Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 378: The Owned Manuscript

After the test was completed, Gu Zheng's heart was not so tense anymore. After going to Liang's house to cook a delicious meal to thank, Gu Zheng returned home and stayed leisurely for a few days.

He originally wanted to meet Du Yang and the others, but one of the three had just been promoted and was busy taking over the work at hand, so he hardly had any free time. studio.

The other one has already returned to his hometown, studying every day, preparing for the civil service exam, and trying to pass the exam once. The three of them are busy, so the ancient dispute will not bother them, and they will relax at home.

"Ancient Master Chef!"

Just after two days of leisure, the phone rang suddenly, it was Mumu calling, and when the phone was connected, Mumu's teasing voice really came.

"Mubian, you're so free!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly made a haha, Mumu's call must be nothing good, he has long been used to this.

"Chef Gu, although you are now the number one chef in the country, you should pay all the debts we owe. There is still one manuscript you promised me last time, when will it be handed in?"

Mu Mu didn't yell directly to urge the manuscript like before, she was much more polite, but being polite was also urging the manuscript.

In fact, Mumu has no choice. She didn't want to make this call. The director urged him to make the call. In the whole channel, she is the only one who has the closest relationship with Gu Zheng and is also the most familiar. Now the traffic of the food channel has dropped sharply, and everyone has been criticized, so I want to ask Gu Zheng to write a manuscript to improve traffic.

The current Gu Zheng is no longer an ordinary food critic, he is a newly promoted God of Cooking in the country, no matter what the manuscript he writes, many people will definitely read it, and the traffic will definitely increase by then.

In desperation, Mumu made this phone call just to ask her to beg Gu Zheng that she couldn't do it. It happened that Gu Zheng promised her three manuscripts last time, but in the end she only gave her two and owed the next one. Here comes the debt.

"Yes, yes, Mubian, don't worry, I will hand over this manuscript to you soon!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly agreed, this is indeed what he said before, but as a result, there were too many things and delays, and Mumu called to remind him, so he must not be able to continue.

Fortunately, there is only one manuscript left. It happens that I have nothing to do recently. I can go out and write a good one. Speaking of which, he has not written a manuscript for a long time. Food critic is his main job.

"You, you agreed?"

Mu Mu on the other side of the phone was a little dazed. She didn't expect Gu Zheng to agree so readily. She thought that she would have to beg in the end to get Gu Zheng to agree.

After all, Gu Zheng's status is different now. He is the number one in the national gourmet competition, the most famous celebrity chef in the country, and also has his own business. She is very clear about how popular the business of Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup is. There have been more than ten manuscripts on Guji Chicken Blood Soup.

Good business means good profits. Now Gu Zheng is not short of money at all, so they don’t care about their small manuscript remuneration. Guji Chicken Blood Soup makes more money in a day than their commentator who has the most salary. many.

In other words, the money Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup earns in a day is comparable to the total manuscript remuneration they send out in a month. After all, they are just a channel, and it is still a small channel.

In this case, it really surprised her that Gu Zheng could agree so readily.

"Of course, please don't worry about the wood editor, three days, at most five days, I will definitely give you the manuscript!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly said, he didn't know what Mumu was thinking at this time, he only knew that this was indeed a debt he owed, and besides, he didn't think about giving up the job of food critic right now, he should write more when he had time The manuscript is good.

"Okay, Gu Zheng, thank you, you haven't changed at all!"

After a while, Mu Mu thanked him, his voice was much gentler than before, which made Gu Zheng very puzzled.

But there is one thing that Mumu is not wrong, the ancient dispute has not changed, it is still the original ancient dispute, and the attitude towards people has not changed because of the more money and fame now, the previous ancient dispute is like this, every time The next reminder will also guarantee that the current ancient dispute is still the same.

But before Mumu didn't feel anything, everything was taken for granted, but now, it made her feel deeply.

Once a person's identity and status have changed, even if he is doing the same thing as before, it will be different to many people, and Mumu now deeply understands this.

"Okay, I have something to do, I can't just stay at home!"

After putting down the phone, Gu Zheng stood up and stretched himself. He hadn't written a manuscript for a long time, and he missed this job very much.

Food reviews, it sounds very simple, just find a food and write a review. In fact, it is not the case. First of all, the food you are looking for must have its own characteristics, not the kind that you can eat casually on the street.

Secondly, you can either criticize or praise. Whether you criticize or praise, there are people who agree with you and those who oppose you. There will definitely be people who will go to the place you said to taste. Once your writing is inconsistent, they will come to expose you and say that is a liar.

Therefore, the gourmet draft must be serious, otherwise it is easy to smash your own brand. Gu Zheng's brand is not bad now, but he doesn't want to be smashed just like that.

After packing up and going out, Gu Zheng walked to the subway station alone.

"Brother, do you want to test your driver's license?"

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the subway station, a young man came up to him and asked a quick question. Gu Zheng was stunned by this familiar scene.

It was a little girl who asked him that at the beginning, and he went to sign up, but was followed by the police, and then the police followed him and became the most powerful thugs in his place.

"Sorry, I've already signed up!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and heard Gu Zheng said that he had signed up, and the man stopped pestering him, and went to ask other people.

Speaking of which, Gu Zheng hasn't taken a test since he signed up, and he doesn't know if anyone from the driving school has contacted him. Anyway, his mobile phone often had no signal before, so he couldn't be reached.

A driver's license is still required, and it is better to take it off when you have time, so that it is convenient to drive by yourself when you go out in the future.

Even if he doesn't have a driver's license now, he can drive without any problem, and even if he is caught by the traffic police, he can use illusion to pass the test, but that's not good, and it's safer to have his own driver's license.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng took out his mobile phone and called the driving school to inquire.

"Is it Gu Zheng? We have contacted you many times, but we have not been able to contact you. You should take the exam a long time ago. Let's see when you have time. Okay, I will arrange it for you. It will be in a week. The exam is a week later, I have nothing to do these few days to read more books, the first time is the theory exam!"

The call was connected quickly, and the driving school was very responsible. After finding out Gu Zheng's name, he immediately made arrangements. After hanging up the phone, Gu Zheng entered the subway station. The most important task at present is to complete the food draft first.

Gu Zheng didn’t go to the city center. Most of the delicacies in the city center have not been written about. It’s not easy to find a unique food. Besides, this time Gu Zheng doesn’t want to criticize anymore. He wants to find a truly unique food. review.

In the past, it was okay to criticize, after all, he was not well-known, and now he is criticizing, and it may not even have the effect of criticism.

Criticism from Gu Zheng is of little use now. Even if there is criticism, people will say that we accept criticism from No. 1 in the country. Anyway, what we do is not as good as Gu Zheng.

This is not Gu Zheng's guess. Some merchants have pulled out Gu Zheng's articles before.

Originally, they wanted to strangle Gu Zheng to death for the articles they criticized. Now that Gu Zheng has become famous, he has immediately become their pride. Some people even print out Gu Zheng's articles and put them in the store for customers to read.

Let's not talk about Gu Zheng's criticism, at least this is a restaurant that Gu Zheng has eaten and reviewed. It is a great achievement to make Gu Zheng come.

This is what happens when a person becomes famous.

Therefore, Gu Zheng does not intend to write any more criticisms this time, but to write about a truly distinctive and praiseworthy delicacy. As long as it tastes really good, Gu Zheng will advertise for him for free.

Gu Zheng took the subway directly to the train station and the high-speed rail station, regardless of the location, bought one when he saw the nearest car, and went directly to the nearby city.

What Gu Zheng bought was a ticket to Hangcheng, and he and Hangcheng are also predestined, and his road to fame was originally in Hangcheng.

The Hangzhou food competition, the ancient competition can be regarded as famous in one fell swoop, and then the national food competition is known all over the world, and he has become the most popular chef.

The high-speed rail arrived in Hangzhou very quickly. After arriving in Hangzhou, Gu Zheng rented a car at the station at will, and asked the driver to take him to places he thought were delicious.

A lot of food in Hangzhou has been written about, but it is much less than that of Shanghai. After all, the headquarters of Food Channel is in Shanghai, so Shanghai has been written the most.

There is no need to go to the most famous places, which have been badly written. Gu Zheng asked the master to take him to places with good reputation among the people, especially some small shops, so that it is possible to find really delicious food.

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