Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 412 Worry-free promotion

"Women? What's wrong with women? In this day and age, there are no less villains than men!" Zhao Wen said angrily.

"You," Liu Ying was so angry that she stopped.

"Zhao Wen, have you had enough trouble? First of all, I can tell you that there is no such person among our Emei disciples. I don't know which eye you saw. Someone kidnapped your granddaughter and ran here. I What I want to tell you now is to immediately follow Gu'an to find the deacon who is in charge of handling the accident, and if you continue to make trouble here, I will not be polite!"

It's not the first time Elder Wuchou has met Zhao Wen, he also knows more about Zhao Wen than Gu An, knowing that this old guy is not a good person, he will naturally not be too polite.

Seeing that Elder Wuchou was angry, Zhao Wen seemed a little scared: "Okay, since you, an elder, have said so, I will trust you for the time being. You follow me to find the deacon who is in charge of this kind of thing. I want to find my granddaughter."

"Okay, take him there!"

Elder Wuchou nodded and ordered Gu An.

However, at this moment, an extremely slight cry suddenly came from the Emei Pagoda.

Elder Wuchou frowned, turned around and rushed towards the Emei Pagoda. The slight cry just now was clearly the sound of a person dying.

When Elder Wuchou rushed into the Emei Pagoda, he saw the figure of a woman, facing a lamppost in the Chaos Tower, who was doing something unknown, and lying on the ground was a dead Emei Sect disciple .


Elder Wuchou shouted angrily, and punched the woman in the back.

The back of the woman seemed to have eyes, she dodged without turning her head, and swung her backhand again, five claws directly hit Elder Wuchou's face. Who is this woman, if not that Zhao Ya!

Elder Wuchou raised his palm and pushed forward, the purified red inner strength turned into a thick palm, while destroying the claw wind, he still pushed towards Zhao Ya with unabated momentum.

Elder Wuchou has scruples. This is the inside of the Chaos Tower. Gu Zheng also told him that the lamp post is the core layer of the Chaos Tower. He is afraid that the lamp post will be hurt when he attacks Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya was obviously aware of Elder Wushou's scruples, and with a slight flash, she came to the lamp post and escaped Elder Wushou's attack effortlessly.

Moreover, during the moment when Zhao Ya fought Elder Wuchou, Zhao Ya's left hand kept pushing the palm, and between her palm and the lamp post, there was something like a blue electric glow, rising and falling. Not fixed.

Elder Wuchou was furious, Zhao Ya actually ran into the Chaos Tower to make troubles, he still had a feeling that he couldn't take it down for a while, if Gu Zheng knew about it, where would he put his face!

"you wanna die!"

The angry Elder Wuchou swung his fist, and in his other hand, two silent throwing knives also flew away.

With such a short distance, and Elder Wuchou's flying knife skills are very powerful, it stands to reason that Zhao Ya should not be able to dodge it.

However, Zhao Ya frowned, a blue object broke through the clothes on her chest, flew out and settled in mid-air! The blue light released from it not only dispelled the inner strength and throwing knife of Elder Wuchou, but even Gu'an and Liu Ying, who were lacking in cultivation and wanted to join the battle but couldn't find a chance, were shocked. screamed and flew out.

Facing the weird blue light, although Elder Wuchou didn't suffer much damage, his heart was filled with weird fear. If it wasn't for his strong willpower, he would definitely scream and escape from the Chaos Tower.

However, even if Elder Wuchou didn't escape from the Chaos Tower, he also lost the ability to fight. Deep in his heart, he was battling fear, with large beads of sweat rolling down his face, and he couldn't even wave his hand and punch him. arrive.

"Immortal, don't get out yet!"

Zhao Ya yelled, the blue light in the sky was overwhelming, Elder Wuchou let out a scream, and rushed out of the Chaos Tower holding his head in pain.

"Miss Ya, hurry up, there is such a big commotion, people from the Emei Sect will probably arrive soon." Zhao Wen who entered the tower reminded.

"Does this need you to talk nonsense? Didn't you see that I just solved that old thing?"

Zhao Ya was also very anxious at the moment, how could she not be worried if such a big commotion was caused.

However, things were a bit unexpected. It stands to reason that even if the Emei Pagoda has an owner, her identity is the master of the holy tower. As long as she uses the current method and takes the power of the holy tower through the air, she should be able to cut off the Emei pagoda easily. The tower's original relationship with the owner was correct, but the current situation is that the owner of the Emei Tower is extremely tenacious, so she always has a kind of entanglement that can only be cut off!

To make Zhao Ya feel like this, it is naturally Jiaojiao's tricks. If it wasn't for Gu Zheng to drag Zhao Ya, Zhao Ya's feeling could only be unshakable. At this time, Gu Zheng, who was still staying on the top floor of the Chaos Tower, He also learned about what happened next through ***.

"Accidents come one after another! It seems that Zhao Ya is not a demon cultivator. She is related to the Holy Blood Sect, and also to the Tianluo Sect!" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Sect Leader, Elder Wuchou and the others have lost their fighting power, do I need to take action now?" *** asked.

"Let's do it, take the two of them alive, and 'Quote' get their secret!" Gu Zheng said coldly.


As soon as *** agreed, the person had disappeared on the top floor of the Chaos Tower.


The anxious Zhao Ya looked at the man who suddenly appeared at the door, and called out his name.

"you know me?"

***Frowning, he didn't expect Zhao Ya to recognize him at a glance.

Zhao Ya didn't know ***, but she had seen the portrait of ***, so she was very clear about the strength of ***.

Without answering ***'s question, beads of sweat and determination appeared on Zhao Ya's face at the same time. She understood that with a top expert like *** around, it was impossible to escape. Since he couldn't escape, Zhao Ya couldn't imagine the consequences of being caught by him!

The determination on Zhao Ya's face could not be hidden from ***'s eyes, *** stretched out her hand, the energy of heaven and earth was mobilized, and the surrounding air became sticky, even if Zhao Ya wanted to move a finger, it became Impossible.

However, the energy of heaven and earth can imprison a person's physical actions, but it can't imprison one's thoughts and actions, and the determination is aggravated on Zhao Ya's face. With a thought in her mind, the object emitting blue light in the air suddenly exploded.


An extremely dull explosion sounded.

Surrounded by the energy of heaven and earth dispatched by the police, the explosion caused by Zhao Ya did not spread much, but in the small circle surrounded by energy of heaven and earth, she and Zhao Wen, including some ornaments in the Chaos Tower , all were blown into powder.

"Damn it!"

***Frowning, Zhao Ya's ruthlessness, and the self-detonation power of the Blu-ray Immortal Artifact were beyond his expectation.

"The head, the subordinates are not doing well, and they failed to keep them alive."

Gu Zheng also came to the first floor of the Chaos Tower, and the voice of *** appeared in his mind.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, but gave *** a smile that didn't matter.

What happened on the first floor of the Chaos Tower has been known through Jiaojiao Guzheng, and he understands that if the same situation happens to him, he will be caught off guard.

"I originally wanted to know their secrets through the 'introduction', but now it seems impossible."

Looking at the mess on the ground, Gu Zheng turned his head to look at ***: "Elder Taishang, you go to the Zhao Mansion at the foot of the mountain immediately, if there are still people in the Zhao Mansion, arrest everyone."

*** nodded, glanced at Elder Wuyou who had already captured Elder Wuyou, and said: "Leave him alone, let him go crazy, this is a blessing in disguise for him!"

*** When the voice fell to the ground, the person had disappeared into the night.

After being reminded by *** before leaving, joy also appeared on the faces of Gu Zheng and Elder Wuyou.

It stands to reason that Elder Wuchou was bewildered by the magical powers of the fairy artifact and fell into a state of confusion, but now that the fairy artifact has been destroyed, he should get out of the chaos. But Elder Wuchou was not only not awake, on the contrary, he was even more insane than before, shouting words that no one could understand, jumping around like a lunatic.

Gu Zheng and Elder Wuyou had no experience, but Mr. Wu did. He could tell at a glance that Elder Wuchou was a blessing in disguise. This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought!

Leaving Elder Wuchou alone for now, Gu Zheng looked at the mess on the ground and frowned in thought.

I thought Zhao Ya was from the Sacred Blood Sect. After all, she mentioned the Sacred Blood Sect's mission in Chuan Province. Zhao's mansion also has the sorcery of raising corpses, and she has an unusual relationship with Zhao Wen. However, the celestial artifact that caused Elder Wuchou to be confused and finally exploded was the imitation of the 'Nine-Colored Phantom Sound Conch' that Gu Zheng had only seen from Shangguanfeng some time ago!

It's just that Zhao Ya's imitation of the 'Nine-Colored Phantom Sound Conch' has a different color from Shangguan Feng's. Apart from fear, the supernatural power it represents also has an unimaginable self-destruct supernatural power.

The reason why Gu Zheng judged that Zhao Ya was related to the Tianluo Sect was because the imitation of the 'Nine-Colored Phantom Sound Conch' could not be activated by outsiders except those who practiced the special skills of the Tianluozong. This miraculous technique is also a secret technique that they do not pass on to the outside world.

"It seems that when we go to Wufeng Island, we really have to go to Blood Tide Island." Gu Zheng said heartily.

Elder Wuchou had already calmed down, but he, who had not opened his eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground, as if he was trying to comprehend.

*** also came back, as expected by Gu Zheng, the Zhao Mansion at the foot of the mountain was empty. After all, Zhao Wen and Zhao Ya came here with a mission this time. Even if they couldn't see the Emei Pagoda, they still wanted to visit Emei at night. If they did such a thing, if the Zhao Mansion at the foot of the mountain still had people, it would be true. It's too careless.

Elder Wuchou was sitting cross-legged near the Chaos Tower, the area was now under martial law, and the Communist Party even set up an enchantment nearby, Gu Zheng and others were also waiting here quietly, and their mood became more and more excited.

In the originally clear night sky, clouds were already forming, and there was also a strong wind around it for no reason. These visions were getting more and more intense, very similar to the scene when Elder Wuyou was promoted to become a cultivator.

They didn't make everyone wait too long, and the process from the appearance of the vision to its complete onset took only about a minute.

Surrounded by flying sand and rocks and strong winds, the clouds in the sky shrouded Mount Emei, and there was still a clear night sky next to it, which looked very dreamlike.


A bolt of lightning was born in the cloud, and the originally dim Mount Emei was illuminated.

Bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, and were swept by the strong wind in the air like a huge water dragon, and there was a very special atmosphere between heaven and earth.

Elder Wuchou, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes. He stood up and let the strong wind blow the rain, mixed with that special breath, to wash and baptize his original mortal body.

The vision appeared quickly, and it ended quickly. Just like the elder Wuyou back then, the elder Wuyou just shook his body, and his original wet clothes dried instantly.

A long howl came from the mouth of Elder Wuchou, and he stretched out his hand and swung his throwing knife with the energy of heaven and earth, hitting a huge rock in the distance.


Amidst the huge noise, a rock the size of a room exploded into thousands of pieces of rubble under a throwing knife less than four inches long.

"Congratulations to the second elder, you have become my sixth immortal cultivator in Emei!"

Gu Zheng took the lead in congratulating, followed by the congratulations of *** and others.

There are already six immortal cultivators in Emei, and they are Grandmaster at the peak of returning to the void, Jia Si at the early stage of transformation, Du Wei at the middle stage of transformation, Miao Miao at the middle stage of transformation, and Wuyou and Wuyou at the early stage of transformation. Worry about the two elders! Although the number of immortal cultivators in the Void Return Realm is one less than that of Shushan, the overall number of immortal cultivators is one more than that of Shushan. This makes the two elders, Wuyou and Wuchou, who have been looking forward to the rise of Emei, Even Du Wei, who returned from wandering, was ecstatic!

*** and Jia Si, although they do not belong to Emei themselves, they already regard themselves as members of Emei. Although their reactions are not as strong as those of Wuyou and Wuchou, they still laugh like flowers. Who would not want to , Can the sect he belongs to be strong and prosperous?

As for Miaomiao, although her reaction was the most flat, after seeing the smile on Gu Zheng's face, she also smiled happily. After learning the lesson, he immediately dismissed the idea.

"Master, I'm guilty!"

Everyone still had smiles on their faces, but the smile on Elder Wushou's face had disappeared. Looking at Gu Zheng, his face almost wrinkled into a bitter melon.

"Tell me about your crimes." Gu Zheng said flatly.

"I didn't have enough vigilance. I thought nothing would happen in my sect, but tonight's incident happened instead. If I could be more vigilant, Zhao Ya wouldn't rush into the Emei Pagoda, so that my next attack would be impossible." Hands are tied. If I can be more cautious and use the fairy artifact given by the head at the beginning, even if she has a fairy weapon, it should not be difficult for me to kill her! Please forgive me, so that I can remember this time lesson!" Elder Wuchou made a self-criticism.

"Just remember the lesson, and there is no need to convict. After all, you also want to keep alive, not to mention the opponent's strength, which is indeed a bit beyond imagination."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he turned his eyes to the crowd: "This incident is not only for Elder Wushou, but also for you and me. Troubled times are coming, and we should be cautious when doing things. , A disciple of Emei died today, I don't hope to see the corpse of one of you someday in the future, it will make my heart hurt very much!"

"Yes, follow the instructions of the master!"

The identities of *** and the others, even though they are all elders and elders, they still answered seriously and solemnly to Gu Zheng's lectures.

"Okay, unpleasant things have happened, but there are still things that make us happy. Today, the second elder was promoted to become a cultivator. This event is worth celebrating. I decided to cook a good meal now. Let's open fairy wine, taste delicious food, and celebrate!"

"Long live the master!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, *** and the others cheered immediately.

Early in the morning, in the Chaos Tower.

The blood and immortal power required to repair the Chaos Tower had been completed today. At this time, he was standing on the top floor of the 22nd floor Chaos Tower, looking at the mountains and rivers of Emei through the window, and his heart was peaceful.

Emei now has six immortal cultivators, and he, the head of the sect, will also become the seventh immortal cultivator in Emei today.

Gu Zheng who turned around was still as calm as water, the pot was already burning on the fire, and the ingredients that needed to be processed for refining the alchemy food cultivation had already been processed yesterday.

Put the processed ingredients into the pot in an orderly manner and boil them. When all the ingredients are cooked and the soup becomes thick, Gu Zheng will take some elixir obtained from the treasure of Kongkongmen, as well as his fairy Yuan Dan was also poured into the pot.


As soon as the elixir was put into the pot, there was a light sound immediately, and thick white smoke floated out of the pot immediately, as if dry ice had been put in it. It's just that this white smoke is not an ordinary gas, but a fairy essence so thick that you can see it!

The immortal yuan floated out of the pot, but miraculously gathered together and did not disperse, like a living thing, constantly circling and tumbling.

The last time he was cooking Dan Yuan Shi Xiu, Gu Zheng immediately activated the Water Control Jue and Fire Control Jue, pulling Xian Yuan into the soup. But this time, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to do so, but watched the Xianyuan tumbling outside the pot without dispersing.

This time's Dan Yuan Food Cultivation uses much more ingredients than last time. Gu Zheng added 20 pills from the treasure of Kongkongmen alone. According to Qi Ling, even if it's just like this, the grade of the alchemy food cultivation this time will reach the middle grade! The efficacy of the medicine is not comparable to that of the last low-grade one, not to mention that Gu Zheng still has no keel, once the keel is added at the right time, the efficacy of Danyuan Food Cultivation can be improved a lot!

"It's now."

Seeing that under the urging of the Fire Control Art, the immortal essence that had been gathered outside the pot and was showing signs of dissipating, Gu Zheng put the treated keel into the pot.


A sound like a dragon's chant came out from the pot, and the immortal essence that was about to dissipate seemed to be injected with new vitality. They condensed on the top of the soup, showing the posture of a tornado.

In about 20 seconds, the tornado turned into a small white dragon, exactly the same as the one seen in the Dragon War Square. It danced around the pot, and its atomized body seemed to contain powerful energy.

When it was time to close it, Gu Zheng frowned. The fire control technique made the flames become real, clinging to the bottom of the pot without haste, and the water control technique made the soup in the pot form a vortex, which was originally floating on the bottom of the pot. The little dragon above the soup plunged headlong into it like a mad dragon entering the sea.

A strange fragrance wafted out of the pot, and the smell was refreshing. The little dragon transformed by the immortal yuan had disappeared, and the originally black soup had also turned white because of the keel.

Gu Zheng's heart twitched slightly, and the application of the water control formula changed, and the boiling soup immediately cooled down to a suitable temperature.

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