Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 532 Spirit Grass

There is a cave on Zhaoxia Island, and this cave should belong to the previous owner of Zhaoxia Island.

Although Jin Guangyao possessed the Immortal Array-Breaking Artifact, he was able to enter Zhaoxia Island and take it as his own, but he was not an immortal cultivator himself, so he could not break the seal on the gate of the cave, which required immortal power to break.

In other words, there is still an unopened Immortal Cultivator's Cave Mansion on Zhaoxia Island waiting for Gu Zheng, this is the first thing that makes him happy.

Jin Guangyao obtained Zhaoxia Island fifty years ago, and Zhaoxia Island is not an empty island, there are also islanders on it, and the number is more than four thousand.

Before Jin Guangyao landed on Zhaoxia Island, more than 4,000 islanders lived in a closed environment and lived a very simple life, farming and fishing.

There is also a small sect on the island. This sect has a very similar development history to the Tianxin sect. They also brought out some things left by the immortals on the island from the relics on the island, and thus embarked on the path of cultivation. the way.

However, this sect on Zhaoxia Island is very small in scale, and its highest cultivation level is only at the late stage of the third level. It has been wiped out by Jin Guangyao who landed on Zhaoxia Island.

In order to open the cave on Zhaoxia Island as soon as possible, Jin Guangyao practiced a magic skill that can speed up the progress of his cultivation. And to practice this kind of magic skill, you need to use formations to absorb other people's energy and blood as a basis, and even eat people every once in a while.

It is precisely because of the need to practice magic skills that after Jin Guangyao wiped out the sects on Zhaoxia Island, he left more than 4,000 islanders for him to exploit.

Jin Guangyao's more than 4,000 islanders are the second thing that Gu Zheng is interested in. These islanders are simple in nature and live in a very closed environment. They have never been exposed to the outside world at all, because they have no Know how to pass the island protection fairy array.

Jin Guangyao's oppression made them live in dire straits. If someone rescued them at this time, then they would definitely be grateful to the person who saved them.

For Gu Zheng, the more than 4,000 islanders raised by Jin Guangyao may contribute some pure power of faith to him.

The next day, Gu Zheng set off for Zhaoxia Island, and at the same time asked the people of Wufeng Island to send a boat to wait at a suitable place to pick up the residents of Zhaoxia Island. After all, there are more than 4,000 islanders, and it is impossible for Gu Zheng to fly them back to Wufeng Island.

Gu Zheng set off at night, and in the early morning of the next day, he had already flown outside the protective island formation on Zhaoxia Island.

With Jin Guangyao's memory, it didn't take much trouble for Gu Zheng to pass through the island protection fairy formation.

From Jin Guangyao's memory, Gu Zheng learned that Zhaoxia Island is bigger than Wufeng Island, its area is almost the same as Blood Tide Island, and the products on it are also very rich.

After Gu Zheng entered the sea area of ​​Zhaoxia Island, he saw several fishing boats already fishing at sea.

Jin Guangyao treats the islanders as 'sheep' and raises them to drink blood and eat meat, but usually he does not restrict the freedom of 'sheep', after all 'sheep' also need to live.

Seeing a stranger flying into Zhaoxia Island, the islanders who were fishing on the sea widened their eyes in shock. They were either frightened or curious about Gu Zheng's identity.

Gu Zheng flew near the fishing boat, stretched out his hand to wrap up these people, and led them to continue flying to the island, leaving behind screams all the way.

After flying to the island, Gu Zheng rang a big bell on the island. This bell was used by Jin Guangyao to summon the 'sheep'.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, everyone hurried to the square in the village. Many of them just woke up from their sleep, and they still looked disheveled. In the perception of these people, the sound of the bell is the alarm bell. If they run too slowly, they will be beaten severely by Jin Guangyao.

Seeing that the person ringing the bell was not Jin Guangyao, but a young man standing in the air, the islanders whispered to each other about the situation.


Gu Zheng spoke. Although his voice was not loud, it was heard clearly in everyone's ears, and they immediately fell silent in fright.

"Your last master, Jin Guangyao, who did all kinds of evil, has been killed by me. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Some people will use formations to absorb your energy, some will shed your blood, and some will disappear inexplicably. "

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, he threw Jin Guangyao's head down.

When everyone saw that the demon tormenting them was really dead, at first they just looked at each other and didn't dare to make a sound. After a while, seeing that Gu Zheng didn't say anything, some cried, some cursed, and some cheered , all kinds of expressions, really have everything that one expects to find.

Let the islanders vent their emotions for a while, Gu Zheng said again: "I killed your original master, but at the same time I am also your new master! As for whether you recognize me as your master, this is completely your freedom , I won’t force it.”

For people in the real world, freedom and dignity are very important things, but for the islanders of Zhaoxia Island, freedom and dignity may also be important, but they really cannot be compared with people in the real world.

What is freedom?

The islanders who have never left Zhaoxia Island know that the scope of freedom is limited to living freely on Zhaoxia Island.

What is dignity?

Being ruled by Jin Guangyao for more than 20 years, the so-called dignity has been worn away. Now Gu Zheng, who can stand in the sky, speaks to them in a peaceful tone, which is very dignified to them up.

What is the master?

Unlike people in the real world who would reject the word master, the residents of Zhaoxia Island didn't have much reaction to the word at all. These people among them were born with those who were originally from the island's sect as their masters, and later their masters were changed to Jin Guangyao. Now even if they change their masters, it is very normal for them.

"I will give you time to think about this matter. When I leave Zhaoxia Island, those who are willing to go with me, I will take you to another island to live with my islanders and live a peaceful life. No Those who are willing to follow me, you can stay on this Zhaoxia Island."

"We do!"

"Immortal, take us away!"

"We don't want to live here!"

As soon as Gu Zheng's voice fell to the ground, most of the people shouted.

Although the islanders live in a place isolated from the world, they have seen practitioners after all, and they also know from practitioners that people who can fly into the sky are immortals.

However, simple contact can make most people follow Gu Zheng. The reason for this is that his status as a fairy is actually very small, and the more reason is that this Zhaoxia Island is not safe.

Jin Guangyao also has three senior brothers, they will also come to Zhaoxia Island regularly to extract the energy and blood of the islanders. If they still choose to stay on Zhaoxia Island, who knows who will be the next to disappear.

"Okay, since most of you are willing to follow me, then simply clean up and I'll leave for a while."

After Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, he flew towards the direction of the cave.

Watching Gu Zheng fly away, the expressions in the eyes of the islanders are mostly excited. It may not be a bad thing to have a strong and kind master.

As for whether they will be deceived to a darker place, the islanders don't think about it at all, because there is no need for the immortal to deceive them.

On the halfway up the highest mountain of Zhaoxia Island, there is a raised rock, which is the front of the Dongfu.

Landing on the raised rock, looking at the sea below, feeling the different immortality, Gu Zheng could not help but smile.

This is a rare and beautiful place, no matter it is Wufeng Island, Xuetide Island, or Ziyan Island in Guzheng, there is no such beautiful place suitable for building a cave.

After all, the so-called beautiful places will wither, and places that were not originally beautiful places may also become beautiful places, such as Wufeng Island, Blood Tide Island and Ziyan Island, there were definitely beautiful places in the past, but Later, those beautiful lands were exhausted, unlike the beautiful land of Zhaoxia Island, which still has abundant aura and can condense the immortal essence in the air.

"Such a beautiful place is very suitable for building a gathering array!" Qi Ling said.

"It's a pity that I can't build a Yuan-gathering array of the specifications in the treasures of Tianluo Cave. The Yuan-gathering array I can arrange is only a relatively simple one. Even if it is arranged here, it will not have much effect. Not too much Xianyuan." Gu Zheng sighed.

"Other people eat the food you made, and their mouths are full of food. After you experienced the treasures of Tianluo Cave, you were also spoiled by the Yuan Gathering Array there. You have a lot of immortal energy, but if you build a low-level element-gathering array, after more than half a year of gathering immortal energy, you can still make do with a mid-level food cultivator." Qi Ling said.

"As you said, I have really been spoiled!"

Gu Zheng laughed, and then said: "However, after exploring this cave, the Juyuan formation will definitely be set up! With such a beautiful place, it would indeed be a waste if we don't set up a Yuanju formation. gone."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Zheng began to crack the restriction on the gate of the cave. This time, he didn't ask Qi Ling how to break it, because the restriction on this door was the same as the restriction on the door in the treasure of Tianluo Cave, and he was already familiar with it.

The Dongfu is the same as the Dongfu experienced before. It is also a long passage on both sides, with side rooms for various purposes distributed.

Under normal circumstances, if you find a closed cave, if you gain something, it is usually in the training room, where there may be something like a treasure chest left by the owner of the cave.

But in the practice room, Gu Zheng didn't find anything of value, and its owner cleaned up the place very clean before leaving.

Although he didn't find the expected treasure chest in the training room, Gu Zheng found a very good harvest in a side room.

Gu Zheng had also seen the 'Spiritual Grass Room' in the caves he had experienced before, but there was not much in it except for the soil.

However, in the 'spiritual herb room' discovered this time, there were actually six spiritual grasses growing in it!

The six spirit grasses are all Ganoderma lucidum, and they are divided into six colors: green, red, yellow, white, black, and purple.

The quality of the six kinds of Ganoderma lucidum is not high, they are relatively common items in the Ganoderma lucidum family, and the ingredients are usually of average grade.

But the growth time of the six ganoderma lucidum in the 'Grass Immortal Room' is calculated in thousands of years, which has allowed them to grow from ordinary-grade ingredients to today's high-quality ingredients.

The six Ganoderma lucidum can grow from the Shengfa era to the present, thanks to a spirit gathering array in the "Lingcao Room".

The specifications of the spirit-gathering array are medium-level, and it is it that slowly releases the immortal essence needed by the ganoderma lucidum to improve its quality, so that they can survive the doomed era and live well until now.

Moreover, since the six Ganoderma lucidums have been supported to survive until now, there is immortal energy in the air again. The intermediate-level spirit-gathering formation that was about to be exhausted, the immortal energy that has been condensed again is almost equivalent to a full low-level spirit-gathering formation. .

"Although I didn't get anything like a treasure chest, I got six good-level resources, which is really good." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Be careful when picking ganoderma. These six ganoderma are still alive, and the grade has reached excellent, which meets the conditions for transplanting into the wild space. You can transplant them into the wild space to continue to grow. It is estimated that when you use them, the medicine The effect can be enhanced a little bit.”

Gu Zheng, who was preparing for the brutal harvest of Ganoderma lucidum, immediately became cautious when he heard Qi Ling say that.

"At first I thought about setting up a low-level spirit-gathering formation here, but now it seems that there is no need for this. There is already a mid-level spirit-gathering formation here."

Gu Zheng licked his lips and took out some ingredients from the prehistoric space.

Since there are still immortal energy in the mid-level spirit-gathering formation, it would be too wasteful not to use them. Gu Zheng is going to do a top-grade energy-increasing food cultivation to absorb these immortal energy.

The grade of Zengyuan Food Cultivator is naturally lower than that of Xianguo Food Cultivator and Danyuan Food Cultivator. The reason why Gu Zheng chose to do the top-grade Zengyuan Food Cultivator instead of the middle-grade Danyuan Food Cultivator is because according to the Based on the calculation of the reserves of immortal energy in the Yuan Formation, the top-rank Zengyuan Food Cultivator can make full use of everything compared to the middle-rank Danyuan Food Cultivator.

With six medium-quality ingredients and five ordinary-quality ingredients, Gu Zheng quickly made a top-grade food repair.

Opening the Yuan Gathering Array, Gu Zheng immediately subdued Zeng Yuan Shixiu, enjoying the feeling of opening his pores and crazily absorbing Xian Yuan.

About fifteen minutes later, the effect of Zengyuan Shixiu's medicine ended, and the immortal yuan released from the gathering yuan array was completely absorbed by Gu Zheng.

Due to the concentration of immortal energy, it cannot be compared with the gathering element array in the treasures of Tianluo Cave, and because of the different types of food cultivation, it is naturally impossible for Gu Zheng to absorb these immortal essence like the one in Tianluo Cave. , One second is equivalent to several months of cultivation in the Shengfa era.

"Now it's really not easy to cultivate and advance. Although the immortal essence of this gathering element array cannot be compared with the treasures in the Tianluo Cave, no matter how you say it, it is almost equivalent to a full-fledged low-level Yuan Gathering Formation. However, my four-level 70% Tiexian Jue has only progressed by one-twentieth." Gu Zheng said with emotion.

Gu Zheng's current Tiexian Jue is not only 1/20th of the 70% of the fourth floor! What he said was that a high-grade Yuan-enhancing Food Cultivation, plus a low-level Yuan-gathering Array, was only one-twentieth of the 70% of the four levels of his Tie Xian Jue. But the real situation of his Tie Xian Jue is that 70% of the fourth floor is already one-third full!

After all, after the last Yuan Gathering Formation among the treasures of Tianluo Cave raised Gu Zheng's Tie Xian Jue to 70% of the fourth level, there was still a lot of surplus Xian Yuan absorbed! Just the extra immortal essence already made his Tiexian Jue nearly fill one-third of the seventy percent of the fourth floor, and the harvest just now just filled up that one-third.

"Satisfy you, the speed of progress in this kind of cultivation is already very fast!" Qi Ling said with white eyes.

Gu Zheng shook his head and said, "Is it really fast? Don't forget, this year's Ghost Festival, there will be a big battle on Blood Tide Island!"

"How could I forget? No matter what your cultivation will be at that time, it is true that your cultivation is progressing very quickly."

Qi Ling sticks out his tongue to Gu Zheng, acting like he's playing tricks, as if I'll do whatever I say.

Gu Zheng rushed to talk to Qi Lingdou again, but his brows were furrowed because he heard the bell on Zhaoxia Island ringing again.

The bells on Zhaoxia Island would not ring for no reason. Generally, when the bells rang, it meant that Jin Guangyao or his senior brothers were going to practice magic skills and needed to summon the islanders to extract energy.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right? Jin Guangyao's senior brother came to Zhaoxia Island at this time?" Gu Zheng said.

"Why is this impossible? Anyway, I don't believe that the islanders have nothing to do to ring the bell!" Qi Ling laughed.

When Gu Zheng flew out of the cave, he was also smiling. If the person who rings the bell is really Jin Guangyao's senior brother, then this is really a great thing.

Gu Zheng had already seen the person ringing the bell, it was the 'Second Senior Brother' he had seen in Jin Guangyao's memory.

Instead of flying down from the sky in a hurry, Gu Zheng wanted Jin Guangyao's second senior brother to perform for a while. The more he performed, the more precious the rescue he was waiting for was! His appearance can not only strengthen the determination of the islanders to leave, but also allow Gu Zheng to establish prestige among the islanders.

"Didn't you hear the bell ringing? Everyone is chirping, don't they want to die?"

The fat-headed and big-eared second senior brother was cursing and waving a one-foot-long whip in his hand again and again. Amidst the crackling, the slow-moving islanders let out screams.

Finally, all the islanders gathered in the square, the second senior brother smiled in satisfaction, and pointed out his hand among the crowd.

'you you you you you……"

The second senior brother pointed at a hundred people with the best energy and spirit, and these people also followed his pointing in fear, and stood in a relatively open place.

The second senior brother walked around among the jumping crowd, and stopped beside a pretty girl.


The second senior brother smiled lewdly, and pinched the girl's buttocks with his outstretched claws.

"Sleep with me today, and I will save you the tribute."

The so-called tribute by the second senior brother is to extract energy and bloodletting.

The girl was already scared, but when the second senior brother said this, she became even more scared, and immediately screamed.

"What's it called? It's not like I haven't slept before!"

Seemingly satisfied with the girl's scream, the second senior brother smiled even more heartily.

"no, do not want!"

The girl struggled to get rid of the clutches of the second senior brother, but she couldn't break free at all, and she burst into tears in anxiety and fear.

Suddenly, a young man in the crowd picked up a stone and threw it at the head of the second senior brother.

The second senior brother didn't turn his head back, and with a wave of his hand, the young man was sent flying, lying on the ground vomiting blood.

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