Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 429 What should I do?

It is said on the Jade Slip that if a lucky person opens the box, the list of items inside the box will immediately appear in the lucky person's mind.

What are such measures? Isn't it just to guard against what their Tianxin faction is planning now?

The strength behind Monk Wuwei is Banruo Temple, and it is also a force that Tianxin Sect can't afford! If monk Wuwei was not told what was in the box in advance, but monk Wuwei was lucky enough to open the box, would this matter be good? Absolutely not! At least it is impossible to use the promised reward before! In the face of powerful temptations, no one will be unmoved.

After a long time, the Great Elder said, "You are the head of the sect, what do you think about this matter?"

Master Yang frowned, and then said: "Why don't you let Monk Wuwei try it first, and wait until he can open it. As for the truth, I won't tell him in advance."

Headmaster Yang's decision was considered a helpless solution, and the three elders didn't say anything, so they decided to try with Monk Wuwei the next day.

The next day, Master Yang went to find Monk Wuwei, but Monk Wuwei had been taught a lesson by Miaomiao the night before, and he was at a time when he had nowhere to vent his anger. He was really indifferent to Master Yang's visit You're welcome.

Master Yang couldn't tell Monk Wuwei the truth, so he could only flatter him, until he made Monk Wuwei happy, and then he explained his intention of coming.

Master Yang told Monk Wuwei that he had a box in Tianxin Sect, but no one could open it. If anyone could open this box, there would be a generous gift.

After listening to Master Yang's words, Monk Wuwei thought about it for a moment, then he laughed.

"No one in your door can open it. It seems that opening this box is quite difficult!" Monk Wuwei said.

"The difficulty is not small. If the difficulty is small, then you don't have to trouble the monk to make a move, right?" Sect Master Yang looked flattering.

"Okay! It's not impossible to let the poor monk take action, but the poor monk has a condition."

"Eminent monk, please tell me."

"I don't want any generous gifts from you either, I just want you to exchange VIP Room No. 1 for me!"

Monk Wuwei's words made Master Yang's heart move. It seems that Monk Wuwei wanted to take the opportunity to get back some face from Gu Zheng.

"Yes, if the eminent monk can open the box, I will do it right away." Master Yang said seriously.

"No, what the poor monk wants is whether you can open the box or not, you have to do it now."

Seeing Monk Wuwei's smile on his face, Master Yang really wanted to strangle him to death. He thought he would be easier to talk to than Gu Zheng, but now it seems that these two people are not easy to get along with.

Gu Zheng was the one who was most likely to open the box. If it wasn't for Gu Zheng's request that made Head Yang a little scared, it wouldn't be Wuwei's turn to do this.

"I don't know if you can open it, but you let me offend another distinguished guest. This kind of approach is a bit unreasonable!" Master Yang said helplessly.

"Master Yang, Ming people don't speak dark words. The box you mentioned contains something very important to you, right? If you had other ways, you probably wouldn't come to me, right? It doesn't look like a good kind."

Monk Wuwei really had self-knowledge, he smiled and continued, "So, either you agree to my conditions, or just pretend I didn't say anything!"

"Okay, give me some time, I will finish this matter for the eminent monk this afternoon!" Master Yang gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Okay, then such a happy decision!"

Monk Wuwei laughed and looked happily at the opposite tree house.

Headmaster Yang dared to change the house for Monk Wuwei, isn't he afraid of offending Gu Zheng? Of course he was afraid, but it wasn't that there were no workarounds.

In the Tianxin faction, head Yang and three elders sat in the meeting hall.

"Go, tell Sect Leader Gu, just say what he said last night, we are carefully considering, let him wait for a while, I am very sorry for this. Then you tell him that the third elder in the door is very sorry. I want to get acquainted with him, I want him to move to another courtyard of the Tianxin School, and discuss with him about cooking skills."

After giving instructions to his confidant disciples, Head Yang turned to look at the third elder: "Master, I will trouble you about appeasement of Gu Zheng."

"It's okay! It's just that such an excuse may not be able to deceive Gu Zheng. I hope that Monk Wuwei can really open the box as you wish!" The third elder sighed.

The confidant disciple conveyed Master Yang's words to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng just smiled at this, and without saying anything, he followed the confidant disciple to the other courtyard where the third elder of the Tianxin Sect was.

Monk Wuwei, who was standing at the window of another tree house, saw Gu Zheng and others leaving under the leadership of Tianxin Sect disciples, and a victor's smile immediately appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Master Yang, where did you arrange the ancient dispute?"

Monk Wuwei turned his head, looked at Master Yang behind him and smiled.

In fact, Monk Wuwei hopes most that the head of Yang will swap his guest room with Gu Zheng's, so that Gu Zheng will lose face even more!

However, Monk Wuwei also understood that if he made such a request, unless he had already opened the box, or else Master Yang would definitely not agree! After all, if you haven't seen the benefits yet, you want Sect Leader Yang to offend the other Sect Leader to death. As long as you are not a fool, no one will agree.

"Anyway, I have agreed to the request of the eminent monk. As for where the Gu head is arranged, it doesn't matter?" Head Yang said with a bitter face.

"It's not important, it's not important!"

Monk Wuwei laughed: "Let's go, take me to see your box."

Following Monk Wuwei down the tree, seeing his frightened look, Master Yang greeted Monk Wuwei's eight generations of ancestors in his heart.

In front of the secret room of the Tianxin sect, the first and second elders were standing at the door.

"Why are there others?"

Monk Wuwei frowned, and his voice became serious.

"Monk Wuwei, we are the first and second elders of the Tianxin Sect. How could we not be present for such an important matter as opening the box?" The first elder of the Tianxin Sect laughed.

"It turned out to be the two elders of the Tianxin Sect. If that's the case, let's go in!"

Having said that, Monk Wuwei's vigilance has not been relieved by this.

The stone door opened slowly, and the secret room behind the door seemed very empty, except for a large box about two meters long, there were only a few night pearls emitting faint light.

After walking around the box twice, Monk Wuwei said, "I knew that a box that ordinary people can't open must be protected by a fairy array or a ban."

"Can the eminent monk have a solution for this?" Headmaster Yang asked hastily.

"I have to try it, but I should be sure to open it. I have a feeling that I can't explain. It seems that my inner strength is being attracted by the restriction on the box."

Monk Wuwei paused, then turned his head and smiled at Master Yang and the others: "Master Yang and the two elders, please stand in the corner."

"Why?" The second elder frowned.

"The poor monk felt a lot of death breath in this secret room! Presumably, many people died intermittently here? The poor monk doesn't want to open the box and become an unjust dead ghost for no reason!" Monk Wuwei sneer.

"The eminent monk is really good at joking, how could we do such a thing."

The Great Elder let out a haha, and took the lead to walk towards the corner.

"Hmph, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

Seeing that the three members of Sect Master Yang had already stayed in the corner farthest from the box, Monk Wuwei put his hand on the box.

Monk Wuwei input his internal strength into the restraint on the box, the whole box shook slightly, and a flashing pattern appeared on it, spinning very mysteriously.

The mood of the three heads of the Yang family suddenly became very excited. The only people in history who could make the box appear so abnormal were the other two people who knew the secrets in the box besides Gu Zheng.

However, the excitement quickly froze on the faces of the three members of Head Yang. Monk Wuwei was not much stronger than those two in history. The counter-shock force was generated from the light array, and Monk Wuwei let out a scream, and was immediately sent flying.


The Great Elder was furious, and startled Monk Wuwei who hadn't stood up yet, spitting blood from his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

The monk Wuwei who stood up took a step back guardedly.

"Get out, come out with me!"

The Great Elder was already in a bad mood, and when he saw Monk Wuwei like this, he pointed at the door of the secret room and shouted furiously.

"Go out and go out, do you think the poor monk rarely stays here?"

Monk Wuwei snorted coldly, and staggered towards the door.

"Monk Wuwei, I'm really sorry! Whether the box can be opened is too important, and the Great Elder has high hopes for you, so..."

"Don't explain, what the hell!"

Monk Wuwei didn't buy it, and gave Master Yang a hard look.

"What should we do now?"

In the secret room, the Second Elder asked the First Elder.

"I thought this monk Wuwei would be different, but I didn't know that he was also an idiot, idiot!"

The great elder's anger has not subsided.

"Hey, it seems that Gu Zheng has to try the box!" The second elder sighed.

"Let's talk about this matter two days later. It's better not to use Gu Zheng, especially after changing rooms for him." The Great Elder said depressedly.

At the same time, in the other courtyard of Tianxin Sect.

"Master Gu, please drink tea."

The third elder poured the brewed tea to Gu Zheng and Miao Miao.

Gu Zheng held the teacup and smelled the fragrance of the tea: "The new Yunwu tea on Wufeng Island still tastes so fragrant and charming, just like the first time I smelled it." Gu Zheng's voice was a little emotional.

"Since Master Gu likes Yunwu New Tea so much, when Master Gu leaves Wufeng Island, I will definitely give Master Master Gu more." The third elder laughed.

"No need, the new Yunwu tea was delicious at the beginning, but the taste of the new Yunwu tea has changed, so you don't need this kind of tea."

Gu Zheng put the teacup that smelled of tea on the table again.

The third elder looked embarrassed, and he could naturally hear that Gu Zheng was talking about things through the tea leaves, talking about his initial impression of the Tianxin School and the change in his current impression.

"Third Elder, it's not because you want to discuss cooking skills with me when you invite me into the other courtyard, but because you want to give the No. 1 VIP room to Monk Wuwei, right?"

The calmness of the ancient dispute made the mouth of the third elder who wanted to say no dry.

"I knew that this matter could not be hidden from Sect Master Gu. However, it is also a desire that has existed in my heart for a long time to discuss cooking skills with Sect Master Gu." The third elder smiled wryly.

"Do you think Monk Wuwei can open that box?"

Gu Zheng's voice was still flat, but the topic he was talking about was the last thing the third elder wanted to bring up.

However, for some reason, the third elder, who thought he could easily deal with Gu Zheng, now felt a little bit on pins and needles, especially when he was watched by Gu Zheng, he felt uncomfortable that his secrets had been discovered.

"Impossible! After all, when Monk Wuwei held the 'Heavenly Heart Bead', the light on it didn't grow much stronger."

The third elder answered almost instinctively, and he was still thinking about why he felt so uncomfortable in the face of the ancient dispute.

Suddenly, the third elder's eyes widened, and he looked at Gu Zheng in disbelief: "Master Gu, you, you wouldn't..."

Looking at the incoherent Third Elder, Gu Zheng frowned and said, "What should happen to me?"

"No, it's nothing." The third elder said with averted eyes.

Seeing the third elder with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, Gu Zheng was also puzzled.

The third elder is Yang Zhenling's grandfather. The bloodline of their family is a bit peculiar, and boys are more or less unusual. Just like Yang Zhenling, he can see the realm of a person's cultivation, and as the third elder, Yang Zhenling's grandfather, he also has this talent!

On this point of talent, Yang Zhenling's grandfather is more accurate than Yang Zhenling. Although he has not been able to see Gu Zheng's true cultivation level because of this, but because of his experience, he has a frightening guess. It's a cultivator!

When the third elder was young, he once saw an immortal cultivator who spoke in such a calm manner, but the feeling he gave the third elder was exactly the same as the one given by the ancient struggle today. Make people uncomfortable!

The childhood experience has long been buried in the deepest part of memory, and now it suddenly pops up, how can the third elder not be surprised!

How big is Gu Zheng? This is something that has already been found out through the investigation! But if he wasn't a cultivator, how could he bring such a strange feeling?

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, the third elder dared not speak out his true thoughts! In his opinion, since Gu Zheng chose to hide his real cultivation, he definitely didn't want others to know about it. If he knew it, he would still tell it. At the same time, the third elder was also complaining in his heart, what kind of person did they find! I found a cultivator to come over, and let the cultivator feel a little disappointed. If this matter is not handled properly, it is not surprising that the Tianxin faction disappeared!

"Master Gu, I'm going to build a pot of charcoal fire, shall we roast a few golden scales? I heard from that child, Zhenling, that your roasted golden scales taste really good!"

The third elder felt that he had to leave Gu Zheng to get some fresh air, otherwise, in such a dreary environment, he would definitely sweat profusely in a short time.

"No, I'm not interested in roasting golden scales today. Daoyou Yang is not bad. You are his grandfather, so you should be a good person."

Gu Zheng could see that the third elder was a little afraid of him, although he didn't know the exact reason. The impression Yang Zhenling left on Gu Zheng hasn't changed, so Gu Zheng doesn't hope that Yang Zhenling's grandfather is a person he hates.

"Good man, absolutely good man!"

The third elder laughed along with him, and the atmosphere was so weird that there was no distinction between young and old.

"Since I am a good person, let me advise you that I am not as bad as you worry about the box, but don't think of me as a fool, and don't try to plot me, or you will definitely Will regret it."

Gu Zheng stood up: "I'm tired, and I've missed the Third Elder! If you have already discussed and reached a decision about the box, you can come to me when the time comes. Besides, I refuse to see guests these days!"

Gu Zheng left, and only the third elder whose back was soaked was left in the courtyard.

The third elder didn't stay in the courtyard much, he immediately went to find Yang Zhenling.

Since Gu Zheng has a good impression of Yang Zhenling, and Gu Zheng has been accompanied by Yang Zhenling on Wufeng Island for the past few days, the third elder wants to see from Yang Zhenling if he can learn more about Gu Zheng.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Yang Zhenling, who was working, saw the third elder coming, and hurried forward to salute.

After the third elder signaled to Yang Zhenling that there is no need to be too polite, he immediately cut to the chase: "Son, what do you think of the Gu sect master?"

Yang Zhenling was very curious in his heart, why did the third elder ask such a question, but seeing the third elder looked serious, he had no choice but to temporarily suppress his curiosity.

"Grandpa, Master Gu is very special. Based on my grandson's understanding of him, I think he is a close friend. Although he has many secrets, he is not a bad person. He is strong when he is strong, and soft when he is soft. He is a dragon and a phoenix among people!" Yang Zhenling answered cautiously.

"Secret? Do you know his secret?" the third elder asked.

"I know a little bit." Yang Zhenling replied.

"What secret?" The third elder asked again.

Yang Zhenling knew the secret of Gu Zheng, it was nothing more than that they used unconventional means to catch fish at sea, and the Miao Miao who followed him was actually a demon cultivator.

"Grandpa, the secret that belongs to Sect Master Gu, I'm sorry grandson can't tell you!"

Yang Zhenling has been afraid of the strict third elder since she was a child, but now she dares to refuse the third elder's inquiry, which can be regarded as mustering up her courage.

Yang Zhenling originally thought that the third elder would be angry, but the third elder didn't seem to care about it.

"You know the secret of Sect Leader Gu, does Sect Leader Gu know it himself?" the third elder asked again.

"One ancient master knows, and he should know the other." Yang Zhenling thought for a while.

"Okay, very good! No wonder Sect Leader Gu looks at you differently, even I, a grandfather, can't ask anything from you."

Seeing that the third elder was not angry, but relieved, Yang Zhenling finally couldn't help being curious.

"Grandpa, what's the matter? Why do you ask me these questions?" Yang Zhenling asked.

"Grandson, grandpa will tell you today, the biggest secret on our Wind Island."

The three elders told Yang Zhenling who shouldn't have known about the 'Tianxin Sect' and the box. Afterwards, he told all the things that happened to Gu Zheng around the box.

Yang Zhenling was shocked by the real history of the Tianxin School, but he was a little excited about the fact that Gu Zheng was a cultivator.

"Yes, yes! If Fellow Daoist Ancient is a cultivator, many mysteries surrounding him can be explained clearly."

Excited Yang Zhenling muttered to himself, he remembered that on the way to the Kunlun faction, Gu Zheng rescued Tong Rui alone, and finally chased and killed the people in the Demon Dao, and even defeated several princelings in Shushan in the Longzhan Square! The means used for fishing at sea, and why it is so extraordinary to let a demon cultivator be a maid, everything has a reasonable explanation!

"Grandson is really different from me. After hearing the real state of the ancient master, your reaction is not fear."

The third elder shook his head and smiled, and then said, "What does grandson think should be done about this matter?"

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