Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 395 Want to buy at a high price

Nangong Chen was bargaining with the stall owner for resources, and he wasn't too surprised when Qi Ling found it, but Gu Zheng's heart trembled a little bit. Because, that resource turned out to be a keel!

Born in China, he was born to accept the identity of the descendant of the dragon. For the dragon, a mythical beast that only exists in myths and legends, the ancient disputes cannot be avoided.

"I didn't expect to be able to touch the keel. I thought that I would at least have to enter the wilderness to get in touch with anything that is really related to dragons." Gu Zheng sighed in his heart.

"That's all you've got!" Qi Ling sighed.

"Hey." Gu Zheng smiled, and then said: "It seems that this keel must be obtained."

"Of course, let's not say that it is about winning or losing. After all, this keel is also a high-grade ingredient, and it can be used for higher-level food cultivation in the future." Qi Ling said.

"Brother Nangong, it seems that we are going to choose the same material. I have seen all the other stalls, and there is nothing comparable to what you chose." Gu Zheng laughed.

"How is this possible?"

"That's right, after all, Fellow Daoist Nangong discovered this thing first."

"Fellow Daoist Gu, it's a bit unkind of you to behave like this. A gentleman doesn't take away people's love!"

Before Nangong Chen could speak, many of the onlookers shouted.

"First of all, there are no rules that prevent two people from looking at the same thing. Secondly, if you think about it carefully, there are only six booths in total, and the total number of resources is less than forty. From the forty resources, choose two things that determine the winner or loser. , if it were you, do you think you would choose other than the best?" Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "Actually, Fellow Daoist Nangong thought of this from the very beginning, so it is only in the rules. There's no limit to that, right?"

"You're wrong, I didn't think of this!" Nangong Chen frowned.

"He lied!"

Nangongchen's denial made Qi Ling's voice look very angry.

Originally, Gu Zheng thought that Nangong Chen should be considered an upright person, but now it seems that he thought too much, so much so that he felt distorted when he looked at Nangong Chen's handsome face.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, you're making such a joke, but it's not funny at all!" Gu Zheng said solemnly.

"I'm not joking, I really didn't think of it." Nangong Chen lied without blinking his eyes.

"Okay, since you didn't expect it, then the rules are not so stipulated, and I have also taken a fancy to this item, what do you think about it!"

Gu Zheng seemed to be calm, but he was already sneering in his heart, anyway, what he was thinking of was to stir things up, if Nan Gongchen did too much, it would be in his favor.

"You two don't want to earn any money. I didn't decide to sell it to him anyway. If Master Gu likes this thing, he can also bid. Whichever of you two bids higher, I will sell it to you!"

The stall owner was an old man with white hair and beard, and a slightly sinister look in his eyes. At this time, he looked at Nan Gongchen and Gu Zheng, and smiled so sinisterly. If you only look at the appearance, this guy looks like a person in the magic way.


Nangong Chen looked at the stall owner and smiled: "You really have a big heart, but don't go too far!"

"The rules are set by you. I just follow the rules to earn some resources. As for earning more or less, I have my own discretion."

The old man's cultivation has already reached the late stage of the fifth level. Although Nan Gongchen is a descendant of the elder of the Kunlun School, in the face of absolute temptation, this has become unimportant.

"Well, since the stall owners have said so, the head of Gu can also participate in the competition. However, since the matter has developed to the present, the judgment of winning or losing has naturally become whoever gets this resource, whoever is the winner , what do you think?" Nangong Chen asked.

"Yes!" Gu Zheng shrugged.

"Wait a minute, you think I'm making a lot of money, but this resource of mine must have its value. You can buy my resource, but at least tell me what it is, and let me sell it to understand. " said the old stall owner.

"I can tell you, but we have to wait until the winners and losers are determined." Nangong Chen said.

"Hehe, are you afraid that I will become more greedy after knowing what it is?" The old stall owner laughed.

"Master Gu, I want to know, are you looking for unpleasantness on purpose, and you came to snatch it after seeing me snatch it, or are you really knowledgeable and know what this thing is?" Nangong Chen didn't answer the old man's question, Instead, he stared at Gu Zheng.

"Of course I know what it is, do you have any doubts about it?" Gu Zheng also frowned.

Nan Gongzong thought for a while and said: "There are indeed doubts, why don't we start another gamble?"

"What kind of bet is it, let's hear it."

"If after the game is over, you can't tell what it is, you need to pay me an additional 30 pieces of fifth-grade resources!" Nangong Chen's voice fell, and there were exclamations all around. The game is getting bigger and bigger.

"Nangong, you have to think about it, is it really worth playing like this?" Zu Qingbo reminded.

"That's right, Nangong, isn't the bet too big?" Song Bai also asked.

"Since you want to gamble, just gamble to your heart's content. I think Sect Leader Gu is making a fuss. Do you dare to bet Sect Leader Gu?" Nan Gongchen looked directly at Gu Zheng.

"Why don't you dare to gamble? But if I tell you what it is, will you also pay me 30 pieces of fifth-grade resources?" Gu Zheng sneered.

"That's natural. If you're wrong at that time, but don't give up, it happens that Feng Ze, the well-known appraisal master of the Taishan School, is in our Kunlun School, so you can ask him to speak a fair word."

Gu Zheng had heard of Feng Ze's name before, and he could be regarded as one of the best appraisal masters in the cultivation world, and he was also very upright.

"No problem, just do as you say." Gu Zheng nodded.

"Okay, everything is first come, first served, let's bid once per person, how about taking turns?" Nangong Chen asked.

"Okay, you come first!" Gu Zheng made a gesture of invitation.

"For this resource, on the basis of the resources I gave just now, I added a special resource 'Purple Dogwood'. What do you think?" Nangong Chen said to the old stall owner.

"Originally there were four pieces of fifth-grade resources, but now there is another special-grade resource. It seems that my bone is really a rare commodity to live in!" I am already very excited, but I still want to know, what resources can fellow Daoist Gu come up with?"

"A pure pill."

Gu Zheng's voice was not loud, but it made the originally noisy environment quiet for three seconds. Three seconds later, the original silence turned into an excited din.

"Master Gu, you are dishonest, didn't you just say that there is no second pure pill?"

"That's right, how can you be like this, Master Gu, I need a pure pill very urgently!"

"Master Gu, do you have a third pure pill? If you have one, you must sell it to me!"

There are many people who have not purified their internal strength, and the appearance of Gu Zheng's second pure pill made many people want to go crazy.

"Do you know that my second pure pill was originally reserved for myself. If it wasn't for a bet, I wouldn't be willing to take it out! If it were you, you would have such a pill for yourself , will you tell others that there are still more?" Gu Zheng looked at the crowd and said with infinite grievance.

"Master Gu, I want, I want this pure pill, this bone is yours now!"

The old man who was the stall owner also spoke, stuttering when he was excited, looking at Gu Zheng as if he was looking at the savior, and his inner strength has not been purified, the temptation of a pure pill is too great for him.


Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and took the bone from the old stall owner.

"How?" Playing with the jade-like bone, Gu Zheng asked Nangongchen.

Nangongchen gritted his teeth with hatred, Gu Zheng bought the bones so easily! But what about hate? Who let Gu Zheng have the pure pill that can make the hearts of most practitioners thump!

"Do you know what kind of bone this is?" Nangong Chen sneered.

"Of course I know, this is a dragon bone, a bone from a real dragon!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the surroundings immediately became quiet, and everyone's eyes widened. Their reactions were no different from Gu Zheng's reaction when he first knew about the keel.

"This, this is actually a keel?"

The old stall owner looked at the keel in Gu Zheng's hand, and wanted to go up and touch it again.

Gu Zheng was also generous, and directly handed back the keel, and let the old stall owner touch it again and again.

"I didn't expect that something that has been passed down for thousands of years in the sect turned out to be a dragon bone!"

With a hint of nostalgia, the old stall owner handed over the keel to Gu Zheng.

"Don't listen to fellow Daoist Gu talking nonsense, this is not a keel, it's the bone of an ancient beast!" Nangong Chen laughed.

Gu Zheng frowned, no matter whether Nangongchen really knew the goods, or he was lying because he didn't want to lose, this matter seemed to cause a little trouble. After all, there was no unity of opinion, so it was impossible to determine the winner or loser.

"Nangong, is this really a hideous bone?" Zu Qingbo asked with a frown.

Without looking into Zu Qingbo's eyes, Nangongchen said affirmatively: "Of course, I will never look away!"

"In that case, let's find Master Feng Ze to have a test!"

As soon as Gu Zheng's voice fell, he heard someone in the crowd say: "Master Feng Ze is here!"

Gu Zheng glanced through the crowd, and saw an old man with white hair and a childlike face, walking towards this side, leaning on a crutch with a dragon's head, accompanied by a disciple of the Kunlun School.

"Hmph, what a shame! The disciple from Shushan who was following Feng Ze, before you made a bet with Nangong Chen, he was whispered by Nangong Chen, and then he left this Longzhan Square." Qi Ling's voice sounded in Gu Zheng mind.

"According to what you said, Nangongchen had a long-term plan to deal with me. At that time, he asked someone to invite Feng Ze." Gu Zheng sneered.

"It's not surprising at all. As a princeling of the Kunlun lineage, let's not talk about the past. Just today, Song Bai and Cui Ying have lost to you. They are all prosperous and all are lost. Therefore, Nangong Chen can't afford to lose the bet with you," Qi Ling said.

"I hope we are thinking too much. Feng Ze's reputation is really good. Don't let him do something stupid when he is old." Gu Zheng sighed.

"Hmph, if he doesn't respect himself, then he will ask for everything." Qi Ling said coldly.

"Everyone, long time no see!"

Feng Ze has a wide network of contacts, and walking all the way is like saying hello all the way.

"Master Feng, long time no see, please stay safe!"

"Master Feng, it's really been a long time. The last time I watched the sunrise from the top of Mount Tai was more than ten years ago."

"Master Feng, please help me identify a resource I don't know later."

Almost all the people around greeted Feng Ze, because Feng Ze was not only a master of appraisal, but also a master of alchemy. His cultivation level in alchemy was higher than that of Taoist Xianyun.

"You guys are really lively here. I just set foot in Longzhan Square, and I heard the voices here, and then I heard this little friend talk about some things here, so I came here to have a look."

When Feng Ze spoke, the smile on his face was very kind, and he didn't look like a bad person no matter what.

"Master Feng, you came just in time. There is a resource here, and you need to identify it." Nangong Chen cupped his fists at Feng Ze.

"No problem, let's talk about it later." Feng Ze smiled at Nangong Chen, then looked at Gu Zheng: "This is the new Gu head of the Emei Sect, right? He is really a fearsome young man. He is in charge of Emei at a young age. Zhan Square is also generous, which is really eye-catching!"

"Master Feng was joking." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Actually, the main purpose of my coming here is to take a look at the Pure Pill of Master Gu. I have been immersed in the Dao of Pills for most of my life, and I have never known that there are other pills besides the Essence Pill of Inner Strength. Pills can purify a practitioner's inner energy, I wonder if Master Gu can show you your pure pills?" Feng Ze said sincerely.

"I don't have the Pure Pill anymore. There are only two in total. One was taken by Fellow Daoist Luo Jin of the Tianluo Sect, and the other one is now in the hands of this fellow Daoist. If Master Feng wants to see it, he needs to tell him." Gu Zheng pointed to the old stall owner.

"Fellow Daoist, I wonder if you can show me that pure pill?"

Looking at Feng Ze's eager eyes, the old stall owner gritted his teeth: "You can see it, but I can only hold it for you to see!"

"Fellow Daoist, that's not the case, is it? Most of the people present know the character of this old man, and I won't swallow your elixir, so just rest assured." Feng Ze smiled wryly.

"I'm really sorry, I happen to be one of that small group of people! Besides, people's hearts are so deep, if you really swallow it, wouldn't it be too late for me to regret it? If you want to see it, just follow what I said Anyway, the most important thing for you pharmacists to judge is to look at the color of the elixir and smell the fragrance of the elixir, even if you don’t need to hold it in your hand. If you don’t want to see it, I’m ready to leave Longzhan Square and go back to my residence to take it away. Digested."

The vigilance of the old stall owner made Feng Ze dumbfounded: "Okay, just take it and let me see it!"

Feng Ze frowned, looked and looked at the pure pill in the old man's hand in a circle, and smelled the fragrance of the pill again and again.

"It smells like medicinal stones, and there are also some herbs that are common in the Shu Ruins, but these are all ordinary things. Do they really have the effect of purifying internal energy?"

"No, what is its main ingredient? Why can't I smell the main ingredient?"

Feng Ze muttered to himself and looked at Gu Zheng: "Master Gu, who did you get these two pure pills from? Do you have the recipe for the pure pill? If you have the recipe for the pure pill , I want to buy it at a high price!"

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