Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 635 Yaxin Food Repair

The disciple who came here was called Li Ping, who had been promoted to the Golden Immortal for 30,000 years, and he was still in the mid-term stage. According to his cultivation speed and qualifications, if there were no special circumstances, it would be impossible to advance to the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Li Ping doesn't seem to care too much about cultivation, and concentrates on studying cooking skills. His cooking skills are really good, not even worse than Jin Xinsheng, and he is Jin Xinsheng's most proud disciple.

For Donglai Pavilion, outstanding disciples are not how diligent or talented they are in cultivation, but how accomplished they are in cooking skills. This is true of the Twelve Immortal Kitchen Schools. They all focus on developing fairy chef cooking skills. their real pursuit.

Jin Xinsheng took everyone to the side room in the backyard. He said that the side room is not small. According to the calculation of the earth, a room of at least a thousand square meters has a pot in the center, and there are various shelves on both sides. Planted food and medicinal materials.

This is the place where Li Ping studied food cultivation. After everyone arrived, Li Ping did not speak, but held his breath and concentrated, took out another elixir, put it in his mouth, and then meditated.

After a stick of incense, Li Ping got up, spewing out a burst of immortal power from his palm, and the stove under the pot was immediately lit.

"Earth fire!"

Gu Zheng nodded slightly. Under this pot is the ground fire. The ground fire is not as precious as the real fire of heaven and earth, but it is also a good source of fire. For the fairy chef, all kinds of things that are beneficial to cooking skills must be used, the more powerful it is The fairy kitchen, the more you use it.

However, Tiexian does not agree with this. There are many roads, but all paths lead to the same goal. In the end, cooking skills must return to simplicity. Like Tiexian himself, no matter what tools he uses, he can make more delicious and better food.

After the ground fire was ignited, white smoke soon burst out of the pot.

Li Ping poured an altar of clear water into the pot. The water is the heavenly spring water from the Heavenly Court. The Twelve Immortal Kitchens have a good relationship with the Heavenly Court. The royal chefs of the Heavenly Court bosses come from the Twelve Immortal Kitchens. They want some heavenly spring water Not difficult.

After putting the water in, Li Ping immediately put the prepared ingredients into the pot one by one.

Jin Xinsheng, Bai Quan and the others stood aside, staring at each other, no one said a word, Li Ping put thirty-three ingredients in total, Gu Zheng's brows twitched.

Generally speaking, food repair requires a lot of ingredients to match. Thirty-Three said that there is not much, and that there is not much. The quantity is not a problem, but Li Pingfang's portion is slightly wrong.

As the main ingredient, Yaxin grass, he put a whole plant directly. If such a food repair and ancient competition were to do it, he would definitely not put so much.

Although it is the main ingredient, the matching of the quantity of various ingredients is very important. This is a very simple truth. It is impossible for Li Ping and Jin Xinsheng not to know, and Gu Zheng does not understand why they did not match the quantity.

After putting away all the ingredients, Li Ping put his hands flat and closed his eyes.

His celestial power began to surge, this is the most important part of food cultivation, how to integrate the effects of the medicine to achieve the best effect and achieve the desired effect at the same time depends on his next steps.

"It's not impossible to change the quantity of the main ingredients, increase the efficacy of the main ingredients, and use Huayang Gong to remove the excess medicinal power!"

Jin Xinsheng nodded while talking.

Huayang Kung Fu is not the unique secret book of Donglai Pavilion. In fact, many people know Huayang Kung Fu. It is an ordinary fairy skill. Nine out of ten fairy chefs know Huayang Kung Fu. Hua Yang Kung Fu can be used to prepare some ingredients. Strong, for example, if a certain ingredient is too acidic, you can use Huayang Gong to remove part of the acidity and then neutralize it.

"Hua Yang Gong?"

Gu Zheng was a little surprised, Jin Xinsheng glanced at him, then explained Huayang Gong, but shook his head in his heart.

He didn't expect that Gu Zheng didn't even know Huayang Gong. A person who doesn't know Huayang Gong can know much about Xianchu, and he even boasted that he had a certain understanding of food cultivation. Jin Xinsheng knew Gu Zheng already in his heart. I looked down a lot, thinking that he was just talking nonsense before.

Gu Zheng really doesn’t know Huayang Kungfu, because he has never learned it, and he has never used it. He has the cooking skills of immortals, so he can’t use Huayang Kungfu at all, and even if the ingredients have stronger characteristics, Gu Zheng can still neutralize them. , to bring out these characteristics to their useful side, rather than purely using Huayang Gong to remove them.

It's like a strangely shaped potato. Jin Xinsheng and the others eliminated all the bad edges and corners, while Gu Zheng used these edges and corners in other places without wasting any of them.

Gu Zheng has such an ability, so naturally he can't use Huayang Kungfu, Qi Ling has never taught him, and he has very little contact with fairy chefs before. He has encountered it on earth, but he is a competitor, and he will not tell He's such that he doesn't even know this fairy skill that most fairy chefs know.

But knowing the characteristics of Huayang Gong, Gu Zheng understood why Li Ping did it.

Using Huayang Gong to remove part of the medicine effect can indeed achieve a balanced effect, but it is obvious that Li Ping has entered into a misunderstanding. The most important thing for food cultivation is not balance, but nature.

Food cultivation is different from alchemy. Alchemy produces elixir, and the medicinal effects are concentrated in the elixir, but food cultivation produces food. First of all, food is the first, and then the effect of elixir is added to the food.

Li Ping's food training now pays too much attention to the efficacy of medicine, leaving the basics behind. Gu Zheng was not very optimistic about his current food training at first.

Li Ping didn't know what Gu Zheng was thinking. He was trying his best to maintain the food in the pot at this time. Soon, the fragrance of the food radiated out. Jin Xinsheng and the others all showed smiles. Su Ming and the others also kept talking Sniffing his nose.

They had only smelled such a good smell in the delicacies made by Gu Zheng, but they didn't expect that Li Ping could produce such a strong fragrance.

But Gu Zheng shook his head secretly.

First, he pursued the efficacy of the medicine, and now he started to forcibly create fragrance and integrate ingredients. Although the fragrance was successfully created, it also left serious hidden dangers. Gu Zheng is becoming less and less optimistic about his pot of food. One pot of premium ingredients.

Yaxin grass is a high-grade ingredient, and most of the other ingredients are high-grade, a few are high-grade, and there are almost no medium-grade ingredients. When he was on the earth, he couldn't even think about such a good ingredient, there was no such thing.

The fragrance became stronger and stronger, and Jin Xinsheng and the others showed joy on their faces.

"It seems that Ping'er can succeed this time!"

Bai Quan happily said that Li Ping was brought up by Jin Xinsheng's side since he was a child, just like Jin Xinsheng's son, and he was also a disciple of Bai Quan and the others who watched him grow up. happy.

The success of Yaxin food repair is different from other delicacies. This is a food repair that can be taken by multiple people at the same time. It is more effective than pills. Once it succeeds, I believe many sects will invite them to come to make this kind of food. build.

According to their charging standards, the reward for making a food repair is the same as a share of materials. Just making a food repair can earn a lot of resources, not to mention that after such a food repair appears, their reputation in Donglai Pavilion can With a huge promotion, it may even be the head of the twelve sects.

Although the Twelve Immortal Kitchen sects help each other, they also have internal competition, and they are all trying to improve their reputation.

Just like Shushan, it is very united externally, but internally it is divided into three thousand side peaks, and each side peak is working hard for its own development. The Twelve Immortal Kitchens are not a whole, and this kind of competition is even greater.

Jin Xinsheng and the others were all happy, while Gu Zheng sighed heavily.


There is no need to wait for the end, Gu Zheng already knows the result, the stronger the fragrance, the greater the possibility of failure, with the current fragrance, it can basically be concluded that it is a failure.

In terms of food cultivation alone, Gu Zheng's level is higher than any of them. Food cultivation was originally created by Master Tiexian. What Gu Zheng learned is the most orthodox food cultivation.

"Master, how does this compare with our Zengyuan Food Cultivator?"

*** Chuanyin asked a question. He is a person who has had Gu Zheng’s food training for many times. He knows some of the abilities of food training. .

"The effect is not as good as our Incremental Food Cultivation, but it is not bad, the premise is to be successful!"

Gu Zheng thought for a while, then replied, but *** turned around in surprise, and asked again: "The head of the sect means that he will fail this time!"

"pretty close!"

The Yaxin food repair they made is indeed very similar to Guzheng’s Zengyuan food repair. Strictly speaking, they are in the same category, just like fish-flavored pork shreds, fish-flavored eggplant, etc., are all fish-flavored. It's just that the materials are different.

*** turned back again, staring blankly at Yaxin Shixiu who was cooking.

The color of the soup in the pot had changed to black, which made Jin Xinsheng and the others even more happy. According to their previous inferences, the final product of Yaxin Shixiu was black. It didn’t look good, but the effect was very good. Now The soup turned black, which means that this pot of food repair is about to be completed.

"it's over!"

Soon, Gu Zheng said something faintly, Jin Xinsheng and the others immediately turned their heads and looked at him with some puzzlement, but the next moment they didn't care about Gu Zheng, and there was a sudden loud noise from the pot in front of He Ping , the soup inside splashed all over, and all the soup in the pot splashed out, leaving nothing behind.

Fortunately, there were no ordinary people around, and the splashed juice was blocked by everyone's immortal power, and it didn't fall on the body, and all fell to the ground.

Looking at the black water that was still smoking on the ground, Li Ping looked dull and couldn't believe it.

He thought for a long time, deduced for a long time, and finally came up with this suitable method. Unexpectedly, he failed in the end. The failure this time was not at the beginning, but when he was about to succeed in the end. This result was even more difficult for him to accept.

Of course, he didn't know that he was wrong at the beginning, and he couldn't succeed.

"No, it must be because I didn't control the heat well, I have to try again!"

Li Ping's eyes were red, he cleaned the cauldron, filled it with spring water again, lit the ground fire again, put in the same ingredients, and started again.

It was still the same method as before, but Li Ping was more careful, and he didn't dare to pay dividends. Xianli's control was very precise, so although it consumed a lot of mind, he could control it better.

Gu Zheng shook his head again, Li Ping made a mistake at the beginning, it was not something he could control at all, if he tries now, he will fail in the end.

Jin Xinsheng and the others didn't speak for fear of disturbing Li Ping. They had analyzed Li Ping's process of making the food repair just now, and they also agreed with Li Ping. If it still failed, they didn't know how to make the Yaxin food repair.

This Yaxin Food Cultivation was proposed by Jin Xinsheng ten thousand years ago, and it has been studied for thousands of years. Although immortals have a long life, it is not easy for them to study one thing for such a long time. To be successful, but closing the door in the end poured cold water on them, how can we not feel uncomfortable.

The same process, naturally the same result.

The full pot of soup splashed out again, Li Ping's face turned pale, and he sat down on the ground.

Jin Xinsheng and the others also looked very ugly. Li Ping was hit, so why not them? Although Li Ping was trying, all the research was done by them. This is also the result of Jin Xinsheng's research.

"Could it be that my theory is wrong, and this kind of food cultivation can't be done at all?"

Jin Xinsheng said bitterly that he had calculated his own setting, and this was the first time he said so, and the first time he questioned the food cultivation theory he created.

"No, master, you are right. We have jointly imagined that the Yaxin Food Cultivation you proposed is established and can be done, but we haven't found the right method yet!"

Li Ping was the first to stand up against it. He has practiced for 30,000 years, nearly 10,000 years of which he has been studying Yaxin Food Cultivation. One-third of his practice time, he will never agree that what he is studying is a wrong thing. , is an impossibility.

Jin Xinsheng was not talking. Li Ping cleaned up the pot again and poured Tianquan water. Judging by his appearance, he was planning to try again.


Gu Zheng suddenly yelled, Li Ping couldn't find the reason, and if he tried again, the result would still be a failure, but it was just a failure, but these raw materials were destroyed, which is really a pity.

Yaxincao and the three auxiliary materials are all high-grade, especially Yaxincao, which is extremely valuable, and Li Ping puts a lot of it. Such raw materials were destroyed one by one before Guzheng, which made him very upset. heartache.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Jin Xinsheng felt sad, but he still respected Gu Zheng. He didn't want to give up his research, and he also wanted Yaxin Food Cultivation to succeed, but the repeated failures really hit him hard.

Li Ping is his most proud apprentice. In fact, Li Ping has already surpassed Jin Xinsheng in terms of food training. He is the best food training person in Donglai Pavilion. He has always failed. This time, he still failed with 70% certainty. , Jin Xinsheng was very shocked, so he said that what he proposed was a wrong theory.

"First of all, there is no problem with your Yaxin Food Cultivation, but there is something wrong with your method, can you let me try it?"

Gu Zheng spoke slowly, even though he hadn't heard Jin Xinsheng talk about their Yaxin Food Cultivation's theory and research, but from Li Ping's technique just now, he has seen all the problems of this Food Cultivator, and he also knows this food practice. What it means to make corrections, and how to make corrections.


Jin Xinsheng was very surprised, and Li Ping also turned his head, frowning.

"Yes, let me try it. I have some experience in food repair. Your Yaxin food repair is very similar to the one I did before. I think I can try it!"

Yaxin Shixiu Guzheng has never done it, just like he has always made fish-flavored pork shreds, but he has never made fish-flavored eggplant, but since he knows the cooking skills of fish-flavored pork shreds and has the correct recipe for fish-flavored eggplant, he can cook It is not difficult to make fish-flavored eggplant.

"Brother Jin, my uncle has cooking skills that are definitely not inferior to yours. Since he said so, he must be sure. If you are worried about wasting raw materials, brother Jin, don't worry, we will compensate you in Shushan twice as much as you use up." you!"

Seeing Jin Xinsheng's hesitation, Su Ming said that he knew Gu Zheng's culinary skills. Although he had never tried Gu Zheng's food training, in his opinion, food training and cooking skills are similar, and people who are good at cooking are the same Can do good food repair.

But this is not Shu Mountain after all, and what is used is other people's things. Yaxincao is also a very precious raw material. He is worried that Donglai Pavilion is afraid of waste due to ancient disputes, so he specifically offered to double the compensation.

"No, Brother Su, I didn't mean that. It's better if you are willing to try, maybe you can give us some advice!"

Jin Xinsheng immediately smiled and shook his head. In fact, he really thought so in his heart, thinking that Gu Zheng would waste raw materials, but Su Ming reminded him in time that Gu Zheng is not an ordinary person. He is Su Ming's uncle and the highest seniority in Shushan people.

If such a person wants to play, if he tries, it’s nothing to let him try. It’s just a piece of raw material. It’s better for them to waste it than to turn against Shushan. A first-class sect like Shushan is not something they want to offend at will. It is better to be able to make friends.


On the contrary, Li Ping yelled anxiously, and Jin Xinsheng immediately sent him a voice transmission to stop what he was going to say next, and let Gu Zheng try it, maybe he can't do anything at all, and he will be the one who will be embarrassed at that time .

As for the double raw materials that Shushan wanted to give, of course they would not want it, so Shushan owed them a small favor, and it was very worthwhile to exchange one raw material for one small favor from Shushan.

Li Ping had no choice but to walk back, and looked at Gu Zheng again, with contempt and unwillingness in his eyes.

He only prepared three raw materials this time. If Gu Zheng wants to try it, he will have no chance. He can only wait for the new Yaxin grass to arrive, and they have been purchasing Yaxin grass, and they have also bought it. The new Yaxin grass It will take half a month for the new grass to be delivered, and if he wants to try the next time, it will be half a month later.

Waiting for half a month, I was a little anxious, but this time Li Ping wanted to open up a little bit, failed twice, and the third time he was not sure at all, let Gu Zheng try it, he can do well in the next time Summarize the experience of this failure, find out the problem, and wait for the next attempt to succeed.

Gu Zheng walked to the pot, released the fire control formula, and the ground fire was immediately ignited and sprinkled evenly on the bottom of the pot.

This hand-controlled fire technique is really good, stronger than Li Ping's, but it makes Jin Xinsheng and the others look a little different, but what is more important than fire control is the production of food repair. Gu Zheng is a Lian Huayang Gong For those who don't know, Jin Xinsheng doesn't believe that he can do any food cultivation at all.

After all, Food Cultivation is not ordinary food. It is to expand the medicinal effects of raw materials infinitely. It cannot do this. It is not Food Cultivation at all, it is just ordinary food.

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