Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 580 You Will Be So Kind

Although Wei Fengxing was eliminated, the ancient dispute still persisted, and there were still many sea monsters around.

"Come on, let you try this new fairy art!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and pointed to the sea monster closest to him, and a strange picture suddenly appeared.

Wei Fengxing used the "foam cage" to use the gas that floated up from the bottom of the sea during the battle, while Gu Zheng used the "foam cage" to use the gas sucked down from the sea surface to control the water flow in conjunction with the water control formula.

The different ways of using it create different scenes. A huge bubble, like a heavy object entering the water, fell from above and directly engulfed the water monster the size of a house.

Gu Zheng changed his fingers, and the pressure generated by the water flow acted on the bubbles, and the huge thing in it immediately exploded into blood foam.

"This power is really not ordinary!"

Such a violent solution to a sea monster, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh again.

The power of the 'bubble cage' is indeed great. After all, when Wei Fengxing died, no matter whether it was a storage belt or an immortal weapon, they all exploded in the compression of the bubbles. It is very difficult to destroy the storage belt, but it is very difficult to destroy the fairy weapon.

"The power is great, and the consumption of immortal power is very small, and the speed is also good! However, the limitations are too strong, and it can only be used when fighting in the sea."

"I found a way to break the formation."

Just as Gu Zheng was talking to himself in his heart, Qi Ling's voice sounded.

According to Qi Ling's guidance, Gu Zheng bumped left and right among the sea monsters, and finally saw what Qi Ling said was the 'breaking point'.

The so-called 'Breakout Point' was surrounded by a group of sea monsters. It was a jellyfish the size of a room with rotting spots all over its body!

As soon as they saw Gu Zheng approaching, the sea monsters that had been guarding the jellyfish immediately swam towards Gu Zheng.

There were sea monsters on all sides, and there were so many of them, Gu Zheng no longer suppressed his methods. Under the vibration of the "natural water" in his body, the water dragon immediately appeared in the water, and powerfully swung its tail at the sea monsters.

Whether it was dealing with sea monsters or Wei Fengting before, Gu Zheng's water magic was not exposed much, and now is the critical period of breaking the formation, so he can't care so much.

With the water dragon dealing with a group of sea monsters, the pressure on Gu Zheng's side suddenly decreased a lot, and under the successive vibrations of the "natural water" in his body, various methods such as water arrows and water currents frequently attacked the jellyfish.

However, the jellyfish has an unimaginable resistance to water magic. It floats in the sea like Tai Chi. No matter how powerful Gu Zheng's attack is, it can easily resolve it.

The water magic had little effect on the jellyfish, and Gu Zheng immediately slashed out with Tang Mo in his hand.

However, Gu Zheng is still some distance away from the jellyfish, and using his saber energy in the water has a certain impact. He can't hurt the jellyfish yet, so he can only use his saber air to chop those sea monsters to open the way.

Along the way, the severed corpses of the Shanghai monsters kept sinking, and Gu Zheng finally got close to the right distance. When he wanted to raise his knife to chop the jellyfish, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, and the whole picture was different! This is not the bottom of the sea, but an island under the blue sky, and all the people Gu Zheng cares about are waiting for him on the island.

"Small tricks, is it just this level of illusion? Even compared with the ferocious giant clam, you are still far behind!"

Gu Zheng closed and opened his eyes, and the picture in front of him suddenly shattered. This is not an island under the blue sky, but this is still the bloody sea.


Tang Mo in Gu Zheng's hand slashed twice in a row, and the cross-shaped knife light cut the huge jellyfish into four pieces.


Suddenly there was a thunderous sound in the sea, the weird formation was finally broken, and the suppressed Xianliqiu was immediately relieved.

If Xianliqiu was not suppressed, his strength would naturally return to normal. Under such circumstances, those sea monsters around him were just a piece of cake!

I saw that Tang Mo in Gu Zheng raised and lowered frequently, and the powerful sword energy quickly cleaned up the surrounding sea monsters.


Gu Zheng couldn't help but let out a long roar when his strength was not suppressed.

At this time, the sea monster was no longer visible within the range of sight, nor was anyone in the Righteous Path Alliance. There was a strange feeling in the blood-red sea water around.

Regarding the Blood Tide Forbidden Zone, there is one thing that Gu Zheng did not expect in advance, that is, the Blood Tide Forbidden Zone on the Ghost Festival will be very different from the usual ones. And this difference comes from the ubiquitous filaments of evil in the sea water!

When Gu Zheng came to Blood Tide Island for the first time, his cultivation base was still low, and he used his spiritual sense to explore the sea area at a depth of more than 300 meters. In the end, he had to end the investigation because the evil spirit of the filaments was too annoying.

But today, the evil spirits of the filaments have become very strange. The degree of their invasion of the physical body has not changed, but their invasion of the spiritual sense has become very powerful! When he was trapped by the formation formed by the blood soul, Gu Zheng once released his divine thoughts, but even with the strength of his divine thoughts, he didn't dare to release his divine thoughts too far, because the evil spirit of the filaments is not only It is more powerful than before, and the number has also increased hundreds of times! It can be said that there are countless filaments of evil in a drop of sea water today.

Spiritual thoughts will be attached by filaments of evil energy. In this case, not only can the divine thoughts no longer be used, but also the immortal cultivator as the master will be damaged accordingly. Therefore, after Gu Zheng tried it once, he didn't try it again. It was also the reason why Wei Fengxing was able to sneak up to him before. After all, the strength is suppressed, and the perception is also reduced, and you can't release the divine sense to investigate all the time, so it's not surprising to be attacked by people.

It is precisely because of the inability to release divine thoughts that Gu Zheng at this moment cannot contact his companions, and he did not expect this to happen beforehand, so he did not prepare any strategies for this.

However, although Gu Zheng couldn't contact his companions to confirm the situation, he was able to contact the angry man, which was something he could do with a single thought.

"Anger, what did you see?"

Nu Han had long accepted Gu Zheng's order and hid in the sea under the Blood Tide Forbidden Zone, and Gu Zheng arranged Nu Han here just in case.

"Master, four people from the Righteous Path Alliance died, and one was seriously injured, and I saved it." The angry man said.

"Who are the dead?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Huang Feilong from Misty Mountain, Liuyunzi from Shushan School, Master Xinjing from Banruo Temple, Taoist Master Dongxuzi from Kunlun School."

Gu Zheng's brow furrowed immediately at the angry man's answer, and he gritted his teeth fiercely.

Gu Zheng thought that the situation would be very bad. After all, he experienced Wei Fengxing's sneak attack, but he did not expect the situation to be so bad. On the side of the Righteous Path Alliance, three immortal cultivators in the late stage of returning to the void have fallen, and the cultivation base has reached the return stage. The master of peace of mind at the top of the virtual world!

"Anger, are they really dead?"

Gu Zheng really hoped that the angry man would joke with him, even if he had a feud with Huang Feilong, but from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want him to die here, not to mention that there was also the calm master who had always had a good relationship with him.


The angry man sighed, and then said: "Huang Feilong was killed by the demon heart, Liuyunzi and Dongxuzi were killed by the corpse demon ancestor, and Master Xinjing died in the hands of the blood soul! After killing these people, Those people from the Demonic Dao dived into the depths of the restricted zone."

"How many people died on the Demonic Way?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"In addition to Wei Fengxing who was killed by the master, there are also two immortal cultivators who died in the late stage of Void Return. One belongs to the blood soul's subordinate, and the other belongs to the corpse demon ancestor's subordinate." The angry man said. .

Gu Zheng didn't ask any more questions, he couldn't use his divine sense to investigate, and he quickly found him based on the feeling of the angry man in his heart.

"Chen Daoyou!"

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, and the person sitting cross-legged next to the angry man turned out to be Chen Yue.

"Fellow Daoist!"

Chen Yue opened his eyes and looked at Gu Zheng, and smiled wryly.

Gu Zheng originally thought that the angry man said that the person he rescued was seriously injured, and he should have been injured by a demonic person, but he didn't expect that Chen Yue was not injured by someone, but that evil energy entered his body too seriously.

"How is this going?"

Gu Zheng was a little puzzled, Chen Yue was at the late stage of returning to the void, so it stands to reason that in this shallow sea area, there shouldn't be evil spirits entering the body. Even if evil spirits really enter the body, it is impossible to reach this level!

"The evil spirits of the Ghost Festival are too weird. I didn't realize it before. The evil spirits are actually incompatible with my skills. When I cast the magic technique, it seems to attract them, and they enter my body. "

Chen Yue's weak voice paused, and then he laughed miserably: "Thanks to your servant for saving me, otherwise I would have been eaten by those sea monsters. If that's the case, I really can't rest in peace, I'm so useless!"

Chen Yue's voice paused again, and he said rather weakly: "Friend Gu, check my body quickly to see if I can still be saved!"

Gu Zheng had already told the Righteous Path Alliance about the fact that the dragon blood spar could dispel evil spirits, so Chen Yue waited for Gu Zheng, and it was a bit hopeful.

Gu Zheng nodded, and immediately entered Chen Yue's body with his spiritual thoughts.

There is a lot of evil in Chen Yue's body, a large part of which is controlled by him with immortal power. However, the amount he can control is only equivalent to two-thirds of the total amount of evil energy! The remaining one-third is still swimming in his body, which has already caused a certain degree of damage to his body! If he allowed the evil spirit to continue, he would either die or become a devil like Shangguan Feng's nephew.


Sensing that Gu Zheng's divine sense had left his body, Chen Yue hurriedly asked.

"The situation is not as bad as you think. I will treat you now, and then you will take another food repair, and you will be fine soon."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Chen Yue nodded happily. Although he didn't say thank you, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Gu Zheng put his hand on Chen Yue's body, and with a thought, the dragon blood spar inlaid on the fire-avoiding crown immediately radiated light and enveloped Chen Yue.

With the combination of immortal power and the light of the dragon blood spar, it took less than a minute for Gu Zheng to clear the evil energy from Chen Yue's body.

"You can take food repair."

Gu Zheng's hand withdrew from Chen Yue's shoulder, and Chen Yue immediately took out a piece of high-grade grass to return the food to Xiufu.

For the battle of the Hungry Ghost Festival, Gu Zheng has done a lot of grass-for-food repairs for everyone for free, and almost everyone has two copies. And the top-grade grass-returning cultivation is even better than the relatively precious Immortal Body Pill.

"Gu Daoist, I'm afraid I can't stay here anymore, I can't do anything here!" Chen Yue said.

"After you have absorbed the effect of the medicine, you should immediately return to the surface of the sea. It's the same if you can contribute your strength there."

What is the current situation on the sea, Gu Zheng really can't imagine it. In just a short while in the sea, so many immortal cultivators who have returned to the void state have died. It is estimated that the situation on the sea will not be much better.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was about to leave, Chen Yue said: "Friend Gu, I hope that both of us can survive this calamity. If we are still alive by then, I will join the Emei Sect!"

Chen Yue is a righteous person. Gu Zheng once offered an olive branch to him in Jixiang Xiaozhu, but he declined it at that time.

Today, Chen Yue was first rescued by an angry man, and then by Gu Zheng. He would offer to join Emei here, not just because of repaying his kindness, but also because of the fact that Gu Zheng threw him After the olive branch, he paid more attention to the Gu Zheng and Emei sects. After this period of observation and contact, Chen Yue felt that joining the Emei sect would definitely be a good choice for him.

Gu Zheng nodded at Chen Yue, and then looked at the angry man: "You take care of Chen Daoyou here first, and join me immediately when he recovers from his injuries."

After explaining to the angry man, Gu Zheng, who was about to dive, suddenly stopped, and he said to the angry man again: "Before you join me, try to see if you can find ***, and if you find him, come with him." Find me!"

Gu Zheng dived into the deep sea, Qi Ling's voice also sounded in his mind.

"When Chen Yue happened, it was a waste of time. Aren't you afraid that the evil source will be refined?" Qi Ling asked.

"If it's early, it's okay if it's not early. After all, it's not necessarily a good thing to go there earlier. Although we know very little about the evil source, it is definitely not an easy task to refine it. What's more, the ancestor of the corpse demon and the blood soul are not partners, if the righteous side really ignores them, both of them will have to fight first before deciding who owns the evil source."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "What's more, is the core of the restricted area really safe? I don't think it's possible! And I always have a vague feeling that Boundless Sea brought back the red-haired remnant from the core of the restricted area. But where is the head of the red-haired stump? I think it is very likely still in the core of the restricted area. The red-haired stump in the treasures of Tianluo Cave has such power, as a very important part of the body structure The head, what about its power? Maybe it’s not surprising that a cultivator at the peak of Void Return can drink a pot of it!”

Gu Zheng dived very fast, and before he knew it, he was 800 meters deep from the sea surface, and he could already see a huge light array slowly rotating under his feet.

"I didn't see the fairy formation until 800 meters away. How deep is it to get to the real restricted area?" Gu Zheng said, looking at the fairy formation.

"I didn't expect it to be this deep."

Qi Ling frowned slightly, and then said: "The shape of the fairy array is oval, which is related to the things it seals. Maybe the real entry will be in a trench."


Gu Zheng was a little shocked, although he is already a cultivator in the late stage of returning to the void, and his physical strength is no longer afraid of the pressure in the deep sea in the eyes of ordinary people. However, things like trenches can be as deep as one thousand or ten thousand meters. I really don't know how deep the trench under the fairy array is!

"Go, pass the fairy formation through the loophole!"

Qi Ling spoke and pointed out the path to Gu Zheng.

The so-called loophole of the fairy array is not a hole in the fairy array, but a period of time in its operation cycle that is most likely to be passed by.

From Moxiang, Gu Zheng also learned one more thing, that is, the loopholes in the fairy array existed for two days, and this time was counted from the beginning of the blood tide phenomenon. That is to say, Gu Zheng passed through the fairy formation now, and he had to leave through the fairy formation in the evening of the day after tomorrow, otherwise, according to Mo Xiang, even if Da Luo Jinxian stayed below, he would surely die.

Through the path named by Qi Ling, Gu Zheng passed through the fairy array and continued to dive.

From the moment Gu Zheng passed through the fairy formation, he had already discovered that the strength of the evil spirit had once again increased.

There are all kinds of strange creatures in the sea, all of which are attacked by evil spirits. They either drift aimlessly, or rush fiercely towards Gu Zheng. And these alienated creatures themselves may be a crab, or a lobster or eel.

Facing the attacking monster, Gu Zheng solved it with a wave of his hand.

However, the atmosphere in the deep sea is a blend of eerie and oppressive, if you don't listen carefully, the surrounding silence will make you feel oppressed. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sounds made by those mutated creatures when they swim! The interweaving of thousands of tiny sounds makes people feel like a swarm of bees living in their brains.

Qi Ling guessed right, the real forbidden zone was indeed in a trench.

At this time, there were three people standing on the edge of the trench. They were Blood Soul and his subordinates, the red-eyed old devil and the smiling evil monk.

After going through two "demon-slaying operations", there are not many immortal cultivators left in the demon sect. Those who are not strong enough stay on the surface of the sea, and those who have reached the realm of returning to the void have a total of four who come down with the blood soul.

Wei Fengxing was killed by Gu Zheng, and the red-eyed old devil and the smiling monk followed the blood soul. As for the rest of the people, like Wei Fengxing, they all wanted to sneak attack the people trapped in the formation. Those who were trapped in the formation were killed.

He didn't enter the trench immediately, the blood soul was waiting for someone, and the people he was waiting for were none other than the ancestors of the zombie demons.

Without letting Blood Soul wait for too long, the corpse demon ancestors came from afar.

There are only five people left beside the corpse demon patriarch, and they are: Moxin, Taoist Fengbo, Du Meiji, Bloodthirsty Butcher, and Daoist Sirius.

"I didn't expect that you haven't entered the trench yet!"

The corpse demon ancestor who came near smiled, but it was a bit like a cautious fox.

"If we weren't waiting for you, we would have already gone in." Blood Soul sighed.

"Wait for us? Are you so kind?"

The blood soul old man sneered, obviously not believing the blood soul's words.

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