Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 569 Different

In the dantian of the angry man, nineteen inner alchemy of different colors were suspended. Gu Zheng tried to invade the inner alchemy again with his spiritual thoughts. The situation he encountered was the same as last time. Due to the existence of evil energy, the inner alchemy had a very strong sense of spiritual thoughts resistance.

Last time, because of worrying that the forcible invasion of the inner alchemy would cause harm to the angry man, Gu Zheng's spiritual sense withdrew when it felt strong resistance. But if he wanted to feel the evil energy more deeply, he could no longer withdraw so easily this time, so Gu Zheng's divine sense neither withdrew nor forcibly invaded. To the point of strong resistance, he carefully felt the evil spirit in the inner alchemy of the angry man with his spiritual sense.

Nausea, anger, depression, depression, all kinds of negative feelings swept towards him like a wave when Gu Zheng's divine thoughts remained motionless.

Gu Zheng has a deeper feeling for evil, but the current situation is like sailing against the current. If he does not invade by force, he must end this feeling, because he can no longer stand the interference of that negative emotion.

"Angry man, I'm going to forcibly invade your inner alchemy with my divine sense. When you feel that you really can't bear it, you can tell me to stop, understand? Even if you suffer a little damage, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not too big. Well, I must have a deeper understanding of evil spirits, I think this level of visitation is still unable to get in touch with the true source of evil spirits." Gu Zhengdong said.

"Master, I understand, you can break in!" The angry man nodded.

Gu Zheng compressed his spiritual thoughts into finer details, and pierced into the inner alchemy of the angry man.

There is still a strong resistance in the inner alchemy of the angry man, but this resistance seems a little weak under the powerful breakthrough of the ancient spirit.


Sure enough, with the advance of Gu Zheng's divine sense, the angry man groaned in pain.

Regardless of the pain of the angry man, Gu Zheng just moved forward and forward, anyway, when he called to stop, there was still time to withdraw.

The angry man's pain didn't last long, and when Gu Zheng's divine sense finally came into contact with the source of evil energy, his pain also disappeared.

In Gu Zheng's eyes, the origin of the evil spirit was just a gray mist. When he really came into contact with it, he didn't feel the surge of negative emotions before.

Gu Zheng tried to touch the origin of the evil energy with his divine sense. Although his movements were very gentle, the angry man screamed and fell directly to the ground. However, fortunately, Gu Zheng distanced his spiritual thoughts from the source of evil energy in time, so the angry man's pain did not last.

"It seems that the idea of ​​directly eradicating the evil energy through spiritual thoughts has failed. The original spiritual thoughts of this evil energy cannot be touched at all." Gu Zheng first felt emotional.

"Angry man, you are now running the inner alchemy and trying to practice normally!" Gu Zheng said.

"Master, your spiritual sense is in my inner alchemy, if I use the inner alchemy to practice, your spiritual sense will be damaged!" the angry man said anxiously.

"It's okay, just don't practice too much, I just want to see how your evil energy changes when you practice." Gu Zheng said.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the angry man who was relieved immediately entered the state of cultivation, but he was practicing at this time, breathing very carefully, and the speed of inner alchemy in the dantian was also very slow.

"It really looks like this!"

As soon as the angry man started to practice, Gu Zheng discovered the "true face" of the origin of evil energy.

Whether it is the celestial power ball in the body of the immortal cultivator, or the inner alchemy in the body of the demon cultivator, under normal circumstances, they are all things that are one with the master and will follow the master's thoughts.

Among the inner alchemy in the angry man's body, eighteen of them were produced unexpectedly. Although they were also used by the angry man, they were not something that really belonged to the angry man after all.

When he didn't receive special food rewards, Gu Zheng didn't know much about the evil spirit in the angry man's inner alchemy. In his opinion, the evil spirit in the angry man's inner alchemy was already one with him, and he wanted to separate the two , is really very difficult.

However, when Gu Zheng saw those special ingredients, his mind changed. After all, he is very familiar with the characteristics of those ingredients. Among the diet therapy methods he deduces based on those ingredients, the most reliable one requires that the angry man and the evil spirit have not really integrated into one. In other words, their integration has not yet reached a certain level.

Sure enough, the seemingly integrated body did not reach a particularly deep level. When the angry man was using the inner alchemy to practice, the origin of the evil energy in the inner alchemy was transforming the immortal energy absorbed by the inner alchemy.

For example, the original inner alchemy should be a 'dead thing'. When the angry man is practicing, it will naturally absorb the immortal energy, and finally transform it into immortal power, strengthening itself. But now the inner alchemy of the angry man is an out-and-out 'living thing', which is completely opposite to the normal inner alchemy.

Due to the existence of the source of evil energy, the immortal essence absorbed by the angry man will be transformed into immortal power by it to strengthen the inner alchemy. But this step in the original should be completed by the whole inner alchemy.

The situation caused by the abnormality is that the source of evil will gradually become stronger in this process, and sooner or later it will turn back to the host of the angry man, making him lose his mind and reason, and turn him into an out-and-out ferocious beast.

At the same time, it is precisely because the source of evil energy is not strong enough, it can only passively absorb the immortal essence absorbed by the inner alchemy controlled by the angry man! After all, what evil qi possesses may be just an instinct, not even spiritual wisdom, or else the divine sense of Gu Zheng is by its side, how could it have the mind to continue the process of absorption and transformation.

He has already observed one inner alchemy and obtained a desired answer, but Gu Zheng still conducted such in-depth investigations on the other eighteen inner alchemies.

Although Gu Zheng had been very careful, the nineteen inner alchemy were invaded one after another by divine thoughts, and the angry man also suffered several painful deaths.

However, when the angry man learned from Gu Zhengkou that the evil energy in his body could be completely eliminated, he still felt that the crime he suffered was worth it.

Gu Zheng didn't give the angry man food therapy that night, he planned to wait until tomorrow morning to give it to the angry man.

Although he already knew how to do it, Gu Zheng still wanted to deduce it a little more, in order to be foolproof. After all, based on his understanding of evil spirits, if there is a slight mistake in the treatment given to the angry man this time, then the evil spirits that do not have spiritual intelligence in the first place are very likely to be enlightened by this stimulation! At that time, it will definitely not work to use the same method to treat the angry man.

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng got up early, took out the special food that Qi Ling rewarded him, and immediately started to prepare the food therapy to cure evil spirits.

"Sir, let me help you?"

Miaomiao is also very concerned about the angry man, even though she often used the angry man as a training partner, but no matter what, both of them were demon cultivators.

"No need, there are not many ingredients this time, I can handle it myself." Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

There are five kinds of special ingredients, they are: Yuanyang Pill, Fiery Fruit, Sunburning Grass, Zhuhuairou, Burning Flame Blood.

When it comes to the grades of the ingredients, the five special ingredients are all excellent grades, and all of them are of the most yang attribute.

Tiexian once used these five ingredients to heal one of his demon cultivator friends. However, his demon cultivator friend's body must be different from that of the angry man, and his illnesses must also be different from the angry man's, so with only these few ingredients, it is necessary to cure the evil spirit in the angry man's inner alchemy. It is simply impossible.

The physique of the angry man is yin. If he uses only the five ingredients of the most yang attribute for cooking and therapy, then the evil energy in his body may not be completely cured, and he himself will have problems first.

In view of the characteristics of the five special ingredients and the situation of the angry man, Gu Zheng, who rescued him due to illness, chose two more ingredients, which are extremely fragrant algae and cold water safflower.

The grades of the ingredients of the extremely fragrant algae and the cold water safflower are ordinary, and they were all obtained when Gu Zheng was in Shuxu. Usually, two ordinary-level ingredients, added to a pile of excellent-level ingredients, will lower the quality of the food! However, everything has two sides. What Gu Zheng wanted this time was to let these two common-grade ingredients lower and neutralize the domineering characteristics of the five Zhiyang ingredients.

Put the cold water safflower and the extremely fragrant algae into the ice water, and Gu Zheng urged the water control technique to make the ice water rotate, and at the same time, the advanced wood control technique improved the cold attribute of the cold water safflower and the extremely fragrant algae.

After a while, the cold water safflower, which was originally like a pomegranate flower, looked even more delicate and charming, and the original emerald green algae became like a jade carving.

Soak the Burning Flame Grass in ice water that has been treated with cold water safflower and extreme fragrance algae, and then steam the Burning Flame Blood.

The fire fruit has a fiery red shell, Gu Zheng peeled off the shell and cooked it with Yuanyang Dan and Zhuhuairou. Then, the mangosteen-like pulp of the fire fruit was roasted with the "real fire of life" and ground into powder.

The ingredients have been preliminarily processed, Gu Zheng took out the Fenyan blood and cut it into strips, and the meow at the side let out the sound of sucking saliva in a very useless way.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zheng looked at Miaomiao with some puzzlement. Although Fenyan's blood was a high-quality ingredient, it was really not fragrant, and there was only a strong smell of blood.

Although Miaomiao is a demon cultivator, she is not like some demon cultivators who are particularly obsessed with the smell of blood! For Miaomiao, the smell of blood is not like the "smell of blood" that some demon cultivators said. Not only does she not find this smell fragrant, but she even has a slight disgust after fighting with the ancients.

"There is a feeling in the blood, it seems that this burning flame blood is delicious!"

While speaking, Miao Miao couldn't help swallowing again.

"Not surprising!" Qi Ling said, "Fen Yan has the blood of the three-legged Golden Crow. It was originally one of the favorite foods of the beast. For Miao Miao, it is a kind of attraction from the blood!"

"So that's how it is. If you want to eat, Miaomiao, I'll leave a piece for you. Anyway, it doesn't take so much to treat the angry man."

Gu Zheng raised his knife and cut off a quarter of the original Fenyan Blood Ointment, and put it on a plate beside him.

"Forget it sir, the smell is too fishy. Although I can't help drooling, I feel sick to my stomach!" Miao Miao said with a bitter face.

"Don't worry! Fenyan's blood is actually very fragrant, but the current blood ointment is only a preliminary treatment, and some of it just smells like blood. After giving the angry man a diet, I will make you a 'Fenyan's blood stewed fish' ', I promise you won't forget it after eating it!"

Gu Zheng's words brightened Miaomiao's eyes, and she hurriedly expressed her thanks while drooling.

Fenyan's blood ointment had been cut, and Gu Zheng performed the Five Elements Immortal Art in turn on the stewed meat.

Zhu Huai is also a prehistoric beast. Although Gu Zheng had never seen this kind of thing before, he had seen a subspecies with some of its blood in the Shu Ruins, and now there are still the flesh of Zhu Huai's descendants in the prehistoric space!

"Cuckoo, toot..."

The fiery red soup in the pot was tumbling endlessly under the continuous urging of Gu Zheng's Five Elements Art, while the stewed meat in it lost its final blood red color and became white and tender like fairy chicken.

"Smells good!"

Meow meow twitched her small nose, watching Gu Zheng fish out the meat and then shred it.

Heat up the pan and put oil in it. When the oil temperature is right, Gu Zheng puts the scorching grass that has been fished out of the ice water into the pot.


The oil temperature was obviously not reached, but because of the characteristics of the burning grass, a raging flame was ignited, and at the same time a somewhat pungent fragrance wafted.

The choking aroma is very peculiar, a little pungent, a bit like the aroma of chili, but it smells many times better than that of chili.

After shaking the burning pot several times, Gu Zheng put the cut Chu Huai meat and Fenyan blood ointment into it in an orderly manner.

"Smell, it's really delicious!"

Miaomiao kept shaking her nose. After the Fenyan blood ointment was put into the pot, not only did it lose the slightest smell of blood, but even the aroma of the original ingredients in the pot became different because of its addition.

"I want to eat it!"

The attraction from blood makes Miaomiao drool like never before.

In fact, let alone meow, even Gu Zheng wants to eat it after hearing it, after all, it is a mixture of several high-quality ingredients mixed together.

Feeling that the frying was almost done, Gu Zheng put the extremely fragrant algae into the pot.


As if blown by the wind, after the extremely fragrant algae were put into the pot, the raging flames on the pot were extinguished, and even the temperature in the pot seemed to be somewhat lower. However, after the extremely fragrant algae entered the pot, the extremely fragrant smoke also accelerated towards the top of the pot.

He moved the pot and stir-fried several times. Gu Zheng also put the cold water safflower into the pot. After frying for about ten seconds, Gu Zheng added a little more of the soup that had been stewed before to the pot. small spoon.


After a small spoonful of soup was put into the pot, there was a bang in the pot, and the extremely fragrant mushroom cloud-like white mist completely enveloped the pot.

Gu Zheng put the food in the pot on a plate, and while covering the lid, the Five Elements Immortal Art was still urging the food in it. And on the top of the plate, the extremely fragrant white mist did not disperse, as if desperately wanting to find a home.

After serving the food to the angry man, Gu Zheng immediately lifted the lid, and before it appeared in its extremely fragrant form, he said, "Now, hurry up and eat the whole plate of food!"

That is, when Gu Zheng was speaking, the white weapon had already covered the food, making it impossible for people to see clearly what the dish looked like.

Facing Gu Zheng's order, the angry man didn't dare to hesitate. He didn't even use chopsticks, so he directly picked up the plate and poured the food that was still wrapped in white mist into his mouth.

"After eating it, start practicing. If there is any pain, bear it for me!"

"Yes, master!"

Seeing the seriousness of the ancient dispute, the angry man didn't dare to be careless. He didn't taste the food carefully at all, so he quickly sat down cross-legged.


Just as the angry man sat down, he let out a muffled groan, and there seemed to be a mysterious energy in the food in his stomach, rushing towards his dantian. And the inner alchemy hidden in his dantian trembled automatically as if feeling a crisis.

"Sir, why are you in such a hurry?"

Although he knew that Gu Zheng let the angry man have his reasons, but Miaomiao was still very curious.

"This is food therapy. It is treating him, not letting him enjoy the delicious food. In this food therapy, the extremely fragrant transformation is very important. Only when it is extremely fragrant and transformed in the stomach of an angry man can it be bigger. The degree of effect." Gu Zheng said.

At the same time, in the belly of the angry man, the white mist had already completed its extremely fragrant form, and what it transformed was as round as the sun in the sky.


From the time the food entered the stomach to the present, the angry man's muffled groans are very frequent. Even though Gu Zheng has used ingredients of the cold attribute to neutralize the characteristics of the most yang ingredients, the angry man whose body is cold, is facing the extreme pressure of food. When the fragrance is transformed into form, it is still a bit unbearable.

The angry man couldn't bear it, and the evil energy hidden in his body's body pills couldn't bear it even more. They developed the power of resistance, resisting the invasion of the sun's breath.

However, the angry man was instructed by Gu Zheng, and he was practicing with pain.

I saw that during the rotation of the angry man's inner alchemy, the aura of Zhiyang poured into his inner alchemy like immortal essence.

At this moment, the eighteen inner alchemy belonging to outsiders all have the same scene. With the influx of the sun's breath, the original source of evil energy was forced to be continuously compressed, just like a snowball rapidly shrinking under the sun.

The evil spirits in the eighteen inner alchemy are not willing to be wiped out, they are like trapped beasts, and they are crazily hitting the inner alchemy.

To a large extent, Neidan and the angry man were already one body. The impact of the evil spirit caused him to suffer a backlash immediately. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, which gradually turned into bleeding from the seven orifices! His body was trembling, showing a crumbling posture, but he kept in mind what Gu Zheng said, he was fighting against the pain.

Finally, the original evil energy hidden in the eighteen inner elixirs dissipated under the continuous influx of Zhiyang breath.

At this moment, the angry man, who had been tortured for a while, finally got rid of the severe pain, and felt a sense of comfort all over his body, which was the feeling after recovering from a serious illness.

Not only that, without the eighteen inner alchemy that is the source of evil energy, the color becomes deeper and purer.

Counting the time in his heart, Gu Zheng greeted the angry man, and immediately inserted his divine sense into the angry man's body.

The source of evil that made the angry man frightened was finally gone, and when he was close to the inner alchemy of the angry man, he no longer had that extremely uncomfortable feeling.

Nineteen elixirs of different colors were suspended in the angry man's dantian. They were magnificent and unique.

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