Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 505 Monster Beast

Brook didn't object this time, but he pointed out that finding the connection point is the most important thing. If Barbatos really helped them find the connection point this time, he must be very grateful.

Planto City, the main city of the Planto Kingdom, has a population of 15 million and is the largest city in the Planto Kingdom.

Three days later, a group of people came to this city, mainly Barbatos, Brook and Gu Zheng, they all dressed up as servants so that no one would notice their true identities.

The largest family in Planto City is the Planto family. This is a big family with five strong Golden Immortals and more than 300 ordinary practitioners.

"Belle, my brother!"

In front of a manor gate, Barbatos opened his arms and hugged a young man. The young man embraced by him had a late stage transformation state and was also one of the seventy-two demon gods back then.

Belle, ranked twenty-eighth among the seventy-two demon gods, is a rare handsome guy among the demon gods.

"Barbatos, I didn't expect you to come, please come in!"

Belle laughed out loud, and invited Barbatos and the others to enter his manor. Brook kept pretending to lower his head, and he didn't notice Brook's existence.

Belle belongs to the Planto family, but he is not a direct descendant of the Planto family, but a family he joined later. He has no family blood and belongs to the guest minister invited by the family.

With such an identity, it is destined that he will not be able to obtain the cultivation resources of the direct line of the family, but it is not bad, at least he can share some cultivation resources, which is much better than his own hard work.

"Baile, look who this is?"

After entering the living room, Barbatos smiled and said something to Bailie, and pulled Brook over.

Brook raised his head with a smile, not trying to hide himself, Belle's eyes soon showed surprise, and soon he became a little excited.

"Brooke, it's you, Brook, why are you here, when did you come here?"

Belle asked a few questions in a row, and seemed very excited. Among the seventy-two demon gods, Belle was a rare person with a straight temper. During the battles, he was always at the forefront and was very brave.

"I came here by accident!"

Brooke sighed slightly, and told how he and Gu Zheng came to hell. Belle was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect it to be so. Brook and Gu Zheng were actually sent by accident.

"Since you are here, why don't you just stay here, with your current strength, no matter which family you join, you will be valued!"

Belle, like Barbatos, also asked Brook to stay. Brook shook his head again. His life in the Demon Realm was more comfortable, and he didn't want to stay in this hell, which is equivalent to the countryside for the Demon Realm. He must go back.

"You guys stay here first, tell me what you need, I will help you if I can do it!"

Knowing that Brooke was unwilling to stay, Belle didn't mention the matter of staying, but patted his chest and said that he would do his best to help. He has such a temperament, and Brooke also knows that since he said so, he will definitely do so.

Brook told the information he wanted to investigate, and Belle quickly ordered someone to investigate, in order to get the information as soon as possible.

This is the king's city, and Belle is a demon god. It was very simple for him to inquire about some news. The news came back the next day. After analysis, Brook quickly identified five places that might be the connection points.

Five, two more than the previous Wangzhou City.

Gu Zheng and Brook, who were eager to return home, went to check immediately after getting the news. These days, Gu Zheng has been learning about the magic circle with Brook, and he is also familiar with the connection points.

The so-called connection point is actually the weakest place in the space. Only such a place can use the magic circle to pass through and reach another world.

As for which world to reach, it depends on where the corresponding connection point other than the connection point is.

The connection point is the place close to the space layer in the first world. Because of this, the space here will be unstable. For example, the upper bound and the three thousand lower bounds are all in groups. Of course, the nine upper bounds must be It is much larger than the three thousand lower bounds, and both the upper bounds and the lower bounds are surrounded by a vacuum layer, through which they can be connected.

This vacuum layer can be regarded as a connection point of space. This is just a metaphor. It is definitely not like this. This is also the current understanding of Gu Zheng.

Although Gu Zheng doesn't know much about the concept of space now, after spending so many days with Brooke, he still understands a little bit.

The space is weak, but it does not mean that the space here will be abnormal, so it needs to be determined by many subtle features. For example, where the space is weak, some plants will be slightly different. Normally, they should face north, but they may face south.

These differences are only possible, but it does not mean that they will definitely be, but as long as they are real spatial connection points, this difference must exist.

The English castle on Earth is a connecting point, and there is something special there, but it is all covered up by Brook and has not been discovered by anyone.

"Not here!"

In the first place, after checking everything, Gu Zheng said regretfully, he can find out that it is not a space connection point without Brooke’s explanation here. In fact, it is not difficult to detect. The space of space connection points is very fragile. Some small spells of the space system can be tested.

Gu Zheng did not practice Western magic, but he also had an understanding of the laws of space. It is not difficult for him to detect whether the space is weak, and he can do it.

In fact, there are some space fairy arts in Qi Ling, including the teleportation technique that everyone envies. Qi Ling has it, which can teleport short distances. have not reach yet.

The first point failed completely, and the five of them immediately went to the second point. Now that Barbatos and Belle are there, there is no problem flying together. Even if they encounter other demon gods, Barbatos and Belle can go up. Go forward and say, this is the person they brought.

The second point is just a lake, a very big lake, the size of this lake is larger than any lake on earth, and there are some small islands in the lake.

The first thing to check was the lakeside. Brook quickly shook his head, and Gu Zheng also knew that it was not here.

There is an island in the lake that is also suspicious. This is an uninhabited island. It is said that there are monsters and beasts here, and few people will come here.

But most of the ordinary people who came here did not go back, and disappeared without a trace. In the end, this place became a forbidden place for ordinary people.


As soon as he came to the island, Brook let out a sigh, and Gu Zheng also felt through the spirit of Qi that there seemed to be some fluctuations in the space here, which was not stable.


There was a hint of excitement on Brooke's face. He had been in hell for more than a month, and he didn't expect to find a place that might be a connection point so soon. If this is really a connection point, then they have hope to go back.

The spatial fluctuations here are indeed different, and the fluctuations are very large. Gu Zheng also noticed it, and he also showed surprise on his face, and immediately looked at Brook.

"I want to make sure, is it a spatial connection point!"

Brook took a deep breath and said something to Gu Zheng. He understood what Gu Zheng meant when he saw him. In fact, he was very excited about this meeting. If this is the connection point of space, it is possible to return to the place he wants to go.

"Okay, make sure as soon as possible!"

Gu Zheng nodded slightly, these days Barbatos and Belle are here, Gu Zheng is not showing his cooking skills, both of them brought a lot of delicacies from hell to entertain them, something that can be brought out by the demon god, It was much tastier than what they ate in the mortal world outside, so Gu Zheng could still accept it.

Brook immediately took out a magic circle on the ground. He was very skilled in magic circles, and he carried many movable magic circles with him.

This magic circle is a directional one-way teleportation magic circle. As long as this is the real connection point, he can send the three of them back to the earth. The magic circle itself is located in the world of the earth.

However, because it is a one-way teleportation, when they teleport out, they will randomly appear somewhere on the earth, unlike before when the butler summoned Brook, because it was summoned by a magic circle, it was a directional teleportation, and Brook appeared directly in the castle.

When they come here, they are also one-way teleportation, and they are teleported to a random place, so the place they come out is not a connection point, and they need to find it by themselves.

On Earth, even if they appear randomly, they can quickly find the connection point, which is their home, so familiar.

The blue light came out of the magic circle, and the butler was also a little excited. He also wanted to go back. He was even wondering if he would follow Brooke to the Demon Realm if he returned to Earth.

He had always thought that following Lord Brook was his lifelong mission, but this time he came to Hell, he thought a lot, changed to a strange environment, a completely strange environment, he really couldn't adapt.

This is the case in hell, and the same is true in the devil world. This made the butler think otherwise. Perhaps, following Brooke was not his real choice. It was just their mission from generation to generation. What he really wanted was not this. Live on Earth.

He still has children and family members. In fact, they are all on Earth. This time, Brook did not agree to take them with him, but only him.

At the beginning, he thought that if he left, their fate of being housekeepers for generations would end, and his son would be able to do what he wanted to do. He must be very happy, but after he left, he realized that he still missed him very much My family, the longer I am out, the more I miss them.

The butler is bowing his head now, he doesn't know what to say to Brook, but if he can return to Earth, he really doesn't want to go to the Demon World with Brook, he wants to stay on Earth forever.

The magic circle was more radiant, Gu Zheng and Brook looked at the magic circle a little excitedly, while Barbatos and Belle sighed slightly.

Although they were very happy to see Brook, they did not expect that Brook would leave so soon. If possible, they really wanted to keep Brook. A strong man at the Golden Immortal level would be of great help to them.

But Brooke was unwilling, so he had to let go. He didn't stay willingly, and it didn't help them at all.


The space suddenly broke open, and a monster with the head of a cat, the body of a horse, and a long tail and three claws suddenly appeared.


Barbatos yelled first, and when he yelled, he and Believe had already started to move. This monster was extremely powerful, but its strength was not weak.

Gu Zheng also started to move. He and Qi Ling hadn't noticed this monster before, as if it came out suddenly, but the strength of this monster is indeed not weak, and it has the strength of the late stage of returning to the void.

Not only in the late stage of Void Return, but also in the late stage of Dzogchen realm. If you have chance and luck, you can break through to the Golden Immortal realm in one step.

The monster appeared and screamed fiercely. Brook was presiding over the magic circle, but Gu Zheng and Barbatos had already surrounded the monster to prevent it from disturbing Brook.

"Damn Demon God!"

The monster uttered human words and screamed angrily. This monster was extremely intelligent and possessed the ability to speak.

In hell, some monsters are actually similar to demon gods, but there are still differences. The biggest difference is power. Demon gods cultivate the power of demon gods, while monsters cultivate demon power.

Just like the earth, immortal cultivators cultivate immortal power, while demon cultivators cultivate magical power. With different powers, even if they are the same Chinese people, they still exist in opposition.

The demon gods and monsters in hell are opposing existences, and they keep fighting, and it is impossible to compromise.

"Kill it!"

Barbatos snorted coldly. When a demon god meets a monster, it is like a vengeful practitioner of the righteous way meets a practitioner of the evil way. There is basically no possibility of peace.

Barbatos was the first to do it. He took out a bright bow and arrow and pulled it away long.

Belle also took out his own weapon. The cat-headed monster screamed, and its whole body glowed with white light. The surrounding space suddenly became a little distorted. The arrow shot by Barbatos went to nowhere.

"So that's the case, hey!"

Brook on the side sighed heavily. The space here did fluctuate, which made him very happy at first, thinking that he had found a space connection point and could go back.

Unexpectedly, I was disappointed in the end.

It's true that the space here has fluctuations, but it's not because of the connection points of the space, but because of this monster. This monster actually has a very rare space talent. Before they came, they hid in the space. so as not to be noticed by them.

Originally, as long as they left, the monster would reappear, but they didn't expect that not only did they not leave, but they also used the space magic circle.

The space magic circle also has the ability of space, so it has to come out at this time, otherwise it may be squeezed into a mess by the more chaotic space, so it jumped out angrily. After it came out, the space fluctuation here no longer exists, which means here Not what they were looking for.

That's why Brook sighed. This time it was just an accident, an accident that happened with a very small chance, but they happened to meet him.

The two of them, Barbatos, had already wrestled with the monster. The monster was stronger than any of them, and it also possessed a strange space ability. For a while, there was nothing they could do about the monster.

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