?"

The stall owner was an old man with gray hair, his cultivation was at the late stage of Golden Immortal, he had a smile on his face when he spoke, and he looked more friendly.

Gu Zheng nodded, expressing his approval of what the stall owner said, but right now he doesn't have too many fairy coins, and he doesn't really want to use them to buy things.

"Is the stall owner willing to barter?"

For immortal cultivators, although immortal coins are hard currency, barter is also a common means of transaction.

The stall owner frowned: "It's not impossible to barter, but I won't trade anything other than ice chalcedony, heavenly silk, and golden elixir."

The ice chalcedony and heavenly silk mentioned by the stall owner are the top-grade resources for refining equipment, and their value is almost equivalent to high-grade ingredients. Taking it for the Golden Immortal Realm, its medicinal effect is better than the conventional high-level immortal pill, and it is relatively more precious.

The unicorn tongue can be used to refine the golden elixir, and if a unicorn tongue is used to refine a golden elixir, the required addition is less than one-tenth of a tongue. Of course, the refining of the golden elixir requires more than just the unicorn tongue, it also needs other medicinal materials. Therefore, it is not too much to sell the golden elixir, and this unicorn tongue is also worth a golden elixir!

There was neither ice chalcedony nor ancient silk in the sky, but when he heard that the stall was offering the golden elixir, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know how I can replace your unicorn tongue with this top-grade food for increasing energy?"

Gu Zheng casually took out a top-grade Zengyuan Shixiu from his storage belt.

The top-grade Zengyuan Food Cultivation was done by Gu Zheng before he left Shushan Mountain. Based on his current understanding of the way of diet, the preservation time of Food Cultivation has been greatly improved.

This is a prehistoric place, and the ingredients used by Guzheng to make the top-grade Zengyuan Food Cultivation have greatly improved in quality compared to when they were on Earth. As many as six pieces were used.

Of course, for Gu Zheng, it is impossible to make only one top-grade Zengyuan Shixiu with six high-quality ingredients. He made four as many.

Immortal coins are hard currency, and food cultivation is also hard currency. As long as one wants to improve one's cultivation level, almost no one can refuse the temptation/temptation it brings.

The top-grade Zengyuan Shixiu is placed on a plate, with a layer of transparent Xianli mask on it, and the red and green Shixiu inside looks like a shimmering light.

At this time, not to mention the stall owner's eyes widened, even many people around came over. After all, very few people would trade food repairs. People who ordered food repairs in Xianchu shop basically I also use it myself. However, very few does not mean no, just rare.

"If this is really a high-grade food cultivation, it's not impossible to change to a unicorn tongue." The stall owner said, licking his lips.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture for him to inspect the goods.

The so-called Zengyuan Food Cultivation is a general term for Zengyuan Food Cultivation in the prehistoric world, and immortal cultivators also have their own methods to verify its efficacy without tasting it.

The stall owner stretched out his finger, and the original mask of immortal power on the plate was broken, and then he used his immortal power to create an immortal array on the top of the food repair.

The state when the food repair was saved was just after the extremely fragrant transformation, the heat on it rose into the fairy formation, and the color of the fairy formation turned purple when it was in motion.

Through this method to verify the efficacy of food repair, although it is not as accurate as taking it personally, it is still close to ten. The color is red, which means that the level of food repair is inferior, and the color is golden, which represents the level of food repair. It is a medium grade, and as for the color being purple, it means that the color is a top grade.

"That's right, this is a top-grade food-increasing food repair, it's changed!"

The stall owner handed over the frozen unicorn tongue to Gu Zheng, then picked up the Zengyuan Shixiu, closed the stall and left the backyard, thinking he was looking for a place to eat this delicious and Zengyuan food.

"Fellow Daoist, do you still have food cultivation for increasing energy?"

Although I think it is unlikely that Gu Zheng still has Zengyuan Food Cultivator, some people in the crowd asked, after all, if Gu Zheng sells the high-grade Zengyuan Food Cultivator, if you go to Xianchu Shop to exchange, a unicorn tongue must be bought again. Just add one yellow fairy coin and two red fairy coins, and who wouldn't want to take advantage of such a cheap thing.

"Coincidentally, I still have a top-grade Zengyuan Food Cultivator here, and now I'm short of fairy coins. If you give me a blue fairy coin, then this top-rank Zengyuan Food Cultivator will be yours."


Seeing that Gu Zheng took out another food cultivator, the immortal cultivator who asked the question hurriedly opened his mouth, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it away if he spoke too slowly.

Immortal cultivators immediately began to test the food cultivators, while the rest of the onlookers were more or less self-blaming. They must have regretted why they didn't ask. It's really cheap!

"Fellow Daoist, do you still have a top-grade Zengyuan food cultivator?" Another immortal cultivator asked unwillingly.

"No more, only these two copies. If I didn't urgently need fairy coins and unicorn tongues, I wouldn't sell them. This is a disadvantage!"

Gu Zheng looked regretful, and those onlookers were also somewhat regretful. After all, the first immortal cultivator who asked a question had already given Gu Zheng a blue fairy coin, and then walked away happily with the inspected food cultivator.

"In addition to the fairy coins I had before, the number of blue fairy coins is now five, the number of yellow fairy coins is sixty, and the number of red fairy coins is thirty. It should be impossible to win the northern reed fairy ginseng today. There is a problem!"

Gu Zheng is also flattered in his heart. Others think it is an advantage, but it is also an advantage to him. After all, other fairy chefs use it to make a top-grade food repair ingredient, and Gu Zheng can make food repair with the same effect. More than two.

"Everything has to be first come, first served, right?"

"Come first, talk later? Don't you think it's ridiculous to say such a thing?"

The voices of Huang Qi and another strange man reached Gu Zheng's ears.

The dispute had already happened just now, but now, the voices of Huang Qi and the man have changed, as if they were about to clash.

"Huang Daoyou, what's wrong?"

Gu Zheng came to Huang Qi's side.

"I fell in love with this 'Heart of Ice', and when I was negotiating the price with the stall owner, this fellow Taoist came over to interfere!" Huang Qi said angrily.

The so-called heart of ice is actually the gallbladder of the three-headed ice snake, but it is heart-shaped and pink in color, so it is called the heart of ice.

Huangqi's cultivation was at the middle stage of Golden Immortal, and the person who had a dispute with him was an old man with a long beard, whose cultivation had reached the late Golden Immortal stage.

The bearded old man glanced at Gu Zheng, and then looked at Huang Qi contemptuously: "What's the matter? Is the waist stiff again after the helper? Tell you boy, if it wasn't for Qingfeng Temple, you would have been lying down now!"


Huang Qi wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gu Zheng: "Since it is shopping, it depends on what the stall owner wants. If the stall owner is willing to come first, then come first, then come first. If the stall owner is not willing to come first, Daoyou Huang doesn't need to say anything more."

The gazes of Huang Qi and the bearded old man all fell on the stall owner. Under normal circumstances, both the buyer and the stall owner would pay attention to first-come-first-served, but there will be people who don't pay attention to everything.

"Although this fellow daoist came first, I didn't say that I must sell it to you, so I will sell my ice heart to whoever bids the highest of the two of you." The stall owner said with a slight smile.

"Okay, then you sell it to him!"

Huang Qi gritted her teeth fiercely, and turned to look at Gu Zheng: "Fellow Daoist Bai, do you want to continue shopping? I'm going back to the guest room first!"

Huang Qi has something he wants to auction at this auction, and he doesn't have a lot of fairy coins. Since the stall is mainly for the highest price of the heart of ice, he should withdraw.

"No more shopping, I'll go back too."

He has already seen everything that needs to be seen, and Gu Zheng also plans to leave the backyard.

However, when Gu Zheng left, he found that the bearded old man had a winner's smile on his face, and gave him a contemptuous look, which made him frown.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, the price I gave for the Heart of Ice was requested by the stall owner in advance. I didn't expect his character to be really bad. When I saw someone offering a high price, I immediately said that the highest price gets it." On the way back , Huang Qi said bitterly.

"Don't be angry, this is not a world of moral character, just look at everything." Gu Zheng said flatly.

After returning to the residence, Gu Zheng immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, ready to start practicing.

"In the past five years or so, your cultivation has progressed too fast, so you should seize the time to consolidate your cultivation."

Qi Ling's voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.


Gu Zheng replied with some emotion in his voice.

In more than five years, Gu Zheng has been promoted from the early stage of Golden Immortal to the late stage of Golden Immortal. Although every time he is promoted, he will take time to stabilize his state of mind, but his current situation is still a special state in which his strength does not match his realm. .

In terms of combat power, Gu Zheng is confident that he will not lose to any immortal cultivator in the Golden Immortal Realm, but cultivating immortals is not just about cultivating combat power. Combat power is only an external manifestation of the realm. Inner aspects include state of mind and comprehension about Tao.

The so-called comprehension of Tao is very broad, and it can be reflected in various aspects! From Gu Zheng's point of view, if combat power represents destruction, then what he lacks is in terms of "construction". But it is able to use infinite magical powers and so on.

Gu Zheng knew what he was lacking, but he couldn't explain it clearly, as if it was separated by a layer of window paper.

"Practice the Tiexian Jue well. The Tiexian Jue is already a top-level skill. If you use the Tiexian Jue to comprehend the world, you will have a greater chance to realize something. This is more obvious in the high plane like Honghuang. "Qi Ling said.

Although Gu Zheng didn't say a word, he agreed with Qi Ling's words very much. After entering the prehistoric world, he had already experienced this obvious change. If it wasn't for this obvious change, he probably wouldn't be like this A thorough understanding of their own shortcomings.

"Qi Ling, do you have any auxiliary immortal skills that can be used as task rewards?" Gu Zheng said.

"Are you referring to the Anshen Art, Misty Illusion Art, or some other magical arts?" Qi Ling asked.

"That's right, I think I'm lacking in this aspect. If there are those mysterious fairy arts that can be used as rewards, I'm willing to accept the task to get it."

Gu Zheng wants to obtain this kind of fairy art, and wants to see if he can get any inspiration by practicing them.

"There must be, and there are quite a few. However, when I communicated with Master Tiexian this time, Master Tiexian specially instructed that you should not give you fairy skills or fairy skills in the rewards." Qi Ling road.

"Why is this?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Master Tiexian must have inspected your body, so what he said can only explain your current situation, and it is more suitable for you to learn or even create something through your own perception. After all, practicing Tiexian Jue has already made you Compared with ordinary people, I have more opportunities to realize."

After listening to Qi Ling's words, Gu Zheng's competitive spirit was aroused a little, and all the things he learned were created by others, which seems to be really not the case.

Without saying anything more, Gu Zheng fell into the practice of concentration.

Before he knew it, it was already midnight, and Gu Zheng, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

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