"Must go!"

Brook was not so easy to talk this time, his voice was not loud, but it was full of irresistible majesty.

Brook would not miss any place that might be a connection point. This was not a place they were familiar with, and it was very troublesome to find it by themselves, so the guide had to take them there.

"No, my lord, I really can't go there, it's too dangerous!"

Although the guide was overwhelmed by Brook's voice, the fear of that area was still there. He gritted his teeth and said something tremblingly, with pleading in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we guarantee your safety!"

Gu Zheng sighed slightly. They didn't reveal their identities in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles. If the people here knew that they were cultivators, or very powerful cultivators, then the news would definitely spread to the local rulers. the ears of those who know, unless they kill everyone who knows.

Neither he nor Brooke were bloodthirsty.

If they reveal their identities, the ruler will definitely come to recruit them, especially Brook, he is a golden fairy, and the Cassis family only has one golden fairy, even if the Cassis family cannot recruit them, other bigger ones The family will also come to recruit, and they will be the ones who will be in trouble at that time.

If you refuse, people will definitely not let it go. This is hell, and the demons rule everything. If you agree, it is impossible. They don't want to stay here, but go back.

Neither Brook nor Gu Zheng wanted to stay here.

So they have been hiding their identities as cultivators and have not let others know. It is the same here. If they can not be exposed, they will not be exposed.

"My lord, really, it's too dangerous there, just let me go!"

The guide almost begged, he really didn't dare to go to that place, Gu Zheng quietly used a calming spell, and the guide's mood immediately became much more stable.

"Your reward will be doubled, and besides, we guarantee your safety!"

This time it was Brooke who said that Gu Zheng had already guaranteed it before, and now Brooke promised again, the two strong men promised that as long as they did not encounter particularly powerful monsters, the guide would never have any problems.

Whether there are any particularly powerful monsters, there will definitely be, but they will definitely not be in this fringe area. Even monsters with the strength of Jinxian will basically not exist in fringe areas. They all have their own territories, and they also have extremely high Wisdom, will not easily have the opportunity to meet the Demon God Clan.

Most of the monsters inside have not reached the realm of immortal cultivators, or have just reached the realm of immortal cultivators. Such monsters, let alone Brook, have no threat to Gu Zheng. Let's kill one by one. Come two kill one pair.

"Why should I take your job, this time I will be killed by you!"

Seeing that both Gu Zheng and Brooke were determined, the guide was crying and complaining. It seemed that he had to go to that place this time, and he had to go if he didn't.

This time the guide didn't go so fast, he always walked slowly, and Brook didn't rush him, as long as he was willing to lead the way.

It took them seven or eight hours to reach the designated area. After arriving here, the guide walked more carefully, almost stopping after a few steps, and would jump up when there was any movement. He held the small machete even more tightly.


Not long after walking, the guide suddenly froze and screamed, this time he was not careful, and quickly ran towards a small grass, while Gu Zheng shook his head secretly.

He didn't know the name of the tilapia grass, but he discovered the existence of this grass just now. This grass is of medium grade. He originally planned to pick it secretly after going there, but he didn't expect to be discovered by the guide.

"It's really a hyacinth, this is a treasure worth five thousand gold coins!"

The guide looked at the tilapia, his eyes were shining brightly. The currency in hell is similar to the ancient times in Europe. Gold coins are used here. For ordinary people, two or three gold coins a month are enough to live. Brooke hired him this time. Twenty gold coins were given, and the double was only forty.

Five thousand gold coins is enough for an ordinary family to live for a lifetime.

The lifespan of the hell humans is about the same as that of the earth, because there are practitioners here, and the medical conditions are good. If the conditions are good, there is no problem in living to more than a hundred years old.

But poor people can't do it, sixty or seventy years old is considered a long life.

In any case, 5,000 gold coins is a huge amount of wealth for a guide, just like in China, an ordinary person earns 3,000 a month, and a year's income is only more than 30,000, which can only support a family of three.

For such people, six or seven million is definitely a huge fortune, a fortune that makes them very excited.

"My lord, you are so lucky!"

After getting excited, the guide realized that he was just a guide, not a treasure hunter. He had already received a commission, and everything he found in the mountains belonged to the person who hired him, not to him.

Of course, if he had evil intentions and killed three people, he would also be able to take away the hoofflower plant, but after killing people, he left behind the resentment of being killed by him. This kind of resentment cannot be seen by ordinary people, but the demon god The adults can see that once the Lord Demon God finds out that he has killed someone, and he cannot explain the reason at that time, he will accept severe punishment.

Because there was a terrible punishment, and there were three of them, and he had only one, there was no malice in the guide's heart, only deep envy.

"Take us to all the places we want to go this time, and I'll give you this hydrangea plant!"

Gu Zheng suddenly said that a medium-grade raw material is good, but there are many such things in Gu Zheng, and there is no shortage of this one.

Now he is not just practicing, let alone mediocre, even an ordinary raw material makes him very excited.

"You, are you serious?"

The guide was taken aback for a moment, and then asked excitedly. Although he was asking about Gu Zheng, he was looking at Brook.

In his opinion, among the three, Brook was the leader, especially the older one, who respected Brook very much and was obviously a servant, while Gu Zheng was classified as a junior by him.

"It's true, if you do this errand well, this hyacinth plant will be yours!"

Brooke nodded with a smile. He didn't even need the hyacinths. Even if they are useful for cultivation, there are many such things in the Demon Realm, including his space artifact, so he doesn't need this one at all.

"Thank you, thank you!"

With Brook's approval, the guide shouted loudly that this time the adventure was not in vain. Although it is very dangerous here, it is all worth it if you can get this hydrangea plant.

With this lilac plant, their family can move into Lyle City, buy a small house, start a small business, and no longer have to live such a dangerous life as a guide on the side of the mountain.

It is worth taking a risk to obtain a permanent and stable life in the future. The guide at this meeting finally understands the mood of a desperate treasure hunter. As long as you get one good thing, you can completely change the fate of the family. The attraction is really great.

The guide carefully plucked the hyacinths, then looked at Brooke and the others, and saw that they really didn't respond, so he put them away.

If this sycamore plant is brought to the city and handed over, it will immediately be exchanged for enough wealth for his family to live comfortably. He put it next to his body, and then led the three of them to continue walking forward.

This time, he didn't resist so much. It's worth taking risks for wealth and wealth.

"Not here!"

We arrived at the place, but soon Brook sighed again. The place we went this time was also not a connection point. None of these similar places was true.

However, Brook was not discouraged. It is not so easy to find the connection point itself. He found the connection point before, but it took him decades to find it. Years, or even tens of thousands of years, don't even think about finding one.

"The next one is here..."

Brook continued to speak, but before he finished speaking, the guide's face turned pale and he shook his head in horror.

"My lord, no, no, absolutely not here, absolutely not to go here, this is a dangerous area, many people have been there before, and never came out again!"

"We must go, this is the last place, if not, we will go back!"

Brook shook his head. This is the last suspected connection point in Alishan. If it doesn’t work here, we can only look for it in other places, at least not here.

"My lord, please, let's not go!"

The guide was begging for mercy. He had just got the tilapia plant, and there was a better life waiting for him in the future. He really didn't want to take risks.

"Remember, what I just told you is, take us to all the places, and the lilacs will be given to you. If you don't go to this place, you won't get the lilacs!"

Brooke said something again, and the guide was stunned for a moment. Brooke was right. He did say that just now. Only when he took them to all the places they wanted to go today, did the hoofflowers and grasses be given to him.

The guide hesitated, if there were no sycamores, he would not go to that place even if he was killed, but there were already sycamores, if he didn't go, the sycamores would not belong to him, and the wealth he got would disappear.

It's fine if you don't have it, you've already got it, if you lose it, he can't accept it.

Not only him, but many people are like this, so it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality, this is true for practitioners, and even more so for ordinary people.

"Okay, but leave quickly after passing, this is the last place!"

After more than ten minutes, the guide gritted his teeth and said, there is no way, he can't give up the hydrangeas that he has already got, so he can only follow their arrangement and take them to this place.

The distance to where they were going was not counted. Normally, it would take more than two hours to arrive, but the guide walked very slowly, and it took more than four hours to arrive.

After arriving at the place, there was no danger, and the guide let out a long sigh of relief.

Brook went to check if it was a connection point, while Gu Zheng turned his head and looked into the depths of the forest, the corners of his eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Not here!"

Not long after, Brooke said that although Gu Zheng was very disappointed, this is not a connection point, which means that the search for the connection point has failed this time, and he has to change another city and continue to inquire.

There is a place where there may be a connection point near the city of Lyle, only here, if there is no place here, you can only go to other places.

"let's go!"

The guide said nervously, Brooke and Gu Zheng shook their heads at the same time.

Like Gu Zheng, Brook looked at the same place, seeing that they were both staring in the same direction, and the guide also looked over. Not long after, the guide shivered violently and sat down on the ground.

In the darkness, two red lights the size of lanterns appeared in the distance. The guide who had heard about them countless times recognized them at a glance. They were the eyes of monsters. Only monsters have such eyes.

Encountered a monster, they met a monster, with such big eyes, this monster must not be small, this time it was miserable, they were going to die here, the guide was full of regrets.

If I had known earlier that he would not want the scallops, and he would not be able to come here if he didn’t want the scorpions. Now, there are scorpions, but he has no life to go back to exchange for wealth, and he will never be able to return to his home.

The red lanterns in the distance quickly moved towards them. Whether it was Gu Zheng, Brooke, or even the butler, they all hid their aura, otherwise even if it was a monster without intelligence, they would not dare to approach them.

Monster beasts without intelligence always have instincts and know that danger will not approach.

"It's all you, it's all you, we're going to die here this time, woo woo woo!"

The guide started to cry there, crying very sadly, he didn't want to run, and when he met a monster in the mountains, it was impossible to run past the monster. This is not what anyone said, but the summary of many lives experience.

There are no exceptions, but there are very few exceptions, and the exceptions also have special conditions, such as falling off a cliff to pick up a life, jumping into a river and being washed away, etc.

They have neither cliffs nor rivers, and there is no way to escape from a narrow escape, they can only wait for death.

Soon, a monster appeared in front of them. It was a big leopard more than three meters tall, but it had two heads. It could be seen that it was a monster without intelligence, but its strength was not weak. The strength is roughly equivalent to five layers of inner strength.

There are five levels of internal strength, and ordinary people will absolutely not be able to resist.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng and Brooke are not ordinary people. In their eyes, the fifth level of inner strength is too weak to give them any threat.


Gu Zheng suddenly transmitted the sound, and it was transmitted directly to the monster's ears. The two-headed leopard, which was originally ferocious, was staring at them viciously, and suddenly froze there. prey in front of you.

Although it has no intelligence, it can still feel the infinite coercion brought by the sound just now. The cute little food suddenly turned into a powerful existence that it cannot resist. The sudden change made it a little unacceptable.


Gu Zheng sent the sound transmission for the second time, this time the two-headed leopard didn't dare to stand there anymore, turned around, and fled quickly with its tail between its legs, fearing that this powerful existence would cut off its head one step later.

The two-headed leopard ran extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had completely disappeared.

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