Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 509 Reserve Room

After returning to the sect, Gu Zheng immediately went to see Jiao Jiao.

"Jiaojiao, you sent me a message to let me come back. Do you need a blood maple core to repair the Chaos Tower?" Gu Zheng asked on the top floor of the Chaos Tower.

"Master, apart from the need to use the blood maple core, there is another thing." There was a smile in Jiaojiao's voice.

"Oh? It seems to be a good thing, but tell me what kind of thing it is." Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"I told the owner before that the new nine-story pagoda body can be slowly warmed here, and it can play a slow repair role. At that time, the master also told me what materials are needed to repair the new nine-story pagoda. Let me advance Let me tell you, you can also make preparations earlier. However, I was still repairing the last nine-story tower body at that time, and I couldn't enter the new nine-story tower body to check, so I couldn't give the master an answer."

Jiaojiao's voice paused, and then he said again: "A few days ago, the restoration of the previous nine-story tower reached a stage. I took the time to enter the new nine-story tower to check, and found that there was no 'reserve room' inside. Be opened!"

"Reserve room?" Gu Zheng asked.

To be honest, although Gu Zheng is the owner of the Chaos Tower, he really doesn't know much about the Chaos Tower, and he never knew there was such a place in the Chaos Tower.

"Every ninth floor of the Chaos Tower, there is a storage room. There are various things in the storage room. These things may have been put in by the previous owner of the Chaos Tower."

"For example, inside the thirteen-story tower where I am, there is a storage room. This storage room was opened by Master Changmei, and he took some of the things inside as a reward for being able to clear the 'Energy Battlefield'. "

"The nine-story tower that the master got from the blood soul also has a storage room inside, but this storage room is open, and the things stored in it have long since disappeared."

"As for the nine-story tower that the master brought back this time, there is also a storage room in it, and it is still the kind that has not been opened. The reason why the master does not know that there is a storage room in the tower is because there is a storage room in the storage room. I didn’t specifically mention it without anything, even if the owner saw the storage room, he wouldn’t pay attention, after all, it’s no different from a normal room.”

Because of the incomplete Chaos Tower, Jiaojiao's memory is also incomplete, so he doesn't know some things, such as who his last master was.

Although Gu Zheng didn't know that there was a storage room in the Chaos Tower before, when he first came into contact with the Chaos Tower, he heard Elder Wuyou mentioned that those who cleared the "Energy Battlefield" back then could get a reward! It's just that what people didn't expect was that the so-called reward was originally taken out by the real Changmei from the storage room of the Chaos Tower.

"Then what did you gain from the storage room?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Master, I can't open the storage room!" Jiaojiao said.

"Why? You are the tool spirit of the Chaos Tower, and you can't open this storage room?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"Although I am the tool spirit of the Chaos Tower, the new nine-story tower body has not been added to the main body of the Chaos Tower, so I do not have some permissions. However, although I cannot open the storage room, the owner can open it." Jiaojiao said .

"Tell me, what's in the storage room?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The things stored in the storage room can be roughly divided into two types, one is cultivation resources, and the other is resources that can be used to repair the Chaos Tower. If this unopened storage room is stored to restore chaos The resources of the tower, then there may be the golden spirit energy we urgently need!"

Jiaojiao's words made Gu Zheng's eyes shine instantly. For the urgently needed material of Jin Ling Qi, Gu Zheng really has no hope. I can still find it, but on Earth...

"Jiaojiao, how can I open the storage room?"

Regardless of whether there is aura of golden spirit in the storage room, Gu Zheng is already very excited and wants to open it immediately.

"If the master wants to open the storage room, he must first clear the 'Energy Battlefield' in the nine-story tower, and then follow the method I said to open the storage room easily." Jiaojiao said.

"Is there an 'energy battlefield' here?"

In Rong Qiu's memory, Gu Zheng did not find the existence of an 'energy battlefield' inside the nine-story pagoda.

"There is an 'Energy Battlefield' in the new nine-story tower, but the people who owned it before didn't know how to open it. Moreover, the function of the 'Energy Battlefield' in the Chaos Tower is not known as its owner. Even the original Changmei Daoist opened the 'Energy Battlefield' after he recognized the thirteen-storey pagoda as the master." Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"In the new nine-story tower, what is the 'Energy Battlefield' for training?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"The 'Energy Battlefield' in the thirteen-story tower trains fighting skills. The previous 'Energy Battlefield' in the nine-story tower trained spiritual thoughts. In the current nine-story tower, the 'Energy Battlefield' trains things. It should be fairy arts and fairy skills." Jiaojiao said.

"Training immortal skills and skills?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"That's right, it's about training immortal skills and immortal skills! This kind of function sounds a little useless at first glance, but it's actually very useful! The master told me that your 'sedation skill' can be used continuously, Thereby increasing the power, and the new 'Energy Battlefield' should have such an effect!" Jiaojiao said.

Gu Zheng's heart was moved, and surprises flooded up. Although the continuous use of immortal skills and skills will indeed increase their power, this enhancement is limited after all, because the fundamental reason that affects the power of immortal skills and skills is the level of cultivation. . Just like Gu Zheng's many fairy arts and skills today, he is already very proficient. If the cultivation base is no longer enhanced, then no matter how hard he practices the fairy arts and skills, it will not have much effect.

However, cultivation like the 'Shenshen Art' is different. The continuous use of the 'Shenshen Art' will not only increase the mental power of the 'Shen Shen Art' itself, but also the spiritual power will also become stronger!

Then, according to Jiaojiao, the new 'Energy Battlefield' is a very perverted place. It can make immortal arts and immortal skills stronger in the process of continuous use, and thus also increase one's own cultivation base.

"Jiajiao, how does the new 'Energy Battlefield' count as clearance?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The new tower has a total of nine floors. I think you will experience nine 'energy battlefields'. Clear them to complete the level." Jiaojiao said.

"Tell me how to open the 'Energy Battlefield', I can't wait to see it!" Gu Zheng said.

Jiaojiao told Gu Zheng the method of 'opening the energy' battlefield, and the subsequent method of opening the storage room. And Gu Zheng also controlled the core of the nine-story pagoda, made it smaller and brought it to the back mountain of Emei.

To open the 'Energy Battlefield', the main body must be entered. Gu Zheng can only control the core of the nine-story tower body, enlarge it, and enter it.

According to the method given by Jiaojiao, after Gu Zheng entered the first floor of the tower, he used the input of immortal power to operate on the core, and the heavy tower suddenly swayed.

The space in the tower is huge, and the core is in the depths of the space, so just after the 'Energy Battlefield' was activated, Gu Zheng was already in the 'Energy Battlefield'.

Once a person enters the 'energy battlefield' where combat skills can be trained, some dummies with energy bodies will be born immediately and start to attack the passers-by.

However, the new 'Energy Battlefield' was different. At the same time it was opened, a voice came from Gu Zheng's ears.

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or skill you want to practice."

Gu Zheng looked up, and there was an old man with a long beard floating in mid-air. This old man was not a real person, but a spirit body.

"Qi Ling, what's going on? Is he a Qi Ling? Jiaojiao didn't say there is a Qi Ling here!"

Gu Zheng was very surprised, and subconsciously asked Qi Ling, but Qi Ling didn't say anything.

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or skill you want to practice."

The spirit body in the air spoke again, with a urging voice.

"Equipment spirit?"

When Gu Zheng made a sound, he subconsciously looked inside, wanting to see what Qi Ling was doing. However, he was shocked to find that the Qi Ling, which could be seen at a glance, could not be seen now! This invisibility made him instantly feel that the intimate connection between him and Qi Ling was separated by an unknown mysterious energy!

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or fairy skill you want to practice!"

The spirit body in the air spoke again, the sound was almost a roar, and the long beard fluttered.

"The Tiexianling is integrated with me, it can be regarded as a part of my body, and it can be separated. What kind of existence is here!"

Gu Zheng was really shocked. After all, the Tiexian Token was created by the Tiexian who is a saint, and in this space that he didn't care much about, there is actually something that can separate him from the Tiexian Token. How could he not be surprised by the mysterious energy!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The strange noises continued one after another, and the old man in the spirit body split in an instant, turning into ten little girls and falling to the ground.

"I go!"

Gu Zheng exclaimed, the ten little peppers in front of him, who are they if they are not spirits!

The ten little girls were coquettish at the same time, and they rushed towards Gu Zheng again, and some attacked Gu Zheng from a long distance. Whether it is close combat or long-range attack, these little girls can dispatch the energy of heaven and earth!

All of a sudden, fist shadows danced, energy flew wildly, and violent energy of heaven and earth swept across the entire space.

Although Gu Zheng was shocked, he also guessed some clues about some things. He knew that these little peppers before were not weapon spirits at all, they were just dummies with energy bodies, so they were merciless in their attacks. Shan, one after another, the little girls faded and disappeared under his Tang Mo.

Finally, the ten little girls were all wiped out, and Gu Zheng inevitably suffered some minor injuries. After all, the strength of the little girls is already at the level of refining and transforming gas, and the space in the "Energy Battlefield" is also limited. Sometimes it will inevitably be affected by the power of fairy art.

After finishing ten little girls, Gu Zheng didn't move. According to the previous experience in the "Energy Battlefield", after passing a level, as long as one moves, it will immediately appear in the next level.

"It seems that the so-called cultivation of immortality should be generated by imagination. If he didn't follow his prompts and think of the immortality to be practiced in time, then the generated thing may be what was thought in the brain at that time, and then "energy It's something that's generated on the battlefield." Gu Zheng thought to himself.

At this moment, Gu Zheng had completely calmed down from the initial shock. He simply dealt with his injuries before he moved forward.

The line of sight alternates between light and dark, and the space in front of him is no different from before, it is so empty, as if in a room with walls made of dim light.

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or fairy skill you want to practice!"

The one who opened his mouth in mid-air is still the spirit body of Xianfeng Daogu.

Before entering the ancient battle, he had already figured out what kind of fairy art he was going to practice, so he concentrated on imagining his fairy art.

The natal true water in Gu Zheng's body vibrated slightly as if he had been attracted by some kind of attraction.

At the same time, Gu Zheng's line of sight once again alternated between light and dark, and the space changed. As far as he could see was a vast ocean, as for himself, he was suspended in mid-air.


As soon as his sight was restored, Gu Zheng, caught off guard, fell into the water.

Moreover, in the process of falling, Gu Zheng was surprised to find that he lost the energy of Yukong, and even the Xianli ball in his body was subject to many restrictions when it was running.

Although it was a surprise, Gu Zheng didn't panic. After all, he already knew that this is a place to practice water-type fairy arts, and the abnormality just now occurred, which probably means that in this "energy battlefield", he should not be able to perform water-type fairy arts. Any other spells!

As soon as he thought about it, he verified that Gu Zheng, who was still in the water and showing a downward trend, immediately wanted to call Tang Mo out of the prehistoric space. Sure enough, the reality is not different from what he imagined. Tang Mo, who was able to call out in the last "energy battlefield", can't feel the existence of the prehistoric space at all in this "energy battlefield"! Since he couldn't feel the prehistoric space, he naturally couldn't bring Tang Mo out.

Wanting to know more about this ancient battle in the 'Energy Battlefield', I immediately wanted to try out my divine sense. The result is still not unexpected, and the divine sense is also banned here.

He wanted to try other skills again, but out of the corner of Gu Zheng's eye, he saw a huge monster that suddenly appeared. It was a golden-armored lobster with a length of two feet!

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the true water of life in his body circulated, and he immediately stopped the sinking trend and suspended in the water.

Gu Zheng stretched out his arms and shook them like the wings of a bird. Suddenly, a violent current in the clear sea water was generated, and it spiraled towards the golden-armored lobster.


The golden-armored lobster roared like a dragon's chant, its two big claws swayed wildly, and countless water arrows were formed, shooting towards Gu Zheng like a thousand arrows.

Gu Zheng's eyes widened in an instant. This guy is not the little pepper in the "Energy Battlefield" last time. Its destructive power of water magic is comparable to that of Gu Zheng!

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to draw a circle, and the water flow immediately formed a rotating circular water curtain in front of him, and the more it turned, the larger the range of influence, almost in the blink of an eye, it had become a huge rotating wave.

All the water arrows hit by the huge waves were all scattered, and the position of the waves was already very close to the golden-armored lobster.

The golden lobster's exaggerated double claws waved fiercely, and at the same time it clamped the wave, a force of extreme cold immediately gushed out from its double claws. The originally unstoppable huge waves instantly formed icicles, and moved The ancient dispute spread over there.

The natal real water in Gu Zheng's body shook, and the power of extreme cold immediately acted on the huge waves.

I saw that the original huge waves turned white from both ends, and quickly approached the other side.


There was a toothache sound, the extreme cold power of Gu Zheng met the extreme cold power of the Golden Armored Lobster, and the icicle made an unbearable sound under the clash of the two forces.


The icicles exploded, and the sea became violent at any time.

Gu Zheng understands that this is an excellent opportunity to practice, and the Golden Armored Lobster is undoubtedly a formidable opponent, and he can clearly feel that natal Zhenshui has indeed been strengthened in such a battle!

However, Gu Zheng does not intend to continue the battle, after all, this is the second 'energy battlefield', and there are still several 'energy battlefields' waiting for him to pass the level.

"Raging sea frenzy!"

Gu Zheng roared and pushed his hands forward violently. In the violent vibration of the natal real water in his body, two water curtains were formed one after the other, like two stone walls about to be closed. The posture of clamping to death.

On one side of the Golden Armored Lobster's body, the two big claws retracted suddenly, and then stretched out again, and the two flickering ice cones shot towards the front and rear water walls at an unimaginable speed.

With unparalleled momentum, the ice cone passed through the water wall, and the water wall froze instantly when it passed through, and then a spider web-like crack appeared.


The water wall collapsed with a huge crisp sound, and he never gave up the ancient struggle to control the water wall. While raising his brows, he pinched his fingers, and the shattered ice cubes roared towards the golden-armored lobster. Smash it.

The double claws of the golden-armored lobster rotated, and a powerful current swirled, protecting its body, and all ice cubes that touched it were blown away.

However, there were too many ice cubes, and under Gu Zheng's control, they were about to pile up the golden-armored lobsters to death.

Finally, the water flow of the golden-armored lobster's body protection slowed down, and as it slowed down, the ice cubes immediately seemed to be tiled, and it was wrapped in a huge ice ball in just the blink of an eye.

Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he made a tactic with both hands at the same time, only to hear a loud noise, the huge ice ball exploded in the water, and he could vaguely see the ice dust shooting in all directions, with strands of golden light.

The line of sight in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng's position became the empty space in the 'energy battlefield' again.

Still not taking any immediate action, Gu Zheng sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath, and on his left arm, the blood that was gushing out slowly stopped.

The injury on Gu Zheng's arm was caused by the ice pick of the Golden Armored Lobster. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, his entire arm could have been penetrated.

Moreover, a seemingly simple wound is actually not simple at all. When the ice pick penetrated the skin, it immediately released the power of extreme cold. Even though the "Energy Battlefield" is over now, the power of extreme cold is still scurrying in Gu Zheng's body! If it weren't for his cultivation, this extreme cold force alone might kill a cultivator in the realm of transforming gods.

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