Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 38 The Fried Eggs Are On Fire

Gu Zheng lay down on the bed again, unwilling to move his fingers.

He exhausted his celestial power, and in the end he only succeeded in raising one egg, but he still had some energy left after the successful ascension, unlike yesterday when he just managed to elevate one egg, and the remaining energy left him exhausted on the other egg.

Although the second egg did not succeed in the end, it was a big improvement to be able to gain some more power, and to upgrade the second egg. Gu Zheng was very satisfied, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth when he fell asleep.

Without his knowing, the white light spot appeared again, covering his body.

"Tomorrow there are a few more fried eggs that can be sold!"

Coming out of the prehistoric space at night, Gu Zheng was sweating, smiling and looking at the neatly arranged eggs in front of him.

After recovering yesterday and afternoon, after he entered the prehistoric space at night, he raised a total of thirty-nine eggs, nine more than yesterday's amount, which really surprised him. Thirty-nine eggs, the overall number It still doesn't look like much, but it has made great progress compared to before.

Compared with the first day when there were only twelve eggs to sell, today's increase is more than three times.

"Master Gu, you are finally here!"

I was too tired yesterday, so I went to Gu Zheng a little later today, and arrived at almost 8:30. Before entering the store, he saw that there were many people in the store, and it was almost full.

At 8:30 in the morning, there are usually only two or three tables in the store at this time, and it is extremely rare to be full.

"These people are here to eat fried eggs. If you don't come, they'll be waiting!"

The waiter whispered, but Gu Zheng's eyes widened. He thought that these were all the guests who came to eat wontons, and after a long time they were all waiting for him, which made him an oolong.

"I want two, I brought someone today!"

Before Gu Zheng put his things down, someone has already paid for fried eggs. Just by listening to him, he knows that he is a regular customer, and he understands the rules of Gu Zheng's shop.

"I want three!"

"I want one!"

"Line up, line up, please line up, one by one!"

Seeing someone going to pay, the people in the store rushed to the cashier immediately, and the cashier shouted hastily, so many people surrounded her, waving banknotes, and she was under a lot of pressure.

"Come one by one, don't worry, there are more fried eggs today than yesterday, everyone has a share, and those who don't line up will not be given!"

Gu Zheng persuaded, and after hearing what he said, the people around quieted down and began to line up. Among the people in the queue, there was a person who had bought fried eggs before and wanted to mix in and buy again. exposed.

In fact, the person who really exposed it was not Gu Zheng, but Qi Ling. It has a very good memory. As long as it has purchased and used its own qualifications, it will remember clearly.

These people ordered a total of thirteen fried eggs. They sold so many fried eggs, but only three bowls of wontons were sold in the store. Both Master Wang and Xiao Xu couldn't help shaking their heads.

These people left one after another, but Gu Zheng’s fried eggs did not stop. The article published yesterday by Yu, who loves cats, was very popular, especially when he argued with those who stepped on him on the Internet. Come and verify it yourself. If the taste is a little different from the fish that loves cats, you must make him look good and expose him.

In addition to cat-loving fish, there are two other Food Critic articles.

They published it later than the cat-loving fish, but they posted it just last night. It was not a regular board, but only in the forum.

The influence is not as good as it is, but it is there anyway. Moreover, two people wrote it at the same time, and the combined influence is not small.

And Mumu's articles still have enough influence. So many articles talk about a place, a kind of food, or a kind of food with a very high price and a lot of rules, attracting more and more curious people.

"An eighty-eight fried egg, a bowl of wontons!"

"Two eighty-eight fried eggs, a bowl of wonton, and a bowl of rice noodles!"

Since Gu Zheng came to the store, he has hardly stopped. The eggs that have been improved in quality are getting less and less. Before eleven o'clock, all the fried eggs are sold out.

It arrived at 8:30 and ended at 11:00. In more than two hours, all thirty-nine eggs were sold out. There were more fried eggs today than yesterday, but they were sold out earlier than yesterday.

"Gu Zheng, this is the rhythm of your fire!"

Shu Yu also came here today. I was surprised to see that Gu Zheng’s fried eggs are selling so well. It’s only been a few days, and Gu Zheng’s fried eggs have reached the point where others are waiting in line to eat them. It takes a long time for Gu Zheng to sell them. Some, wouldn't that be a fire to the sky.

"The reaction is a bit big, but I still want to thank you. Without you providing me with a place, it would not be possible to sell so well!"

Gu Zheng grinned, and he was also happy that the business was so good, but he felt a little bit overwhelming, which made him very embarrassed.

"Don't say that, your fried eggs are selling well, which has also boosted my business. My turnover in the past few days, the best day has doubled compared to the previous one, and this is all thanks to you!"

Shu Yu shook her head hastily. In the past two days, the business in her store has indeed improved a lot, and the turnover has been increasing. She is not here, but the employees in the store will report to her every day.

"I'm leaving first, come back tomorrow!"

Gu Zheng is not being polite to her, the store is going to be busy soon, and he can't help much, it's better to leave early, go back and improve his fried eggs earlier, and there will be more fried eggs for sale tomorrow .

Forty-nine eggs, this is the total number of fried eggs sold on the fifth day of Gu Zheng, excluding the one he successfully promoted in the middle of reality in the afternoon, which was eaten by himself in the morning.

Gu Zheng still arrives at Shu Yu's shop at 8:30, and the forty-nine eggs are sold out by 10:30, which is earlier than yesterday.

When Gu Zheng arrived today, there were even more people waiting. Shu Yu was also in the store. Seat occupants wait outside the door.

In this way, the people in the store are embarrassed to sit and wait, and most of them will ask for a bowl of wonton or other food. Before eating fried eggs, the taste of this wonton is still very good, at least it tastes better than other foods better.

There are more people today than yesterday, but the order is much better. The waiters in the store are very convinced. The boss is worthy of being the boss, and he is better than them when he makes a move.

On the sixth day when Gu Zheng sold fried eggs, all sixty eggs were sold out at 10:30. It was so easy a few days ago, and I felt tired after all the omelettes.

On the seventh day, seventy-one eggs were sold out at 11 am.

There are more and more people queuing up in the morning, and some people even wait without opening the door, first line up the number, and then do other things, Shu Yu is right, Gu Zheng's fried eggs are really popular, every day There are so many people queuing up at the door, even those who have not read the article or heard of it will be curious when they pass by.

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