Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 589: Tang Mo's Chance

Time passed unknowingly, and the core of the large restricted area was finally turned around by Tang Mo, and it took Gu Zheng half a day.

After devouring all the filaments of evil energy that had been stored for an unknown number of years in the core of the restricted area, Tang Mo's recovery speed finally surpassed 50% of the chaos recovery.

"how was it?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng had put away Tang Mo, Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

"After the restoration of chaos was fifty-eighths completed, the supernatural power activated by Tang Mo is still related to inheriting the supernatural power of the devoured object. It changed the original three times the power into five times the power! Besides, what we most want Knowing, what else is needed to fix it, still has no idea."

Gu Zheng was a little helpless. Although inheriting the supernatural power of five times the power of the devourer is indeed strong enough to put in, he still doesn't know what else is needed to restore Tang Mo. This is undoubtedly a very depressing thing.

"Okay, don't be depressed! If you inherited three times the supernatural power of the devouring object before, and it is still difficult to deal with an existence like a blood soul, then now the five times the supernatural power guarantees that you can easily kill it. Scum! After all, the five times more power of this supernatural power is already a qualitative change." Qi Ling said.

"The evil spirit is almost gone now, after I destroy the stone chamber, let's leave here!" Gu Zheng said.

"How do you want to destroy the stone chamber?" Qi Ling asked.

"How else can we destroy it? According to the original plan, let's destroy it with brute force!" Gu Zheng said.

"Before I saw the high platform, I thought it would be enough to destroy the stone chamber, but after seeing the high platform that bred the evil source, I found that if only the high platform and the stone chamber were destroyed, the evil source could not be truly eliminated. It can still be produced continuously through the accumulation of time.

"Then how to break it?" Gu Zheng asked with a frown.

"This evil source is not conceived by the high platform. The thing that actually bred it is an evil vein. If you want to get rid of this matter, you must find the evil vein and destroy it! Come on, you go to the high platform now, I will Tell you how to find the source of evil!" Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng came to the location of the high platform again, because the high platform had been destroyed, and there was still a little foundation left on the ground.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now that Qi Ling said that there were some evil veins, Gu Zheng took a closer look, and found that there were dark lines like blood vessels inside the foundation.

According to Qi Ling, after the stone platform was destroyed by Gu Zheng, the veins of the evil veins extending to the stone platform on the ground quickly dried up.


The foundation of the stone platform was pulled out by Gu Zheng with a length of three meters. As expected, an evil vein that had not yet dried up was found in the fracture.

The evil energy transported into the stone platform by the evil veins is different from the evil energy of the filaments. This evil energy appears as a gray-white liquid, and it is not as terrifyingly aggressive as the evil energy of the filaments.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and waved, and the surrounding seawater made a waterless space for him.

A fairy formation was laid on the ground, and Gu Zheng dripped the off-white evil energy from the evil veins into the formation, and then activated the formation.

At the same time as the light flickered on the fairy formation, a picture appeared in Gu Zheng's mind, which was a map of the veins of the underground evil veins.

"It's so huge!"

Like a spider's web, the continuously intertwined evil veins finally pointed to the bottom of the trench.

Without staying in the stone chamber, Gu Zheng came to the trench and found the location of the source of the evil veins, and immediately began to dive.

At the advanced level of soil control art, there is not much difference between Gu Zheng walking in the soil and the sea. The only difference is that whether it is in the sea or in the soil, he has not yet comprehended the corresponding escapism, otherwise he will move forward. The speed can also be faster.

Gu Zheng was sinking continuously, and the dirt beside him was always one step faster than him, making way for him.

Finally, Gu Zheng's sinking stopped, and his feet landed on the rock formation.

Among the five elements, rocks belong to gold, and Gu Zheng's gold control formula is still intermediate, and he can't penetrate rocks.

With a thought, Tang Mo slashed heavily on the rock formation.

The rock formation cracked under Tang Mo's chopping, and white light emerged from it.

Below is a cave in the ground, the space is as big as a house, and there is a dragon-shaped evil vein inside.

"The evil vein has indeed taken shape. No wonder the evil source that can be bred is so powerful, and something like a red-haired giant can be bred in the evil source."

Just as Qi Ling's voice fell, the dragon's head of the evil vein suddenly split open with two triangular openings, and a blood-red light shot out from it.

"Hehe, Lingzhi has been born!" Qi Ling laughed.

Almost following Qi Ling's laughter, the liquid evil vein on the ground suddenly flew up, turned into a gray-white strange dragon, and opened its mouth to shoot a water arrow at Gu Zheng.

The space becomes tight with the flying of the water arrow. A simple water arrow is powerful enough to kill the immortal cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void. However, Gu Zheng is not an ordinary cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, let alone Tang Mo in his hand! Regardless of the evil veins or the attacks it launched, Tang Mo showed a strong desire for them.

Gu Zheng stabbed Tang Mo into the crack, Tang Mo's burst of black light enveloped the gray water arrow, and then Gu Zheng jumped into the crack.


The strange dragon let out a roar, and opened its mouth to spit out a piece of evil spirit like drizzle towards Gu Zheng.

Although the evil energy in the evil vein is not as fierce as the evil energy in the evil source, this is not always the case. Take the drizzle sprayed by the monster dragon at this time as an example, it is stronger than the evil energy in the evil source! At least under its attack, Gu Zheng's external protection made a sound like hailstones hitting the glass continuously.

Gu Zheng didn't care about the evil spirits attacking his external protection. Although they were quite powerful, when they broke through the protection, Gu Zheng was confident that he had already dealt with the monster dragon. Because, the pressure brought by this monster dragon was not as strong as that brought by the red-haired head.

The light of the knife flickered again and again, and the strange dragon kept making strange screams. Every time Tang Mo slashed at it, he would take the opportunity to devour it. It felt like being bitten hard.

"Qi Ling, although this monster has a spirit, why is its real combat power not as good as the red-haired head?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"Although it is the source, it did not breed the red-haired giant earlier than the evil source, so it is not as powerful as the red-haired head. However, if it is allowed to grow, it must be stronger than the red-haired giant. After all, the red-haired giant is probably a barbarian even when he grows up, but it is different, it possesses good intelligence when it is relatively weak." Qi Ling said.


With an unprecedented scream, Gu Zheng stabbed Tang Mo into the eye of the monster dragon. The gray and white strange dragon has only one pair of red eyes, and this is also its key point.

Being stabbed in the eye by Tang Mo, the strange dragon's body twitched continuously as it rolled violently, and it could no longer break free from Tang Mo's swallowing of it.

Before coming to find the evil veins, Tang Mo's restoration of chaos has been completed by 45%. According to Gu Zheng's current estimate, after all the evil veins in front of him are absorbed, Tang Mo's restoration speed should be able to complete 60%. five.

"The evil pulse is really an unexpected harvest. After Tang Mo devoured the evil energy of the filament, the repair speed was only 45%! At that time, I was still thinking, when it was 50% repaired, Who knew it was a matter of the year of the monkey, and I didn't expect there to be such a thing as evil veins." Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"This can be considered your chance! After all, not all evil places have such evil veins." Qi Ling laughed.

After a while, a black light appeared on Tang Mo, and its chaos restoration was finally completed by 50%, and a picture suddenly appeared in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Qi Ling, Tang Mo has not acquired any new supernatural powers."

This time without waiting for Qi Ling to ask, Gu Zheng took the initiative to inform.

"Ah? Didn't you get anything?" Qi Ling asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"No! When its repair rate completed 50% of the current stage, a picture appeared in my mind, and I still had a little understanding. And I think that picture is where it wants to go , there should be what it needs in there."

Gu Zheng had a thought, and the picture in his mind was immediately seen by Qi Ling.

"I don't know what this place is, anyway, it can't be the earth."

After reading the picture in Gu Zheng's mind, Qi Ling shook his head, there is no such scene on the earth as in the picture.

"Maybe it's Honghuang?" Gu Zheng said.

"There is such a possibility, but it may also be other planets around the prehistoric region.

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then asked again: "What is your enlightenment?"

Gu Zheng smiled bitterly: "My point of understanding is that if you can't find what Tang Mo needs, then even if there is enough evil energy, its chaos restoration will stop at 99%."

"All right!"

Qi Ling smiled helplessly.

For Tang Mo's growth, Gu Zheng and Qi Ling are looking forward to it, they are all looking forward to Tang Mo becoming a real Chaos Immortal Tool. However, no one thought that there would be such a hurdle in Tang Mo's restoration process.

"Forget it, don't care about it, what it needs will naturally come across if you are destined, and thinking about it now is useless."

Gu Zheng shrugged, then looked at Qi Ling and said, "Where's my reward?"

The reward that Gu Zheng mentioned was naturally the reward after completing the active mission.

"Before you finished the task, you were busy asking for rewards, but this time you have been delaying asking, I thought you forgot!" Qi Ling laughed.

"How is it possible!" Gu Zheng also laughed.

"Because of your current state, the rewards for active missions will all be determined by me based on your current situation," Qi Ling said.

"This feeling is good!"

Gu Zheng seemed very happy. After all, the rewards made by Tiexian were dead, but the rewards given by Qi Ling would be more useful to him.

"Reward: Two hundred medium-level immortal pills."

"Reward: Holy Fruit Food Cultivation."

"Reward: Several pieces of ingredients."

Qi Ling's awards are over, Gu Zheng is still a little dazed.

"What's wrong?" Qi Ling asked.

"Is this the end?"

Gu Zheng was a little unbelievable, the previous missions were all about rewarding a bunch of things.

"It's over."

Qi Ling smiled, and then said: "Originally, there will be a lot of rewards, but for those things that are not very useful to you, or not very useful at the moment, I have already exchanged them for you, so the rewards will be less. But! Although the number of rewards has decreased, the quality has definitely improved, after all, there is a new method of food cultivation in this reward."

Gu Zheng nodded, and then checked the prehistoric space.

There is nothing to say about medium-quality Xianyuan Pills. Gu Zheng has accumulated hundreds of them that can be used for cooking and food cultivation.

"Well, that's great!"

After learning the ancient contention of "Sacred Fruit Food Cultivation", I couldn't help shouting.

"What's a good way?"

Qi Ling smiled, a little smugly.

"A good way to send charcoal in the snow!" Gu Zheng laughed.

In Gu Zheng's eyes, a flat peach is a high-grade ingredient, and a dragon's horn is also a high-grade ingredient, but they are not natural treasures! Therefore, they can't give Gu Zheng a special feeling like Xianyuan fruit, the queen of the mutated colorful flying ants, and Hunyuan fairy fruit.

Before learning the cultivation of holy fruit food, in the eyes of Gu Zheng, Tiancaidibao was nothing more than a kind of food corresponding to the level of food. But after learning the cultivation of holy fruit food, Gu Zheng discovered that it is a waste of heaven and earth treasures to cook them as ordinary ingredients. And holy fruit food cultivation is a method of food cultivation that specializes in cooking heaven, material and earth treasures.

"Qi Ling, why isn't flat peach a natural treasure?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"Peaches are treasures of heaven and earth, but the ones that are rewarded to you today are not. The so-called treasures of heaven and earth must be cultivated naturally, without human interference. And the flat peaches that are rewarded to you today, It was born by Master Tiexian a long, long time ago." Qi Ling said.

"There are such disadvantages in giving birth?"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened. Until today, he knew that Shengsheng can not only speed up the maturity of ingredients, but even improve their quality. He didn't know that Shengsheng actually had such a disadvantage.

"This is not a major disadvantage. It can only be said that the conditions for the formation of natural materials and earthly treasures in the ingredients are relatively harsh. It is fine if you give birth to ordinary ingredients, even high-level ingredients."

"However, it doesn't mean that there must be such disadvantages if you give birth to heaven, material and earth treasures! I also said that the flat peaches that are rewarded to you today were all born by Lord Tiexian a long, long time ago. At that time, Lord Tiexian Similar to you now, you are just advanced in wood control art and soil control art, and have not yet gained a deeper understanding of them, so there are such disadvantages."

"When you have a deeper understanding of Wood Control Jue or Soil Control Jue, not only will you be able to give birth to heaven, material and earth treasures without any disadvantages, but there will also be tasks for you at that time!"

Qi Ling said a lot, but nothing was difficult to understand.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't speak, he seemed thoughtful, Qi Ling smiled and said, "Is there a feeling of pushing open a window again?"

"That's right."

Gu Zheng was telling the truth, some of the things brought to him by Shengguo Shixiu were indeed like opening a window, allowing him to see a trace of the deeper Tao.

After all, before this, Gu Zheng had a vague concept of Tiancaidibao, and he didn't know that they had special cooking methods, let alone that they were cooked after special treatment, and the effect would be very exaggerated .

As for some of the ingredients in the rewards, they are actually the rewards given by Qi Ling corresponding to this holy fruit food cultivation. The grades of these ingredients, although some are excellent and some are medium, are all ingredients that Gu Zheng does not have, and they have food characteristics that Gu Zheng has never seen.

"There is no deeper way, even if I put Hunyuan fairy fruit and these ingredients in front of me, the best cooking method I can think of is still a fairy fruit food cultivation!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"Otherwise, how could Lord Tiexian be Master Tiexian!" Qi Ling said proudly.

At this time, Tang Mo finally devoured the monster dragon transformed by the evil vein, and its chaos recovery rate reached 55%.

Not all the evil veins in this space have turned into that strange dragon. There is still gray and white liquid evil energy in the dragon-shaped veins on the ground. This is what Gu Zheng estimated before. The reason why the repair rate can be completed by 65%, after all, there are still a lot of evil spirits on the ground.

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, Tang Mo inserted into the veins on the ground and continued its journey of devouring.

However, this time, with Tang Mo's devouring, the temperature in the space, which was not high at all, also became lower and lower.

"Eh? There's something in this evil vein!"

Gu Zheng's curious eyes looked at a stone that emerged in the dragon-shaped veins as Tang Mo continued to devour it.

"Get it out and see, it might be a good thing!"

When Qi Ling's voice fell to the ground, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and waved, and the things in the dragon-shaped veins flew out immediately.

The bumpy appearance looks very rough, roughly spherical, strange stone with a cold air, it will make a water sound when shaking, as if it is covered with a puddle of water.

"What is this?"

Gu Zheng tried to probe in with his divine sense, but he couldn't penetrate the stone skin outside the stone ball.

"Spiritual thoughts can't penetrate, and there is such an extremely cold power, and there seems to be water in it, this should be 'polar ice slurry'." Qi Ling said.

"What is polar ice slurry?" Gu Zheng asked.

"A resource can also be used to brew immortal wine, but if you take it out, you will find what it is more suitable for!" Qi Ling said.

"Okay, then I will break the stone ball first!"


Gu Zheng was about to break open the stone ball, but was stopped by Qi Ling: "The stone skin outside the polar ice is a good thing, it can be used to refine weapons! I don't know how to break it open, this is very precious The refining materials will be destroyed. Anyway, after you leave Blood Tide Island, you have to go back to Wufeng Island, and then hand it over to Lian Yuxin, and she will help you take out the polar ice slurry." Qi Ling said .

In the end, Tang Mo swallowed up all the evil veins on the ground, and as expected by Gu Zheng, its chaos recovery reached 65%.

According to what Qi Ling said in advance, the place where the evil vein was born must also be destroyed, and when Gu Zheng left, the original underground space had been destroyed by him and no longer existed.

Without staying in the sea, Gu Zheng wanted to go back to the sea to see the situation on Blood Tide Island.

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