The ghost monkey knelt down to Gu Zheng, and at the same time uttered a strange cry of 'Zhi Zhi'.

Gu Zheng looked into Ghost Monkey's eyes, frowned slightly and said, "Are you negotiating terms with me?"


The ghost monkey was still kneeling down and screaming strangely.

"What do you think it's saying?"

Qi Ling thinks it's funny, but she can't understand what Ghost Monkey means, but Gu Zheng has opened up the sixth sense, maybe he really has the right idea!

"I think it's asking me to let it go after it cooperates!"

Gu Zheng didn't tell Qi Ling privately, but said it directly.


As Gu Zheng said, the ghost monkey bowed even more joyfully.

Gu Zheng frowned even tighter. Immortal cultivators value promises very much, so agreeing to Ghost Monkey is undoubtedly giving it a promise.

If the ghost monkey was an ordinary spirit beast, Gu Zheng would agree without hesitation, but it is an evil spirit! Leaving aside the speckle virus on its body, even if it eats food on a daily basis, I'm afraid it will be dead people, dead breath, dead souls and the like.

But if you don't agree to the ghost monkey, you have already tried it just now, and its resistance to the divine sense made Gu Zheng unable to do what he wanted to do. It is easy to kill it, but to do what you want, you must cooperate with it!

As for doing what you want to do after being stunned, this is fine for ordinary spirit beasts, but this is the product of the demon queen, and it is a strange monster that can hurt the late-stage immortal cultivators when cooperating with the death-breathing old monster Guy, if getting dizzy can work, Gu Zheng won't talk nonsense with it at all.

Faced with this little problem, Gu Zheng's eyes lit up and he remembered a person. This person was a monk. After he came out of the prehistoric world, he joined the Prajna Temple. During the Battle of Blood Tide Island, he and Master Xin Jing presided over the "Boundless Dharma" formation, but because his own strength was only in the middle stage of Void Return, he did not participate in the battle that went deep into the Blood Tide restricted area.

A moment later, Gu Zheng's divine sense had arrived outside the Prajna Temple.

"Master Gu hurriedly came to find the poor monk, but did he encounter any problems?"

Before Gu Zheng could make a sound, Xingdian's divine thoughts had already sounded.

Xingdian's cultivation base is not too high, but in Gu Zheng's mind he can be regarded as a capable person. He has developed the sixth sense, he has the ability to foresee some things, and he is also a very good person.

When he was on Blood Tide Island, Master Xin Jing introduced Xingdian to Gu Zheng. He also told Gu Zheng that Xing Dian was very optimistic about Gu Zheng. The most critical person is Gu Zheng.

"Master, I did encounter some difficulties."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said something about the ghost monkey.

"Master Gu came to me, poor monk, because he wanted to hand over the ghost monkey to the poor monk?" Master Xingdian said.

"Exactly, Buddhism is compassionate and good at purification. If it is convenient for the master, I want to hand over the ghost monkey to the master." Gu Zheng said.

"This thing was born by refining a demon, and there is a breath of death in its body. Although Buddhism is good at purification, it may not be able to make it correct!"

Master Xingdian smiled wryly, and then his voice turned serious: "However, the ancients can run around for the common people, so what's the point of throwing a difficult problem to the poor monk? The ancient master can send it here with confidence, and the poor monk will keep it alive!"

"Thank you master!"

Since Master Xingdian had already agreed to this matter, Gu Zheng didn't stay any longer, and his spiritual thoughts should return to his body.

"I can promise to save your life, but don't expect too much, are you willing?"

Gu Zheng looked at the ghost monkey, and at the same time, in order to frighten it, there was a killing intent in his eyes, which meant that as long as it played against it, it would be solved.


The ghost monkey's voice shouted desolation, and it kowtowed to Gu Zheng again, and it agreed to the deal with Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't say much, even when he penetrated the ghost monkey's body with his divine sense, he didn't receive any resistance.

When he really came into contact with the magical gland of the ghost monkey, Gu Zheng couldn't help but applaud. The gland fluid appeared in his eyes as a more clear "digital", and the characteristics of the ingredients he knew were the same in his eyes. My mind rolled up.

One prescription after another is being formed, and one prescription after another has been deduced, either discarded or changed.

About half an hour later, Gu Zheng opened his closed eyes.


Qi Ling, who had been waiting for an answer, immediately asked.

"Okay, very good! The prescription has come out, and it meets the perfect requirements in my heart. The resources required are not many, and the results are more rapid!"

Gu Zheng was really excited, he looked at the ghost monkey and said after a pause: "You are lucky, I am going to make something for you to eat!"


Gu Zheng's words made the ghost monkey scream strangely, as if he felt that he said something bad.

However, it didn't take long for the ghost monkey to stop thinking so. When Gu Quan came over with the plate, it was still far away, and it jumped up and down impatiently.

Gu Zheng can cook delicious food, but the most normal thing that the ghost monkey eats is raw meat, and the food that Gu Zheng cooks for it, normal people will definitely not be able to help but spit it out, but for the ghost monkey, This is absolutely the ultimate delicacy.

"You are so disgusting! Master Tiexian doesn't know how he will feel if his disciple cooks this kind of 'dark cuisine', eh..."

Before Qi Ling finished speaking, she covered her mouth and couldn't continue, and since Gu Zheng cooked this 'dark cuisine', she had no idea how many times she had the same words and the same reaction.

Gu Zheng shrugged his shoulders with an innocent face: "It's not a human being. It's definitely not possible to use normal food to stimulate the secretion of its glandular fluid, and it can only be done in this way. What can I do? I'm also desperate !"

Gu Zheng put the plate into the cage, and the ghost monkey immediately began to eat big chunks. It was not enough after eating a plate, so it stretched out its hand to ask Gu Zheng for it.

"You can only eat this thing three times a day! I'll take your glandular fluid later, you won't have any pain, but you must cooperate honestly."

If it was too profound, Gu Zheng didn't know if Ghost Monkey could understand it or not. Anyway, when his words fell to the ground, the medicinal effect of the 'Dark Cuisine' had already taken effect, and Ghost Monkey seemed to have heavy eyelids, and soon fell asleep.

Gu Zheng once again probed his spiritual thoughts into the ghost monkey's body, and he was very satisfied with the effect of the 'dark cooking'. Stimulated by the effect of the medicine, the ghost monkey's gland fluid was becoming full.

After waiting for about an hour, Gu Zheng pierced the ghost monkey's body with celestial power and extracted its glandular fluid.

During the extraction of the glandular fluid, the ghost monkey once opened its sleepy eyes and forgot to glance at Gu Zheng, but it didn't feel any pain. Instead, it felt a sense of pressure relief, and fell asleep drowsily again.

The ghost monkey was originally the size of an adult monkey, but the miraculous glands in its body, after being catalyzed by Gu Zheng's 'dark cooking', a bowl of glandular fluid was drawn out!

A bowl of glandular liquid may not sound like much, but it is a very powerful thing. According to Gu Zheng's speculation, mixing this bowl of glandular liquid into water and then cooking the diet can save five thousand people!

With glandular fluid as the main ingredient, Gu Zheng immediately started cooking the new food repair.

The glandular fluid is taken from the ghost monkey, and the food cooked with it is also a 'dark cuisine'. Although Qi Ling did not make a sound of vomiting during this process, she still closed her eyes the whole time.

Fifteen minutes before and after, plus the processing of the ingredients, etc., the first food therapy is out of the pot.

With the first diet, Gu Zheng immediately went to the isolation hospital.

A patient was found to take the diet therapy, and Gu Zheng Shennian penetrated into his body to observe the changes of the spotted virus.

Diet therapy also melts in the mouth, and what it turns into is a dark green mysterious energy that hovers in the patient's stomach.

A miraculous scene happened. Under the circling of the emerald green energy, the mottled virus in the patient's body seemed to be attracted, and slowly approached the emerald green energy, and was finally wrapped in it.

For more than half a day, Gu Zheng could not detect a single mottled virus in the body of the first patient.

The green energy wrapped in the spotted virus gradually solidified, and finally turned into a pill, and this process was very similar to the crystal-encapsulated virus on the ghost monkey.


After the crystal hardened completely, the patient immediately felt like vomiting, and he vomited out the emerald green ball.

"Nowadays, the mottled mosaic virus does not exist in the patient's body, but you have to properly dispose of this green ball in the future, because the mottled mosaic virus is not dead, it is wrapped in this small ball. Alright, you now Patients can be taken for various examinations.”

Beside Gu Zheng stood a group of experts and professors from the isolation hospital. As soon as Gu Zheng finished speaking, they immediately took the patient for examination.

What Gu Zheng said was nothing new, just half a day, a patient with spotting disease at the fifth stage was miraculously cured, causing experts and professors to shout wildly for it.

In fact, the cure is not accurate. After all, the patient still has various scars left by the spotted spot disease on his body, but these are no longer subject to Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng also believes that for these things, the power will eventually designate a hospital. People undergo some follow-up treatment.

The special food therapy for spotting disease was born in China, and the spotting can be cured within one day. All spotting patients are expected to use this new food therapy.

The major media reports are all about the new diet, and people all over the world are cheering for it, and they also look forward to the early spread of this new diet.

At the same time, people all over the world are also curious about who created such a miraculous dietary therapy, but the disclosure of this person from the Celestial Dynasty is only called "Mr. Gu".

Gu Zheng didn't let anyone reveal his full name, he didn't want his relatives and friends to be harassed endlessly, sometimes it's not a bad thing to hide merit and fame, especially when everyone is talking about the mysterious 'Mr. ', but did not know who 'Mr. Gu' was.

For half a year, the spotted mottle virus that caused countless deaths and injuries around the world finally disappeared. When the last spotted spot patient was discharged from the hospital, the media all over the world broadcast it live! And this historic day was also named by the United Nations as Mr. Gu's Day.

At home in Shencheng, Gu Zheng watched the scene of people rejoicing on TV, holding a glass of fairy wine with a slight smile on his face.

Although the report only said 'Mr. Gu', friends still called Gu Zheng about this matter, talking about this great man with the same surname as him.

As for Gu Zheng's father, when he was on the phone with Gu Zheng again, he excitedly said that their old Gu family had a great character.

"Congratulations to Tiexian Chuanren, you have completed the test of the active mission."

"Reward: some immortal grain seeds, two sets of immortal field formations."

The voice of Qi Ling rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Island Master Gu, finally got what he wanted, how do you feel now?" Qi Ling teased after handing out the rewards.

Qi Ling is called Guzheng Gudaozhu, which is not wrong. After all, there are four islands belonging to Guzheng. They are: Wufeng Island, Ziyan Island, Zhaoxia Island, and Bitao Island. And the reason why Gu Zheng took the initiative this time was that he wanted to set up a fairyland for Zhaoxia Island and Bitao Island as well.

Gu Zheng put down his wine glass, with a very emotional expression on his face: "I really didn't expect that it would take such a long time for an active task! Now that the crisis of spotting disease has been resolved, it is time to return to the sect."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it would take so long!"

Qi Ling smiled slightly, and then said again: "Although this active mission takes a long time, the rewards you can get are a little less, but the rewards of this mission are already worth it!"

"Are you referring to the vast amount of vows? But now these vows have disappeared with the cure of the spot disease."

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the feeling of being full of will was gone.

"It's not all your fault. I can't see the suffering of the people of the world, so I released the diet therapy so early. If I can delay it for a while, I can collect more vows here." Qi Ling covered his mouth and smiled. road.

"A lot of people will die in one day! Although they are all ordinary people I have never met, but if they die to fulfill the collection of my wish power, I will have a knot in my heart!" Gu Zheng smiled freely.

Qi Ling nodded: "Even if the wish power is gone, you have already made a lot of money. The wish power I collected here is enough to brew three bottles of 'Wish Power Immortal Dew' for you. Waiting for you When you reach the Daluo Jinxian realm, it will give you a lot of help. In addition, the remaining wish power is enough for you to change the fairy fields of Wufeng Island and Ziyan Island into the original ones."

The improved Xiantian needs a larger amount of willingness to support it. Now that there is not so much willingness, Gu Zheng needs to change it again if he wants to use it again. This is one of the things he has to do before returning to the sect. one.

"Also!" Qi Ling said with a chuckle: "Although the harvest of wish power is great, the harvest of another thing is more meaningful, but I don't know if it will last."

"What?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"Pure power of faith!" Qi Ling said seriously.

"The power of faith? Or is it pure?" Gu Zheng's eyes widened.

"That's right, it's the pure power of faith! You have solved the spotted flower crisis this time, and I can feel the power of pure faith in you, and the amount is not small! This may be some people, Or some ethnic group built a temple for you and began to worship you!"

Qi Ling's words made Gu Zheng very excited: "Can you feel where the source is?"

"I can't feel it, because it's too far away. Its source must not be in the Celestial Dynasty. Maybe it's in some poor and backward places in the world. You know, people in such places are more likely to have pious beliefs!" Qi Ling said.

"Okay! This is really an unexpected harvest."

The power of pure faith is more useful than the power of wish, and it is naturally better to have such a harvest.

After solving the spotted flower crisis, the ghost monkey did not suffer any losses. On the contrary, it gained a lot of weight under Gu Zheng's 'dark cuisine'.

Moreover, from the information fed back by Master Xingdian, Zhongguzheng learned that the ghost monkey's mouth had been raised, and when it came to Master Xingdian, it didn't eat anything for several days.

The contribution of the ghost monkey to this plague is also indispensable. Although it is an evil thing, Gu Zheng still asked Master Xingdian to treat it kindly.

After leaving the city, Gu Zheng first went to Wufeng Island and Ziyan Island, rebuilt the fairy array there, and then planted fairy food.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng went to Zhaoxia Island and Bitao Island, where he set up immortal formations and planted immortal food that made the islanders overjoyed.

Without staying overseas, Gu Zheng returned to the sect after planting the immortal food

In the past few months, Gu Zheng has always been in the secular world, and the number of times he came back from the sect is less than twice.

After Gu Zheng returned to the sect, it was quiet for two days before something happened again.

What happened this time was not without warning, but it happened as time progressed.

Long before Gu Zheng came out of the mountain for the spotted virus, Jiaojiao had sensed the appearance of a new tower.

During this period of time, Jiaojiao's sensitivity to the new tower has been increasing, until today, Jiaojiao finally determined the location of the tower.

"It's here?"

Jiaojiao transmitted the induction to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng's eyes widened immediately.

Because, the place where the new nine-story pagoda will appear is not too far from Bitao Island.

Bitao Island was the time when Gu Zheng summoned Qi Ling. Qi Ling found out that it was located farthest from the inland, and it was the farthest among the four islands of Gu Zheng.

Jiaojiao transmitted the feeling to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng transmitted the feeling to Qi Ling to hear her opinion.

"It's incredible!"

After experiencing the feeling, Qi Ling said four words.

"What's the matter?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Judging from the feeling, there is a huge fairy formation that is almost collapsed. Although this fairy formation is not the 'triple fairy formation' you have seen, it is the very famous 'impregnable soup' in the fairy formation! Use it to seal Something, even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't detect it, which is why I didn't find it before."

Jiaojiao felt that the location where it was born was not far from Bitao Island. When Qi Ling explored Bitao Island, it also explored the sea area where it was located, but found nothing. The second point alone is enough to show that this 'impregnable soup' is extraordinary.

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