Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 527 Immortal Food

After hearing Qi Ling's words, Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled wryly: "Sixteen people, it feels so far away from the number of three thousand."

"This is the first day, and it may improve steadily in the future." Qi Ling said.

"Qi Ling, you said that if I cast immortal spells on them and establish a very powerful image of immortals, will it make them develop pure power of faith?"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "If someone guesses my intention and guides me to believe in me, is this considered a violation?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"A person who needs to be believed in cannot tell anyone that he needs to be believed in, and he cannot make any hints that violate this rule. This is the only rule for obtaining the power of pure faith, and it is also the way to judge whether your mission will be successful or not. rules that fail."

Qi Ling reiterated the rules, and then said: "The two things you mentioned are not against the rules! However, each one involves a problem."

"What's the problem?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Today, one hundred and thirty-eight people have developed a heart of faith in you, but there are only sixteen copies of the power of pure faith born from the heart of faith. I can tell you that the power of pure faith in you The most powerful people are exactly the fourteen old people you helped, plus Xiao Hua's father, and an islander who saw you for treatment."

"If you act like a big show and just perform fairy arts on the islanders instead of doing practical things, they may also believe in you, but this belief may only be a belief, but it does not The power of pure faith is born."

"As for someone guessing your intentions and leading others to believe in you, although this is not a violation, it is a very dangerous thing!"

"I know, you think that the person who can help you guide is Lian Yuxin! Lian Yuxin comes from the prehistoric, she is well-informed, and there are people in the prehistoric who collect the pure power of faith, so if she is smart enough, as long as she Stay by your side for a while, and see that you have shown your deliberate behavior like acting in a big show, then she should help you, after all, she guessed what your real intention is."

"If Lian Yuxin guesses your true intention, she helps you do what you want someone to do for you, then this can indeed speed up the collection of pure power of faith! Some of them need to use pure People with the power of faith do indeed do this, and this is also a way to brush aside the rules and pass by the rules to collect the pure power of faith."

Qi Ling paused, then smiled: "Gu Zheng, may I ask you a question?"

"Say it!" Gu Zheng said.

"The monks who eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha in the temple, or the ascetic monks who travel thousands of miles, who do you think has the higher purity of the power of faith produced by them?" Qi Ling said.

"Of course it's an ascetic monk!" Gu Zheng said.

"Yes!" Qi Ling smiled: "The reason why I ask you this is because I want to tell you one thing, that is, the pure power of faith also has a degree of purity."

"The power of faith you collected this time may not be the purest kind, but it can't be the lowest kind either. If Lian Yuxin helped you collect the power of faith, then this power of faith, in the purest The purity in the power of faith is the lowest kind!" Qi Ling said.

"Why?" Gu Zheng was puzzled.

"Why? Because the law is just like that! Lian Yuxin knows the power of faith. Even if you didn't directly hint to her, since she will take the initiative to help you, it is already considered impure, and she has participated in the production of the pure power of faith. Because of her participation, the law will determine that the power of faith produced by her influence is the lowest quality of pure power of faith. Unless, she is a person who believes in you devoutly, but you think Will a cultivator in the late stage of returning to the void still have devout faith in you?" Qi Ling asked.

"All right!"

Although Gu Zheng was helpless, he nodded to express his understanding. After all, he has already come into contact with Taoists, he knows that everything has a certain law, and the explanation of Qi Ling is very clear.

"Gu Zheng, I have released the task for a long time, what kind of situation do you think will make this task relatively easy to complete?" Qi Ling asked.

"To make the task relatively easy to complete, there are two kinds of people who are very critical." Gu Zheng said.

"Which two kinds of people?" Qi Ling asked again.

"The first type of person is also the most critical type of person. He has a pious belief in me and is willing to call on others to believe in me. If there is such a person, then he is like a leader. It can unite everyone's beliefs and affect more people."

"The second type of people, people outside of Wufeng Island! Even if all the people on Wufeng Island have pure faith in me, it is still not enough for me to complete the task, so after a while, I have to Leave Wufeng Island to find the group of people I lack." Gu Zheng said.

"The idea is correct." Qi Ling nodded: "Actually, to use the things that help the task to be completed tomorrow, you only need to take special care of them for the first seven days, and then send someone to take care of them. You can also spare more time to go outside to find them. , to see if I can meet the right second type of person.”

In order for Gu Zheng to complete the task of collecting pure power of faith, Tiexian set up some auxiliary items for this task. It's the seeds of some fairy food.

The Jade Slip of Chuangong is easy to use, and Gu Zheng has already learned the Immortal Field Formation. As for the seeds of the Immortal Grain, Gu Zheng is going to ask Yang Zhenling to take him to find a piece of land tomorrow to sow the seeds of the Immortal Grain.

Since Yang Zhenling had been told in advance that he wanted to plant land, when Yang Zhenling came to find Gu Zheng the next day, the land had already been selected.

Instead of occupying the land of the islanders, Gu Zheng decided to open up a piece of wasteland as a fairy field for growing fairy food.

When the islanders heard that Guzheng was going to reclaim forests and fields, they basically all followed the past to watch the excitement.

At the foot of the mountain on Wufeng Island, there is a large forest, one end is close to the seaside cliff, and the other end is connected to the ten-mile apricot forest that the ancient Zheng went to when he first came to Wufeng Island.

The trees in the forest are very lush, and there are many kinds of weeds. Although they know that Gu Zheng is a fairy, almost all the islanders are very excited to see that he wants to open land here.

Converting forests into farmland is not an easy job! But the Tianxin Sect said that the crops can be planted today, and basically everything is done by the young master himself. The islanders really wanted to see how the young master turned sixty acres of forest into sixty acres of farmland by himself today.

The island has a lot of sand and little soil, and among the five elements, the sand and stone belong to gold. Although Gu Zheng's gold control formula and wood control formula are only intermediate level, with the cooperation of the two kinds of immortal skills, they are used to bring down these trees. Still very easy.

Gu Zheng walked towards the forest, using both the gold control formula and the wood control formula at the same time.

The Gold Control Art made the sand and stones split open quickly, exposing the roots of the plants, and the Wood Control Art made the plants whose roots had been exposed all fly together and form a pile.

The eyes of the islanders were all wide open. In their hearts, the elders of the Tianxin Sect could already be regarded as immortals, but the means they could use could not be compared with the lesser master. The Lord is the real fairy!

All of a sudden, the islanders all opened their eyes wide, filled with awe.

This is true for the islanders, let alone the disciples of the Tianxin Sect. They originally had a special feeling of blood for Gu Zheng. Now, as their young master, Gu Zheng showed his supernatural powers, and all of them saw their blood boiling.

"Young master, young master!"

Among the crowd, a disciple of Tianxin Sect who didn't know who he was, couldn't help shouting out the excitement in his heart.

"Young master, young master!"

Driven by the excited voice, all the disciples of Tianxin Sect shouted.

"Young master, young master!"

Slowly, the islanders also called out, and they all seemed very excited.

"Yesterday, there were one hundred and thirty-eight people who developed a heart of faith in you. There are sixteen copies of the pure power of faith born from the heart of faith. Not counting those people yesterday, there are six hundred and seventy people today. Five people, have a heart of faith in you, and the pure power of faith born from the heart of faith, a total of five hundred and twenty copies!"

Qi Ling's voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"It's nothing, whether it's the disciples of the Tianxin Sect or the islanders of Wufeng Island, they can be regarded as my inherent resources. Let the inherent resources generate a heart of faith, or pure power of faith, This difficulty is easier than letting people from the outside world generate this power of belief."

Gu Zheng was not very happy, and it was not an incredible thing to be able to generate the power of these beliefs. After all, Wufeng Island is very closed. The Tianxin faction here is like the emperor in ancient times, and his Guzheng is an existence of the level of the Supreme Emperor. It is not easy for him to gain some power of faith.

Wherever Gu Zheng went, the plants were uprooted, and then flew up and neatly stacked into a pile.

All the plants in the 60 mu of land were cleaned up, and Gu Zheng didn't take much time.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had dealt with all the plants in the 60 mu of land, many of the islanders were already hoarse.

As an immortal cultivator in the early stage of returning to the void, Gu Zheng didn't find it difficult to deal with these things at all.

The 'real fire of life' in the body danced, and Gu Zheng spilled a flame, igniting the piled plants.

The raging flames were ignited, but the surrounding temperature was not high. Since the newly opened land was adjacent to the Ten Mile Apricot Forest, Gu Zheng didn't want those good quality Wufeng apricots, so he was implicated.

Under the flames of the immortal family, the piled up vegetation quickly burned to ashes.

After Gu Zheng spread the ashes evenly on the ground with his immortal technique, he used the water control technique to make it rain.

At this point, the original wasteland looks like a fertile field for a day, but it is still one step away from the fairy field.

The "Xiantian Formation" is naturally a kind of fairy formation, and it belongs to the kind of fairy formation that is not low in level. If you want to arrange it, you need formation flags and formation stones in addition to formation patterns.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and the formation stones in the void formed a figure echoing each other, and then fell into the soil.

The array flag was also thrown out by Gu Zheng, and the finger formulas on his hand were changed several times, and they also fell into the fertile field and disappeared.

The formation stones and formation flags had already been placed, and Gu Zheng began to draw the formation patterns.

Pure celestial power, shining with a slight white light, emerged from Gu Zheng's fingertips. Gu Zheng started to draw like a painting as he walked.

The celestial power seems to be very heavy, once it leaves Gu Zheng's fingertips for a moment, it will sink into the soil, so it is impossible to see in the air, what kind of figure is formed by the celestial power displayed by Gu Zheng.

It took a long time to draw the fairy array, and it took about an hour for Gu Zheng to complete the 60 acres of land.

At this point, it is only the last step to turn good land into fairy land.

The fingers on the hand changed again and again, and the wind around the fertile field suddenly blew up. The pattern that had sunk into the ground floated up at this moment, like a huge coin, spinning in the air, shining brightly.

The cheers of the islanders reached their apex at this moment. None of the fairy arts that Gu Zheng had performed before was as powerful as the fairy array spinning in the air at this moment, which brought people a strong sense of shock.

After all, these fairy formations are so big and shiny, and the shining characters on them are so mysterious. Compared with the fairy formations, people are as small as a bug, and the heart is shocked up.

Gu Zheng loosened his finger, and the rotating light array returned to the soil again. At this moment, the fertile field finally turned into a fairy field, and a faint light shone across the sixty acres of land.

The fairyland has been completed, Gu Zheng turned to look at the islanders, and reached out from the prehistoric space to take out the fairy grain that was about to be sown.

"People, have you seen these things?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It looks like wheat, but why is one grain so big?"

"That looks like corn, but how is the color like gold?"

"What's that round thing? A potato? Why is it still translucent?"

"That must be a soybean. Although it is as big as a peanut, it is definitely a soybean!"

The islanders talked a lot, and everyone was very excited. After all, Gu Zheng had said before that when these fairy grains matured, they could all enjoy them.

"You guessed it right, these fairy grains are indeed fairy wheat, fairy corn, fairy potatoes and fairy soybeans. I will sow them today, and I need you to take care of them in the future! And when they mature, you You can also receive the rewards you can get from the Tianxin Sect." Gu Zheng said.

"Young master, how should we serve the crops of these fairy families?"

"Is it the same as serving ordinary crops, watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding, and removing insects?"

"It's definitely not like serving ordinary crops. After all, this is the food of the immortal family."

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to make the islanders calm down: "I will tell you how to serve these fairy grains later, and now I will plant them first."

The seeds of fairy grain flew from Gu Zheng's hands, and under Gu Zheng's control, they were sown in the 60 mu of fairy field at a fixed distance and row spacing.

"Quick, look, the crops are sprouting!"

"No, that's right, the fairy food has grown!"

"My darling! The food in the Xian family is extraordinary, it takes root and sprouts so quickly!"

The fairy food in the fairy field has indeed germinated, and the islanders are all very excited. They will be able to enjoy these fairy food in the future. Thinking about it makes people excited!

"The serving of fairy food is very simple, and it grows very fast. You follow the method I will say next, and you will be able to harvest fairy food in half a month."

"Watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding, weeding, weeding, weeding, even without sowing seeds, the only way to serve them is to use your power to help them grow. Every five days, you need to use your power to help the fairy food It takes two hours to grow, and the distribution of immortal food will be determined according to how much you contribute." Gu Zheng said.

"Young master, what is wish power?" an islander asked.

"When you help the fairy grains grow, you just need to pray devoutly without distracting thoughts, and pray that they can grow quickly. And the power generated by your prayers is also the power of will."

Gu Zheng paused, and then told everyone the detailed distribution rules of the immortal food.

In the prehistoric space of the ancient struggle, there are also immortal grains, and immortal rice is one of them.

These immortal grains grown in the mortal world, because of the protection of the 'Xiantian Formation', their food grade after maturity is also ordinary. Moreover, it is also food that contains immortal essence, after all, there is already immortal essence in the air today.

Compared with the growth of immortal food in the prehistoric space, the growth period of immortal food protected by the "Xiantian Formation" is also shorter. After all, their growth depends not only on immortal essence, but also very rare wish power.

There are a total of more than 2,000 people on Wufeng Island, and the mind power that more than 2,000 people can produce is a very terrifying power, and it is even a bit overkill to use it to give birth to fairy food.

In addition, because of the 'Xiantian Formation', when each person is giving birth to the Immortal Food, there will be light spots on the Immortal Formation to show whether they are pious or not, and there will also be light spots to show whether the birth time is enough .

After telling everyone about the fairy grain, Gu Zheng said again: "Today is the first day of planting the fairy grain. It's up to everyone to see how fast they grow and whether they will have a good harvest. From now on, follow Let me pray devoutly together, pray that our fairy food can grow quickly, and pray that we can usher in a good harvest!"

Gu Zheng took the lead in praying, and due to the entry of the power of vows, a light curtain appeared on the 60 acres of fairyland, and the power of everyone's prayers produced a light spot on it.

The brightness of the light spot represents whether the prayer is pious or not. When everyone prays for two hours within five days, when they pray again, the light spot will show a different color, and Xiantian will no longer be able to pray. To absorb the entry of will power.

Densely packed, many light spots appeared on the light curtain, and all the people present sent out devout prayers.

The wish power was converted into the force of birth through the "Xiantian Formation", and the celestial food in the Xiantian began to grow rapidly.

Two hours later, the fairy food, which was just a sprout, had grown to be as tall as a chopstick.

Seeing that Xianliang has undergone such obvious changes through their own efforts, everyone is very excited and feels a sense of accomplishment! They never thought before that one day they would be so close to the fairy family thing, let alone participate in the birth of the fairy family thing. This sense of pride made them really happy.

At the same time, in the hearts of the islanders, there is even more reverence for Gu Zheng. After all, all these unexpected things were brought about by Gu Zheng.

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