Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 534 Goryeo Guardian

The so-called immigration is to pick out a part of the people from Wufeng Island and Zhaoxia Island, first immigrate to Ziyan Island, and then build a new fairyland there, and the people of Tianxin faction are responsible for managing the islanders.

The "Xiantian Formation" rewarded by this special task is very large, and there are also a lot of immortal grain seeds, enough to enclose a hundred acres of land, so the people who will go to Ziyan Island will account for more than half of the seven thousand people.

The so-called education is that no matter the people who stay on Wufeng Island or those who go to Ziyan Island, they must be managed by the people of Tianxin Sect, and at the same time, they will be taught the idea of ​​"community of immortal food" and "one family in succession". , in order to prevent people from joining in the future, and there will be uneasy situations.

Gu Zheng talked with Yang Zhenling and the third elder about the issues of immigration and education, and asked them to arrange the manpower. As for the group of people going to Ziyan Island, Gu Zheng appointed Lao Cheng's family to go to Ziyan Island. Gu Zheng felt that the temple there would be erected soon.

The reward for letting Qi Ling do an in-depth investigation must be used within a day, so Gu Zheng left Wufeng Island in the afternoon.

This time, Gu Zheng didn't let Lian Yuxin stay on the island, but chose to let her go with him.

After Qi Ling made an in-depth investigation, if she really found the remains of the immortal cultivators in the prosperous era, then when she cracked the seal or the immortal formation, she would have no way to conduct further investigations to guide Gu Zheng.

The magic weapon of the fairy array was given to Lian Yuxin, so as long as it is not too advanced fairy array, she should be fine.

Gu Zheng is going to Goryeo this time. The reason why he chose to go to that island country is because Jin Guangyao is from Goryeo.

When searching for the souls of Jin Guangyao and his second senior brother, Gu Zhengdu discovered the same legend.

Legend has it that in the Shengfa era, there was a sect of cultivators on Yingzhou Mountain in Goryeo. This sect did not have the position of grand elder. For the 'Yingzhou Twin Immortals', both of them finally entered the golden fairy realm and ascended into the prehistoric.

Before the two immortals of Yingzhou ascended, they disbanded the school they created. According to the descendants of the members of the school, the two immortals did not leave anything to the disciples, so they must have left a treasure waiting for those who are destined.

The Yingzhou Shuangxians at that time were the strongest immortal cultivators in Korea, and all the resources on the island were used by them. In addition to not daring to come to the Celestial Dynasty to search for resources, they have visited the nearby Dongying island country and even many countries in the west, so the treasures left behind should be very rich.

In Korea, the treasure of the Yingzhou Twin Immortals is not a secret, but it can only be regarded as a legend. After all, the so-called treasure has not been discovered until now.

Koryo is relatively small, and although there are sects of cultivators, there are very few of them. There is only one immortal cultivator in the middle stage of transformation in the entire cultivating world, and he is still serving the royal family.

From Jin Guangyao's point of view, the treasures of the Yingzhou Shuangxian should exist. For them, the people in the sect are not suitable candidates for succession, so the sect was disbanded. After all, none of the stupid disciples could learn some of the fairy arts they taught to the disciples!

Gu Zheng set Koli Island as the starting point for Qi Ling's in-depth exploration. In addition to looking for the treasure left by Yingzhou Shuangxian, he also wanted to let Qi Ling explore the sea area within a limited time.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, compared to land, there are more likely to be relics left by immortals in sea areas.

"It's possible to fight against people during this trip." On the way to Koli Island, Gu Zheng said.

"Does the head mean the only immortal cultivator on Koli Island?" Lian Yuxin asked.

"He is not worthy of fighting with you and me. I'm talking about someone else." Gu Zheng said.

"who is it?"

Lian Yuxin frowned. Just now, Gu Zheng was introducing the situation of Yingzhou Island to her. Although she knew that the purpose of this trip was to hunt for treasure, and she also knew that there was a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation in Goryeo who served the royal family, but she only knew about these things. That's all.

"In Jin Guangyao's second senior brother's memory, he went to Yingzhou Mountain not long ago, and saw two strange immortal cultivators there." Gu Zheng said.

"Unfamiliar cultivator? What realm is his cultivation? Is he the one who came out of the prehistoric world?" Lian Yuxin asked again.

"Jin Guangyao and his second senior brother have never seen those two people make a move, but only saw them flying in the sky, so they can't accurately judge their cultivation level. As for whether they came out of the prehistoric, I think it's very important." Maybe it is!" Gu Zheng said.

"It doesn't matter who they are, as long as they don't provoke us." Lian Yuxin smiled.

At dusk, Gu Zheng and Lian Yuxin flew to the foot of Mount Yingzhou in Korea.

Yingzhou Mountain is a famous mountain in Koryo, known as "Picking the Stars", which can be seen from its height.

"Qi Ling, let's investigate from here!" Gu Zheng said.


Looking inside, Qi Ling nodded, then frowned tightly.

Qi Ling's divine sense flew out of Gu Zheng's body, and quickly flew towards the distance.

Even Yu Xin also separated her divine sense, she also wanted to try what she could find in this strange country.

The flying speed of the divine sense is very fast, and the speed of detection is also very fast. Two minutes is enough for Qi Ling to detect a large area.


Lian Yuxin, who had just separated her divine sense to investigate, suddenly let out a muffled snort.

"what's the situation?"

Gu Zheng frowned, and Lian Yuxin groaned, very much like the backlash caused by the divine sense being cut off from the main body.

"There is an immortal cultivator on Mount Yingzhou, near the Bailu Lake on the mountain. As soon as I arrived there, he attacked me with a spot of divine consciousness!"

Lian Yuxin gritted her teeth, with deep dissatisfaction in her eyes. The divine sense she just distributed was just a wisp, which was only used for investigation, while the enemy distributed a light spot of divine consciousness that can be used for fighting! As a result, she was caught off guard and suffered a dull loss.

"The other party is very arrogant!"

Gu Zheng's brows frowned even tighter. Under normal circumstances, immortal cultivators would not attack immediately when encountering a detection divine sense. After all, since there is no prohibition against the prying of the spiritual sense, the detection of the spiritual sense can be regarded as passing by! And what Lian Yuxin encountered just now was like glancing at a person on the street, only to be punched by that person.

"Yes, it's really arrogant, let me meet him again!"

Lian Yuxin, who was dissatisfied, separated out a light spot of divine sense that could fight.

"Do you need my help?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No need, I'll check the situation first!"

While Lian Yuxin was speaking, the light of spiritual thoughts had already flown out.

The immortal cultivator by the Bailu Lake was an old man with white beard and white hair. He saw the divine mind going back and forth, and changing into an attacking form, and the corner of his mouth could not help but sneer.

"act recklessly!"

The white-bearded old man also sent out light spots of spiritual thoughts to meet them. The two light spots collided in the air. The strength of the spiritual thoughts was about the same, and both showed signs of being melted.

One touch tested the depth, and the two light spots of divine sense became more cautious. In this evenly matched situation, it depends on whose attack method of divine sense is better.

Lian Yuxin's divine sense attack, only the most basic one can enlarge the divine sense. She used this method at the right time, trying to devour the opponent's divine sense.

The increase of the light spot of spiritual thoughts can be regarded as a means to instantly increase the strength of spiritual thoughts. The duration of this method is very short, so it is necessary to find the right time.

Lian Yuxin felt that she had found the right opportunity, but the other party's divine sense was shining, and she was also waiting for this opportunity!

At the same time that Lian Yuxin's spiritual spot became bigger, the opponent's spiritual spot also became bigger, and the two's spiritual spots collided again, and once again hurt each other.

Seeing Lian Yuxin humming frequently, Gu Zheng flew directly towards the mountain.

When Gu Zheng reached the sky over Bailu Lake, Lian Yuxin's spiritual light spot and the white beard old man's spiritual light spot had already fought to the end.

"Why attack her divine sense?"

Gu Zheng looked at the grinning white-bearded old man with a headache.

Although the white-bearded old man's divine sense died the same way as Lian Yuxin's, it lasted for a relatively long time, it wasn't the kind that was killed suddenly, and the pain level was naturally low.

Therefore, even though the white beard had a headache at this time, he was still able to stand in the air, unlike the monk Yuankong who was suddenly killed by Gu Zheng and fell directly from the sky like the monk Yuankong some time ago.

White Beard had already been angered by Lian Yuxin's divine sense, when he saw that Gu Zheng, who was interrogating in the air, was only in his twenties, his anger immediately soared.

"I don't know the depth of the boy, what qualifications do you have to ask the old man?"

The old man with the white beard yelled angrily, and with a wave of his hand, the water in Bailu Lake was surrounded by the energy of heaven and earth, forming water arrows and shooting towards Gu Zheng in the air.

"court death!"

Gu Zheng frowned, and under the shock of the real water in his body, the water arrow that was originally aimed at him turned into an ice arrow in an instant, and shot backwards at the old man with white beard.

The white-bearded old man stretched out his hand to draw a circle, and under the shock of the energy of the world, a colorless barrier appeared in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

All the dense ice arrows hit the barrier and were all shattered.

Although the white-bearded old man blocked Gu Zheng's counterattack, he himself was not feeling well. The consequences of continuing to bless the barrier with immortal power were like holding his breath and getting punched in the chest and abdomen .

"Why did you attack me just now?"

Even Yu Xin flew over, although she really wanted to attack the old man, but seeing that Gu Zheng had stopped, she was not in a hurry to attack.

In fact, it was not because of anything else that Gu Zheng stopped. It was just that Qi Ling was still doing in-depth investigations. It was not suitable for him to make a move under this situation, which would have a certain impact on Qi Ling.

"You explore my territory, I will naturally fight back!"

The white-bearded old man has calmed down. Even Yu Xin's divine sense is as strong as him, and Gu Zheng's attack power is not bad. If he is impulsive again at this time, he will definitely suffer a big loss if he is one against two.

"Your site? Why doesn't your site have a screen to prevent peeping?" Lian Yuxin sneered.

"The whole mountain belongs to me. Do you want to set up a barrier to prevent peeping?" the white-bearded old man sneered.

"Did you come from the prehistoric age?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right, but my two masters are the masters of this mountain!"

As soon as the white-bearded old man's proud voice fell, the originally calm water of Bailu Lake suddenly surged, and two black-haired old men flew out of it, and they also stopped in mid-air.

Two old men stopped in the air, one in black and the other in green. They landed on the shore, their eyes swept over Gu Zheng and Lian Yuxin.

"Who are these two?"

The old man in black asked the old man with white beard.

"I don't know, I guess I want to come here to hunt for treasure!" said the old man with white beard.

The old man in Tsing Yi said kindly: "You should be immortal cultivators from the Celestial Dynasty?"

"Exactly, what's the matter?"

When Gu Zheng asked back, his eyes became very cold. He had seen this old man in Jin Guangyao's memory.

Ignoring the coldness in Gu Zheng's eyes, the old man in Tsing Yi smiled kindly: "Cultivators of the Celestial Dynasty, I am the guardian of the Goryeo Kingdom! According to the agreement of the Shengfa era, our two countries are friendly countries, and there will be no war between cultivators. You are also not allowed to enter each other's countries illegally. It is considered illegal for you to stay here now, I hope you can abide by the previous agreement and leave here as soon as possible!"

This old man in Tsing Yi is Pu Fengxi, the only immortal cultivator in Goryeo.

"Hurry up and get out of here! Don't think about treasure hunting, there is no treasure here at all, we stay here just to fulfill the master's wish and create a good school." The old man with white beard said.


Gu Zheng smiled. He looked at the white-bearded old man and said, "Create a good sect. What do they do when they enter Bailu Lake? You said that Yingzhou Shuangxian is your master, so the famous fairy skill of Yingzhou Shuangxian's water Mist Shield' can you cast?"

"You don't care what they do at the bottom of the lake. Does it have anything to do with you? Besides, why should I show you my master's immortal skills?"

The white-bearded old man sneered, now that his two companions have come out, he doesn't mind attacking those who don't know the current affairs at any time.

Gu Zheng ignored the white-bearded old man, and turned to look at Pu Fengxi: "It seems that there was an agreement like the one you mentioned in the Shengfa era, but as far as I know, you broke the agreement more than once and ran to the border of the Celestial Dynasty Catch women to practice your evil skills!"

"Who did you listen to?" Pu Fengxi frowned.

"From what Jin Guangyao said, did you ask him to capture a little girl for you once?" The coldness in Gu Zheng's eyes reappeared.

"This damn Jin Guangyao! Haha..."

Pu Fengxi smiled, and shook his head indifferently, then he looked at Gu Zheng: "So what?"

The kindness on Pu Fengxi's face disappeared, and a black mist burst out from his body, surrounding his body like a living thing.

"Sensible, get out now! If you don't get out, you won't have a chance to get out later!" The old man in black shouted angrily, and at the same time put on a fighting stance.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Do you think that if there are many people, it will work?"

Gu Zheng yelled angrily, and when he performed the fairy skill 'Furious Sea Rage', a huge water dragon emerged from Bailu Lake, roaring and rushing towards the old man with white beard and the others.

Everyone was shocked. They never thought that Gu Zheng could use water magic to such an extent. This kind of instantaneous almost without warning caught them off guard!

'Raging Sea Frenzy' is a very domineering fairy skill, even Qi Ling has said that the ancestor Bihai who created this fairy weapon, even in the prehistoric age, is still a pioneer. Being able to instantly cast water-type fairy art is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Even Yu Xin was shocked. She had fought against Gu Zheng, but she was only abused in Gu Zheng's fairyland. Now that she saw that Gu Zheng could display such water-type fairy art, she once again felt the power of Gu Zheng. .

The water dragon appeared too suddenly, the enemies could only temporarily disperse, Gu Zheng pointed at Pu Fengxi, and shouted: "Chasing!"

The dominance of the "Raging Sea Frenzy" appears again. As long as it is in a place with particularly rich water resources, its power is really amazing. In addition to allowing Gu Zheng to instantly manipulate the huge amount of water, it can also make Gu Zheng The water dragon formed by fighting has the effect of automatic combat for a short time.

The effect of this kind of automatic combat is terrifying. Being able to fight automatically means that the owner can still free up his hands to perform other attacks.

According to Qi Ling, only when the Five Elements Immortal Technique reaches an advanced level can it be possible to use the spirit of the Five Elements in the body to unleash the attack of the Dragon Transformation.

The attack power of the transformed dragon is very powerful, and there are various attack methods after the transformed dragon, but among these various attack methods, automatic combat is definitely among the best advanced skills.

Pu Fengxi's strength is the lowest, but he is also very vigorous, and he just slaps the chasing water dragon.

Although the palm shadow formed by the condensed celestial power is not as huge as the 'Slaughtering Immortal Palm', it is still full of momentum.

However, this palm, which can even collapse a mountain, fell on the body of the water dragon, and it was really like a mud cow entering the sea.

Pu Fengxi was really scared at this moment. The palm just now was considered to be the strongest blow of his own strength. Such a blow did not respond to the water dragon, so why should he fight the water dragon!

What scares Pu Fengxi even more is that the speed of the water dragon is very fast. According to the current distance, it will not take long for him to be overtaken.

Pu Fengxi didn't dare to expect the other two to come and rescue him, because they were too busy to take care of themselves.

With an idea, Pu Fengxi landed quickly, and he burrowed into the forest. Although the trees could not stop such a powerful water dragon, it would be good if they could slow down the speed of the water dragon.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The sound of explosions was continuous, and the water dragon that followed Pu Fengxi into the forest was born for destruction, and the trees were broken wherever it passed, but its speed did not slow down at all.

Looking back at the water dragon that was closer, Pu Fengxi gritted her teeth fiercely, opened her mouth and spat out something, which grew against the wind and turned into a copper coin the size of a room.


Pu Fengxi sprayed blood from the tip of her tongue on the copper coin, and shouted loudly: "Fall!"

The copper coin suddenly shone golden, and it threw it towards the water dragon with a heavy breath.

The water dragon opened its mouth, and a water arrow shot out from the mouth.

After the water arrow flew out, it immediately turned into an ice arrow, its speed was extremely fast, it passed through the square hole on the money, and hit Pu Fengxi's chest.

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