"Okay, I'll arrange it now!"

The person who came to report was a dark cultivator whose strength was equivalent to that of the fifth-level late stage, but he was still some distance away from the master. It took him more than two years to find the three hidden people, which was not easy.

This is the result of his use of modern means. If it weren't for one of the three who couldn't get bored out once, he wouldn't have any clues at all. As long as one of the three appeared within the monitoring range of the entire Europe, he would have a way to find this person. people.

This dark cultivator, who is equivalent to the fifth level of internal strength, is also a top hacker.

"No, I'll go with you!"

The master of darkness who lived in the presidential suite shook his head. With him following along, the confidence of the people who came to report increased greatly, and the three of them couldn't escape.

The two left quickly without noticing that there was a figure quietly following behind them.

Gu Zheng followed here purely out of boredom. He didn't even know that the person they wanted to arrest had something to do with him, but one thing Gu Zheng had already confirmed was that the cultivators in Europe were different from those in the East.

Although the cultivators here also live in seclusion, there are also ordinary humans in the secluded places. They can be better integrated with ordinary humans, and more appear in cities. Unlike China, famous schools are all in the mountains. Ordinary people can't even see it.

The two drove away, while Gu Zheng directly concealed his aura and followed from a distance.

Not long after leaving the hotel, several more cars joined them. A total of six cars drove out of the city and finally stopped by a small village.

"Here they are, no one would have guessed that they are hiding around London, what audacity!"

The person who reported before said that he found these three people after searching the whole of Europe. He didn't expect that these people lived on the outskirts of London. There are also many people from the suburbs.

However, this is also in line with an old saying in China that a great hermit hides in the city. Although this village is not big, it is very close to London. It takes less than an hour to get there from the city of London, which is already a very short distance.

"Isn't that right? It's not like this. How could it be possible to hide for so long!"

The master of darkness said lightly, there were twenty people in total, except for him who was at the master level, the rest were ordinary practitioners.

However, these practitioners include dark mages, werewolves, and vampires. Their combat power is above the third level of inner strength, and four of them have reached the fifth level. They are more than enough to deal with those three people.

Because the strength was much higher than the opponent's, the group of people did not hide, and rushed directly to the house where the three lived in seclusion.


As soon as two werewolves and a vampire rushed into the house, there was a big explosion in the house. These three people were all at the fourth level of inner strength, but such a big explosion also injured them, and all three of them were covered in blood.

Although it is not fatal, its combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

"Holy light!"

There was a sudden shout from inside, and the vampire lying on the ground screamed first. A person was holding a bronze mirror-like thing to shine a bright light. The vampire covered by the light was emitting black smoke all over his body, very pain.

"Cross sword!"

Another person shouted, and rushed out holding a tall long sword, and slashed at the injured vampire's chest. At this time, other dark practitioners had already reacted, and three practitioners with five levels of strength rushed forward. front, blocking the people who came out.

The three people hidden inside have all appeared. Except for the three dark practitioners who were injured by them at the beginning, the other dark practitioners are all fine.

"Jack, there are so many, we are miserable this time!"

The three of them have joined together, only one of them is in the fifth-level realm, and the other two are not. Facing the opponent's three fifth-level cultivators' attacks, they can only resist the attack. Even so, the pressure is too great, and it won't last long.

The three of them had already sensed the situation outside, and their hearts sank when they saw so many dark practitioners outside, and they all had bad premonitions.

"Fight it, I sent out a distress signal just now, and people from the nearby light forces will come to rescue us!"

The man named Jack gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, last time they got the corpse of Brother Gibb by accident, and they really made a fortune, which made many people envious.

This Jack is a smart man. He knew that he would be chased and killed by the dark forces when they took out the bodies of Brother Gibb. At the same time, because he had received huge wealth, he would also be remembered by some practitioners of the light forces. It was very dangerous. As soon as they got the bounty, they switched to cultivation resources and hid.

For more than two years, they have been hiding in this place, and they are safe, but they don't know what went wrong, or they were discovered, and it was the dark forces who came to the door first.

"Lucen, you go!"

Three fifth-level dark practitioners failed to catch the three of them for a while, the dark master gave another order, and the dark practitioner beside him immediately nodded and jumped over.

This dark cultivator named Lu Sen has the strength of the fifth-level late stage. He can deal with three people alone. Once he joins, the three people will only be in danger.

In fact, if it weren't for the people of the dark forces who must have caught them alive, the three of them might have been killed or injured.

Not long after Lu Sen shot, two of the three were stunned and caught by him. He threw one at a time, and the thrown people were quickly caught by other dark practitioners and controlled.

Only Jack was still struggling, but his body was covered with injuries, and his protective gear and weapons were damaged.

Gu Zheng has been hiding in the dark and has not taken action. This is an internal matter in Europe. He has no intention of asking, he just came over out of curiosity.


Finally, Jack couldn't hold on anymore and was arrested. The three of them were brought together in front of the dark master, all bound with blood, and came in front of the master.

With such a big commotion in the brain, none of the surrounding villagers woke up. They had their hands and feet tampered with before. Not to mention such a commotion, even if there was a major earthquake, these people would not wake up, and they would only naturally wake up at dawn wake.

The two people who fainted have been awakened, and the three stood there full of despair.

"Brother Gibb's body was brought to you as a bounty?"

The Lord of Darkness asked faintly, his voice was not loud, but it carried an irresistible coercion. All three of them felt this coercion, and they were even more desperate.

They already know the strength of the person on the other side. This is a master. In China, he is equivalent to an immortal cultivator. It is like three ordinary cultivators standing in front of an immortal cultivator. , and it is not something that ordinary inner strength practitioners can resist.

Breaking through the fifth floor and reaching the realm of transforming Qi is a hurdle for internal strength practitioners, a huge hurdle, just like a carp jumping over a dragon gate, jumping over this hurdle will greatly increase both strength and longevity. Reborn.

It can be said that even in the late stage of the fifth stage of great perfection, facing the immortal cultivator in the state of transforming Qi is like a child to an adult. There is no comparison at all. Gu Zheng is an exception. Gu Zheng is a child with a super weapon, so Only at the fifth level can you fight against ordinary immortal cultivators.


The three of them knew that they would not be spared this time, so they simply answered straightforwardly, hoping to have a good time.

"How did you get Brother Gibb's body, and who killed Brother Gibb?"

The master continued to ask, what he asked before was 'the corpse was taken by them to receive the reward' instead of asking if they killed it, because this dweller knew very well that the three of them had no possibility of killing Brother Gibb, even if It is also impossible to use dirty tricks.

The three of them faced Brother Gibb, and even if Brother Gibb was seriously injured, they could still get rid of them. Brother Gibb was the two well-known killing gods of the Dark Society.

"We don't know exactly who killed it. One day when we were in the Alps, we sensed movement in the distance, so we ran over to look. Before we arrived, we heard Brother Gibb's roar!"

It was Jack who answered, and the ancient dispute in the distance sounded very familiar.

"By the time we arrived, Brother Gibb had already been killed. The ones who killed him were three people with oriental faces. Later, we entered the cave. There were several floors in the cave, but there was nothing left, only Gibb Brother's body, we left with Brother Gibb's body!"

Jack answered very straightforwardly, Gu Zheng's eyes widened, no wonder he sounded familiar, this was not what they experienced at Kong Kongmen last time, Gu Zheng remembered that *** said there were people outside, but they were anxious at that time He walked away, ignoring it at all.

At that time, Gu Zheng was still a practitioner of the fifth-level realm. Even if he could find the three of Jack, it was impossible to see the appearance of the three from so far away, so he didn't recognize them at all at first.


The Lord of Darkness frowned, and continued to ask: "Why did the Easterners kill Brother Gibb?"

"We don't know about this, we didn't dare to get close, we didn't go until the person left!"

Jack shook his head and said softly. He still regrets that he was greedy for money and went to take the body of Brother Gibb. He should have known at that time that taking the body of Brother Gibb would definitely cause big trouble, but Gibb The brother's body meant a huge fortune, they couldn't resist the temptation, and finally took it away.

"Where Brother Gibb died, somewhere in the Alps!"

The Lord of Darkness asked again. This Lord of Darkness has actually possessed the strength of the early stage of God Transformation. He and Brother Gibb are also good friends. He is also an important director of the Dark Association, and he has been investigating the death of Brother Gibb .

Today, he finally made a major breakthrough in his investigation. At least he knew that the Gibb brothers were killed by the Orientals. As for who the Orientals were, whether they were Chinese, Japanese, or Southeast Asians, he had no idea. Got it.

Just as Chinese people have the same impression of Europeans, Europeans have the same impression of Orientals, they are all the same.

"East of the Alps!"

Jack answered honestly, and at the same time, the despair in his heart became more and more intense. He had sent out a distress signal before. This place is not far from London, and there are people from the light forces nearby, but until now there is no sign of anyone coming to rescue them , it is very possible that his distress signal was not sent out and was intercepted.

In this case, they would no longer have the possibility of escaping today.

"Take us there!"

The Lord of Darkness said something softly, and walked out without giving Jack and the others a chance to answer.

The three were forcibly taken into the car, and the convoy left the village and went directly to the airport. There was already a private plane waiting there, and the three Jack brothers were forcibly pushed onto the plane again, and they flew towards the Alps together.

After hesitating for a while, Gu Zheng also flew to follow.

At dawn, the plane arrived near what Jack said. After finding a place to land, it drove into the mountain again. At a place where the car couldn't drive, a group of people grabbed Jack and the three of them and walked directly into the mountain.

Before noon, they arrived at the location of the treasure of Kongkongmen. Guzheng here can be completely sure that the three people who were outside last time were the three unlucky people who were caught, and the two werewolves killed by them were Gibb brother.

"Oriental Restriction!"

Standing at the entrance of the cave, the Lord of Darkness quickly frowned. The restriction here can be restored. The restriction did not disappear because of the disappearance of the treasure inside. Not long after they left last time, the restriction was completely restored.

The first layer of restrictions couldn't be hidden from the dark master, so he quickly broke it and went to the simple cave inside.

"It wasn't like this when we came last time. There is another floor inside, a large hall on the first floor, where we found Brother Gibb's body!"

Seeing the master of darkness looking at him suspiciously, Jack hurriedly explained that there are three layers of restrictions here, and the master of darkness only found the first one, but not the second.

But with Jack's reminder, the Lord of Darkness searched carefully, and he really found the second restriction.

The second restriction can be broken by ordinary cultivators. This master of darkness has the power to transform into a god. After a little more effort, he successfully broke the restriction and entered the hall Jack mentioned. several doors.

"My lord, it seems that something was placed here before, but now it's gone!"

A group of dark practitioners went in and searched, and finally ran back. Of course, the contents inside were gone, and they were all taken away by Gu Zheng last time.

"It should be like this. It seems that Brother Gibb discovered this place and was robbed!"

The master of darkness nodded secretly. Gu Zheng took away the resources here, but he didn't take away the shelves. Those shelves are still there, so it can be seen that many things have been placed here, and he subjectively believes that someone else robbed the shelves. Brother Boo's stuff, not Brother Gibb to grab someone else's.

Gu Zheng in the dark shook his head secretly when he heard that, these Europeans are really arrogant, no matter they are practitioners or ordinary people.

In fact, it was the Gibb brothers who wanted to rob them, but because they were not strong enough, they were killed instead. Without a clear investigation, they decided that the Gibb brothers were robbed, which is really arrogant.

As if any good thing should belong to them.

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