Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 445 Strange Fish

"Of course! Although the evil land is dangerous, it is not without some benefits. In such an evil land, there are often some very good things, such as extremely cold ingredients, refining materials and other resources! And I What I have said is still suitable for you. If you are a magic cultivator, you will be able to use more of the resources produced here! And you also know that the legendary nine-color The phantom sound conch was obtained here! In addition, the members of the Red Sky Conch Sect also obtained the other nine floors of your Chaos Tower here!"

"Qi Ling, speaking of these two fairy artifacts, I have a question. The nine-color phantom sound conch is a top-notch fairy artifact, and it can be said to be naturally brewed between heaven and earth. But why is the tower body of the Chaos Tower here? And in the belly of a monster shark?"

"You continue to go down and wait until the 400 meters to see if you will encounter the situation that the two immortal cultivators encountered before. I will observe again. There are some things that are hard to say now."

With the advancement of Gu Zheng's divine sense, the 400 meters will soon be reached. As Shangguan Feng said, this is a limit. The strong resistance prevents Gu Zheng's divine sense from making an inch of progress, just like meeting the fairy again. The same as the edge of the array. In the process of advancing towards 400 meters, especially after 300 meters, some strange fishes can occasionally be seen in the water. They are often grotesque and do not have the agility of normal fish, swimming in the sea like walking corpses.

This time without waiting for Gu Zheng to ask, Qi Ling took the initiative to speak.

"I had guessed about the situation in the fairy array before, but it's hard to tell you without real evidence. What I've seen now has confirmed my guess."

"Four hundred meters is considered as the outer layer of the fairy formation, and below 400 meters is considered the inner layer of the fairy formation. The existence of this fairy formation seals the evil energy naturally derived from the heaven and the earth, but due to the age, it has already appeared. The situation you have seen in the Wufeng Island Immortal Formation."

"The fairy array outside Wufeng Island has a loophole due to lack of maintenance, and the angry man can enter the Wufeng Island through the loophole. This fairy array also has a loophole, but it is more advanced, and the loophole is a periodic loophole! When the vulnerability cycle occurs, there will be a blood tide landscape on the sea."

"Qi Ling, wait a minute!" Gu Zheng interrupted Qi Ling, puzzled: "Since the blood tide is a manifestation of evil energy passing through a loophole, why didn't the people from the Tianluo Sect tell me about this? Logically speaking, At this point, they shouldn't hide it!"

"I said that the blood tide occurs during the cycle of loopholes, but I didn't say that the blood tide is made of evil energy!" Qi Ling smiled slightly: "You said that the blood wave is made of evil energy, which is actually true, but this evil energy is not that evil energy!"

"Evil auras that are naturally derived from the world cannot actually be regarded as dead things. They already have some instincts that allow them to either parasitize, devour, attack, or demonize the creatures they come into contact with. ! If it is such an evil spirit, the people of the Tianluo Sect must be able to feel it, because the breath it emits already makes people feel uncomfortable."

"Although there are loopholes in the fairy array, this loophole is not safe. All the evil spirits that come out through the loopholes have almost wiped out all instincts! Therefore, they give people the same feeling as ordinary fog. The Red Sky Conch Sect People who can't find anything unusual, so naturally they won't tell you."

"In Shangguanfeng's message to you, he once mentioned that all those who approach the blood tide, without exception, will end badly. They will either die suddenly, go crazy, or develop some strange illness."

"And the reason for this is related to what I said just now, the evil spirit that comes out through the loopholes has almost wiped out all instincts. In this passage, I used 'almost', not all of them!"

"A small amount of evil with instinct is mixed with a large amount of evil that has no instinct. It is very difficult to feel their existence. It is like a drop of ink dropped in a large basin of clear water Same, the color you see is still clear and bright."

"However, even if these evil spirits still retain their instincts, they are already crippled, and their instincts have become incomplete. And in your investigation, the feeling of countless filaments wanting to attach to your divine sense is actually caused by this caused by evil spirits."

Qi Ling's voice paused, and he spoke again: "You asked me just now why the body of the Chaos Tower is in the body of a strange shark. I will answer your question now."

"The strange shark mentioned by Shangguan Feng should be the same as the strange fish here. The reason why these fish become strange is caused by the invasion and demonization of evil spirits! However, this invasion and demonization are not caused by Created by the evil energy coming out through the loophole!"

"I told you just now that even if the evil spirit that comes out through the loopholes still has instincts, it is already disabled. And this kind of evil spirit can make living beings go crazy, get strange diseases, or even die suddenly, but they can't do anything about it." The ability to demonize living beings! The evil energy that can demonize living beings must also be the evil energy that has not passed through the loophole!"

Qi Ling's voice stopped, and Gu Zheng said: "You mean, these strange fish, including the strange shark with a nine-story tower in its abdomen, all entered the inner layer of the fairy formation through loopholes, and were then attacked by evil spirits. Has it melted? And if you have been to the inner layer of the fairy array, you will naturally have the opportunity to see the special resources of the place of evil that you mentioned! As for the body of the nine-story tower, it is because its holder died in the The inner layer of the fairy array, the nine-story tower body as a relic, happened to be swallowed by the strange shark, and it was brought out again?"

"That's right, that's it."

"In addition, when I first saw the scene of the blood tide transforming into a scene of thousands of troops and horses, I wondered whether many people died in the sea under the blood tide. Later, I heard Shangguan Feng say that even the nine-story pagoda was covered by the blood tide. It was found in the restricted area, which confirmed my previous guess."

"What I can tell you now is that many people have indeed died here. After all, we have already come to the conclusion that the blood tide is transformed from evil spirits! And it is precisely because of some disabled people that they can transform into thousands of troops. Evil aura, there are some imprints similar to "impressions" in the instinct, so it is possible to make such illusions. Many people died here, and there are even existences like the owner of the nine-story tower, plus the evil place It is not too much to say that the unique resources are a treasure trove of both crisis and opportunity!"

Qi Ling's voice stopped, Gu Zheng frowned, and said, "You said that, it reminded me of someone!"

"I know who you're talking about!" Qi Ling smiled meaningfully.

"It seems that someone has already been doing what we want to do, and it's still far away!" Gu Zheng sneered.

Regarding the blood tide forbidden land, Gu Zheng was just curious at first, but with Qi Ling's speculation, the curiosity has evolved into a touch of excitement. After all, under this sea area is a treasure with both crisis and opportunity.

How to enter the treasure, Gu Zheng still doesn't know! But at this point, someone was ahead of them, and this person was probably the last owner of the angry man!

After the angry man recognized his master, Gu Zheng naturally communicated with him. From the mouth of the angry man, Gu Zheng learned one thing! That is the little monster fish 'Resentment' that he and Miaomiao caught during the 'Golden Scale Tide', which was actually sacrificed by Angry Man's previous owner.

'Resentment' and the demonized fish in the sea are both so weird, coupled with Qi Ling's meaningful smile just now, it is equivalent to affirming Gu Zheng's conjecture that 'resentment' is the demonized fish Refined! The meaning of its existence, in addition to absorbing immortal essence, has a greater possibility that the previous owner of the angry man used them to gain benefits from the bottom of the restricted area!

"Gu Zheng, are you excited about the treasure below?" Qi Ling asked.

"You can tell that crises and opportunities coexist, which really shows that you are not very sure that you can deal with the dangers that may be encountered in the treasure! People, you must be self-aware. The level of excitement is not high, and the curiosity about it has also declined." Gu Zheng laughed.

"You know me quite well!" Qi Ling smiled slightly: "Although you have become an immortal cultivator, your realm is still not high, and it is a bit dangerous. Even Jinxian enters without returning. There is nothing wrong with being cautious. .”

"Qi Ling, the last master of the angry man, is already in the mid-stage of transformation. With his cultivation, he must gain benefits through 'resentment'. Even if I am curious, I don't seem to have any advantages! " Gu Zheng said again.

"The materials for repairing the Chaos Tower, I rewarded you some for doing the task, and you also got some from the treasure of the Kongkongmen. Now, except for the blood maple core and the golden spirit, the materials you are missing, and then You can get it with one active mission."

"It's been a while since your last active mission. When you were on Wufeng Island, you also applied for an active mission from me. At that time, the answer I gave you was that there was no suitable active mission for you. You I was also curious, whether it is appropriate to separate and close active tasks? Let me tell you now, it is indeed inappropriate to separate and close active tasks!"

"After becoming an immortal cultivator, the difficulty of active missions has increased, and Lord Tiexian has also formulated a framework for this! Your next active mission, I can tell you now, is to ask you to try a mission that is dangerous enough and possible. An adventure with rich rewards! Exploring the depths of this sea area is undoubtedly a mission that meets the requirements. I don’t know if you want to take it? In other words, if you don’t take this mission, you don’t know when your active mission will be. There will be a suitable next one." Qi Ling said.

"You put it that way, my excitement level has improved! However, with my experience and knowledge in this place, there is no way to start. Even if I accept the task, what should I do?" Gu Zheng said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough experience and insight, don't you still have me?" Qi Ling took a look at Gu Zheng: "Even without me, compared with Angry Man's last master, you still have a lot of advantages over him Already!"

"Oh? I have an advantage over him? Where is this advantage?" Gu Zheng was curious.

"Do you still remember the 'Dragon Blood Spar' I asked you to buy when you bet with Nangong Chen in the Dragon War Square?" Qi Ling said.

"Remember, of course I remember!"

The dragon blood spar obtained back then can be regarded as a missed opportunity! Qi Ling once said that the dragon blood spar is very rare even in the prehistoric, and it will have magical effects in special occasions.

"Dragon blood spar is a sacred object, it has the effect of killing evil and retreating! However, the dragon blood spar you get is just a raw stone, and you need to go through a refining tool to make it effective. If you plan to continue to explore the fairy formation The deep mission, after the matter on Bloodtide Island is over, you should immediately go to a master craftsman and ask him to fuse the dragon blood spar with the 'Fire Avoidance Crown'. This opportunity." Qi Ling said.

"I said that when I was on Wufeng Island, why did you insist on asking me for the 'fire-avoiding crown' for the fairy artifact in the box? It turns out that it can be matched with dragon blood spar!" Gu Zheng laughed.

Opening the box representing inheritance on Wufeng Island, the only thing Gu Zheng took away from the box was the 'fire-avoiding crown'.

"Of course, otherwise it's a low-level fairy weapon, why would I have to let you take it away!" Qi Ling said proudly.

"It seems that even if I take this task, it will not be completed in a short time!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"Yes, this restricted area makes me so cautious. If I complete this task in a short while, it will not be difficult. But don't worry, after becoming an immortal cultivator, the difficulty of active tasks will increase, and the rewards will definitely change. Get rich." Qi Ling said.

"I don't need to take this task now, do I?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"No, you can wait until you are about to leave Blood Tide Island before considering whether to take it. Moreover, there is no time limit for this task, and there is no penalty if you fail to complete it." Qi Ling smiled.

While Gu Zheng was talking with Qi Ling, a young man with resentful eyes in the woods on the shore was staring at the sea, pinching his fingers from time to time. And on his face, with the pinching of his fingers, colorful lines of light continued to emerge.

Although the existence of the light pattern made it difficult to see the face of this young man clearly, but Gu Zheng and the others on the surface of the sea at this time, no matter who can recognize him at a glance, he is Shangguan Feng's nephew——Shangguan Xusheng!

"It's a pity that the skills are not enough, and it is still difficult to control them!"

Shangguan Xusheng murmured, he stopped pinching his fingers, and wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Gu Zheng, just wait and enjoy! Uncle, don't blame me, you are all standing with Gu Zheng anyway."

Resentment flashed through Shangguan Xusheng's eyes again, and he played a formula with both hands, and the light lines on his face also brightened.

"Master Gu, why don't we go back? Why do I feel a little weird?"

Shangguan Feng looked at the sea, his expression changed.

Just now, several strange fishes that were originally in the deep water floated up and swam around the fishing boat.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Gu Zheng nodded, anyway, he has already checked, and it's okay to leave here, but Shangguan Feng's face made him feel a little too pale.

"Friend Shangguan, why do you react so strongly to this strange fish?" Gu Zheng asked.

"These strange fish in deep water will not easily surface. Even if they appear on the surface, they will not go around the boat like they are now, and they will just swim aimlessly. This abnormal situation now reminds me of A past event in the door!"

Shangguanfeng seemed very frightened, and the speed of rowing increased to the extreme while speaking, and the boat shot out like an arrow on the water.

Unfortunately, it's too late!


There was a loud noise suddenly, and the big boat that Gu Zheng and the others were on was lifted up from the water by a huge monster.

The huge monster that flew up from the top of the ship looked like a rotten flounder, but it was more than two feet long! And judging from some details of its body surface, this fish was still swimming around Gu Zheng's boat a moment ago, but at that time, it was only one foot long.

The boat was still in the air, Gu Zheng looked back, and saw three huge dorsal fins emerging from the sea, and the number of strange fish that circled the boat was exactly four!

Although the ship was flying in the air, it didn't break or turn over. After all, the strength of Gu Zheng and Miaomiao was there. When they found something abnormal underwater, they had already used the means to stabilize the hull.

The boat fell heavily back to the surface of the water, and it was still so stable, but this did not make Shangguan Feng's panic subside.

"These strange fish are getting bigger, someone is manipulating them! Master Gu, let Miao Miao look for them quickly. The person manipulating them can't be too far away from here, it should be in the woods!" Shangguan said urgently.

Gu Zheng nodded, and Miao Miao immediately flew out, and just before Miao Miao flew up, the dorsal fin closest to the big ship suddenly rose, and a strange fish with a head like a vermilion dragon moved towards Gu Zheng's back, A huge tongue is ejected!

"Master Gu, be careful!"

With a flash of cold light in Shangguan Feng's hand, the sharp sword had already struck Gu Zheng's huge tongue.


The strange fish like a vermilion red dragon screamed in pain, and the tongue that was struck by Shangguan Feng swung horizontally, not only entangled Shangguan Feng's sword, but also entangled towards his arm.


Shangguan Feng roared loudly, and in the other hand, the short blade that appeared at an unknown time had already pierced the scarlet tongue viciously.


A stream of scarlet blood splashed from the part of Shangguan Feng's stabbing. Shangguan Feng turned his face to avoid it, but some of it was still stained on the clothes, producing a strong corrosion effect.


The strange fish that seemed to have the upper hand suddenly let out a strange cry, and quickly withdrew its tongue from the entanglement on Shangguan Feng, and even hid its head in the sea water.

The frightened Shangguan Feng looked around, during the moment when he confronted the strange fish, the other strange fish did not attack, they just showed their dorsal fins and swam frantically around the boat! But Gu Zheng just frowned slightly, and didn't even move his body!

"This this,"

Shangguan Feng stuttered a little. He already felt that there was a mysterious force swimming under the surface of the calm sea. It was the existence of this force that prevented these fierce and strange fish from approaching the fishing boat.

The mysterious energy in the sea is naturally Gu Zheng's water control technique. If he hadn't worried about frightening Shangguan Feng, the four strange fish in the sea would have been killed by him!

"Shangguan Xusheng!"

Meow Meow was still in the air, and she had already spotted Shangguan Xusheng in the woods. She stretched out her hand and waved it coquettishly. Shangguan Xusheng, who wanted to escape, immediately felt unable to move his body.

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