Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 640 Monster Eats People

However, Niu Sanwang didn't know the details. Before, a fairy came to the door and asked Niuwangshan to pay attention to the movements of these seven fierce beasts.

At that time, he was still thinking, don't say he didn't know, even if he knew, he wouldn't report to these immortals, who didn't know that Niu Sanwang hated human immortal cultivators the most, and wanted him to inform him, but he didn't expect that it was only two days , these seven brothers really came to him, which surprised him and made him very happy at the same time.

"This is the man you arrested, leave it to me, I will help you take care of it, don't worry, he will never let him have a good time!"

Niu Sanwang looked at Gu Zheng again, and said something sinister, but Gu Zheng showed a strange smile.

It was his idea to come here, and this is not a suitable place to end up, but he can rest for a while, so that he can give Yan Qi a pot of food-for-grass repair to help him heal his injuries.

After curing Yan Qi's injury, they still have to leave. Gu Zheng's ultimate goal is to bring them back to Shushan.

Looking at it now, it seems that he threw himself into a trap.

"Brother Niu, it's not what you think!"

Yan Qi hurriedly explained that it was absolutely impossible for Gu Zheng to hand it over. He said that it was Gu Zheng who brought them here, and what he said was that Niu Sanwang was stunned.

The kidnapped people, taking them to hide, is really a world full of wonders.

"Since that's the case, you should take care of this person, but since he's on my Lao Niu's territory, I want to have a few drinks with you brothers!"

Niu Sanwang didn't talk about ancient disputes anymore, he pulled Yanda and the others to walk in, very enthusiastic.

Good wine, good meat, and fairy fruits were all put on the table. Yan Liu took care of Gu Zheng and followed him closely. If Yan Qi hadn't been injured, he would have personally taken Gu Zheng with him, not because he was afraid that Gu Zheng would run away, but It was because he was worried that the monsters here would be against him.

Because of the relationship between Niu Sanwang, the monsters here are not friendly to humans, and many monsters look at Gu Zheng viciously.

They knew that Gu Zheng was only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, there were dozens of Golden Immortals here, and there were several in the later stage, these monsters could pose a threat to Gu Zheng, and he must be protected.

The seven brothers didn't know that Gu Zheng's realm was not high, but his strength was not weak. Except for the third king Niu, no one could hurt him here.

"I didn't expect the brothers to have such an opportunity, luck!"

After drinking for three rounds, Niu Sanwang asked about the past of the brothers, Yanda didn't hide anything, and told how they practiced, Niu Sanwang's eyes flashed, envious and excited.

"It can be regarded as our good fortune!"

Yan laughed and said, they do have great opportunities, otherwise, even if they succeed in cultivation, they will inevitably be arrested by the Heavenly Court and become coolies.

"Hmph, my elder brother and I have mentioned many times that although the environment in the desert is not good, there are many of us monsters in it after all. Heavenly Court suppressed the desert like this. Let the brothers in the desert control the desert by themselves!"

The third bull king was complaining about the ferocious beasts in the desert again, and he did mention it to his cousin, the bull demon king.

In his opinion, even if there are no ferocious beasts with spiritual intelligence, they are still monsters, and they will be successful in cultivation in the future, and they are all powerful monster kings. It is really a loss for their monster clan to leave one.

Helpless, the Bull Demon King didn't listen to him at all, and even reprimanded him, which made him very upset.

"Brother Niu kindly welcomes us. Since our seven brothers have come out, if we have the opportunity in the future, we must take back the desert!"

Yan Qi sighed, he didn't complain about this, but he was weak and had no way to fight against the Heavenly Court.

"I believe that the seven brothers will definitely be able to, come on, cheers!"

Niu Sanwang raised his glass again and drank heavily. He was also extremely envious of the brotherhood of the seven brothers. He had always regarded his cousin as his role model, and he admired his cousin the most among the brothers among the seven great sages. Friendship, seeing how close the relationship between the Yan brothers was, he couldn't help getting closer.

Satisfied with food and drink, the seven brothers were all arranged to enter the guest room by Niu Sanwang. After the others left, Gu Zheng took out the pot and raw materials and prepared to make grass for food repair.

Before doing it, he also ordered Yanda to have two people guarding outside, and not to let anyone in, not even Niu Sanwang.

Knowing that Gu Zheng wanted to heal Lao Qi's wounds, Yan Da immediately agreed, and went outside to watch in person, absolutely not letting anyone in.

It is not difficult to make grass-for-food repairs. Gu Zheng has already experienced it, but when making food repairs, a quiet environment is required, and the food repair will emit a strong fragrance, which is not suitable for outside, so I came to Niuwang Mountain. Use here to make food repair, and let Yan Qi heal.

The pot soon released a fragrance, and the fragrance really attracted many people, but no one dared to come in seeing the two strong men with the strength of the demon king guarding the door.

Later Niu Sanwang also came in person, and when he learned that Yan Qi was going to heal his wounds and it was not suitable to disturb him, he stopped asking, and ordered the little demons to get up their spirits and investigate around. If a human immortal appeared, immediately Come back and report.

No one bothered, and it didn't take long for the grass-for-food repair to be done by Gu Zheng, and Yan Qi ate it.

The Grass-for-Food Cultivation must have a lot of benefits in healing, which Gu Zheng can confirm, but he doesn't know whether it can completely heal Yan Qi's injuries. After all, Yan Qi's strength is strong, and he has reached the level of the Great Luo Jinxian.

In the end, it proved that Gu Zheng's worries were unnecessary. After Yan Qi took it, his injuries recovered quickly, and even his broken arm grew back. This made Yan Qi very excited, and the others also shouted happily.

Yan Qi's state is high, and he recovers faster. In just a few days, he was completely recovered from the injury he suffered before, which made him feel very surprised. At the same time, he also believed that the ancient struggle was the key to them surviving the chaotic catastrophe.

With such a serious injury, they had nothing to do before it was replaced. They just ate the delicious food made by Gu Zheng, and it was healed, which really surprised them.

If it wasn't for Gu Zheng saying that this food was only useful to him, it would be a waste for others to eat it. He really wanted to share some with his brothers. The food Gu Zheng made was really delicious. They have been in the desert all this time. Not to mention such delicious food, the food made by ordinary fairy chefs has never been seen before. At most, they occasionally pick some special products in the desert for tooth-making festivals. Those things are completely inferior to the delicacies of the outside world.

After curing Yan Qi, Gu Zheng plans to leave again. Niu Wang Mountain is not suitable for hiding, but only for staying. Seeing that Gu Zheng actually healed Yan Qi's injury, Niu Sanwang's attitude towards Gu Zheng also changed slightly. , but it's just a change of opinion, it doesn't mean that he can accept a human immortal cultivator like Gu Zheng.

"It's really not suitable for me to keep you here, but you can go to my elder brother's place. With my elder brother here, even the heavens will not dare to be rough on them!"

When saying goodbye to the seven brothers, Niu Sanwang said to them again that Niu Sanwang had written a personal letter before, and he could go to his elder brother Niu Demon King with this personal letter. If the Niu Demon King would protect them, then They certainly won't have any problems.

Before that, Yan Qi had already refused.

But the refusal is not what he meant, but the ancient dispute. It is useless for the seven brothers to go anywhere. The Bull Demon King is powerful, but one has no friendship with them, and the other is that they will not completely tear each other up because of them, and there is Shushan behind. As well as the Twelve Immortal Cooks sect, even the Bull Demon King might not be able to bear this pressure.

In Shushan, the Immortal Kitchen sect is fine. After all, the ancient disputes can still be dealt with in the middle, but the Heavenly Court cannot.

Unless someone of the quasi-sage level comes forward, the Heavenly Court will not give up. This point has been analyzed by Gu Zheng before. The reason why he is sure to bring them into Shushan is because Shushan also has a strong quasi-sage. He came forward to beg That senior brother who has never met before may be somewhat sure.

Even Gu Zheng is ready, if Shushan is not good enough, then he will bring out his master, this cheap master has a bigger reputation, he does not believe that Heavenly Court will not even give him face, with these conditions, he dared to persuade Seven The brothers went back to Shushan with him.

"Brother Gu, why can't you go to the Bull Demon King?"

After leaving Niuwang Mountain, Yan University asked again. Gu Zheng didn’t explain it to them in detail before, he just said he couldn’t go, and when he said he couldn’t go, Yan Qi immediately agreed. The face of the three kings gave an ambiguous answer.

When Yan Da asked, the others also looked at Gu Zheng.

They believe in Gu Zheng now, so they are willing to do what Gu Zheng says, but it does not mean that they can understand everything. For example, this time, they also feel that the Bull Demon King is a good place. The Bull Demon King is powerful and is the Demon King. They are representatives of the middle school, and there are equally powerful brothers around them. No sect or heaven is willing to provoke them at will.

If you go to them, even if you are found, your safety is guaranteed.

"The Bull Demon King is very powerful, but his strength is only similar to that of the Tota Heavenly King. There are at least a dozen people in the realm of the Tota Heavenly King in the Heavenly Court. In a real fight, do you think the Bull Demon King can have the upper hand?"

Gu Zheng said in a low voice, Yan Da frowned, and didn't say what he wanted to say, Gu Zheng continued: "I understand what you mean, if you want to say, Heavenly Court will have scruples and dare not fight, But how can you guarantee that the Bull Demon King will definitely withstand these pressures because of us, the Bull Demon King is not the Bull Three Kings, and their brothers have their own differences, otherwise the Bull Three Kings would not have come here!"

"One more thing, this time it's not just the Heavenly Court, there are also Shushan and the Twelve Immortal Cook sects behind. Although I left a letter with them saying that I am safe and reassuring them, after all, the matter has spread, whether it is for me Or for the sake of face, they will all show up, and the three forces are united, do you think the Bull Demon King can stand it?"

This time Yanda didn't talk, the Bull Demon King is powerful, but they may not be able to withstand a heavenly court, plus Shushan and the Twelve Immortal Cook sects, they will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"I also know that there are saints in the monster clan themselves, so the fairies and monsters are very restrained, but do you think the saints of the monster clan will stand up for you?"

Gu Zheng said something again. This time, none of the seven Yan brothers spoke, and all lowered their heads.

They are straightforward, but not stupid. There is more than one saint behind the monster clan, but they will not stand up for themselves. The reason is very simple. If they want to come forward, they will do so long ago, so that the desert monsters will not be captured as soon as they become wise. , not before, not now.

"You guys understand this. Doesn't the Bull Demon King know better? He doesn't have any confidence, and he has to risk himself to protect you. Would he do such a thing?"

Gu Zheng said something again, Yan Da nodded silently, no, he wouldn't either, he would protect others without any chance of winning, and it had nothing to do with them, no one would do such a thing Do.

Even if it is the Three Kings of Niu, when facing the disaster of extinction, there is no guarantee that he will always protect them, and it is possible that he will hand them over.

"Brother Gu is right, we can only rely on ourselves now, not others!"

Yan Qi was the first to respond, the decision not to go to the Bull Demon King was made so thoroughly, they no longer refuted Gu Zheng, but also approved of Gu Zheng, and the specific where to go next was up to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng still wanted to go back to Shushan, he knew that Brother Seven didn't trust others, but if he could guarantee the safety of Brother Seven and Shushan was willing to accept them, then there would be no problem in taking them back.

Going back to Shushan from Nanzhan Buzhou, you have to pass through the desert. Although the desert is not closed, there are still many immortals there, and the heavenly court has increased surveillance on that side, so it is not suitable to go back the same way.

If you want to go back in this way, you have to take a long detour. You need to go to Xiniu Hezhou first, and from Xiniu Hezhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Crossing a large continent, not to mention the time, even the road is full of dangers, not to mention the situation of chasing soldiers later, even the ancient war, there is no surety that it can really be spared like this.

But no matter what, he has to give it a try, it can be regarded as a kind of experience for him.

When he didn't cultivate immortals, he liked Journey to the West very much. He didn't expect that he would have to travel through the wilderness like Tang Seng now. His dangers are no less than Tang Seng and the others. Will there be eighty-one difficulties on the road? He himself doesn't know.

Also, the real plan cannot be told to the Seven Brothers, otherwise they may not cooperate, so they can only go ahead and talk about it.

Gu Zheng had a decision in his heart, the goal was Xiniu Hezhou, and he left Nanzhan Buzhou first, and the seven brothers did not object to this point. After leaving Niuwang Mountain, they sneaked cautiously.

Flying in the air is fast, but it is also very easy to expose yourself. If any force detects it, it will report to Tianting and Shushan to let the pursuers know where they are.

Once the position is exposed, it will not be so easy to run again. Only relying on the seven Da Luo Jinxians who have just been promoted, they are not opponents with so many chasing troops.

Unable to fly directly, the speed naturally slowed down a lot.

"It's so lively!"

In a mortal city, Yan Da and the others rolled their eyes around, as if they couldn't see enough. This was the first time Gu Zheng took them into the city after they came out. They didn't dare to enter the city before, and they were looking for news from nearby hills There are monsters.

Only after entering the city did they know what excitement is.

"This is just a medium-sized city, the capital is bigger!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, this city is indeed not big, not even a population of 100,000, it is a medium-sized city, but such a city is already very big in the eyes of Yan Qi and the others, there are very many people in the city, very lively.

"Then there is a restaurant, do you want to eat something delicious!"

Yan Wu suddenly pointed to the front, there was a large-scale restaurant in front of it, and the signboard was also very big. In the past few days, he basically hadn't eaten anything. Now that he saw the restaurant, he immediately wanted to go to the tooth-fighting festival.

They still know about restaurants and the like. They also captured some low-cultivation cultivators in the desert, asked about the situation outside, knew the nature of restaurants, and knew what was in the city outside.

If you know it, you know it, but this is the first time you have actually entered the city.

After Yan Wu finished speaking, the other brothers were not looking at Yan Qi, but Gu Zheng, and now it was Gu Zheng who had become the backbone, and they were all listening to him.

"It's good to have something to eat!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. When he said this, Yan Wu and the others immediately grinned, and a group of eight people quickly entered the restaurant.

The eight people, except for Gu Zheng, are all thick-eyed, thick and big men, and they look like strangers should not enter, and no one dares to approach them.

"Shopkeeper, serve up all your specialty dishes!"

Entering the store, Gu Zheng asked for a private room directly. It wasn't that he didn't like eating out, but that the seven brothers looked too fierce. They felt uncomfortable eating outside.

They are running away now, or the 'meat ticket' is running away with the kidnappers, and they should keep a low profile if they can keep a low profile.


The waiter in the shop quickly started to serve the dishes. They were all ordinary mortal dishes with average ingredients, but they cooked them with great care, and the taste was not bad. Although they were not as good as the delicacies made by Xianchu, they still had their own merits.

The seven brothers devoured their food, even if it was delicious food in the world, it was not something they could eat in the desert. It was much better than the raw meat they usually ate, and even those high-level ingredients, if they ate them directly, they would not be able to eat them. It tastes better than this, but it is rare after all, and the frequency of eating is also less.

Besides, natural ingredients taste different from cooked ingredients.

The store finally served them more than 20 dishes, and they ate them all. When Xiaoer came to pack up the things, his eyes were wide open. These more than 20 dishes are quite a lot. Besides, they also called They bought a lot of cooked meat, including more than 20 catties of beef. Eight people ate all of them.

Sure enough, they are all reckless men with a huge appetite.

"The monster is coming!"

"There are monsters!"


Suddenly there was a chaotic shout outside, and there were people running on the street, Yanda and the others all stood up, Gu Zheng Shennian quickly probed out, and sure enough, they found a monster at the gate of the city, eating people.

This monster is not strong, only at the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and has no transformation form. It is a pig monster with a very messy body, but it is very big, twice the size of a cow.

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