Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 498 You decide

The magic circle shone with dazzling light, and a figure appeared in the magic circle. The butler immediately knelt down and bowed his head, speaking reverently.

"Master Brooke, your most loyal servant welcomes you!"

In the air, the fighting sides suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at the castle together, and they all felt that aura, a very powerful aura, stronger than them.

People on both sides of the war also understood that they had alarmed the real master here, that very powerful existence.

Adria's face was solemn. He had heard that Brook was very strong, and had seen Brook, but he never thought that he hadn't seen Brook for so many years. The breath that Brook released gave him a strong oppression. feel.

Just the breath is the case, one can imagine how powerful the real Brook is.

A man in his thirties appeared in the magic circle, looked at the butler, smiled and shook his head.

"Get up!"

The butler got up excitedly, Brook waved his hand, the powerful force dragged the butler, and flew out with him.

The butler's ancestors were his subordinates, and he was willing to stay here, and all descendants served the castle. Brook still had a good impression of the butler family.

"Mr. Brooke!"

Both Adria and Zarqawi stepped forward to say hello, and they stared at each other. Besides them, another third-level master of the Dark Association and the seraph of the Holy See of Light also flew over, and everyone else followed them behind.

"You have broken the contract!"

Brooke said lightly, then glanced at the castle again, he was looking at the position where Gu Zheng was, Gu Zheng was standing at the window, and the eyes of the two met from such a long distance.

"As expected of a strong man with the strength of Jinxian!"

Gu Zheng sighed secretly. More than a dozen angels and masters didn't notice his existence, but Brook noticed him as soon as he arrived. It seems that his hiding method can't hide Jin Xian.

Although Brook suppressed his own strength, he had the realm of a golden fairy after all.

"Mr. Brook, they broke the contract first, and they rushed into the castle!" Adria hurriedly distinguished.

"What about you, did you come in?"

Brook ignored Adria's accusation and just asked a question. Adria immediately opened his mouth wide and stopped talking.

He did go in, and he could explain that it was to stop the people from the Dark Association, but this couldn't hide the fact that they went in, and the smart Adria didn't argue.

"So, you all broke the contract!"

Brook shook his head lightly, looked at the castle again, with a faint smile on his face, and said softly: "It's all here, so don't hide and watch the show, come out!"

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Gu Zheng sighed slightly, and flew out directly. This time, he seemed to be playing a bit too big, but there were seventeen immortal cultivators outside, and there was a golden immortal who suppressed the power. , This time I really have to think of a way to escape.

On the ground, the three of Jack kept their mouths open.

Powerful people appeared one after another, and a stronger powerhouse appeared in the castle. As soon as he came out, he stopped the two forces fighting in the air. Sure enough, there were more powerful people in the castle.

Soon, the eyes of the three of them widened a lot. When they saw the person who saved them, they also flew out. It turned out that this person had been in the castle all along.

"What do you call your Excellency!" Brooke didn't care much, but just asked Gu Zheng.

"Ouyang Feng!"

Gu Zheng said a fake name, his appearance was based on the illusion of his body, so he simply gave him the surname Ouyang.

"Ouyang Feng!"

Brooke repeated it over and over again, and finally nodded. He was not asking about Gu Zheng. If there were other Chinese people here, he would definitely ask more questions. What does Gu Zheng, Ouyang Feng, have to do with Xidu?

However, when Gu Zheng came up with the name, he didn't think too much about it. He didn't pay attention to the same name as Xidu, but it's just the accent, and the characters are different.

"Since you have broken the contract, then according to the original agreement, I will completely destroy that magic circle!"

Brooke said something again, this time both Zarqawi and Adria were stunned. They knew the original agreement, but they didn't know that there was such a thing.

"Don't be surprised, this is a separate agreement between me and your president and the Pope!"

Brooke seemed to know what they were thinking, and explained again. The vampire Mark looked at Brooke and hurriedly distinguished: "Master Brooke, as far as I know, that magic circle cannot be destroyed at all!"

The magic circle can't be taken away, nor can it be destroyed. Mark already knew this.

If it could be destroyed, there would not have been such an agreement in the first place. The Dark Association was worried that the magic circle would fall into the hands of the Holy See people, so there was such an agreement. Don't wait until today.

"You can't, it doesn't mean I can't either!"

Brook kept smiling faintly, while Gu Zheng stood aside without saying anything.

"It was you who sneaked up on us before?"

Adria has been paying attention to the ancient disputes, and Zarqawi, Adria has asked the question in Zarqawi's mind. Zarqawi has long suspected that there is another person in the castle deliberately doing bad things. Now seeing this Eastern faces immediately thought of this.

"That's right!"

Gu Zheng generously admitted that he had already been discovered, so there was no need to continue to cover up, this was not his character.

"You, very good!"

Adria looked at Gu Zheng with fierce eyes, as did Zarqawi, as well as other angels and masters, all looked at Gu Zheng viciously.

If Brooke wasn't here, I'm afraid they would have already done it.

"Mr. Brook, he broke the contract and entered the castle, he should be punished!"

Mark said something suddenly, and stretched out his finger, pointing at Gu Zheng. Brook kept smiling and shook his head slightly: "No, he didn't breach the contract!"

Brooke said that Gu Zheng did not breach the contract, Mark was very surprised, even Gu Zheng himself was a little surprised.

"Our original agreement did not restrict Eastern cultivators, let alone, forget it, let's not talk about it!"

"Little guy, since you want to hide your original identity, I'll help you hide it!"

Gu Zheng was very surprised by Brook's sudden voice transmission to Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng knew that Brook had already seen his disguise, but he didn't see through it.

"Is there any breach of contract, sneak attack on us, we will not let him go, Mr. Brook, you will not stop us?"

Gritting his teeth, Zarqawi said that it was this Easterner who secretly played tricks, causing the two major forces to fight, and almost did not cause a big mistake. In any case, he did not intend to let Gu Zheng go.

With the same thoughts as him, there is Adria, and Adria looks at Gu Zheng just as viciously.

"I don't care what grievances you have with him, but within the castle, no!"

Brooke spoke, and now they are all above the castle, which can be regarded as inside the castle. After speaking, Brooke flew down. He took the butler with him, and his flying was equivalent to both of them flying.

"Come down, come down!"

The ordinary people who were called out by Zarqawi before in the open space of the castle knelt down in a hurry. In their view, these people flying in the sky are gods, especially Adria and the others, whose white wings are directly displayed on the back. their identities.

Angel, great angel.

Now when an angel comes, he must kneel down to express his piety.

Brook ignored these ordinary people and walked directly towards the basement. Gu Zheng also followed and went to the basement together.

He didn't pay much attention to Adria's threat. Adria is powerful and there are many of them, but Gu Zheng didn't want to fight with them. If he couldn't fight, he could still run. If he wanted to run, these people couldn't help it. I can't believe that they can't catch up with themselves.

A group of people, all entered the basement, the minimum strength is also a cultivator.

"Brother Jack, so many angels are actually together with the master, I never thought that such a scene would happen!"

The people around Jack said with emotion that in their education and cognition, light and darkness are two absolutely opposing forces that can never coexist. Before, the master of the Dark Association came to them, and the arrival of the Angel of Light has made them They were surprised.

But then the two sides fought over the castle, and the fight made them feel a little relieved. This style of painting was in line with their imagination.

But I didn't expect that it didn't take long, because after coming out of the castle, everyone stopped, and they landed on the ground together, and entered the castle together, which really surprised the three of them.

Surprised, but none of the three dared to move, and continued to wait in place.

"At the beginning, I made an agreement with the president and the pope. If you violated the agreement, the magic circle will be at my disposal. Now, I have decided to destroy the magic circle!"

When he came to the room where the magic circle was located, Brooke said something again. Adria didn't speak, and neither did Zarqawi. Mark wanted to say something, but Zarqawi stopped him.

After finishing speaking, Brook ignored everyone, took out a bottle, and walked towards the magic circle.

He poured some green water from the bottle, which was still boiling, poured the water on the magic circle, and then kept boiling on the magic circle, and at the same time exuded a smell that smelled very good.

Not long after, the lines where the green water poured began to blur. The lines of the magic circle are very important. Once the lines are gone, the magic circle will be ruined.

Mark frowned. Now he finally believed that Brooke really had the ability to destroy the magic circle. To be precise, he destroyed the lines. After all, if the lines were destroyed, the magic circle was also completely destroyed. To restore it, someone needed someone. to draw new lines.

Those who can draw such lines are more powerful, and they can make new ones if they can draw new ones. There is no need to draw on the original magic circle. In this way, this magic circle is indeed It has been completely ruined.

The lines slowly disappeared, and the green water eroded to other places, continuing to damage the lines on the magic circle.

Seeing this scene, Brooke smiled even wider.

Adria also heaved a sigh of relief. It would be good if the magic circle was completely destroyed, so that they would not have to worry about anything in the future. Without the magic circle, this place would become an ordinary castle, whether it was the Dark Association or The Holy See will not send people to monitor here.

Gu Zheng looked at these green waters with some curiosity. These green waters contained strong corrosive power, but Gu Zheng had a feeling that this kind of green water could be used as ingredients, and it would definitely make delicious things .

This idea is exaggerated and crazy, but he really has it.

After half an hour, all the lines of the magic circle disappeared. Without these lines, the magic circle is just an ordinary stone, or a hard stone, and has no other function.

"Okay, you can leave now!"

After destroying the magic circle, Brooke said something again, Adria and Zarqawi were stunned for a moment, and Zarqawi hurriedly said: "Master Brooke, we will go, but can you give this person to us!"


This time Brook answered very firmly, he had recognized Gu Zheng and knew his true identity.

To him, it doesn't matter that Gu Zheng is an oriental, the oriental is not within the scope of their agreement, so it's nothing for Gu Zheng to own the castle. Now that Gu Zheng is the owner of the castle, he can't let these people take Gu Zheng take away.

In addition, he already understood how Gu Zheng got the castle.

The whole matter is indeed Brown's fault, and it is also his descendant's fault. Since his descendants have lost the castle to Gu Zheng, Brooke agrees to the deal, and now that the magic circle is completely destroyed, the castle is meaningless , nothing more to Gu Zheng.

As for him, he will take the steward away in a while, and then tell the Holy See of Light and the Dark Association that this castle has nothing to do with him, and he will never come to this place again in the future.

"Okay, Master Brooke!"

Zarqawi glared at Gu Zheng, and finally said something helplessly, but he had already made up his mind that Brook would not allow him to do anything here, so he just waited outside, Brook would not be here all the time, Gu It is impossible for Zheng to hide in the castle all the time.

As long as Gu Zheng dared to go out, they would definitely kill this man.

Because of the provocation of the ancient dispute, the two major forces almost did not have a war. Zarqawi will never forget this. They must kill such a person.

Zarqawi and the people from the Dark Association left, and so did Adria and the people from the Holy See of Light.

Gone, just left the ancient castle, both sides returned to the place of surveillance, Adria and Zarqawi both stayed, both of them had the same mind, no matter what, they must catch Gu Zheng and kill him .

This time, the two forces were considered to have the same goal, and both sides were restrained, and no one mentioned the previous matter.


After they left, Gu Zheng said to Brook, although Gu Zheng was sure to escape, but Brook helped him after all, and he deserved a thank you.

"You are the master of this place, what to do with it in the future is up to you, I'm leaving!"

Brook smiled and shook his head, but the butler was a little dazed, the master here? Isn't Brook the owner here? In other words, the new owner, Gu Zheng, is this strange oriental.

Gu Zheng also smiled, removed the disguise, and returned to his original appearance. Now that the other party has seen through, there is no need to continue to pretend.

The housekeeper's eyes widened. He naturally recognized Gu Zheng. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng was also a cultivator, and his strength was so strong. If it wasn't for Brook, no one would have found him.

Especially the butler, who had personally tested Gu Zheng to be sure that he was an ordinary person, only now did he know that his test was not accurate at all, or that he was completely deceived.

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