Elder Gao and the few judges around him looked at the fried eggs brought by Gu Wendu in astonishment, and most of the other judges leaned over their heads.

Only in terms of appearance, Gu Zheng’s fried eggs can no longer be described as 'good'. This is simply not fried eggs, but a work of art, a real work of art, a great work of art. It's hard to bear to speak, let alone use a knife to separate them.

"I've never seen anyone make an omelet like this. From the appearance alone, I can give it 10 out of 10, perfect!"

One of the judges sighed, and the other judges nodded in agreement. In terms of appearance, this fried egg is really shocking, indescribably shocking.

The egg white is as delicate as white jade, and the yolk is as bright as agate. The round fried egg gives people a luxurious and noble feeling. No wonder they say it doesn't look like an fried egg.

"The way he makes fried eggs is also very artistic!"

Another judge expresses emotion, he has been staring at Gu Zheng who makes fried eggs, Gu Zheng makes fried eggs really look good, especially the process of making fried eggs in the pan, it is simply an art, if it is not for him Still holding on to his identity, he wanted to run up to him and take a good look.

"That's right, with this kind of omelette cooking skills and such appearance, I believe the taste will not be bad. Mr. Gao, let's cut the knife. You can't make a few omelettes in five minutes. According to what Bu Zheng said, one portion is divided into four." , let the four of you taste it first!"

Another judge said, most of the judges looked at Mr. Gao, only Mr. Wu was sitting there, and he knew very well that once this fried egg came out, he would definitely not lose today, even if Mr. Hua still made trouble for him. Zero points, he will definitely not lose.

Indisputable fried eggs, even he has to say a word of service. Among egg foods, indisputable fried eggs are definitely the best food he has ever eaten. There is no one. He is the director of the food channel and participates in various food I don't know how many festivals there are. I have eaten too many delicious foods, and it is not easy to be considered number one by him.

"Okay, I'll share!"

Elder Gao nodded in response, as he said before, the omelette should be eaten while it is still hot, and he is afraid that the omelette will be cold, which will affect the taste, anyway, the second omelette will be ready soon.

Holding a knife, Mr. Gao made two cuts in the very center of the fried egg. When he made the cut, he felt a little regretful. It was a pity that such a good fried egg was ruined by him.

The fried egg was divided into four pieces. Elder Gao and the three people around him each picked up a piece, looked at each other, and then put the fried egg into their mouths. A quarter of the fried egg could be eaten in one bite.

As soon as it was put in the mouth, the eyes of the four people changed at the same time, and their expressions were also a little strange.

The throats of the four people moved unnaturally, and soon the four pieces of fried eggs were crushed and sent into their stomachs. The only difference was the time to eat them. It took thirty seconds to swallow it, and Elder Gao was the one who finished it in thirty seconds, and he was also the slowest one.

Now he regrets very much in his heart, why he eats so much in one bite, and if he doesn't taste it separately, it will be gone after one bite, so that there are so many flavors that he can't help but want to feel it. This kind of thinking is not limited to him, the other three It's the same with people, the one who regrets the most is the judge who ate the fastest, he accidentally swallowed it after a few bites, and he couldn't taste it carefully, so he wants to eat it again.

"Old Gao, how does it taste?"

A judge who hadn't eaten asked in a low voice. Several people looked a little strange, looking surprised and a little annoyed. They didn't know whether it was delicious or unpalatable.

"I'm not good at commenting on this taste. You'll know it after you eat it. Anyway, I regret it!"

Elder Gao said bitterly, the other judges who didn't eat were even more inexplicable, regretting, what's going on, why regretting it, could it be that it was so delicious, regretting that they didn't compete for an extra game?

This shouldn't be the case, they don't know each other and don't fight, and if they don't compete with others, they lose. What does it have to do with them? Does Gao Lao have some secret relationship with him, so he defends it like this?

For a time, everyone had different ideas in their hearts.

The second fried egg was ready, and Gu Zheng sent it up when everyone was muttering in their hearts. Gao Lao and the other three judges who had eaten the fried egg groaned unnaturally, and one judge didn't take it. Stretching out his chopsticks, he looked like he wanted to pick up the fried egg and take another bite.

"Let the other judges taste it first!"

Old Gao coughed softly. He is in a competition now, and there is only five minutes to fight. Seeing his speed is a little more than one per minute, plus the time to deliver the eggs, it is estimated that he can only make three. How can they do it? Eleven judges, if this fried egg is eaten by one judge, the number of fried eggs will not be enough.

If the quantity is not enough, other judges will not be able to eat it, which is equivalent to affecting the competition. This kind of overall situation is still necessary.

The judge who stretched out his chopsticks nodded repeatedly, and retracted his hand embarrassingly. He understood this, but such a delicious fried egg was in front of him, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hand. This was really not intentional, it was completely The body's instinctive reaction.

Four more judges got omelettes, Mr. Wu and Mr. Hua didn't have any yet, Mr. Wu had already eaten it, so he let the other judges eat it first, Mr. Hua didn't let him at all, and he was too embarrassed to fight for it.

On the other side of the live broadcast room, the host posted several pictures in a row. The popularity of the live broadcast room is increasing, and the discussion is so heated. He is also very active in this meeting. The judges shared the pictures of fried eggs, and he put the pictures of fried eggs after eating. online.

"Damn host, I hate you, hate you!"

"Host, do you have a girlfriend? If not, you can order me an fried egg. I will introduce our school beauty to you. She is really beautiful!"

"Host, I want fried eggs too!"

"I don't want fried eggs, but I want to kill people. I want to kill you. Why do you post photos of them eating fried eggs? I'm even more anxious!"

In the live broadcast room, the number of people who have eaten fried eggs has increased again. They are all partners who were notified by those who had eaten fried eggs after discovering Gu Zheng's identity. The game is very depressing.

Especially the host posted a photo of the judges eating fried eggs, but the pot exploded among them, watching others eat fried eggs happily, they became more anxious, they said everything, and the above were more euphemistic, I also asked the host where the competition is now, and he is about to come over soon, the purpose is to eat fried eggs.

The host was also very surprised by the fierce reaction of these people. He now understands that Buzheng also sold fried eggs before, and his reputation is very good. Many people have eaten his fried eggs, and those who have eaten his fried eggs No one said anything bad, and they all said that this was the best food they had ever eaten, and the food they missed the most.

Everyone who has eaten fried eggs is like this, without exception. From this point of view, if you don't fight this extra match, you will lose, and maybe you will continue to win.

Xiaoyu wishes all my friends a happy New Year's Day, a happy new year, all the best in the new year, happy family, good health, promotion and prosperity!

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