Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 45 No Test

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

After waiting for a long time, but did not hear Qi Ling's voice, Gu Zheng couldn't help asking, this is not in line with Qi Ling's style, shouldn't we add words like "but" and "but" at this time , and then an explanation of 'Since you have obtained additional rewards, you need additional tests'.

"What?" Qi Ling asked suspiciously.

"Test, is this extra reward given for nothing, and there is no test?"

Gu Zheng said naturally, Qi Ling's urination is definitely not for nothing. Now I gave him a medium ingredient, and it was a seed, and gave him the cooking skills of immortals. So many good things, next How can Qi Ling be balanced without giving a more difficult test.

"No, the test will not be given immediately after the reward, this is Master Tiexian's order!"

Qi Ling said lightly, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed joy, there was no test, there was no test, and it was Tiexian's order.

Gu Zheng thought of something, and immediately asked: "No, then why did you give me a new test immediately after the last test?"

"The last time was just an introduction, not a real test, this time it is!"

"So that's the case, it's better to be a master. Knowing what kind of urine is Qi Ling, I deliberately saved it!"

Gu Zheng nodded in satisfaction. It seems that Tiexian must know Qi Ling's temperament. After specially arranging the test, he can't continue to release the test. Finally, he has a chance to breathe. When he got the reward just now, he was trembling with fear. Surprised, for fear of giving him another difficult test.

This Artifact Spirit is bad enough, if I didn't say earlier that Lord Tiexian still had such an order, it would be useless for him to worry for so long.

"Look how much it's selling for these days!"

Without a test, Gu Zheng's mood was unprecedentedly relaxed, and he immediately remembered that he hadn't calculated the money for selling fried eggs these days.

These days, when he leaves every day, the cashier in the store will give him the money for fried eggs that day, and it is cash every time. When Gu Zheng came back and was busy improving the quality of eggs, he would throw the money in a box in the study. Never counted one.

"There are so many!"

The suitcase is an empty suitcase, the 24-inch kind, quite big, and the various bills inside are almost full. Although it is only scattered and not a dozen of money, it still looks like a lot. At least the visual impact is good.

After counting for a long time, Gu Zheng finally counted the money, and it was as much as 120,000.

Forget it, Guzheng sold a total of 1,400 eggs in 15 days, an average of less than 100 per day, but less in the early stage and more in the later period, 1,400 eggs, each at 88 yuan , The selling price was indeed more than 120,000.

These days, he spent less than 5,000 yuan to buy second-class egg raw materials, all of which he paid out alone, as well as mineral water, oil, salt, and sesame oil. He went to the place the boss said on purpose. It is a small workshop, but the inside is very clean, and I bought another twenty catties of sesame oil, otherwise it would not be enough.

Putting everything together, this ancient battle probably cost more than 20,000 yuan, of which French imported mineral water accounted for more than half. use.

Excluding the cost, there is still a profit of nearly 100,000, which is close to 100,000 in half a month. Gu Zheng has never had such a profit before.

After packing up all the money, Gu Zheng thought for a while, and put aside another 40,000. He had told Shu Yu before that he wanted 30-70% of the money, and the 30% that was given to Shu Yu was less than 40,000. Gu Zheng simply made up integers.

Forty thousand is quite a lot, but this time Shu Yu fully cooperated with him, not only allowing him to occupy the space in the store without reservation, but also giving him support in many ways to help him solve his problems. Without Shu Yu's cooperation, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to complete this test. If he goes to support a street stall, let alone whether he can support it, the order of the scene alone will be very troublesome. There are people to help him.

Shu Yu had said not to share, but these words were directly left behind by Gu Zheng.

Get some good money, Gu Zheng re-enters the Primordial Space, today there is no need to raise eggs, but these days I have been in the Primordial Space and I have formed a habit, it feels weird not to go in and do something.

In fact, this is the second time he has come to the Primordial Space today, and he received the previous reward here, and he still has about thirteen minutes more time.

"To mature, so soon?"

Just two minutes after entering, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then cried out in surprise, Qi Ling just gave him an advance, and the celestial rice and celestial vegetables planted before were about to mature, counting the time, planting this The time for the two kinds of fairyland ingredients is less than twenty days.

"The maturity period of these two ingredients is the same, both are 20 days. Normally, it takes two days to mature. However, these days, you are here to improve the quality of eggs every day, and you will bring the immortal power of the space. How many of them are there?" After absorbing the immortal essence, the maturity period has also been advanced by two days!"

"Xianli can still give birth to them?"

Gu Zheng walked to the side of Xianmi and Xiancai, ten plants filled with heavy ears of Xianmi, lush and green, like the blue of the deep sea, without a trace of impurities, Xiancai looked so cute and so tempting.

"Xianli can improve ingredients, and it can also give birth to ingredients. When your strength increases in the future, you will find that Xianli has more uses!"

Qi Ling said lightly, Gu Zheng had already squatted down to carefully observe the mature Xianmi. These days he came to the prehistoric space every day, but every time he raised the eggs in a hurry, he never observed carefully, never It was a pleasant surprise to think that with time, the two kinds of fairyland ingredients had matured.

"How to harvest?"

After watching it for a while, Gu Zheng remembered a key problem. He doesn’t know how to harvest rice. In reality, he has never done such farm work. Xiancai looks very simple. I don’t know if it can be used by pulling it off. .

"The harvesting of ingredients in the fairy world requires the use of fairy power. You gather your own fairy power in the entire palm, gently press it in the middle, and then pull it up. The harvested fairy rice will automatically fly out of the rice grains. You just need to be ready The tools in full bloom will do!"

"Shengfang, I don't have any tools, wait, I'll go out and get one first!"

Gu Zheng remembered that he had come in empty-handed, and hurriedly left the prehistoric space. He took a ceramic rice box home, which was small but delicate. He also took a bamboo basket, not the one for eggs. It is the one used by Gu Zhengzi to buy vegetables for himself.

The bamboo basket is very clean and can be used to hold fairy vegetables.


Returning to the prehistoric space, Gu Zheng used the method taught by Qi Ling to operate the immortal power in the palm of his hand, and forcefully lifted a plant of immortal rice, and soon he pulled out the immortal rice, and the ears of rice opened automatically, and the inside was as white as jade. The slender rice grains quickly flew into the rice box.

"So simple!"

Gu Zheng grinned foolishly. There are more rice grains in a plant of fairy rice than usual rice, but the amount is limited. The rice box is just a small layer at the bottom. Looking at it now, the rice box is completely full of these fairy rice. Down.


Gu Zheng pulled up a second plant, and the second plant of celestial rice soon flew into the rice box. With two experiences, Gu Zheng became more proficient at harvesting, harvesting one plant after another, quickly Harvested the seventh plant.

Just as the seventh plant of celestial rice was pulled out, the dense fog in the prehistoric space suddenly rolled over, and a gust of wind blew up where Gu Zheng was. Gu Feng subconsciously protected the celestial rice in his hand.

Thanks to Yue Mohen, book friend 1590623895 for the 100 starting point coins reward, and thanks to the Queen for not drinking alcohol for many times, especially thanks for the reward of 2,000 starting points coins full of soot, full of soot is also Xiaoyu’s old friend, thank you again!

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