Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 615: Kunlun Brew

The two did not go back to the place where they lived, but directly used a trick to fly out of the city.

Gu Zheng wants to go to the mountains to get local materials and cook some delicious food. He can do whatever he wants in the mountains, but he will inevitably be disturbed in the city.

When he was resting in the city before, Gu Zheng cooked delicious food once. The aroma attracted many people from the inn, even immortal cultivators. Someone invited them to be chefs, and the immortal cultivator directly ordered them to cook for a table. Good food to come.

In the end, the two exposed their identities and scared the immortal cultivator who was only in the state of transforming Qi to death. However, the two lost their nature because of this, and they have not cooked food in the inn since then.

In terms of law and order alone, Honghuang is no match for hell. Although the environment there is not good, the law and order are managed very well. Here, the management over there is stricter.

There is a small mountain not far from the city, the mountain is not big, and there are no monsters occupying it. Generally speaking, the mountains near the city will not be occupied by monsters, but there will be some Taoist temples, temples, etc. These places may also exist Immortal cultivators appear.

There is nothing on this mountain, but it is convenient for them.

I was lucky today, I caught a sheep in the mountains, and it was a medium-quality sheep. The quality can reach medium, which shows that this sheep has eaten some good natural materials and earthly treasures, otherwise it can only be ordinary at most.

The quality is medium, the taste will be better, the sheep is not small, it weighs more than 30 catties, together with the interest of Gu Zheng, he divided the sheep into three parts, one for roasting, one for stewing, and the other for frying.

The remaining sheep bones were made into a pure bone soup by Gu Zheng, and one sheep was eaten four times.

Gu Zheng is doing two things at once, the lamb chops are grilled on the grill, the lamb leg is stewed, and the lamb bone soup on the other side has already been boiled.

After the stew was finished, Gu Zheng put the cut mutton into the pot again and started to stir-fry. The four dishes were cooked at the same time. A set of tables and chairs was cut out of stones, although simple, but very delicate, and placed aside.

Even the surrounding environment has been cleaned up by ***, so that I feel more refreshed after eating.

Not long after, the four dishes were served, and Gu Zheng also took out a jar of ten catties of fairy wine, and the two of them were ready to feast on it.

"Not bad, not bad, it smells so good!"

The two of them hadn't started yet, they stood up suddenly, a person appeared from nowhere, walking towards them, admiring as he walked, he was not polite at all when he arrived, seeing that there were only two chairs on the stone table, he directly He lifted up the soil on the ground, shaped it into a chair, and sat down like this.

"Who are you?"

Gu Zheng asked in a deep voice, and *** also looked at him nervously, neither of them sat down.

How this person appeared is not important, the key is that Gu Zheng and Mao Zedong didn't notice his appearance, and even Qi Ling didn't remind him. This is really strange, and it also made Gu Zheng extremely vigilant .

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm so worthless, Kunlun disciple!"

The person who came stood up, hugged Gu Zheng and ***, and then sat down again, constantly smelling the aroma of the food on the table, and swallowing continuously.

"I'm here uninvited, and I don't want to eat you for free. I have a pot of Kunlun wine here. If you serve food and I serve wine, no one will suffer!"

As soon as He Zudao stretched out his hand, a small wine jar appeared in his hand. He put the wine jar on the table, and carefully opened the lid of the wine jar. As soon as the lid was lifted, a strong fragrance spread out.

Gu Zheng couldn't help inhaling this fragrance, and soon his expression changed slightly.

"Advanced level!"

The quality of the wine that He Zudao produced has reached a high level, which means it is the best wine, and the aroma is particularly attractive, even Gu Zheng was attracted.

"It's okay, this wine can be drunk, don't worry!"

Qi Ling's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as she spoke, Gu Zheng immediately asked: "How did this person come out, why didn't you remind me just now?"

"He's been here all along, you didn't notice it, and he didn't have any malicious intentions, why should I remind you?"

Qi Ling replied bluntly, but Gu Zheng was stunned. It turned out that this person was here before, and he didn't know what kind of concealment method he used. Even he didn't notice the existence of this person. , this talent suddenly appeared.

In this way, this person really has no malicious intentions. If there is, he has had many opportunities to make a move before. It is probably because Gu Zheng's food is so good that he couldn't help but come out in the end, wanting to share a piece of the pie.

They didn't eat for free, they not only brought out wine, but also high-grade wine, the value of this wine was far higher than the table dishes of Gu Zheng.

"Eat it!"

After being silent for a while, Gu Zheng sat down and said something softly, since the other party has no malice and just wants to eat, let him eat it, and his wine is indeed very attractive to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng thought If you drink other people's wine, you can't stop them from eating your own food.

"Come and taste our Kunlun brew!"

This person is called He Zudao, and the person who appeared suddenly is a familiar person. After Gu Zheng said to eat, he immediately grabbed a grilled lamb chop, put it in his mouth, and gnawed it. He also took out a pair of chopsticks and ate the stewed lamb. And fried lamb.

After he poured a glass of wine for Gu Zheng and Mao Zedong, he ignored them and ate there by himself.

"Xiang, the taste is really good. I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. Are you a fairy chef?"

While eating, his mouth didn't stop, and he kept talking. After He Zudao came out, Gu Zheng detected his strength. This person's strength has reached Jinxian, and it's the late Jinxian stage, two years higher than him. levels.

In addition to strength, there is another important point. This person is a disciple of Kunlun. Kunlun is the number one sect on earth, and it is also the top sect in the wild. It is one of the best, and its status is higher than that of Shushan.

The reason is not that Kunlun has many disciples. On the contrary, Kunlun has not many disciples in Honghuang, which is far behind that of Shushan.

There is such a huge difference in number, but their status is higher than that of Shushan. The main reason is that the founder of Kunlun is the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West is not the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Court of the Immortal World. On Earth, many myths and legends confuse them as one.

The Queen Mother of the West is one of the ten saints in the fairy world, and the sect created by the saints certainly cannot be lowered.

Gu Zheng nodded slightly, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip of the unworthy Kunlun Niang.

The wine stopped there after entering the mouth, and it didn't melt, but there was a strong crisp aroma, which quickly spread all over the body with the tip of the tongue, making Gu Zheng couldn't help swallowing the wine in his mouth into his stomach.

This kind of wine has reached a high level, but it is not ordinary, the crisp fragrance has not dissipated, but has accumulated in the whole body, Gu Zheng seems to feel that his whole body is exuding a fragrance of wine.

This wine is really good.

Although Gu Zheng seldom drank alcohol in Honghuang, he was not uninformed. He could not brew such wine at all, and the grade has reached a high level, which means that all the ingredients for brewing this wine have also reached high-end. This alone, this wine The value is not cheap.

"The wine is not bad. Let me tell you, I usually don't want to drink this Kunlun brew. If it wasn't for the delicious taste you made, I would be reluctant to take out this Kunlun brew!"

He Zudao looked at Gu Zheng's intoxicated expression, and said with a smile.

What he said was right, he didn’t have much Kunlun brew himself, and he was usually reluctant to drink it. This time he wanted to eat the delicious food made by Gu Zheng, but he didn’t have any other good things to bring out, so he brought out the Kunlun brew. .

"What have you been doing in such a place before?"

After being silent for a while, Gu Zheng asked, this wine is really good, not to mention a glass, even a sip, it is worth the delicacies he made.

"you know?"

This time it was He Zudao's turn to be surprised, he had indeed been there before, from Gu Zheng and *** to before, he was watching Gu Zheng and *** catch a sheep here, and then deal with the sheep , and then used a sheep to make four kinds of delicacies, and finally was attracted by the delicacies, and couldn't help but show up.

Gu Zheng nodded, but did not speak.

"That's not right. If you had discovered me a long time ago, you shouldn't have that expression just now!"

He Zudao looked puzzled, and soon there was a hint of surprise: "You didn't find me, but after I came out, you guessed that I was here all the time, not suddenly?"

Gu Zheng nodded again, so it can be said, but he didn't guess, but Qi Ling told him.

"Let me tell you, I have Kunlun Jade in my body, how can ordinary people find me in advance!"

He Zudao laughed, and continued: "I was just bored, and I came out to relax. I didn't expect to meet you. It's fate to meet you. I ate your food, and you drank my wine. From now on, everyone will be happy." We are friends, since we are friends, I introduced myself just now, shouldn't you also introduce yourself?"

"My name is Gu Zheng. This is my brother from the same sect. We came from the lower realms. We have just arrived in Honghuang and are about to go to Mount Shu!"

Gu Zheng briefly introduced that when he heard that Gu Zheng came from the lower realm, He Zudao's eyes widened a lot, and he immediately became more interested.

"You are also from the lower realm, which lower realm are you from?"

Gu Zheng looked at He Zudao and replied, "We come from the earth!"

"Earth, I seem to have heard that I also came from the lower realm, from Kunxu five hundred years ago!"

Kunxu, a lower realm like the earth, is a little bigger than the earth, but like the earth, there is no fairy power, and cultivation is purely based on resources. The fairy power of the three thousand lower realms has been taken away and provided to the fairy world.

In the upper nine realms, there is actually no fairyland. The fairyland was separated from Honghuang. At the beginning, Honghuang's fairy power was used. Later, Honghuang's fairy power couldn't support it, so all the lower realm's fairy power was taken away and given to the fairy world. support.

This point once caused the other eight realms to have a lot of opinions, but they had no choice but to accept it in the end.

Gu Zheng was slightly moved, he didn't know where Kunxu was, and it didn't matter, the key was the time mentioned in He Zudao's words, five hundred years ago, if He Zudao came to Honghuang five hundred years ago In other words, it is equivalent to saying that it only took five hundred years for him to go from the early stage of the Golden Immortal to the late stage.

Five hundred years, from the early stage to the late stage, it is still in the realm of the Golden Immortal. This cultivation speed is much faster than others, enough to shock everyone.

Not to mention five hundred years, even if five thousand years can reach the later stage, they can be regarded as geniuses. For example, Chang Mei, the founder of Emei's sect, took more than three thousand years to cultivate to the Golden Immortal after he came to the prehistoric world. In the later period, he became a well-known cultivation genius in the prehistoric age. It took him more than 3,000 years to grow his eyebrows, so what's the point?

He came five hundred years ago, but it doesn't necessarily mean that he reached the late Golden Immortal stage after five hundred years, maybe four hundred years, or three hundred years or less. After all, he is already in the late Golden Immortal stage. When will he be promoted? At the later stage, Gu Zheng didn't know, and could only be sure that this time would never exceed five hundred years.

"People who can come out of the lower realm environment are really extraordinary. Brother He has reached the late stage of Jinxian in five hundred years. Gu admires it!"

Gu Zheng clasped his fists and spoke sincerely. He was taken aback suddenly, the lamb chops he was biting in his mouth stopped, and he stared blankly at He Zudao.

Five hundred years, even in the prehistoric environment, five hundred years is an extremely rare existence from the early stage of Jinxian to the late stage, and *** is not a person who knows nothing, he has been in contact with the prehistoric era as early as the Shengfa era For those who came, Emei was even more concerned about the rain, and he knew very well the speed of cultivation on Honghuang's side.

In five hundred years, it is considered a genius to be able to cultivate from transforming qi to the late stage of returning to the void. It is really shocking that this person has gone from the early stage of Jinxian to the late stage of Golden Immortal.

"Brother Gu, I didn't show my strength, right? How do you know that I'm a late Jinxian?"

This time it was He Zudao's turn to be surprised. He also stared blankly at Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng knew that he was here all the time, but he didn't expect to know his real state. He didn't take the initiative to show it, or he wouldn't even fight. know things.

"Just like Brother He can hide himself, I also have a little secret of laughing!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, He Zudao was taken aback again, and then laughed loudly: "Brother Gu is right, come on, let's continue drinking!"

He Zudao's Kunlun Niang tasted really good, and he was not stingy, he had enough wine, Gu Zheng drank seven cups, and Mao Zedong also drank five cups.

This Kunlun brewing wine is too powerful, even if they are golden immortals, they can't drink too much. If they are in the realm of celestial immortals, a glass can pour them down. I am afraid that only when they reach the realm of golden immortals can they drink this wine at will.

The wine is good, the food is good, and they all come from the lower realms. The three of them have a common language, and they became familiar with each other after a meal.

"No wonder your names sound familiar. It turns out that you are the two who pretended to be Shushan. It's interesting!"

He Zudao laughed. He also heard the news that there were two pretending to be Shushan disciples. After all, Sanxiandong wanted to avenge the old war, and it was doing its best to promote it. People around me will probably know too.

"Hmph, the people in Sanxian Cave are looking for death!"

*** snorted angrily, but he didn't tell them, they really didn't know that the two of them became fakes for no reason.

"It's normal for them to do this, and we are not fake, so ignore them!"

Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head. It is easy to understand what Sanxiandong did. He wanted to take revenge on them, but I am afraid that this time he will shoot himself in the foot. , doesn't that mean directly exposing their embarrassment for Shushan disciples?

The incident is so big that almost the whole world will know about it. At that time, no matter what, Shushan will have to give an explanation to Sanxiandong.

"Yes, ignore them!"

He Zudao also laughed, he believed in Gu Zheng and the two, and he also came from the lower realms, so he knew better what happened to the people from the lower realms after they arrived in Honghuang. In addition, he also enjoyed watching the joke about Sanxiandong.

The whole sheep, four dishes, were eaten by three people. After eating and drinking, He Zudao patted his stomach in satisfaction.

"Brother Gu, your culinary skills are incredible. I didn't expect you to have such good cooking skills. I have decided. I want to go to Shushan with you. I also want to go to Shushan to meet an old friend. !"

The food made by Gu Zheng was so delicious that he wanted to eat it a few more times, but Gu Zheng was going back to Shushan, and he had to follow him if he wanted to eat, so he thought of a lame reason to visit friends in Shushan.

But he does have friends from Shushan, so he can visit them by the way. Gu Zheng understands his little thoughts, and he didn’t point them out. This is a small reason.

After returning to the city, they rested for another day. The two of them set out together with He Zudao. When they were leaving, Gu Zheng knew that He Zudao had just come here from Dongsheng Shenzhou and had just passed through this desert. Going back now.

Gu Zheng just shook his head at this, and at the same time felt a little proud in his heart, which shows that his cooking skills are really good, and people are willing to go with him because of his cooking skills.

"A lot of people come in and out of Shakou Town, and if you leave Shakou Town, it's a desert!"

Dongsha City is not the closest place to the desert. It can only be the city closest to the desert. There are a few small towns on the edge of the desert with a small population. This is the real place to enter and exit the desert.

The environment here is not good, there is no production, and there may be fierce beasts in the desert. There are not many people in the town, and they are all practitioners. It is also because there are more people gathered here that the small town has formed. Stay together in groups, at least where you go in and out of the desert, there is a safe gathering place.

There were quite a few people coming and going from Shakou Town, some rode horses, some walked, some went out and some came back, but the number of people who went out was much more than those who came back.

There is a lot of wealth in the desert, but there are also great dangers. Out of ten people who enter the desert, five can come out. Although the death rate is so high, there are still many people who come here for wealth or for the future. fight.

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