Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 608 Ascension

The experience of the two heavens of ice and fire is definitely a cruel torture. The ice on Wu Ming's body melted rapidly, and his body smelled like roasted meat.

"Ancient struggle!"

Qi Ling shouted, with a trace of unbearable in his voice.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zheng responded to Qi Ling with red eyes.

"The you now are not like the usual you." Ji Inspiration said.

Indeed, the usual ancient disputes are all about the attitude of people who don't offend me and I don't offend others.

"This is not the usual time!"

Gu Zheng roared, then gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone has something he cares about. When I can't protect what I care about, why should I care so much about others?"

After finishing the passage, the killing intent in Gu Zheng's eyes was extremely strong, although he was not like usual, but to torture Wu Ming, he would only use this painful method, and he would not be able to use any excessive methods. If Wuming still can't let go, then even if this is the end of the torture, it's time to send him to see the Buddha.

Wu Ming in the belly of the fire dragon was already bruised, Gu Zheng looked at him and laughed again and again, that laughter made people feel a sense of resentment and unwillingness.

"Wu Ming, if you don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of you! The torture for you can only go up to this point. Since you are really in the secular world, but you have jumped out of the five elements, then I will send you there Paradise of Ultimate Bliss can also be regarded as helping you to be liberated and helping you to be truly exempt from common customs!"

Gu Zheng's 'Original Fire' oscillated violently, and he wanted to raise the temperature of the flame, cremate Wuming, and give him a way of death like an eminent monk.

"It hurts!"

Wu Ming in the belly of the fire dragon screamed, and his voice directly stunned Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng initially had hope for Wu Ming's begging for mercy, but as he was tortured, hope turned into extravagant hope, and extravagant hope turned into despair. However, just as he was about to end his despair, Wu Ming yelled mischievously in pain, which reminded him of what Wu Ming had said before the torture began.

"If the poor monk yells out pain, even the poor monk will not be able to escape this dunya!"

What Wu Ming said still echoed in Gu Zheng's mind, and his voice sounded again.

"Master Gu, the poor monk is already crying out for pain, why don't you let the poor monk go?"

Wu Ming was laughing, and there seemed to be no irritation in his voice, but there was a naughty taste in it.

Gu Zheng was no longer in a daze, and quickly took the fire dragon away.

"Oh, I hurt the poor monk to death!"

In the void, Wu Ming, whose skin was torn apart, Xuexue cried out in pain.

Just when Gu Zheng wanted to mobilize the energy of the fairyland to help Wu Ming heal his wounds quickly, the ragged monk clothes on Wu Ming's body suddenly emitted pure light, wrapping his body and healing his wounds quickly.

"The rare 'Hidden Immortal Artifact', I missed it!" Qi Ling smiled wryly.

The so-called 'Hidden Immortal Artifact' is an immortal artifact that does not have the slightest fluctuation of immortal power on the outside, and looks like a mortal object. This kind of immortal artifact is a top-level immortal artifact, and has the magical characteristics of breaking the fairyland and breaking the illusion.

That is to say, if Wu Ming is not willing, at least Gu Zheng's fairyland can't trap him.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Gu Zheng smiled bitterly, he found that to Wu Ming, all this seemed like a game.


Wu Ming proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then said: "Master Gu, from Xingdian's mouth, the poor monk has already learned that you are a person worthy of my help. However, after you have practiced the 'Sky Eye Technique' to a certain level, you will You can’t start it easily, and you can’t tell others what you see. This is similar to what you Taoists call leaking the secrets of the heavens. Once you reveal the secrets of the heavens, you will be severely punished! If the poor monk doesn’t tell you that he is willing to help you, he just wants to tell you You are enraged, choose a lighter punishment, and replace the punishment for leaking the secret!"

"Master, I'm sorry!"

After listening to Master Wuming's explanation, Gu Zheng bowed deeply to him.

"Just being sorry is not enough! You hurt the poor monk like this, and the head of Gu is a fairy cook, so why don't you make some delicious supplements for the poor monk?" Wu Ming laughed.

"That's no problem, just tell me what Master Wu Ming wants to eat!" Gu Zheng said.

"I do have something I want to eat, but I won't tell Head Gu for now. After you get rid of that ungrateful villain, you can cook delicious food for the poor monk wholeheartedly!" Master Wu Ming said.

"Thank you Master for your understanding!"

Gu Zheng smiled wryly, Zhao Yifeng didn't solve it, he was really not in the mood to cook something delicious.

"To help you find Zhao Yifeng, you need something that belongs to him. I wonder if Sect Master Gu has it here?" Wu Ming said.


Gu Zheng handed Zhao Yifeng's divine rosary to Master Wuming, and then took over the fairyland.

Seeing that Master Wuming was safe and sound, and Gu Zheng appeared with a smile on his face, Master Xingdian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Master Xingdian learned of the original intention of Master Wuming's resoluteness, he uttered a Buddha's name with infinite meaning.

Even if Master Wuming is willing to help, Gu Zheng can only wait until tomorrow to let him help. After all, he has already cast Immortal Realm today and cannot perform it again. As for killing Zhao Yifeng, Gu Zheng felt that it would be safer if he still had the magical powers of the fairyland.

Although Zhao Yifeng broke through Guzheng's fairyland with his weird divine sense when he was in the island fairyland, it is not what it used to be. After being promoted to Golden Fairyland, Guzheng's fairyland is stronger than before. He doesn't believe this The Immortal Domain can also be easily broken by Zhao Yifeng's Divine Sense.

the next day.

Muttering a mysterious Sanskrit sound in his mouth, Master Wu Ming pointed at the divine rosary beside him after making a set of handprints, and the divine rosary slowly floated up.

Master Wu Ming touched his eyes with both hands and sword fingers, and the pupils of his eyes immediately turned golden.

Afterwards, Master Wuming issued another spell, and ripples appeared in the void. When the ripples subsided, images gradually appeared in the place where the ripples originally appeared.

Gu Zheng understands that the image in the ripples is what Master Wuming sees with the 'Sky Eye Technique'.

In order to make it easier for Gu Zheng to find Zhao Yifeng, Master Wu Ming's "Sky Eye Technique" swept all the way, and the moving pictures in the video were only to point out the way for Gu Zheng.

It really echoes the old saying, the more dangerous a place is, the safer it is! Zhao Yifeng's hiding place is actually very close to Emei!

"Thank you, Master Wuming!"

Knowing where Zhao Yifeng was hiding, Gu Zheng hurriedly thanked Master Wuming, and Dang even flew in the direction of Emei.

The place where Zhao Yifeng hid was in a dry well in a village under Mount Emei.

People who are also worried about ancient disputes will conduct spiritual investigations on this place. Zhao Yifeng hid here, and he didn't even dare to arrange some early warning restrictions.

Gu Zhengdu had already arrived at the well, and Zhao Yifeng realized that someone was coming. After exploring with his divine sense, he found that it was Gu Zheng, so he hurriedly used the technique of earth escape to escape.

"Escape there!"

Gu Zheng's divine sense fell into the ground, and immediately pursued Zhao Yifeng.

Although there are no defensive measures arranged on the ground, Zhao Yifeng has arranged a prohibition underground that can block divine thoughts.

However, Gu Zheng is not Meow Meow after all, it is not an easy task to rely on something to block his divine sense.

The scene in front of him changed, and Gu Zheng, who was not blocked by the prohibition, directly activated the magic power of the fairyland.

Relying on his weird divine sense, Zhao Yifeng still found the weak point of the fairyland's space in the first time, but it is not what it used to be. Before he could attack the weak point of space, this point has been changed to another place.

"let me out!"

Zhao Yifeng, who had tried a few times, made a desperate sound, and he flew wildly in the sky of the fairyland, bumping around like a headless fly.

"Let you out? Are you dreaming?"

Gu Zheng sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the snow on the ground quickly formed a snow dragon, chasing Zhao Yifeng in the air.

"You killed my Taoist companion, what else do you want?" Zhao Yifeng roared.

"Don't you know what I want? The only thing I want to tell you now is that your Taoist partner deserves to be blamed. You deserve to die. I will send you to reunite with her today!"

When Gu Zheng roared, the energy of heaven and earth in the Immortal Realm was dispatched, Zhao Yifeng only felt the air tightened, and his flying speed suddenly slowed down.

Under the ebb and flow, Xuelong immediately caught up with Zhao Yifeng, and ruthlessly bumped into his body with the dragon's head.


Zhao Yifeng spurted blood wildly, and his body fell like a meteor.

Gu Zheng waved his hand again, and the six-tailed snow phoenix jumped out from the snow. Before Zhao Yifeng landed, he was knocked into the air again.


"call out!"

Amidst the dragon's chant and phoenix's cry, Zhao Yifeng screamed again and again, his body was like a ball, being bumped back and forth by the dragon and phoenix in the air.

Slowly, Zhao Yifeng stopped screaming, his body slowly turned into ice, and was finally smashed to pieces by the dragon and phoenix, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

"call out!"

In the melodious phoenix cry, Liuwei Xuefeng gave Gu Zheng Zhao Yifeng's storage belt.

In Zhao Yifeng's storage belt, except for a few fairy artifacts, there is nothing particularly good, but for Gu Zheng, the significance of killing him is far greater than harvesting anything from him.

The big problem in his heart finally died, and Gu Zheng suddenly felt that the air in the fairyland was much fresher, and the sky was much bluer because of it.

After taking over the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng used his spiritual thoughts to notify Master Xingdian, Xuan Qizi, and Master Yufeng. He notified anyone who worried about him.

After finishing the notification of the divine sense, Gu Zheng joined Master Xingdian and Master Wuming who were flying here.

"Master, now that Gu's heart knot has been removed, I will make it for you now if you want to eat!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"There's no rush to eat, it's not time for dinner yet."

Master Wuming smiled slightly, and then said: "The poor monk heard from Xingdian that your Emei Pagoda in Emei is very magical. The poor monk wants to take a look. Is it convenient?"

"Convenient, of course convenient! Two masters, please!"

Gu Zheng took Master Xingdian and Master Wuming back to Emei, and arranged for the two of them to experience the Chaos Tower.

The experience of the Chaos Tower has won unanimous praise from Master Xingdian and Master Wuming. Among them, Master Xingdian showed extreme envy for having such a treasure in Emei! For Shushan and Kunlun to be able to share some places, there is even more undisguised jealousy!

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, Buddhism is also the righteous way in the world. Since Master Xingdian and Master Wuming happened to experience the beauty of the Chaos Tower this time, it is not difficult to give them some places. After all, Zhao Yifeng was able to get rid of this time, thanks to the two masters Xingdian and Wuming.

"Since the two masters are both interested in the Emei Pagoda, Gu decided to give Master Wuming one place and two Buddhist places. As for who you arrange to receive training in the Pagoda, it is entirely your freedom. However, let Gu say something long-winded, if the disciples are allowed to use this quota, they must abide by Emei's rules!" Gu Zheng said.

"Xingdian, the poor monk is right, right? The ancient master will definitely give the seat of the Emei Pagoda to the Buddhist sect." Master Wuming laughed.

"Sect Leader Gu Dayi, for these three places, the two of us represent the entire Buddhist sect and thank you Sect Leader Gu!" Master Xingdian said solemnly.

"You two are being polite! Regardless of whether it is for public or private use, you are all worthy of the use of the three Emei Pagodas!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "In the near future, Gu will ascend to the prehistoric world, and I hope that the Buddhist sect will take care of Emei for the sake of our good relationship!"

"Don't worry, Master Gu, the Righteous Dao is one family, not to mention we have a very good personal relationship! Whether in public or private, Buddhism and Emei will support each other and take care of each other!" Master Xingdian said.

"The head of the ancients is also polite. Now the power of immortal cultivators on the earth is growing and the evil is disappearing. The power that can threaten Emei really doesn't exist anymore. You can just rest assured that you will ascend to the prehistoric world. But, now It's a chaotic time in the prehistoric world, and when the ancient master is there, you should be more careful in everything!" Master Wu Ming said.

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded, and then said: "Master Wuming, what do you want to eat, I am going to do it now!"

"I heard that there is a dish on the earth called 'Buddha Jumping over the Wall'. There is a word 'Buddha' in the name. I will order this dish! As for the other ones, Master Gu can do as he sees." Master Wu Ming laughed road.

"Okay, then Gu will excuse me first!"

Gu Zheng left the Emei Hall, and the two masters were accompanied by the senior officials of Emei, such as Mao Zedong, while he was going to prepare for today's luncheon.

There are a lot of dishes to cook today, but the most important thing is the "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" ordered by Master Wu Ming.

'Buddha Tiaoqiang' is a stew. Gu Zheng decided to cook it first, and let it simmer slowly before cooking other dishes.

The production process of the traditional "Buddha jumping over the wall" is very cumbersome, and the ingredients used are also very large, including: sea cucumber, abalone, shark's fin, scallop, fish lip, turtle skirt, deer tendon, pigeon egg, duck treasure, fish maw, fish maw, scallop , Pigeon, pork ribs, razor clam, ham, pork belly, lamb elbow, hoof tip, tendon, chicken breast, duck breast, chicken gizzard, duck gizzard, mushroom, winter bamboo shoots and so on.

In order to fully reflect the taste and characteristics of each ingredient, the production of "Buddha Tiaoqiang" requires a variety of ingredients to be processed independently and then brought together, then add broth and Shaoxing wine, and simmer for more than ten hours to highlight 'Buddha jumps over the wall' has the characteristics of mellow taste.

Gu Zheng is a fairy chef. The ingredients and methods used to make "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall" are not the same as the traditional ones, but when he took out all the ingredients that needed to be used, Miaomiao, who was in charge of the kitchen, couldn't help but stare. eyes.

"Sir, there are more than 30 kinds of ingredients here! Does each kind have to be processed separately?" Miaomiao asked.

"Almost, some can be treated in the same way." Gu Zheng said.

"I'm so looking forward to this 'Buddha jumping over the wall'! I've been with Mr. for so long, and I've never eaten a delicacy that contains so many ingredients!" Miao Miao said with emotion.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly: "You have never eaten it, and I have never cooked a dish full of so many ingredients."

"Sir, what are the grades of these ingredients?" Miaomiao asked again.

"Almost all of them are medium-level, and only a few are of ordinary level." Gu Zheng said.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng told Miao Miao the method, and the two immediately started the preliminary processing of the ingredients.

After finishing the preliminary preparation of the ingredients, Gu Zheng put the silver-winged shark's fin into the boiling water pot, added green onion, ginger and immortal wine, and cooked it for a minute with all his strength in the fire control technique.

After taking out the silver-winged shark's fin, Gu Zheng put the fat and tender Xianyun pork on it, added a little fairy wine, and steamed it in a basket.

Put Xianyun pork bones, chanterelles, fairy mushrooms, fairy chicken bones and other ingredients into a pot and simmer to make a broth.

Cut the bone fish lips into small pieces, put them in a pot of boiling water, add a small amount of salt and spices, boil them for a while, then remove them.

Put two golden silk abalones into the cage drawer, steam them with high heat, take them out, wash them, slice them, add bone broth and fairy wine, steam them in the cage and take them out.

Boil Jinyu quail eggs and bright silver fairy fruit together, peel them all for later use.

Cut the immortal chicken, immortal duck, immortal cloud pig's trotters, and immortal sheep elbow into pieces, soak them together with immortal duck gizzard and immortal cloud pork belly, and then put them in ice water to control the water. Then, put these ingredients into boiling water, add fairy wine and spices, cook them and take them out for later use.

Cut Moyu sea cucumber into slices, Xianyun pork tendons into sections, and Xianniu tendon into pieces, roast them on the fire, and set them aside for later use.

Cut the purple scorpion into strips, then fry it in a frying pan with Jinyu quail eggs and bright silver fairy fruit until golden.

Put the fairy fish maw and fish roe into the pan, deep-fry until golden, and then put it in the cage for slight steaming.

Put the oil in the pot, and when it is 70% hot, fry the onion and ginger into the pot to release the aroma, put the previously processed fairy chicken, fairy duck, fairy sheep elbow, fairy cloud trotter, fairy duck gizzard, and fairy cloud pork belly Stir fry in the pot. Afterwards, various seasonings and spices and the pre-cooked broth were added, and the fire started to simmer.

At this time, the kitchen was full of fragrance, but the deep processing of the ingredients was still not finished, Gu Zheng still had some ingredients to be processed.

"Sir, I'm hungry!"

Watching Gu Zheng process the ingredients one by one, Miaomiao's stomach started to growl.

"Be hungry first! It must take a long time to cook today." Gu Zheng said.

"It's okay, the longer you wait, the more delicious it will be!" Miao Miao said, sticking out her tongue.

Finally, all the ingredients have been processed, and only the last step is left.

Gu Zheng puts a bamboo grate into a fairy wine jar, and then puts cooked fairy chicken, fairy duck, fairy sheep elbow, fairy cloud trotter, fairy duck gizzard, fairy cloud pork belly, winter snow mushroom, purple see the sky Put it in, then put silver-winged shark's fin, golden silk abalone and other ingredients on it, and finally pour in the broth that has been boiled in advance, seal the mouth of the wine jar with lotus leaves, and put it on the charcoal fire to control The Huo Jue stirred up.

Although the mouth of the wine jar is closed, there is still a strong fragrance wafting out following the activation of the ancient fire control formula.

"smell good!"

Miaomiao inhaled the fragrance in the air deeply, with an intoxicated look on her face.

"The current fragrance is only one-third of the real fragrance of this 'Buddha Jumping Over the Wall'!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"I'm looking forward to it, I'm really looking forward to it!" Meow Miao hurriedly said.

After a while, Gu Zheng opened the mouth of the altar, and quickly put the previously processed ingredients such as black jade sea cucumber, Xianyun pork tendon, bone fish lip, fairy fish maw and fish roe into the altar, and put the altar mouth After sealing it, immediately use the Water Control Art, Fire Control Art and Wood Control Art to act on the ingredients in the altar.

As time goes by, the fragrance in the air becomes more and more intense.

Finally, Gu Zheng accepted the fairy art and started to work on the next dish.

"It's fragrant, it's so fragrant, it's so layered!"

Miaomiao was really hungry. While smelling the fragrance in the air, she took out the big bone that Gu Zheng had boiled over the broth, and gnawed it hard.

"The current aroma is only two-thirds of this 'Buddha Jumping Over the Wall', and the remaining one-third will gradually condense in the next stew."

Looking at the fairy wine jar on the fire, Gu Zheng's face was also full of emotion, after all, this was the first time he cooked a dish with so many ingredients.

This time, Master Wuming and Master Xingdian were invited to the banquet, and it really took Gu Zheng a lot of time to prepare the dishes. After all, this is a feast accompanied by the high-level officials of Shushan, and there is simply not enough food if there are few dishes.

When Miaomiao brought sixteen dishes and two soups to the table, no matter whether it was Master Wuming, Master Xingdian, or the senior officials of Shushan, they were in no mood to chat anymore.

Although Master Wuming and Master Xingdian are monks, they are not taboo about meat and fish, not to mention that there is Tao in the dishes cooked by Gu Zheng, even the Buddha will be attracted if he smells it, let alone the two of them.

As for the high-level people in Emei, they have lower resistance to delicious food. After all, they used to eat Gu Zheng’s dishes, but since this time, due to the hidden danger of Zhao Yifeng, they have not eaten Gu Zheng’s dishes for a while. What the competition has done is delicious, and the gluttons in their stomachs have already protested to them.

Finally, the finale "Buddha Tiaoqiang" was brought up by the ancient dispute, and everyone stopped talking at the same time, and all their eyes were on the fairy wine jar that was still gurgling inside.

Gu Zheng uncovered the lotus leaf sealed on the altar of immortal wine, and the white mist inside immediately began to transform into an extremely fragrant form.


"Excellent, Master Gu!"

"Food containing emptiness is really hard to refuse!"

"Amitabha, the poor monk can't wait to taste it!"

Everyone opened their mouths one after another, even the ancient dispute who didn't see what the Jixiang transformation form would be in advance was a little surprised.

Because there are so many extremely fragrant and transformed things, and they are all the ingredients that Gu Zheng used in this "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall".

"Master Wuming, this is the 'Buddha Jumps Over the Wall' specially made for you, taste it quickly!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"Emei Tuo Buddha, the poor monk has been waiting for these words from the ancient master!"

Master Wuming smiled, and immediately plunged his chopsticks into the fairy wine jar, picked out a piece of bone fish lip from it, and put it into his mouth.

"too delicious!"

With a piece of fish lip in his belly, Master Wu Ming was full of emotion.

"Fragrant, smooth, crisp, bouncy, and savory are blended together. Every time you chew, you will have a different taste. But it is delicious to be able to combine the flavors of so many ingredients and make them distinct. Describable? It's so delicious!"

Master Wuming stretched out his thumb to Gu Zheng with one hand, picked up another piece of fish roe with the other hand, put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Master Wu Ming shook his head intoxicated.

However, Master Wu Ming who was intoxicated quickly found that everyone was looking at him without moving their chopsticks.

"Eat, don't stop using your chopsticks just because this 'Buddha Jumps Over the Wall' was made by the ancient master for the poor monk, good things should be shared with everyone!" Master Wuming said.

Master Wu Ming let go, and everyone moved their chopsticks immediately. Except for Gu Zheng, everyone's chopsticks immediately stretched towards the 'Buddha Jumping Wall'.



"It's so fragrant!"

"Finally, I can eat the delicacy made by the master again!"

"Yes! This feeling is so blissful!"

The luncheon this time was undoubtedly a joy for the guests and the host. After the meal, Master Wu Ming was full of praise for Gu Zheng's cooking skills. So much so that he, who was going to leave Emei originally, decided to stay and experience the Chaos Tower, so that he could wait for Gu Zheng to see him off when he ascended.

Master Wuming wanted to stay, but Master Xingdian didn't leave at all, and had to wait for Gu Zheng to see him off when he ascended.

In fact, Gu Zheng understood that the reason why the two masters stayed was to taste as many delicacies as possible in the next time.

It can be regarded as taking care of the two masters, and it can also be regarded as the last blessing of the high-level members of the sect. In the following time, except for taking one day to travel around the world with ***, the rest of the time will be spent. It was staying in the door, and the three meals a day almost turned into a banquet.

In the following time, more and more visitors came from the Emei sect, and all the immortal cultivators from all sects in the orthodox path came to Emei. They came to see Gu Zheng and Mao Zedong off, and also came to witness Gu Zheng and Mao Zedong's final demeanor. After all, the ascension of the two of them was the first time since the end of the Dharma Era.

***Although he was able to stay on the earth for a little longer than Gu Zheng, since Gu Zheng had also been promoted to become a Golden Immortal, he decided to ascend at the same time as Gu Zheng.

It will be extremely difficult to advance to become a Golden Immortal and stay on the earth for one more day, but if you want to leave early, it is very simple, as long as you show the aura of the Golden Immortal without reservation , then the ascension will begin immediately.

The back mountain of the Emei School, the 'Flying Ascension Platform' that has been covered in dust for many years, has long been cleaned spotlessly.

At noon, Gu Zheng and *** stood on the Ascension Platform, and among the people standing off the stage who saw them off, Miaomiao and Lian Yuxin couldn't help crying.

Parting is always so sad, but what should be said has already been said.

There is always a banquet in the world, and it is time to leave.


Gu Zheng glanced at ***, and the two of them dispersed the aura belonging to the Golden Fairyland at the same time, and the world suddenly changed color.

Sand and rocks were flying in the strong wind, Mount Emei was trembling slightly, this place could no longer accommodate existences like Gu Zheng and Mao Zedong.


A thunderbolt illuminated the cloud-covered sky, and a long and narrow crack appeared in the void above the ascension platform. The bodies of Gu Zheng and *** flew up uncontrollably and entered the crack.

"Congratulations to the head of the ascension!"

"Congratulations to send the grand master and elder to ascend!"

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Gu for ascending!"

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Ouyang for ascending!"


Before entering the crack, Gu Zheng heard everyone's congratulations, and also heard the cry of Meow.

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