Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 393 Taking Medicine

"whispering sound!"

"That's enough!"

"this is okay too?"

"It's true that everyone has it!"

Luo Jin took out his resources, and the surrounding booed immediately. Many people thought he was ashamed to take out a first-grade herbal medicine. No matter how poor the people here are, there is no shortage of first-grade herbal medicine!

"You guys are envious, you are the jealousy of Chill! What's wrong with first-rank resources? First-rank resources are also resources. If you look down on first-rank resources and get me a few thousand catties, I will take them all! Besides, they are just betting, What I care about is winning or losing, and I don’t care what kind of resources I bought from me.” Luo Jin stared at the crowd.

"Indeed, we don't care about your resources. What we care about is face, which is each other's bet!" Cui Ying smiled, and then looked at Gu Zheng: "Can we start now?"

"Okay, put resources in private, you lead the way!" Gu Zheng said.

"Help me!" Cui Ying said to Nangong Chen.

"No problem." Nangong Chen responded and followed Cui Ying's footsteps.

"Come with us." Gu Zheng greeted the disciple of the Tianluo Sect.

Gu Zheng and the others did not leave Longzhan Square, but arrived at a corner. Nan Gongchen signaled Gu Zheng to step back, and a fairy ring in his hand suddenly flashed with light.

In front of everyone, as the light on Nangongchen's ring flickered, a black light curtain appeared.

"Turn around."

Nangong Chen turned the disciples of the Tianluo Sect around first, and then said to Gu Zheng: "You put the resources behind the light curtain now, and it will be Cui Ying's turn after you are done."

Gu Zheng didn't say much, and went straight to the back of the light curtain, and put the resources he had already thought about into two wooden boxes respectively.

It took less than a minute before Gu Zheng walked out of the light curtain and called Cui Ying to enter.

The time Cui Ying spent was also very short. After installing the resources, she called Gu Zheng in again.

After Gu Zheng entered, Cui Ying looked at him and smiled, but there were two more boxes on the ground.

There seems to be no problem with the rules, and Gu Zheng understands that the key to Cui Ying's victory over him lies in this place. The opponent either intends to use two resources that he feels can overwhelm him and win through hard goods, or he is preparing two resources that are not overwhelming but are good. But if this is the case, the secret of Cui Ying's desire to win must be in choosing the resources of the ancient battle.

Gu Zheng felt that Cui Ying should be able to see what was in the box, so he dared to make such a bet with Gu Zheng. If Cui Ying was relying on luck, Gu Zheng would not believe it.

"How do you feel? Are you confident of winning?" Cui Ying asked with a smile.

"How sure is this? It depends on luck!" Gu Zheng shook his head.

"Tch, come on, everyone is not a fool, I don't believe that you and I are betting on luck!" Cui Ying said with white eyes.

"I'm really betting on luck with you! Don't you bet on luck with me, you are sure to win?" Gu Zheng pretended to be surprised.

"There is no certainty of winning. I am also betting on luck, but if you dare to bet with me, I thought you were very sure of winning me!" Cui Ying quickly denied, and then said: "Let's start, Inside the box are two of my resources."

Gu Zheng dared to bet with Cui Ying because he was sure of it, not to mention putting the resources in the box, even if the resources were buried in the ground, what was inside could not escape the detection of Qi Ling.

"It seems that she is not really very rich. The boxes on both sides are full of super resources. The one on the left is the 'Star Stone' that can be used for refining weapons, and the one on the right is the 'Burning Stone' that can be used for alchemy. "Blood vine", if you compare the two resources, it is natural that "burning blood vine" is more attractive to Luo Jin, after all, there are no decent masters in your world." Qi Ling's voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Resources are good, but if it's just these two resources, then I will be the winner of this bet." Gu Zheng laughed in his heart.

"I also agree with your point of view. She should be able to see the contents of the box, so she dared to make such a bet with you. Although the resources you prepared are fine even if she sees them, but she actually bullies you like this You, let her enjoy the suffering, I think it's good." Qi Ling said with a smirk.

"Oh? What do you want to do?" Gu Zheng asked.

"As long as I use some small tricks, I guarantee that she will not be able to see what is in the box! I thought I could see it, but I couldn't see it. Do you think she will suffer? Will she be very depressed?"

"It's a good feeling, so let's do it!"

Qi Ling and Gu Zheng smirked at each other, and Cui Ying also urged: "You can choose the box, but what about your resources?"

"This is my resource."

Gu Zheng smiled lightly, and took out the two boxes containing the resources from his backpack, Cui Ying's expression suddenly changed.

"Why don't you choose?"

Gu Zheng had already chosen the box containing the 'Sky Star Stone', but he still pretended not to know why and urged Cui Ying.

"What material is your box made of?"

Cui Ying finally picked a box, and there was a hint of unwillingness in her voice of inquiry.

"The wood of this kind of box is a good material for refining tools. It is extinct in today's world. If you use it to store resources, you are worried that if you can see through the contents of the box, I will be at a disadvantage!" Gu Zheng's voice After a pause, he looked very surprised: "What's the matter? Can you really see through what is in the box?"

"How is it possible? Of course I don't know what is in the box. Didn't you see that I hesitated when I chose?" Cui Ying denied.

"Okay, now that we have selected both, we can let the disciples of the Tianluo Sect come in."

Gu Zheng put the resources prepared by the two in one place, and then called the disciples of the Tianluo Sect to come in.

Although Gu Zheng was behind the barrier, Qi Ling kept paying attention to what happened outside the barrier, and the Kunlun Sect did nothing to the disciples of the Tianluo Sect and Luo Jin.

After the disciples of the Tianluo Sect came in, they took the two boxes out and handed them to Luo Jin. During this process, Gu Zheng and the Kunlun faction were very disciplined and did not say a word.

The box that Luo Jin opened first belonged to Cui Ying. When they saw what was inside, the people around couldn't help clicking their tongues.

"It turned out to be a star stone, which is a very good refining material!"

"This box contains special-grade materials. I wonder what will be in the next box?"

"No matter what it is, exchanging Luo Jin's first-grade materials for one of them will make a lot of money."

The onlookers expressed their opinions. Luo Jin looked at the Sky Star Stone and smiled from ear to ear. Although the Sky Star Stone was of no use to him, he could sell it again, and the resources he could get in exchange were still not a small amount.

In anticipation of the audience, Luo Jin opened the second box, and inside the box was a elixir, exuding an elegant medicinal fragrance.

"Hey, it turned out to be a pill!"

"What kind of elixir is this? It's not like a common elixir. You can't tell what it is from the scent of the elixir."

"No wonder Sect Leader Gu said that before, he really brought out something rare."

The onlookers talked a lot, and Luo Jin also looked at Gu Zheng in puzzlement: "Master Gu, forgive my blindness, what kind of elixir is this?"

Now that the matter has developed, Luo Jin has also known the true identity of Gu Zheng, and his attitude towards Gu Zheng has also changed because of this. Anyway, Gu Zheng is also the head of the school, not to mention his young age, and his future achievements are not to be underestimated.

"Luo Jin, the name of this elixir is 'Purity Pill', you may not have heard of it, but its effect is what you need most!"

The reason why Gu Zheng chose Luo Jin has deep meaning in it! Luo Jin's internal energy can be transformed into form, but his internal energy has not been purified. A 'pure pill' that can enhance internal energy will definitely be so attractive to him that it cannot be increased.

"What do I need most?" Luo Jin looked a little confused.

"This 'Purity Pill' has the same effect as the 'Inner Strength Essence Pill'."

Gu Zheng's faint voice fell to the ground, and exclamations rang out all around.

"What? Has the same effect as 'Inner Strength Essence Pill'?"

"Doesn't this mean that it can purify inner energy?"

"Really? I've never heard of a pill like 'Pure Pure Pill'. The only pill that can purify inner strength is 'Inner Strength Essence Pill'!"

"On such an occasion, if you take out such a pill, there must be no fake ones. If what Sect Leader Gu said is true, then even I will be tempted to see this pill!"

"Don't say it's you, who here can't be tempted?"

The elixir that can purify the inner strength is very precious, otherwise Tian Junhao of the Spirit Sword Sect wouldn't have wanted to compete with Gu for a place in the Shu Ruins with a single 'Inner Strength Essence Pill' on the Hidden Sword Peak in Shushan up.

"We've never heard of the so-called 'Pure Pill'. Whether it's true or not has yet to be verified." Cui Ying, who had an unhappy face, said.

"Luo Jin, are you interested in this elixir?" Cui Ying looked at Luo Jin solemnly.

"Fellow Daoist Cui, isn't it inappropriate for you to ask this question? Whether or not Fellow Daoist Luo is interested in this elixir, we have to find someone to verify it and see if it really has the same effect as the 'Inner Strength Essence Pill'. "

From Cui Ying's eyes, Gu Zheng saw a hint of threat to Luo Jin.

"Sect Master Gu misremembered the rules? As I said before, the stall owner's choice is the criterion for judging our victory or defeat. Even though this elixir has great effects, he just likes my 'Sky Star Stone', so You are the one who loses!" Cui Yingse said sternly.

"Okay!" Gu Zheng shrugged and smiled: "Fellow Daoist Luo, it's up to you to choose."

Luo Jin looked at the 'Sky Star Stone', then at the 'Pure Pill', and held the box of the 'Pure Pill' even tighter.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, if your 'pure pill' is true, I will choose your pill. Let's find a pharmacist to verify it!"

Luo Jin naturally saw the threat in Cui Ying's eyes, but he had already decided to fight. If the medicinal effect of this 'pure pill' is real, he would not hesitate to offend the Kunlun faction! After all, it would be too difficult to purify one's inner strength by oneself alone.

Luo Jin's internal energy has already been able to complete complex transformations. When fighting against Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng also said that although his internal energy for transformation is powerful, the speed is too slow. This has something to do with the lack of purification of internal energy direct relationship.

Luo Jin believed that if his inner strength was purified, with his already transformed inner strength, his strength would surely reach another level. As for the Sky Star Stone, even though it is somewhat attractive, compared with the elixir that can purify inner strength, it is a scum!

"You don't need to find a pill pharmacist to verify it. You take it now. It won't take long for your inner strength to run for thirty-six weeks. If your inner strength is purified by then, it will naturally prove the efficacy of the medicine. If my 'pure pill' ', there is no effect of purifying inner strength, I don't need you to pay any price." Gu Zheng paused, then turned to look at Cui Ying: "Cui Daoyou, what I said is reasonable, you won't refuse it?"

Cui Ying originally wanted to refuse, she was really afraid of losing, but she couldn't find a reason to refute Gu Zheng for a while.

"No, we don't have time to wait here for Fellow Daoist Luo's internal strength to run for thirty-six weeks. We still have important matters to deal with when we go back! You can take the pill and come with us to see the pill master and ask him to do a verification. It will take a very short time, and the winner will be known in no time at that time, and everyone can go on to other things." Seeing that Cui Ying hadn't spoken for a while, Song Bai said immediately.

"There is no time for thirty-six weeks, why do you still want to bet with me? Could it be that you are afraid that Cui Ying will lose? Don't worry, you Song Bai can't afford to lose, but I think fellow Daoist Cui must be The kind of person who is willing to bet and admit defeat!" Gu Zheng laughed contemptuously.

"Don't talk nonsense there, who told you I can't afford to lose? I just really..."

"Okay, just let Fellow Daoist Luo verify it. As for the important matter, it's okay to take it easy."

Zu Qingbo, who had been watching quietly all this time, finally opened his mouth. Song Bai opened his mouth twice, and finally said: "Since the important matter can be delayed, let Fellow Daoist Luo verify it!"

"Whether it is taking the 'Inner Strength Essence Pill' or the 'Pure Pure Pill', someone needs to assist the person who is taking the pill to appease the inner strength that has changed in the body. Since I gave the pill, I You should take this responsibility, do you have any objections?" Gu Zheng looked at the people on Cui Ying's side.

"No comments, let's get started!"

The expression on Zu Qingbo's face remained calm, as if he didn't care about winning or losing.

"I'll show off first, to prove that my inner strength hasn't been purified yet."

At the same time Luo Jin opened his mouth, he slapped the void with his palm, and immediately the inner strength transformed into a tiger's head flew out.

Seeing that the people from the Kunlun faction nodded, Gu Zheng also said, "Fellow Daoist Luo, you should take the medicine now!"

"Okay." Excited Luo Jin responded.

Gu Zheng came behind Luo Jin, and Luo Jin immediately sat down cross-legged and swallowed the blood-red 'Pure Pill' into his mouth.

Luo Jin clings to his dantian, waiting for the purification of inner strength brought by the effect of the medicine.

Gu Zheng sat behind Luo Jin, with his palms on his back, and the internal energy was injected into his body, helping him to better absorb the effect of the medicine, and also helping him to appease the internal energy that had begun to change qualitatively.

This time, Gu Zheng used immortal power to infuse someone else's body, which was different from treating Yang Lanbo in the crypt of Shu Ruins. Healing an injury like Yang Lanbo's would not be possible without using full immortal power. And with the surging celestial power, it has been circulating in other people's bodies for too long, and even Qi Ling can't help to disguise it, so Yang Lanbo, who was rescued at the beginning, knew that Gu Zheng was actually a cultivator of immortals.

This time to help Luo Jin appease the inner energy, the immortal power used is not overwhelming, which is completely within the scope of the disguise that Qi Ling can help.

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