Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 524: Rich Rewards

After listening to Lian Yuxin's narration to the fairy chef, Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said: "I remember you still have four fairy fruits, right? Give them all to me, and I will make you a delicious dish."

"Master, even with my cultivation level, I can take at most one piece of fairy fruit every month. You want to use four pieces to cook me a dish?"

Having said that, Lian Yuxin still handed over the four fairy fruits.

"Didn't you also say that fairy chefs have the means to turn decay into magic?"

Gu Zheng took the fairy fruit, crushed the shell, put it in his palm and roasted it with the 'real fire of life'.

"You can't roast fairy fruit, it will go bad if you roast it!"

Lian Yuxin screamed, roasting fairy fruit is taboo, doing so will not only make the medicinal effect of fairy fruit better, but will make it poisonous.

"Go to the practice room and stay in the training room!"

Gu Zheng glared at Lian Yuxin impatiently, and then Lian Yuxin calmed down.

Seeing that Lian Yuxin didn't ask any more questions, Gu Zheng said: "Tell me about the things in the prehistoric world."

"Master, what kind of things do you want to hear?"

Lian Yuxin looked at Gu Zheng cautiously.

"All kinds of things about Honghuang, you can think of them, just tell them and listen to them." Gu Zheng said.


Lian Yuxin started her narration, and Gu Zheng continued to be busy with the ingredients.

The delicacy that Gu Zheng wanted to make for Lian Yuxin was just a sudden idea when he saw Lian Yuxin taking fairy fruit. And the delicacy he wants to make is not some dish passed down by Tiexian, but a delicacy created by himself according to his own understanding of ingredients.

Knowing some thoughts in Gu Zheng's mind, Qi Ling smiled and said: "Come on, I am looking forward to what you will make this time."

Gu Zheng also smiled: "In the past, I always felt that it was amazing how Master Tiexian created the method of food cultivation! How could he be able to make some, which seems irrelevant? How can the ingredients become such a powerful food cultivator? Is it really like Shen Nong who tasted hundreds of herbs, and discovered an unusual way through repeated attempts?"

"What about now?" Qi Ling asked with a smile.

"Now I have long understood that Lord Tiexian has really mastered an unusual way, but this way is not a way, but a way of diet! You asked me to make chicken blood soup to treat people with anorexia , you asked me to do food therapy to cure people with incomplete taste buds. When I did these things, I could say that I was a noob. But now, if you ask me to do the same thing, I will think it is too simple, because I know every food I know the cause of the disease, and I have the Tao in my heart!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

Ever since Gu Zheng comprehended the way of eating and drinking, his understanding of the way has been deepening, especially during the time spent in the treasures of Tianluo Cave, his breakthrough in food cultivation and his new understanding of "color, smell and fragrance" made him Today's Taoism has become deeper.

Medicine and food are of the same origin, understand the characteristics of food, know what ingredients to mix with what ingredients, and what effect will appear. As a cultivator, it is really not difficult to inspect a person's body, find the lesion easily, analyze what caused it, and treat the symptom with diet.

For example, for the delicacy that Gu Zheng wanted to make this time, he saw Lian Yuxin eating fairy fruit, and he knew what effect Lian Yuxin wanted. On the basis of understanding the characteristics of fairy fruit, he recalled that among the ingredients he had, What can be paired with fairy fruit to enhance the effect! In fact, this is like the doctor's pulse. After knowing the patient's condition, he prescribes the right medicine and rescues the disease. How is this different from the method of food cultivation created by Tiexian?

Only take the yolk from the egg, mix it with fort sugar and beat it into egg liquid.

The silver frost leaves are boiled in water from the spring of the earth veins, and the sky noodles mixed with rice flour are kneaded into dough to control the wood to wake up the noodles.

Fry majestic flowers in appropriate amount of fragrant oil to make majestic flower oil.

The blue star fruit is boiled and mashed into a puree.

After the fairy fruit is roasted, remove the oil and make powder.

"Master, can I talk about it later? I feel like I can't concentrate anymore." Lian Yuxin said pitifully.

Originally, Lian Yuxin was indeed talking about things in the prehistoric world, but seeing Gu Zheng handling the ingredients in a smooth manner, she really couldn't continue talking. Especially when the Meiji flower oil was made, the charming floral fragrance made her swallow her saliva several times, and she wanted to give up talking about it completely.

"Yes." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, may I ask a question?"

Lian Yu smiled flatteringly at Gu Zheng.

"What's the problem?" Gu Zheng looked at Lian Yuxin.

"Master, why do you want to remove the fairy fruit oil? It's a good thing!"

Lian Yuxin asked very cautiously, for fear that Gu Zheng would be angry.

"It's a good thing in itself, but if it's put in the delicious dish I'm going to make, it seems to hinder the effect."

Gu Zheng gave an explanation, and Lian Yuxin, who didn't dare to ask more, accepted it as soon as he saw it. He was really looking forward to the delicious food that Gu Zheng was going to cook.

"I just found out today that watching the fairy chef process the ingredients is simply a kind of enjoyment! The flowing movements and concentrated expression are really delicious!" Lian Yuxin secretly said.

If Lian Yuxin had doubts about delicious food before, but after watching Gu Zheng handle the ingredients, her doubts have all disappeared, and all that is left is full of expectations.

"The last ingredient that needs to be processed."

Gu Zheng took out a few more dates-like fruits from the prehistoric space.

Seeing that the fruit that Gu Zheng took out was Wulouzi obtained from Xuechao Island, Qi Ling, whose expression changed, screamed: "Remove the disgusting ingredients in it!"


Gu Zheng was speechless: "You don't need to say I will, I don't want to face a crazy tigress later!"

Although Wulouzi is effective for both men and women, it is an ingredient of the most yang itself. If some of its bad ingredients are removed, it can be paired with the fairy fruit of extreme yin to complement each other and sublimate the effect.

After removing the core of Wulezi and using the Water Control Technique to control the spring water from the earth veins for many times, the preliminary processing of the ingredients has been completed.

Add the egg liquid, Meiji flower oil, blue star fruit puree, and fairy fruit powder to the woken noodles. After kneading well, Gu Zheng arranged them into noodle cakes and spread them on the plate.

Afterwards, Gu Zheng spread the milk ginseng liquid on the bread, sprinkled the crushed succulent fruit, and then spread a layer of queen bee nectar, covered the plate, put it into the dry pot, and used the fire control formula to ignite the flame , Slowly roasted up.

For a delicious dish, Gu Zheng uses a lot of ingredients: eggs, ant sugar, sky noodles, fairy fruit, wulouzi, sesame oil, rice noodles, majestic flowers, silver frost leaves, blue star fruit, milk ginseng liquid, and queen bee nectar.

"Is this food cultivation?" Gu Zheng asked himself.

"I think so!" Gu Zheng replied.

For this food repair cooking, Gu Zheng didn't deliberately shape the ingredients, he just used his "smooth way" to cook the food repair. As for what it will look like in the end, Gu Zheng has no idea what it will look like now Do not want to know.

Although the food repair is cooked by Gu Zheng himself, he really enjoys the kind of cooking that he just cooks with his heart, without peeping at the result, so that the result will finally appear like a surprise.

As the roasting progressed, the sweet and milky aroma wafted out of the pot, causing Lian Yuxin to twitch Qiong's nose continuously.

"It smells so good!"

Even Yu Xin flapped her nose very quickly, if she wasn't afraid of being accused by Gu Zheng, she would have wanted to get close to the pot and smell it enough.

The fragrance is constantly increasing its attractiveness, and Lian Yuxin swallows her saliva from time to time.

"How do you feel?" Gu Zheng asked with his eyes closed.


Before she opened her mouth, Lian Yuxin couldn't hold back, she swallowed loudly, which made her look at Gu Zheng with embarrassment and said, "It's so fragrant! The sweet fragrance is hard to describe, like the fragrance of oil, and There is a milky, fruity scent, but also a floral scent, which feels very wonderful. Each scent is so clear and attractive, and it is so blended that it makes people crazy drunk!"

Lian Yuxin paused, and then said with a mournful face: "Master, my cultivation is almost at the late stage of returning to the Void, and I am a thousand years old, why do you think I am so worthless? The secretion of saliva in the mouth is a bit uncontrollable! When I was in Honghuang, one of the two dishes I ate was extremely fragrant, but before I ate it, it was not like today!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly and said: "It's not surprising that you are like this. The so-called cultivating the Tao means cultivating the Tao. The food I cook contains the Tao. Some functions of your body react uncontrollably to the Tao, which is normal. thing!"

Lian Yuxin was slightly taken aback, what Gu Zheng said was easy to understand, but why didn't she think of it before? After all, she has also been to Xianchu shop, and she also knows that the food cooked by Xianchu does contain the mystery of Tao.

Seemingly seeing Lian Yuxin's thoughts, Gu Zheng said again: "Tao transforms all things, and all things have a Tao."

Lian Yuxin nodded, and looked at Gu Zheng with a slightly different gaze: "No wonder the head is so young, with such a cultivation level, it is not unreasonable to be able to possess such super divine powers as Immortal Domain Ah! As the saying goes, if you pay attention to everything, you will learn, so why can’t this mean that if you pay attention to everything, you will learn the way!”

Lian Yu has a feeling in her heart, she seems to feel that there are some things that she didn't pay attention to before, but she has noticed them, and these things that were not noticed, seem to be infinitely mysterious after thinking about it.


Lian Yuxin sighed, deeply regretful. The feeling in my heart is very close to enlightenment, but the strength is not enough. As soon as I enter it, I can't help but get out, so that if I feel it, I can't grasp it.

"Maybe it's because the food cooked by the head is too fragrant! It really makes me unable to meditate!" Lian Yuxin secretly said.

The fragrance in the air was extremely rich, but it didn't make people feel tired at all. Even Yuxin felt that this kind of fragrance seemed too strong if it was too much, and too weak if it was too little.

At this time, Gu Zheng stopped stoking the fire, lifted the lid of the pot, stretched out his hand and dragged the plate covered with the lid to the table with Xianli.

Each hand cast a spell on the plate, and the plate immediately jumped violently, as if it wanted to overturn the lid.

Gu Zheng understands that the beating at this time is the final fusion and formation of the ingredients, and this vision needs his comfort.

With both hands close to the plate, the extreme cold power condensed by the Water Control Art instantly acted on it, and the plate became quiet after that, and the original high temperature on the outside had completely disappeared.

"Open and enjoy!"

Gu Zheng finally let go, and Lian Yuxin couldn't wait to open the plate immediately, and the white mist that was originally covered by the plate entered the food cultivation completely as if encountering a strong suction.

The food repair has completed the plasticity, and it was originally just a piece of bread, which has become a big 'fairy fruit'.

On the purple-red appearance, there are countless ice crystals dotted, and there are some small pieces of succulent fruit. As if it had been cut off by a quarter, from the upper side, you can directly see the inside of the 'fairy fruit', which has a completely different milky white color and is exuding an extremely attractive fragrance.

"This, is this a cake?"

There are also cakes in the Great Desolation, but none of the cakes that Yuxin has eaten has made her so appetizing, and she can't wait to taste it so eagerly.

"No, this is no longer a simple cake, this is a food repair."

Gu Zheng's solemn voice fell to the ground, and the extremely fragrant shape was also born at this time.


Lian Yuxin screamed, blushed and glanced at Gu Zheng, and quickly lowered her head.

Gu Zheng also felt embarrassed, not peeping at the result, so that he didn't know the final form of food cultivation, and also let him not know what the transformation of Jixiang looks like.

I saw that on the top of the 'fairy fruit', the extremely fragrant things formed are very interesting. There are clearly two villains, a man and a woman, who are doing yin and yang intercourse/combination.


Gu Zheng cleared his throat: "Yin-yang intercourse/combination is only a way of reproduction at first, don't think about it all day long, hurry up and eat!"

The embarrassing Gu Zheng, after admonishing Lian Yuxin, the old god sat aside, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Wulouzi plus fairy fruit, there is such an extremely fragrant transformation, this is really unexpected!" Gu Zheng secretly said.

Seeing that Gu Zheng closed his eyes, Lian Yuxin said to himself: "Didn't he really make those two little things on purpose?"

The two villains on the 'Fairy Fruit' had disappeared, and Lian Yuxin looked at Gu Zheng suspiciously again, finally couldn't resist the temptation of the sweet taste, and picked up the 'Fairy Fruit' on the plate.

After one bite, Lian Yuxin's beautiful big eyes widened a bit, and she experienced a very special taste.

First it is cold and crisp, then warm and soft, and then the indescribable sweetness melts in the mouth.

"too delicious!"

Lian Yuxin sincerely expressed her admiration for the food, and hurriedly took a second bite of the 'Fairy Fruit'.


Lian Yuxin exclaimed, because she found that the food that entered her stomach had turned into a stream of pure immortal essence, which was rushing towards the immortal power ball in her dantian.

In the Xianchu shop in the prehistoric world, the extremely fragrant delicacy that Yu Xin ate had a similar effect, but its effect could not be compared with the current 'Saint Fruit' at all.

Just when Lian Yu was hesitating whether to taste the delicious food or absorb the immortal essence first, Gu Zheng said, "Finish the food repair first!"

Gu Zheng's voice was very serious, Lian Yuxin didn't dare to hesitate, quickly swallowed the 'Fairy Fruit', and concentrated on absorbing the immortal energy it brought.

Lian Yu was already startled by the huge and pure immortal energy, but when she felt that all the pores in her body were opening up and devouring the immortal energy in the air, she couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Do you want to be backlashed?"

Gu Zheng drank loudly, and at this time of taking food repair, one must concentrate, screaming and other actions can easily make the immortal essence go berserk and rush to the viscera.

"I should have told her about the characteristics of food cultivation." Gu Zheng said heartily.

Through Lian Yuxin's previous narration, Gu Zheng understood that Lian Yuxin didn't know much about fairy chefs, or that the fairy chefs there were not strong enough to make something.

Even Yuxin had heard of food cultivation before, but the effect of food cultivation she mentioned was only to increase immortal energy for the user to a great extent, and did not produce the effect of 'pore vortex'.

Gu Zheng originally thought that Lian Yuxin, as a cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, still had a basic calmness, but who would have thought that she would scream at the critical moment just now! Even if she doesn't know about food cultivation, her understanding of Xianyuan should make her understand that she couldn't do such a thing at that time.

Fortunately, Lian Yuxin was not hurt because of this, otherwise Gu Zheng really felt that she would cry stupidly.

Gu Zheng was depressed, and even Yu Xin, who didn't dare to be distracted, was also depressed. Too many things happened in one day, especially the violent beating of Gu Zheng in the Immortal Realm, which seemed to drag down her IQ a little! When facing Gu Zheng, she involuntarily became a little slow-witted, no matter what she said, or the scream just now, she simply blurted out, so fast that she herself had no time to react.

"Gu Zheng, the food you cooked this time has indeed achieved the effect that food cultivation should have. This is indeed a food cultivation! Then, name the food cultivation you created!"

Qi Ling's serious voice suddenly sounded, which made Gu Zheng's heart shudder! Usually when Qi Ling speaks so seriously, it is when announcing rewards or issuing tasks!

"Usually there will be rewards for certain things for the first time, such as the first battle beyond the realm, the first breakthrough in the method of food cultivation passed down by Tiexian, etc. Could it be that this food Is Xiu also rewarded?"

When Gu Zheng's thoughts turned, he also announced the name of the food cultivator - female fairy food cultivator.

"Congratulations to Tiexian Chuanren for completing the hidden task 'Self-Creation of Food Cultivator'. Based on the difficulty of female fairy food cultivation, as well as its characteristics and effects, this weapon spirit will reward the following items at its discretion."

"Reward: One hundred intermediate immortal pills."

"Reward: Three pieces of refining materials on the Earth Demon and Xuan Yao."

"Reward: Two immortal artifacts that can be used to repair the Chaos Tower."

"Reward: two pieces of sky blue jade, two catties of red copper pith, and two pieces of Linglong spar."

"Reward: Immortal skill 'Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg Technique'."

"Reward: A high-grade ingredient flat peach."

Qi Ling has distributed the rewards in the prehistoric space of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also cheered from the bottom of his heart. The reward this time is not unreasonable!

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