Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 555: Illusion

After returning to Emei, Gu Zheng entered the Chaos Tower, and after giving some materials that could repair the Chaos Tower to Jiaojiao, Gu Zheng helped Jiaojiao heal his injuries.

The restoration of the Chaos Tower has now come to an end. Without the two materials of Immortal Wind Grass and Moyun Beast Bone, the restoration of the Chaos Tower has become very slow.

Gu Zheng is also depressed. According to Qi Ling, the fairy wind grass and Moyun animal bone are not particularly precious resources, and their scarcity is far from being compared with the golden spirit energy obtained at the beginning. But such a long time has passed, no matter in the original cultivation world, or in the place of those prehistoric visitors who went to Jixiang Xiaozhu, they have not been able to get Xianfengcao and Moyun animal bones.

After finishing the communication with Jiaojiao, Gu Zheng came to a room in the tower again.

The style of this room is pink, and it looks like a girl's boudoir. On a big bed with a gauze curtain, Meowth, who has turned into a body, is curling up on it.

Miaomiao has been in a deep sleep for a while, and when she will wake up, and how much her strength will increase after waking up, these ancient disputes do not know.

Watching Miao Miao quietly for a while, just as Gu Zheng was about to leave, Miao Miao's curled up body suddenly twitched violently.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling.

Meow Miao's deep sleep has always been very quiet, but this situation is very abnormal now. Moreover, while she was convulsing, she also let out a painful meow, which was a bit like the madness of human beings during cultivation.

"Maybe because of your arrival, she was affected by something at a critical moment, and then fell into a situation similar to being insane." Qi Ling said.

"Ah?" Qi Ling's explanation made Gu Zheng very surprised: "When he fell into a deep sleep before, I not only saw her, but also touched her, but I didn't let her fall into such a situation! And, whether it is you It's still her who has said that when she falls into a deep sleep, she won't be in a situation where she can't stand any disturbance."

Qi Ling and Miaomiao did tell Gu Zheng that, if not, Gu Zheng would not have come to see Miaomiao at this time.

"Having said that, who will have a smooth journey in cultivation? Occasionally, there will be some accidents, which is not difficult to understand. What's more, it is because her deep sleep cannot withstand disturbance at all, so she has great respect for her. There is still some perception of things outside. You are her master, and she must know that you came to this room. Maybe it is because of missing you that she has gone mad?" Qi Ling said.

"Then what should we do now?" Gu Zheng asked anxiously.

Miao Miao is a demon cultivator, and Gu Zheng is helpless in her situation. If she is a cultivator, Gu Zheng can do something about her situation.

"Don't worry, I'm investigating her body, and I also want to know how to solve this matter." Qi Ling said seriously.

A moment later, Qi Ling's anxious voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Miaomiao seems to have fallen into a fantasy like a demon realm. Judging by her appearance, she can't get through it by herself. If you want to save her, you can only use divine thoughts to invade her sea of ​​consciousness. But in this way It's very dangerous to do it, if you can't save her, your mind will follow the realm she has experienced, and you will be trapped in it and cannot extricate yourself!" Qi Ling said.

"Can't extricate myself? What will happen?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If you can't extricate yourself, it depends on what will happen to the owner of Miaomiao's situation, what will happen to her, and what will happen to you!" Qi Ling said.

"That is to say, she lives and I live, and she dies and I die?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Yes! So, to save her, you must think carefully, because Miaomiao is born with a very strong ability to see through illusions, and you are very clear about this. Even she can be trapped in the realm, you are really Be careful that you will get lost in it." Qi Ling said solemnly.

"Miaomiao is my family, I have to save my family if something happens!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Since you are sure to save me, I won't stop you, but you must be firm in your beliefs, and keep reminding yourself that you are in an illusion, and what you see cannot be theorized as usual! You go in this time, The main thing is to wake up Miaomiao's lost mind, what kind of damage you suffer in the illusion, what kind of damage you may suffer on your body, do you understand?" Qi Ling said seriously.


Gu Zheng nodded, and then invaded Miaomiao's sea of ​​consciousness with his divine sense.

The sight in front of him darkened, then brightened again, what Gu Zheng saw was no longer Miao Miao's clear sea of ​​consciousness, but a brand new world.

Gu Zheng felt that he was in a small valley, and the mouth of the valley was not an open place, but like a line of sky between two cliffs. It's just that this line of sky is not so narrow, and it looks like two people can walk side by side.

Gu Zheng didn't wonder why he was here. He felt that there was nothing wrong with him appearing here. He could remember some things clearly, but he couldn't remember most of them. He knew that he came here to take Miaomiao away, but he had completely forgotten how he came here and what situation Miaomiao had fallen into, and he would not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

It is undeniable that Gu Zheng was lost in the realm of Miaomiao's encounter, but it was precisely because of Qi Ling's reminder in advance that he firmly believed that he did not forget what his purpose of coming to this place was.

There was a wind blowing from a ray of sky, and the weird sound was like a ghost crying, which made Gu Zheng feel a little cold, and he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Gu Zheng walked towards the sky, he was going to complete his mission, he wanted to find Miaomiao and bring him out of this place.

It was very cold in Yixiantian, and the cliffs on both sides felt icy cold. After walking about 20 meters away, Yixiantian forked, one turned to the left front, and the other turned to the right front.

Just as Gu Zheng was hesitating which way to go, he heard a soft whimper coming from the passage in front left.

"Meow meow!"

Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he immediately walked to the left front passage.

There is a person in the passage, who is squatting on the ground with tears in his eyes. If she is not Meow, who is she?

"I thought it would take a while to find Miaomiao, but I didn't expect to find it so soon."

Gu Zheng smiled inwardly, and called out Miao Miao's name.

However, the distance between the two was obviously not very far, but Miaomiao didn't respond to his call at all.


Out of curiosity, Gu Zheng walked forward.


After walking about five meters away, Gu Zheng's head hit a colorless barrier.

"What is this? So familiar?"

Gu Zheng touched the colorless barrier, and a familiar feeling appeared in his mind.

There are too many things that Gu Zheng has forgotten, including his identity as a cultivator and what it corresponds to.

In Gu Zheng's thoughts, the colorless barrier he touched with his palm changed subtly. The original hard-as-iron touch became Gu Zheng's feeling that he could smash it with a single punch.

Gu Zheng was overjoyed, and he stopped thinking about what that familiar feeling was, and he punched the colorless barrier.

Under an ordinary punch, the colorless barrier shattered like a mirror, and Meow Miao looked at the sudden appearance of Gu Zheng, and burst into tears.


Miaomiao rushed towards Gu Zheng, like a wronged child seeing his parents, hanging on Gu Zheng's body like a little monkey.

"You go down first!"

Although Meow Meow looks like a girl, but her figure is very bumpy. When she jumped on Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng was almost afraid of her slipping, and his hands naturally supported her like hugging a child. ass.

With a meow, a strange feeling flashed across Gu Zheng's heart.

"Meow, you go down first!"

In a vague way, Gu Zheng seems to feel that some people don't like him being too intimate with Miaomiao, and he has never been too intimate with Miaomiao before, and this posture makes him quite uncomfortable now.


Miao Miao happily responded, and then jumped off Gu Zheng.


Miaomiao looked at Gu Zheng and let out a slightly embarrassed laugh.

Gu Zheng looked at Miao Miao's slightly shy and joyful eyebrows, and felt a little dizzy for a moment, as if he couldn't remember what he was going to do now.

"Sir, are you unhappy to see Meow? Why are you frowning?"

Meow Meow took Gu Zheng's hand and shook it slightly.

"I remembered!"

Gu Zheng was overjoyed, thinking about what he was doing here.

"Meow, do you know how to get out here?" Gu Zheng asked.

Upon hearing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Miao Miao seemed to remember why she cried before.

"I don't know, this is a maze, I can't get out!" Miao Miao's eyes filled with tears again.

"It's okay, I'll take you out."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and started to walk forward with Miao Miao.

Is Gu Zheng sure to get out? He didn't either, but he felt that he couldn't be unsure, and couldn't make Miaomiao more desperate.

It's a maze, but since Gu Zheng and Miaomiao entered the first fork they encountered, Yi Yitian seemed to want them to go all the way to the dark, and there was no fork in the road again.

During this process, Gu Zheng and Miao Miao also communicated, but they were not nutritious.

Slowly, Gu Zheng found that the airflow in the sky was getting colder and colder. Slowly, frost appeared on the originally wet cliff. Slowly, the speed of the two of them was getting slower and slower. Slowly, meow Meow frequently said that she was so cold.

Gu Zheng still remembered that he was going to take Miaomiao out of this place, and when Miaomiao said she was cold, he took off his shirt to Miaomiao.

Gu Zheng felt that his thoughts were becoming more and more blurred, and he couldn't remember some things more and more. He could only keep reminding himself in his heart that he would take Miaomiao out of this maze. He was bouncing forward in the sky like a monkey, he felt that only in this way, he would not be frozen and fainted in this place.

Gu Zheng devoted almost all of his mind to reminding himself of his purpose and dispelling the cold, so that sometimes he couldn't hear what Meow Meow said.

Time in the illusion is different from time in the real world.

Gu Zheng has already experienced many things in the illusion, but in the real world, he has only entered the illusion for thirty seconds.

In the real world, Gu Zheng seemed to be very cold, and he was shivering with his eyes closed.

"It doesn't matter, even if I do not help him!"

The situation of Gu Zheng made Qi Ling very anxious, and Qi Ling decided that even if he tried his best to consume himself, he had to see what Gu Zheng had experienced in it.

After casting a secret technique, Qi Ling's vision merged with Gu Zheng's vision in the illusion.

Qi Ling merged the eyes of the two, and this practice will not have any impact on Gu Zheng. She can only watch what happened on TV like a TV watcher, but she can't interfere at all.

In Qi Ling's eyes, Gu Zheng and Miao Miao are still moving forward in the sky, one in front of the other.

"Idiot, this is obviously not Meow Meow, why don't you hurry up and kill him!"

Qi Ling was not trapped in an illusion, so she could tell the truth at a glance. When she looked at Miaomiao with Gu Zheng's eyes, Miaomiao was like a snowman.

"It's really pissing me off, when will you see through the illusion!"

No matter how impatient Qi Ling was, Gu Zheng still chanted the same sentence while walking.


Miao Miao, who was left behind by a certain distance, pouted and called out to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng didn't hear it.


As if she was about to cry, Miao Miao stomped her foot and then yelled again.


Gu Zheng, who was walking forward, turned back. Although he made a questioning sound, his body was still beating, and his eyes were looking at Miaomiao, which seemed a little empty, and he kept repeating the sentence in his mouth: "Take Miaomiao out of this place." place."

Tears flashed in Miaomiao's eyes, she walked towards Gu Zheng without saying anything else. Seeing her following, Gu Zheng repeated that sentence, bouncing on the road.

After walking another 100 meters, a fork finally appeared on the side of the cliff, which made Gu Zheng happy.

"Meow, hurry up, we have found a way out!" Gu Zheng turned around and said excitedly.

The fork is very wide, and only fifty or sixty meters long, so that people can see that at the end of the fork is another new world.

The fork road of fifty or sixty meters passed quickly, and Gu Zheng found that in front of him was a slanting step. The steps are very long, and you can see Yimapingchuan at the end of the steps a few hundred meters away. There is a village there, and the smoke is rising.

Gu Zheng felt that he had completed the task, and he finally brought Miaomiao out. The coldness in the sky had disappeared, and the warm feeling in the air made people feel as comfortable as bathing in the winter sun.

Gu Zheng felt that his heart was very light, his body was also very light, he felt very tired, and he wanted to close his eyes and take a rest.

Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling rose in Gu Zheng's heart. This feeling was like being thrown a basin of ice water in a deep sleep. His whole body shivered and he completely regained his clarity.

At the moment when Gu Zheng regained his clarity, he felt Meow Meow pushing his hand, less than an inch away from his back!

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