The female cultivator only gave Song Xiu three points, which made Song Xiu smile at her meaningfully: "Your taste buds are really special!"

"Thank you Daoist Song for your compliment. You can also wait for the next judge to comment, and distribute you and the three immortals of the head of Gu to everyone to taste. I think everyone's eyes should be sharp." The female cultivator smiled faintly.

"No need, this is just a competition. After the three of you judges finish your comments, the competition will be over. As for what kind of comments you will have after eating me and Gu Sect Leader Jiang Sanxian, we will all treat it as carrots and cabbages." Everyone has their own love, so they won't take it too seriously." After Song Xiuyan finished speaking, he handed the chopsticks to the judge he had chosen.

"Not bad, the two of them can actually taste more deeply, this is an affirmation of your cooking skills!" Qi Ling said happily.

"Yeah, I originally thought that my advantage would be suppressed by the 'Jiang Jing' to the point where non-professional judges couldn't taste it, but I didn't expect them to taste some, which made me feel very relieved! " Gu Zheng smiled.


“It was so delicious!”

"What a rich sauce, how intoxicating!"

"The smell of the meat is also strong, but the meat is rotten but still chewy!"

"It's delicious, this is the best sauce I've ever eaten!"

"It's really unsatisfactory. If it's not that I can't eat more, I can't wait to finish this plate of three sauces!"

When the judges selected by Song Xiu tasted the Three Immortals, their voices of emotion continued one after another. At this moment, he finally put down his chopsticks, licked his mouth exaggeratedly, and then looked at the female cultivator who just said him.

"After tasting this Three Immortal Sauce, I still feel that I can only give more points to the Three Immortals Jiang, the head of Gu, and I will not give less. You said that the innovation of the head of Gu is very unique, but I still think, This traditional sauce three immortals is even more intoxicating!"

"However, you are right about one thing, the meat taste is indeed very important in the three sauces, but I don't think the meat taste of this plate of three sauces is worse than that made by the ancient master!"

The judges selected by Song Xiu looked at the female cultivator, and smiled very awkwardly: "Anyway, what I said is worthy of my conscience, and also worthy of the inner demon oath I discovered. As for conflicts with your views, you Just like radish and cabbage, each has its own love, and my heart will be more balanced! For the rating of this plate of Three Immortals, I give it a full score of 5, it is the irreplaceable Three Immortals in my heart!"

The judges selected by Song Xiu had finished their evaluation, and there were sighs and cheers among the crowd.

"It's heartbreaking to watch!"

"Master Gu's final score is 9 points, and Song Daoyou's final score is 12 points. The gap is so big that it is unimaginable!"

"According to the rules, the person who loses is the head of Gu. How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river! I won twice, but I was defeated once by him."

"Song Daoyou, quickly give us a taste of the three sauces you made, we have been waiting for it!"

"Master Gu, let me try the Three Immortals you made. Even if you lose, I think that the Three Immortals you made should not go anywhere!"

The onlookers were chattering, but the two parties seemed very quiet. Song Xiu looked at Gu Zheng and smiled, but Gu Zheng just watched him quietly. Slowly, the smile on Song Xiu's face disappeared, and Gu Zheng's static gaze made him feel very uncomfortable, and his whole body felt uncomfortable as if being pricked by a needle.

"Master Gu, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you can't afford to lose? What do you mean by keeping a straight face?" Song Xiu asked.

"What do I mean, don't you know?" Gu Zheng sneered.

"I really don't know. In my opinion, you just can't afford to lose! But whether you can afford to lose or not, with so many people watching, shouldn't you give me your bet?" Song Xiu also sneered stand up.

"Do you think you really won?"

Gu Zheng laughed even colder, Song Xiu frowned, and a very bad premonition rose accordingly.

"Could it be that he knows my secret? Otherwise, why would he be so abnormal? It shouldn't be!"

Song Xiu wondered in his heart, the reason why he dared to bet with Gu Zheng this time, besides being good at making the Three Sauce Immortals, was because he knew the magical effect of 'Jiang Jing'. Now that the three judges have scored, the winner or loser has been decided, but Gu Zheng's anomaly made him feel terrified, and it also made him change his face immediately.

"Since everyone is looking forward to it so much, which one is better, the three sauces made by me or the head of Gu, I will share my three sauces for everyone to eat, and let everyone know what kind of sauce it is. What a delicacy! As for the Jiang Sanxian who is the head of the ancient sect, seeing how he can't afford to lose now, he probably won't let everyone taste it."

Song Xiu had a look of regret. In fact, he only wanted to 'destroy the corpse' by doing so.


Seeing that Song Xiu had swollen enough, Gu Zheng finally spoke out loudly.

Song Xiu, who originally wanted to go and divide the three Jiang Xianxians, felt a thump in his heart, and immediately quickened his pace.

"Song Xiu, if you shared the three sauces you made with others, the one who lost the bet today would be you! Do you really want to destroy the evidence?"

Gu Zheng's words were like earth-shattering shocks, and the crowd of onlookers immediately exclaimed.

"What's the meaning?"

"Destroy the evidence? Could it be that Song Daoyou cheated?"

"This is just cooking, how can you cheat?"

"Don't say that, did you forget to say in advance that you can't use accessories that are not on the chopping board?"

"Did Song Daoyou use other accessories? I didn't see it!"

"Sect Master Gu can't afford to lose, right?"

"I don't think so. Master Gu shouldn't be the kind of person who can't afford to lose!"

"It's no wonder the judges are all scoring. Master Gu just looked at Song Daoyou calmly!"

Everyone was discussing and talking about everything. Song Xiu, whose face was already flushed, opened his mouth and roared: "Gu Zheng, you are talking nonsense! If you can't afford to lose, you can't afford to lose. I will make the three immortals I made, How about sharing it with others?"

"You dare, before the matter is clarified, if you dare to do this, my Emei sect will definitely not let you go! In addition, if anyone eats the three sauces made by Song Xiu before the matter is clarified, it is my Emei sect. For the enemy!"

Gu Zheng's extremely serious voice made the scene quiet, and everyone's heart trembled. It was originally just a bet, but looking at the current situation, if one is not handled well, Gu Zheng will escalate it into a conflict between sects.

"What does the head of Gu mean? Are you trying to provoke a dispute between the two sects?" Zu Qingbo shouted.

"Stir up disputes among sects? Isn't that what you are doing now? Because the Emei Sect had a feud with the Kunlun Sect before, you put this account on my head! It's nothing more than targeting me again and again, Who told me to be the head of the Emei Sect. But since I made a bet, I have to act according to the bet. Song Xiu did something bad and wanted to destroy the evidence. This is really bullying the Emei Sect, isn’t it easy to talk about?” Gu Zheng looked directly at Zu Qingbo's eyes.

Zu Qingbo frowned, and turned to look at Song Xiu. He didn't know what Song Xiu had done.

"What the hell is going on? Have you done anything against the rules?"

Facing Zu Qingbo's serious questioning, Song Xiu secretly gritted his teeth. There is no way out now. His only hope is that Gu Zheng was just scaring people. Even if he wasn't scaring people, he didn't expose his cheating. method. After all, he only discovered the record of 'Jiang Jing' in an ancient book.

"Joke, how can I, Song Xiu, be the kind of person who can't afford to lose!" Song Xiu said with a stiff neck.

"Since you can afford to lose, let me ask you, cooking wine is needed in the traditional Jiang Sanxian, but you brought all the accessories, why is cooking wine missing?"

"The matter was rushed, and the fellow who went to get the accessories forgot to take them. What does this mean? Besides, it is completely my freedom to put anything in the accessories!"

"Up to now, you still don't admit it! If you didn't cheat, would you dare to pour a little cooking wine into the three sauces you made? Let's see how the three sauces you made will change. !"

"Why? You are not convinced now. I want everyone to taste it and let them talk about which of the two of us cooks the best! What is your intention in pouring a little cooking wine in? As for the change, Of course it will change, and its change is that the taste is destroyed by the cooking wine! I don’t care, I will let everyone taste it, I believe they all have sharp eyes!”

Song Xiu really panicked, he picked up the plate of the Three Immortals and wanted to let people taste it, but with Gu Zheng's previous warning, the people who wanted to eat the Three Immortals backed away one after another.

However, not everyone retreated. Among the disciples of the Kunlun Sect, two still rushed forward, grabbed the Three Immortals with their hands, put them in their mouths, and began to chew.

"It's so delicious, I've never eaten such a delicious Jiang Sanxian!"

"Yes, the sauce is full of flavor, so delicious!"

Two Kunlun disciples said while eating that Gu Zheng would naturally not let their farce continue.

"Everyone has also seen how flustered their Kunlun disciples are! If there were no ghosts, there would be no superficial change at all if there were no ghosts. Their current behavior is not to destroy the evidence. What is it? Since the Kunlun faction wants to play tricks, I am the one who wins this bet!"

Gu Zheng went straight to take the bet on the ground, but was stopped by Zu Qingbo.

"Master Gu, before the matter is clarified, if you do this, it is a matter of bad manners!"

Although Zu Qingbo's expression was serious, his attitude towards Gu Zheng was better than before. Song Xiu's actions were too abnormal, but his ancestor Qingbo was actually quite repulsed by such things as cheating.

"Song Xiu, if you haven't cheated, just do what Master Gu said. If the change of Jiang Sanxian is just a spoiled taste, then Master Gu's unreasonable troubles, we Kunlun School will definitely ask him to give an explanation. !"

Zu Qingbo was also in a hurry at this time. Although Kunlun was the leader of the righteous way, the onlookers hardly dared to say anything directly, but from their eyes, it was not difficult to see that they were all inclined to verify Jiang Sanxian now! If there is no explanation for this matter, Kunlun's reputation may be damaged because of it, and Zu Qingbo regards the glory of reputation more than his life.


Song Xiu agreed without hesitation, but when he was walking back with the Three Immortals in his hand, his foot slipped, and the plate flew out of his hand.

Gu Zheng sneered, he could have stopped this scene, but he didn't.

"It's a pity that such a good plate of Three Immortals is dirty."

Looking at the three immortals covered in dust on the ground, Song Xiu shook his head and sighed.


"I really don't know what to say."

"It's too difficult for a cultivator to slip his feet so easily, isn't it?"

"It's really disappointing. Where did the saying that real gold is not afraid of fire?"

"Chilling, it's really chilling!"

Cultivators are not ordinary people after all, most of them are more passionate than ordinary people! Some of Song Xiu's actions finally made some people say things that they usually dare not say.

"Master Gu, now that the Three Immortals are dirty, pouring cooking wine is useless. Why don't we take a step back and try again?" Nangong Chen asked.

"Now that we are doing it again, do we want to make another detour later, so as to completely resolve this bet? Anyway, you already know that Song Xiu's cooking is not my opponent. If he doesn't cheat, he really has no bet. It’s necessary to go down, it’s really a good plan!”

Gu Zheng didn't have any face with Nangongchen at all. He looked at the audience and said, "It doesn't matter if Jiang Sanxian is dirty. If any of you have cooking wine, you can pour a little on it and see what amazing changes will happen! Actually, it's not necessary. Cooking wine, ordinary wine is fine."

"I come!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, Luo Jin, who had long endured Song Xiu's opening, took out a bottle of wine from his bosom, and was about to pour it on the Jiang Sanxian on the ground.

"Luo Jin, don't finish pouring out the wine. I'll use your bottle of wine later and pour it on my plate of Three Immortal Sauces, so as not to let anyone say that it's a problem with your drinks!" Gu Zheng reminded.


Luo Jin responded and poured the wine on Jiang Sanxian. During this process, Song Xiu tried to stop him, but he finally let go of his clenched fist.

The wine was poured on Jiang Sanxian, but there was no reaction, but Jiang Sanxian's silence was only maintained for ten seconds, and then the pieces of meat that made up Jiang Sanxian began to shake like living things.

"It's really weird!"

"Why does this piece of meat move?"

"No, there seems to be something inside the meat!"

"What the hell could be in there?"

Amidst the exclamation of the surrounding audience, the trembling piece of meat became quiet again. However, worms like black maggots kept coming out of the meat!





When more and more black worms came out of the meat, the two disciples who robbed the three immortals before vomited out.


Luo Jin and the female cultivator also covered their mouths, and almost didn't vomit. As for the judge selected by Song Xiu, the filth kept overflowing from his fingers.

"Song Xiu, what the hell did you do?"

"Master Gu, what's going on here?"

Luo Jin and Nvxiu scolded Song Xiu angrily, while the other nervously asked about Gu Zheng.

"It's okay, I'll explain it to you later. Fellow Daoist Luo is now pouring wine on my plate of Three Immortal Sauces, and see if my Three Immortals will produce the same change." Gu Zheng said.


Luo Jin responded, suppressed his nausea, and poured the wine on the three immortals made by Gu Zheng.

One minute.

two minutes.

Five minutes passed, and Gu Zheng's Jiang Sanxian didn't change a bit.

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