Gu Zheng looked at Jia Si: "Let me handle the ingredients!"

For this finale dish, Gu Zheng also attaches great importance to it. Although there will be dirty work in handling the Kunlun snow bear, but also because of this, if it is not handled carefully, it is likely to affect the overall ingredients. After all, this is not a fresh ingredient. The Kunlun Snow Bear, which has been frozen for thousands of years, requires more professional handling.

After answering Jia Si's question, Gu Zheng looked at Du Wei again and said, "As for the finale dish you asked me to make, I think it would be best to make a whole roasted bear!"

"Huh? Roast a whole bear?"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Jia Si and the others all stared wide-eyed.

For a cultivator, many things are easy to do, but this is roasting a whole bear, not a whole pig, this is to roast a big guy weighing a ton!

"Yes, roast a whole bear!"

Gu Zheng's affirmation made Jia Si and the others believe that he was really not joking.

Ignoring the astonishment of Jia Si and the others, Gu Zheng started to clean up the Kunlun Snow Bear.

After the Kunlun Snow Bear was killed by the Kunlun Sect, it was immediately frozen and sealed with fairy magic, and now the Kunlun Snow Bear is still in a huge ice cube.

Kunlun Snow Bear is not just poetry, its meat can be used to make alchemy, and its bones can be used to refine weapons. Otherwise, Kunlun would not have sealed it for thousands of years just for a little food.

For Gu Zheng, the Kunlun snow bear is a medium-sized ingredient that weighs a thousand catties. It can be said that the Kunlun pie can contribute a whole Kunlun snow bear as the finale of the dinner party, which can also be said to be a great deal.

This time, Gu Zheng cooked the finale, and there were not many people watching. The Righteous Way Alliance specially prepared a temporary kitchen for him.

Gu Zheng took out the fairy utensils first, and then enlarged the pot until it was big enough to hold the Kunlun snow bear easily.

The enlarged pot was placed on the specially built stove. After filling the pot with water, Gu Zheng started to boil the water.

The 'Original True Water' in his body vibrated, and Gu Zheng's fingers touched the ice that wrapped the Kunlun Snow Bear.


The use of the Water Control Art made the ice that wrapped the Kunlun Snow Bear crack, and instantly turned into pieces of crushed ice all over the place.

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the Kunlun Snow Bear, which was not wrapped in ice, flew into the pot.

With the activation of the Fire Control Art, the temperature of the water in the pot became higher and higher, and the Kunlun Snow Bear's body began to steam. Gu Zheng did this not to cook the Kunlun Snow Bear, he just wanted to let the Kunlun Snow Bear warm up first, and then shed its hair when the water temperature was right.

Under the urging of Xianju, Kunlun Snow Bear's stiff body quickly softened, and the water temperature reached a suitable level.

Gu Zheng used the water control technique, and the water in the pot immediately swirled. The Kunlun Snow Bear, which had a thick body of white fur, immediately swirled with the water flow, and the white fur on its body kept falling off during its rotation.

After a while, there was not a single hair on Kunlun Snow Bear's body anymore.

The Kunlun Snow Bear was taken out of the pot, and Gu Zheng washed and stripped it.

After washing and peeling, the Kunlun snow bear looked very clean. After a flash of a knife in Gu Zheng's hand, all the bones in its body were removed.

Sprinkle the prepared seasoning on the Kunlun Snow Bear's meat, and Gu Zheng rubbed the meat in all directions. The kneading process, in addition to making the meat more flavorful, Gu Zheng also used his immortal power to loosen the tendons in the meat, so that the taste after cooking would be even better.

Put the cleaned pot back on the fire, and Gu Zheng placed a special cage on it.

Although the finale of this dish is baked, the Kunlun Snow Bear must be steamed before being baked.

Putting the Kunlun Snow Bear into the cage, Gu Zheng didn't deliberately stir up the fire, but just slowly steamed it with the charcoal fire. It was still night at this time, and there was still some time before the dinner at noon tomorrow, so it was not good to get it out too early.

Let the Kunlun snow bears steam first, Gu Zheng went to the next room, where the chefs were almost busy with the ingredients, and Gu Zheng gave them answers to some things they didn't understand.

That night, Gu Zheng didn't go back to the residence of the Red Sky Conch Sect, so he stayed in the temporary kitchen to practice, taking care of the fire from time to time.

next morning.

Xiahou Shan, who had been away from Blood Tide Island for a while, came back. When he learned from Lin Yucheng and others what had happened in the past two days, he was silent for a while.

In the end, Xia Houshan decided to let this matter pass for the time being, and everything will be discussed after the Ghost Festival.

There are still two hours before noon, the kitchen where the chefs are located is already a busy scene, and some dishes that take a long time are already in the process of cooking.

"Smells good!"

*** pushed the door open and entered the kitchen where Gu Zheng was, and immediately his eyes lit up.

The whole kitchen is filled with aroma, which is an appetizing meat aroma, plus an elegant floral aroma, and the two aromas are blended together without any conflict.

"What's the matter, Sect Leader?" Looking at the huge steamer, *** asked.

"Kunlun snow bears are now half-ripe and need to be steamed for a while before they meet the standard for roasting."

Although it was steamed overnight, the Kunlun Snow Bear is a spirit beast after all, and it is such a big one. While its meat is delicious, it is not so easy to cook.

"It can have such a fragrance when it is only six mature. What will happen after it is made is really exciting!" *** said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely make you want to eat it!"

Gu Zheng smiled and started to fuel the fire. The process of waiting for the roasting is still time-consuming, and it is time to speed up the process.

The fire became bigger, and the Kunlun Snow Bear soon reached the half-ripe level that Gu Zheng wanted.

Although the Kunlun snow bear is 60% cooked, but this is only for its meat, the relatively difficult tissues such as skin and tendons are less than 50% steamed.

Gu Zheng raised his hand, and when he lowered it again, the 'nail board' transformed by immortal power pierced many fine holes on the Kunlun Snow Bear's skin, and then he passed the Kunlun Snow Bear through the ice. water.

The alternation of hot and cold shrinks the steamed flesh of the Kunlun snow bear, and also allows the excess oil to initially ooze out, which is more conducive to the subsequent roasting.

After taking the Kunlun snow bear out of the ice water, Gu Zheng evaporated the excess water on it with immortal power, and then fixed it on the special grill.

Brush the adjusted barbecue sauce on the Kunlun Snow Bear, and Gu Zheng is ready to bake.

There is an oven in Gu Zheng's set of immortal artifacts, but this oven has not roasted a big guy like Kunlun Snow Bear since Gu Zheng took over.

With a thought, the originally small oven turned into a giant. Gu Zheng put a lot of charcoal in the oven, and then activated it with the fire control formula. The charcoal quickly turned red and reached the burning speed he wanted .

The charcoal fire was ready, Gu Zheng waved his hand, and Kunlun Snow Bear flew into the oven. With a thought, it moved again, the place on the grill that should be closed was closed, and the Kunlun Snow Bear was now in a closed barbecue space.

You can't see anything from the outside, but the owner of Gu Zheng, the fairy artifact, still knows the situation inside the oven at a glance.

Under the high-temperature roasting, the Kunlun snow bear is squeaking and emitting oil, and the control of the fire control technique also allows the Kunlun snow bear to be roasted with moderate heat.

The barbecue sauce has entered the meat of the Kunlun snow bear, and has had a wonderful blend with the bear meat, constantly improving its delicious aroma. In the baking process, Gu Zheng can also control and repair some imperfections through the fire control formula and water control formula.

As time passed, it was already noon before we knew it, and the dishes prepared by the chefs had been brought out plate by plate.

Today is a dinner party, it is impossible to serve the dishes first for the guests to eat like cooking in Jixiang Xiaozhu, and then serve the finale when they are almost finished.

The finale will be the last dish, but it should not be too late than the last dish of the chefs. After all, Gu Zheng is also a very important person in the Zhengdao Alliance, and the dinner party will not really start until he comes! So it's not good to keep others waiting too long.

Kunlun Snow Bear's roasting has reached a certain level. At this time, it no longer needs Gu Zheng's constant care, and Gu Zheng can free up his hands to prepare a soup.

Although the final dish was roasted whole bears, those Buddhists headed by Master Xinjing didn't touch meat, so Gu Zheng planned to make a separate soup for them.

Gu Zheng had already been making this soup for Buddhists last night.

After taking out the tofu that had been soaked in the cooking water overnight, the kitchen knife in Gu Zheng's hand was lifted up and down quickly, and the sound of fine and even knives was heard immediately.

The tofu is made from fairy soybeans from Wufeng Island. After the taste has been greatly improved by Gu Zheng's method of controlling wood, it is soaked overnight in the prepared water. It can be said that even if the tofu is eaten raw at this time, the taste is extremely delicious!

After cutting the tofu, Gu Zheng cut the cooked purple celery into thin strips, and the blanched green jade celery and red jade celery into fine strips.

"Come here, soup is served!"

Gu Zheng shouted to the outside, and the person in charge of delivering the dishes immediately entered the kitchen.

After putting some purple celestial silk, sapphire celestial rose and red jade celestial rose into the soup basin, Gu Zheng put a few pieces of tofu with almost no cut marks on the outside into the soup basin.

On the side of the fire, there was a pot of delicacy soup that had been simmered overnight. When Gu Zheng lifted the lid of the pot, the fragrance of delicacy came to his face.

Scooping up a spoonful of clear soup, Gu Zheng poured it into the soup pot with the ingredients, and a bright scene appeared immediately.

With the impact of the soup, the originally invisible tofu turned into shredded tofu, and mixed with purple celestial silk, green jade fairy rose and red jade fairy rose, like a flower with an orderly interval of colors Usually, the delicate and beautiful blooms are placed in the soup basin.

The lid of the soup pot was closed, and Gu Zheng handed the soup pot to the first person who passed the dishes, and then prepared the second pot of soup.

The Buddhists sat at four tables in total. After sending the four pots of soup out of the kitchen, Gu Zheng poured out three bowls of soup from the remaining ingredients and distributed them to the chefs in the kitchen, Jia Si and Du Wei. three people.

"Master, don't you want to drink?" asked the lady who was holding the soup.

"No, you haven't had this soup before. When I was in Jixiang Xiaozhu, I often made it and drank it."

While speaking, Gu Zheng came to the oven again, and used his magic to take care of the Kunlun snow bear that was still roasting.

"Master, what's the name of this soup?"

Looking at the bowl of soup in his hand that looked like flowers blooming, Du Wei couldn't bear to drink it.

"It's called 'Four Colors Tofu Soup'." Gu Zheng said.

"Good name!"

Du Wei sighed in admiration, and then took a sip of the 'Four Colors Tofu Soup'.


After taking a mouthful of soup, Du Wei, who opened his eyes wide, made a rather unexpected sound.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I thought the tofu in this soup would be very slippery, but I didn't expect it to be so slippery. As soon as I drank it into my mouth, it has already slipped into my stomach!" Du Wei said.

"How does it taste?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The taste is very good! Although it has not been chewed, the taste of the tofu is released as soon as you eat it. It is very delicious!"

After Du Wei finished speaking, he was careful when he drank the soup for the second time, for fear that the shredded tofu in it would accidentally enter his stomach.

This time Du Wei drank slowly, and the soup in his mouth was no longer just shredded tofu.

"It's delicious and delicious!"

After taking the second sip of soup, Du Wei said with emotion. When shredded tofu, purple silk, green jade fairy rose and red jade fairy rose are chewed together in the mouth, the smooth, tender, crisp and delicious taste is not to mention how memorable it is.

After Du Wei and the others finished their 'Four Colored Tofu Soup', the Kunlun Snow Bear Meat in the oven had also been roasted to the point of ripeness.

With Gu Zheng's thought, the lid of the oven opened automatically.

In an instant, the scent of 'Four Colored Tofu Soup' that was still in the air was immediately diluted a lot! At the same time, the four of Du Wei made deep sniffing sounds.


Jia Si, who had just had the 'Four Colored Tofu Soup', swallowed hard.

"Master, is the roasted whole bear ready?" Jia Si asked impatiently.

"Not yet, there is one last step!"

The Kunlun Snow Bear had already flown out of the oven and settled in mid-air. Gu Zheng flew up and dipped the queen bee nectar in the bowl with a brush to smear its skin.

"The color is golden, it looks appetizing, and it still smells so good, it really makes people drool!"

It is much more difficult to make *** say something that can't help drooling than his real drooling.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, just smiled, and let the Kunlun Snow Bear fly into the oven again, then closed the lid and continued roasting.

The honey brushed on the Kunlun Snow Bear's skin makes the Kunlun Snow Bear's skin turn from golden yellow to a more appetizing maroon during the baking process.

Shen Nian kept an eye on the kitchen next door, seeing that the chefs over there had cooked their last dish, Gu Zheng stepped up to stir up the charcoal fire.

A minute later, Gu Zheng opened the lid of the oven.


As soon as the lid was opened, Jia Si and *** sniffed deeply at the same time, and made amazing sounds at the same time.

If the last time the oven was opened, the meat fragrance of Kunlun Snow Bear was only "eight", then when it is released now, its aroma has reached "ten", reaching the peak! The fragrance in the air has reached the point where even Gu Zheng would feel hungry after hearing it.

"The layer of honey brushed not only makes the color more beautiful, but also makes the fragrance more charming! This sweet smell is blended with the aroma of barbecue, not only does it not make people feel disgusted at all, but it makes people want it even more. Going to taste it!"

***While sighing with emotion, she placed plates on the chopping board. Although the bears that Gu Zheng roasted were whole, they had to be cut into pieces when serving the table, because everyone sat at several tables, so naturally each table had to have a share.


When Gu Zheng dropped his knife, the Kunlun Snow Bear's skin made a strange sound, as if it was extremely crisp.

The whole Kunlun snow bear was quickly cut into pieces by Gu Zheng's knife and served on plates one after another, on the dinner table.

When Gu Zheng walked towards the dinner party, he could hear the sound of swallowing saliva from afar.

"Master Gu, you've worked hard!"

Seeing Gu Zheng approaching, almost everyone stood up. If the ancient battle cannot be won, everyone will not be able to eat, which is really a torment for them.

"Master Gu, the finale this time is awesome!"

"Just smelling it makes people salivate!"

"The color looks really beautiful! The crystal clear maroon skin, the white and tender roast meat, it's so delicious that people can't wait!"

Facing everyone's praise, Gu Zheng smiled and cupped his fists, and finally sat down with Master Yufeng and the others.

"Everyone be quiet."

Master Yufeng stood up, and everyone's discussion stopped.

"According to the usual practice, since this meal is for the battle between good and evil during the Hungry Ghost Festival, something must be said before using chopsticks."

Master Yufeng paused, then smiled and said: "Actually, everyone knows that the words to be said before moving the chopsticks are nothing more than words to motivate everyone! Today we will not take the usual way, so I will not say anything unnecessary. , the only thing I want to tell you..."

Master Yufeng's elongated voice stopped, and after his majestic eyes swept around, he spoke very seriously: "In order to be able to enjoy the delicious food made by Master Gu, in order to be able to protect myself, I want to protect you." I still want to see everyone present at the dinner party after the Ghost Festival!"


Everyone responded in unison, they were aroused by Master Yufeng's simple words, and they felt a little excited.

However, following Master Yufeng's words "Let's eat", the feeling of boiling blood seemed to dissipate in an instant, and everyone moved their chopsticks together and went straight to the roasted bear meat placed in the center of the dining table.


Seeing how everyone was devouring it, Master Yufeng shook his head and sighed.

However, when Master Yufeng looked down at the delicious food on the plate, because his emotions had disappeared a little, he immediately seemed to be a different person, and quickly picked up a piece of roasted bear meat and put it in his mouth. Chewing up! It seems that the feelings of the previous moment were all wiped out under the impact of delicious food.

"It's delicious, this taste is amazing!"

"Master Gu, that's amazing!"

"I have eaten Kunlun Snow Bear many years ago, and it is also roasted bear meat! However, compared with the one made by Master Gu, the taste is simply worlds apart!"

After the people at the same table tasted the roasted bear meat, they all reported their feelings to Gu Zheng.

In fact, Master Yufeng was not the last person at the table to move his chopsticks. Gu Zheng, the cook, only finished his glass of fairy wine at this time, and finally picked up his chopsticks and reached for the roasted bear meat.

The maroon-colored crystal skin of roasted bear meat looks very beautiful, as if there is a layer of cooled syrup hanging on it. And this syrupy substance is actually the essence extracted from the skin of the Kunlun snow bear through the nectar of the queen bee flower. It tastes very delicious.

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