Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 463: The reward is very rich

If it was changed before, Gu Zheng would have to wait for Qi Ling to remind him to know that the turtle shell can be used for iron armor food repair.

However, it is different now, Gu Zheng has comprehended the way of eating and drinking, and he can see the extraordinaryness of the turtle shell at a glance. However, in terms of knowledge, Gu Zheng is still not as good as Qi Ling. There is no way to do this, after all, he is only in his twenties.

"Qi Ling, is the tortoise that made this fairy artifact really a tortoise? The material grade of the tortoise shell can still be kept at a high quality!" Gu Zheng asked.

They have been refined into fairy artifacts, and the food grade of the tortoise shell can still be kept at an excellent level, which is a very rare thing.

However, it is a pity that when worn on Lu Qi's body, the tortoise shell was enlarged, and after it exploded, it returned to its original size. The fragments found by Gu Zheng after collecting, When put together, it is only the size of a slap, barely able to do an iron armor food repair.

"This tortoise is so small, but the grade of the ingredients after refining it into a fairy weapon can still be kept at an excellent level, so there is only one possibility. This tortoise has the blood of the divine beast Xuanwu, and the purity of the blood is still high. Not low." Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng nodded, and began to prepare for the cooking of Tiejia Shixiu.

A high-grade main ingredient, plus six medium-grade auxiliary ingredients, this is the formula of top-grade iron armor food repair.

Gu Zheng picked out the auxiliary materials from the prehistoric space, and couldn't help but think of the iron armor food repair made for the first time.

At that time, in the Ruins of Shu, Gu Zheng spent a lot of time in order to obtain the tortoise shell of the earth spirit turtle, which is the main ingredient for cooking iron armor food repair.

At that time, an ordinary-grade ingredient could make Gu Zheng very happy, but now that he has a medium-grade ingredient, Gu Zheng has become numb.

"Qi Ling, is food cultivation really divided into upper, middle and lower ranks?"

In the past, there were few resources and low levels of cultivation, and Gu Zheng never asked this question, but now it is necessary to make top-grade iron armor food cultivation, and the main ingredients used are only high-quality! If high-grade ingredients are used as the main ingredient and high-grade ingredients are used as auxiliary ingredients, can the level of food repair be broken through? Based on the views of the past and the present, he felt that he would definitely be able to!

"Of course it's not only the upper, middle and lower grades. I told you that there are only upper, middle and lower grades. That's because your cultivation level is still low. Even ordinary-level ingredients are very scarce for you. It's useless to tell you, so I also Let me tell you. In fact, there is immortal food cultivation on top of high-grade food cultivation, but the cooking of immortal food cultivation is easy to fail, and Lord Tiexian has not left a recipe for immortal food cultivation. This will have to wait until you have If you have enough resources, you can try your hand at cooking with Immortal Food Cultivator." Qi Ling said.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, cooking fairy food is still far away for me!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and then began to process the accessories, roasting what should be roasted, roasting what should be roasted, and steaming what should be steamed.

The so-called main ingredient does not refer to the one that takes up the most weight in a serving of food. The so-called excipients usually have different degrees of importance.

Gu Zheng made the top-grade iron armor food repair this time. In addition to the main ingredients, the meat of the long-tongued beast is also used the most in the auxiliary materials. As for the other five auxiliary materials, all of them are flowers, namely: Ye Minghua, Meiji Huazi Flame flowers, fire phoenix orchids, including the Immortal Dew Youtan just obtained from Lu Qi's storage belt.

"Sir, does this food training also have an extremely fragrant form?"

When Miaomiao asked, her stomach grunted in disbelief.

This will be the second high-grade food repair done by Gu Zheng within a day. The previous high-grade fairy fruit food repair has already made Meow Miao greedy.

"Not all food cultivators will transform into an extremely fragrant form after they reach the top level, but this time, because of the materials used in the Iron Armored Food Cultivator, I predict that there will be an extremely fragrant form."

Gu Zheng paused, smiled and said: "That's right, I haven't let you, a greedy cat, eat for a day."


Miao Miao sticks out her tongue at Gu Zheng, intending to ask Gu Zheng to do something for her to beat her teeth, but now the occasion is not right, and she is not easy to speak.

"I'll make you a few fried eggs to pad your stomach first, and then I'll make you a delicious meal after we get out of the treasure house!" Gu Zheng said.

"Thank you, sir!"

"I made you spoil her!"

Miaomiao's thanks and Qi Ling's complaint sounded almost at the same time, and Gu Zheng laughed: "It's okay, the emperor is still hungry! What's more, it won't take long for a few fried eggs."

Light the fire, set up the pot, pour the oil, and beat the eggs, and the aroma will follow.

Gu Zheng can make omelettes faster now, and the smooth and flowing appearance is even more chic than the Tiexian omelettes he saw when he accepted the omelet cooking inheritance.

Miaomiao was already eating fried eggs beautifully, and Gu Zheng also started cooking his Iron Armor Shixiu.

In the past when making food repairs, Gu Zheng used almost all methods of stewing. This is not to say that the method of food repairs can only be done by stewing, but because his level is not enough, or he doesn't have the mood or time to let the food repair' Color' also becomes more prominent.

Compared with the stewing of cooking and food repair in the past, the cooking process of this iron armor food repair is much more complicated. And Gu Zheng also decided to make some bold attempts in this food training, and make some changes to Iron Armor Food Training according to his understanding of Tao.

After the tortoise shell was roasted, it was ground into powder, and Gu Zheng put the powder together with the Majestic Flower, Purple Flame Flower, and Fire Phoenix Orchid into the clay pot.

The Fire Control Jue, Water Control Jue, and Wood Control Jue were used together, and the spring water in the clay pot, under the full force of Gu Zheng, wrapped the ingredients and rolled quickly.

Many times in the past, when the soup was cooking, Gu Zheng would often do other things, such as cooking or something.

But this time, Gu Zheng just concentrated on cooking a pot of soup! There is no other reason, because even with Gu Zheng's current cultivation base, it still takes ten minutes for this pot of soup to go all out, while the remaining steps of Iron Armor Food Cultivation only take three minutes.

Eight minutes later, in the earthen pot that had only a faint fragrance, the fragrance began to become stronger. The tortoise shell that had been ground into powder in the inner view was finally fully integrated into the soup under the impetus of Gu Zheng's immortal technique.

"Sir, listening to the sound in the clay pot, it seems that the soup is running out!"

After hesitating again and again, Miaomiao finally couldn't help asking.

"The soup in the clay pot is only a part of cooking Tiejia Shixiu, so there can't be as much as drinking soup. There are still two minutes, and after two minutes, the soup in the clay pot will be so small that even the ingredients can't be submerged point."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and stopped using the Wood Control Art. As for the Fire Control Art and Water Control Art, they also became softer, and the tumbling range of the soup in the clay pot suddenly became much smaller.

Two minutes later, the soup was almost ready, and Gu Zheng also started the next step of cooking.

The preliminarily processed long-tongued animal meat was mixed with Ye Minghua and chopped into diced meat, and then quickly stirred in the salted diced meat with chopsticks, and at the same time, the water control technique was used. When the two ingredients were still raw, the preliminary meat was completed. fusion.

Put oil in the pan, after the oil was hot, Gu Zheng put the diced meat into the pan and stir-fried, the tempting aroma reached a small peak at this time, Miao Miao, who had already eaten all the fried eggs, couldn't help swallowing again Drooled.

"It's a pity that there are not many main ingredients, otherwise I can make one for you." Gu Zheng smiled.

The main ingredients for Iron Armor Food Cultivator are scarce. Even though Gu Zheng already has a lot of common-grade ingredients and medium-grade ingredients, if he didn’t get Lu Qi’s tortoise shell today, the Iron Armor Food Cultivator he could cook would still be low-grade.

As a demon cultivator, Miaomiao has a very strong physical body, and the low-grade iron armor food cultivator without permanent increase has really little effect on her.

"It's okay, sir, you can eat."

Miaomiao stuck out her tongue, tried to look away from the pot, and turned her back to stop watching Gu Zheng cook.

The diced meat in the pot has been fried, Gu Zheng took it out and put it on a plate, put the washed Xianlu Youtan on it, poured all the almost dried soup in the clay pot into the plate, and finally The lid was put on the plate, and the fairy art was performed again.

Hearing the sound of Gu Zheng bringing Shixiu out of the pot, Miao Miao, who had just turned around for a short time, couldn't help turning around again, curiously watching what Gu Zheng was going to do next.

Under the cover invisible to the naked eye, the original fried diced meat and Xianlu Youtan are absorbing the soup crazily, and are changing the initial random posture. They are either taking shape or glowing with new colors.

During this process, the fragrance is unprecedentedly rich and charming, even Gu Zheng couldn't help sniffing deeply a few times.

The time from closing the lid on the plate to lifting the lid is less than thirty seconds.


The moment the lid was lifted, Miaomiao couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

First of all, because the fragrance is so charming, Miaomiao even forgot about the extremely fragrant transformation. After the lid was lifted, Miaomiao discovered that the extremely fragrant form that she had forgotten had appeared inside the lid!

Secondly, this Iron Armor Food Cultivator, in terms of 'color', is simply too brilliant, Miaomiao thinks she has never seen such beautiful food!

"Sir, this, this,"

Miaomiao's eyes widened, but she couldn't find the right words to describe this food cultivation.

"Portrait is not painting, right?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Yes, yes! That's the feeling!"

Little stars appeared in Miaomiao's eyes, even though she was not part of the Iron Armor Food Cultivator, it didn't stop her from feeling like she couldn't bear to chopsticks.

Under the effect of the immortal technique 'gathering sand into a tower', the diced meat turned into the shape of two hills, and because of the luminous flowers mixed in the diced meat, there was a faint light on the two hills. Although there is very little clear soup, it flows through the middle of the two hills like a river.

The majestic flowers, purple flame flowers, and phoenix orchids that were originally used to make soup were not boiled in the soup. They not only retained their previous shapes, but also burst out after absorbing some of each other's essence and tortoise shell essence. More vivid colors than before. They are just scattered on the open space in the plate, forming an interesting contrast with the mountains and rivers.

The fairy dew youtan added last bloomed on the top of the hill. After absorbing the essence of many ingredients, its original pure white color became a little crystal clear, and some stars attached to it lit up. Light also makes it more ethereal.

The most wonderful part of this high-grade iron armor food cultivation is the little long-tongued beast formed by the "extreme fragrance". Like a pangolin, it forms a ball, sometimes rolling on the plate, and sometimes crossing the mountain step, it looks so lifelike.

"You put so much effort into this dish!"

In the internal view, Qi Ling patted with her white and tender hands, and she applauded Gu Zheng with a proud smile on her face.

"Although I know that the modeling effect will be good, but in the end, the 'Extremely Fragrance Transformation' will be so vivid, which is beyond my expectations." Gu Zheng felt sincerely.

In the method of iron armor food cultivation handed down by Tiexian, the cooking steps of top-grade iron armor food cultivation are also more complicated, but the final shape after cooking will be like ordinary stir-fried vegetables, not the "pictures" of Gu Zheng today. painting'.

Due to the fact that his understanding of Dao is not as deep as that of Tiexian, and the ingredients are also hard to come by, Gu Zheng is not allowed to follow his own ideas! Gu Zheng can only add his own creativity to the original foundation of the original food cultivation method to make "Xiang" look more perfect.

In the original method of food cultivation, if meat is used as an auxiliary material, the meat should be shredded. As for the remaining five exotic flowers, according to their own characteristics, the majestic flower, purple flame flower, and fire phoenix orchid are indeed different from each other. Cook the soup with tortoise shell powder. As for the remaining Ye Minghua, it needs to be split into petals and stir-fried together with the shredded pork. The last fairy dew youtan should be cooked in the soup.

From the point of view of the cooking method, the changes made by Gu Zheng are not big, but in fact this is already a very big change! The method of food cultivation passed down by Tiexian contains Tao, and even a slight change may deviate from the original effect. This is the problem that Gu Zheng encountered when he first tried to change after comprehending the way of food.

It has been a while since he understood the Dao of Dao, and Gu Zheng has a deeper understanding of Dao than before. While he wants to make changes, he also knows that he can indeed make some changes!

However, it is not the effect that changes and improves, but the 'color' of this Iron Armor Food Cultivator.

Gu Zheng, in order to achieve the 'color' he wanted, and maintain the effect as the original high-grade iron armor food repair should have, he spent a lot of effort and thought on cooking, and finally achieved it' Color change effect unchanged'.

Gu Zheng's "color change effect remains unchanged" sounds useless, but in fact, the application and understanding of Tao are changing, and it is actually reflected! This is also the reason why the harsh Artifact Spirit will applaud him.

"Actually, there is more or less room for change in the method of food cultivation passed down by Lord Tiexian, and this room can only be discovered or perfected when your realm reaches a certain level."

"The Iron Armor Food Cultivation you did this time is very good. I believe you have also discovered something that I didn't tell you before."

"Whether it's a dish or a food cultivation, there is a saying of 'color, fragrance'. And the Tao is everywhere, so naturally it's not limited to the taste, or the effect."

"You have already seen the way of fragrance, and now you have a deeper understanding. 'Extreme fragrance transformed into form' is the manifestation of the way of fragrance."

"The presentation of the Tao of 'color', after you have comprehended the Tao of eating and drinking, you must have already realized it, but today is the first time you have done it!"

"It is precisely because the 'color' has reached the extreme and is full of Tao, which affects the 'fragrance', making the original 'extremely fragrant form' have advanced agility, and also makes the original taste, so there is a breakthrough !So, this high-grade iron armor food cultivation method you have done is better than the method passed to you by Lord Tiexian, and the effect can be achieved!"

"I believe that after this iron armor food repair production, you will have a deeper understanding of the way of eating and drinking, and a deeper understanding."

"To be honest, you can make such a breakthrough in the food cultivation method left by Master Tiexian, much earlier than I expected. I thought that when you can achieve this step, your realm should be already Da Jinxian!"

Qi Ling talked a lot, and she looked at Gu Zheng in the internal view, and her pretty face almost burst into laughter.

"That's right! Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. The color, smell, and fragrance interact with each other, and finally have the effect beyond the original. Isn't this the Tao?" Gu Zheng murmured.

"Cough cough."

In the internal view, Qi Ling cleared his throat, and the expression on his face became solemn.

"Contribute to the heirs of the Tiexian, and complete the growth task—a breakthrough in food cultivation!"

"Reward: Two hundred medium-level immortal pills."

"Reward: One Earth Spirit Pill."

"Reward: ten catties of cloud pattern red copper, twenty catties of black jade silver."

"Reward: Three catties of earth spirit sand, two pieces of Xuanyin stone, and one piece of phoenix blood wood."

When Qi Ling's words fell to the ground, seeing Gu Zheng's eyes still widened, he couldn't help saying angrily: "Aren't you stupid? Don't want these rewards, I'm going to take them back!"

"Yes, yes, who said I don't want it anymore!" Gu Zheng laughed: "It's just that I didn't expect that this time I'm not afraid of trouble, there will be such an extra gain!"

Gu Zheng is really happy, the harvest this time is really great.

Two hundred medium-level immortal pills, this reward is very rich, enough to cook two pills for food cultivation!

"Qi Ling, you only rewarded me with a hundred medium-level immortal pills when I advanced to become a cultivator, but now you are giving me two hundred. How kind of you!"

Looking at the reward with joy, Gu Zheng never forgot to praise the spirit of the weapon.

"It's not me, it's something that Lord Tiexian must die for! You can make a breakthrough in the food cultivation method left by Master Tiexian. In a sense, this is even more rare than becoming an immortal cultivator."

Qi Ling was a little embarrassed, and she said again with a red face: "What I did for you was just to replace some less useful rewards with materials you urgently need."

"With these ten catties of cloud pattern red copper and twenty catties of black jade silver, I have gathered all the materials for repairing the Chaos Tower, except for the blood maple core and the golden spirit!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

Although sooner or later, you can get a sufficient amount of cloud pattern red copper and black jade silver from Qi Ling by doing tasks, but now it's a one-off thing, which is still a very happy thing.

"By the way, what are the three other reward materials?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"The other nine-story tower body of the Chaos Tower has been confirmed to be with the Hei Tianluo Sect. After the incident in the Tianluo Cave, you have to go to retrieve the nine-story tower body. And the new nine-story tower body must also need to be repaired. According to my guess, Earth Spirit Sand, Xuanyin Stone, and Phoenix Blood Wood will all be materials used for restoration, and you will be rewarded in advance for what you use!" Qi Ling laughed.

"So cute!"

Gu Zheng laughed and wanted to touch Qi Ling's hair, but unfortunately he couldn't. But Qi Ling gave him a hard look, and said with a straight face on purpose: "Hurry up and read the rewards, and eat your food cultivation!"

"It's okay, and it doesn't take much time. It's okay to eat later!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and took out the earth spirit pill overflowing with alchemy from the prehistoric space: "This small pill is a good thing that can make the soil control technique advanced to a high level!"

"That's right! If you hadn't completed the test of 'Breakthrough in Food Cultivation', it wouldn't be easy to get the Earth Spirit Pill." Qi Ling laughed.

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