Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 366 Expanding Space

Gu Zheng wanted to refute Qi Ling's words, but he didn't know how to say it.

The body of Qi Ling is the Tiexian Token, and Master Tiexian has a lot of collections in it. Tiexian's collections, he really can't compare with these things.

"What about garbage, it's useful to me, it's a baby!"

After a while, Gu Zheng said something to Qi Ling. Qi Ling obviously didn't expect Gu Zheng to say that. After a while, he shouted angrily: "Okay, you said it's a baby, it's up to you to take it in." , so many treasures cannot be brought in, it makes your heart ache!"

"What's the matter, no, I'll go back to Emei in a while, send the things back, and then I'll get them back, at worst, I'll just move them for a few more days!"

Gu Zheng said indifferently, that's what he thought when the space was almost full before.

There are too many treasures here, he can't give up, if he can't fit, he can only send them back first, if the *** is fast back and forth, he can arrive in half a day, even if it is slower, he can definitely go back and forth one day and one night .

Let Du Wei guard this side. With Du Wei here, no one else can make a move here. After a few days, all the treasures here will be moved back.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, the restriction here is not that simple. After you go out, it is not easy to come in again, and there is another layer of restriction here, and there are better treasures inside!"

Qi Ling hummed and said, but Gu Zheng was taken aback.

Restrictions are not that simple. This is indeed true. He really ignored it. The outermost layer of restrictions has been broken before and then restored itself. The restrictions inside are likely to have the same ability.

"Elder Ouyang, take a look at the restrictions here!"

Gu Zheng didn't care about other things, and hurriedly said to ***, who was holding a small altar of fairy wine and drinking, and got up immediately after hearing what Gu Zheng said.

"Master, the restriction here is weird, it is being restored, and the speed is very fast, it will not be long before it will be completely restored!"

*** said quickly, the prohibition here can be restored. In fact, Bill said this before, but they all ignored it. It wasn't Gu Zheng's reminder, so they couldn't remember to check it.

"How long will it take to fully recover, and can it be broken after recovery?"

Gu Zheng asked again, and *** nodded and said: "In about two hours, the restriction can be broken after restoration, but this restriction is very strange, I don't guarantee whether it will be strengthened after restoration, and it seems that this may be possible at present. Big!"

*** is a veteran cultivator, he has already noticed the difference or extraordinary of the restriction.

This is a self-healing and strengthening restriction. In this case, Gu Zheng really can't guarantee that he will be able to evacuate this place after a few trips.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng's heart skipped a beat: "Qi Ling, you just said that there is still a layer of restriction here?"

Qi Ling did say before that there are restrictions within the restrictions, but at that time, Gu Zheng only thought about the restoration of the restrictions, and didn't pay attention to this sentence, thinking that he was talking about the previous restrictions.

But when he looked back, Gu Zheng suddenly remembered that what Qi Ling said was that there was another layer of restriction here, and that it was here instead of outside. That only meant that within the second layer of restriction, there was a third layer.

There are very few things on the first floor, and the second floor is equal to a big treasure. As for the third floor, Gu Zheng is also breathing faster.

"Of course, this is a three-series ban in itself. Don't think it's enough to enter here. You haven't discovered the most difficult ban. There are really good things in that ban!"

Qi Ling said proudly, Gu Zheng couldn't help but take a breath, what is the real good thing that can make Qi Ling even say good things?

"Can we get rid of this restriction?" Gu Zheng took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"Without my help, you can't even discover it, how can you break it?"

Qi Ling didn't reply curiously, and Gu Zheng thought about it too, but Qi Ling didn't say anything, even Mao Zedong didn't know that there was a third layer of restriction here.

But soon, Gu Zheng became distressed again. Let alone the third floor, they couldn’t finish moving the second floor. How to move the third floor? willing.

But when I go back and come back again, I have to break the restriction again. The key is, I don’t know if it will be okay to break the second time after the restriction is broken, especially the third layer of restriction inside. If the third layer of restriction is restored and strengthened, if the spirit of the weapon cannot be broken, and there are many things in it, wouldn't it be a waste?

A little waste of things here is a big mistake.

"Your distress, I can help you!"

Qi Ling suddenly said something again, Gu Zheng was slightly taken aback, and quickly asked in his heart: "You can help me, tell me quickly, how can you help me?"

"After your Tie Xian Xian Jue is promoted to the third floor, the Primordial Space can be expanded once. You haven't expanded it yet. As long as I expand it for you, it will be fine, and you will definitely be able to install it by then!"

"So that's it, then expand quickly!"

When Tie Xian Xian Jue advanced to the second level, the space was indeed expanded, and it was enlarged several times. This time, if it is expanded again, the space will be several times more, and he can hold all these things.

This is indeed a good way, and there is no need to run back and forth hard.

"Expansion space needs to be tested, do you accept the test?"

Gu Zheng's face froze suddenly, he was only thinking about the benefits of the expansion, but he forgot the urine of Qi Ling, how could it expand the space for you for nothing.

"What's the use of accepting the test now? Even if I accept it, I can't immediately expand the space. I don't know when this test will be completed!"

Gu Zheng shook his head helplessly. The test is not something that can be easily completed. It may take many days. He is very clear about this.

"Today, Ben Qiling is happy and can help you. You just need to accept the test. I will expand the space for you first, but after the expansion, your test must be completed. If you fail to complete it, not only will there be no room for expansion, the original The space will also be taken back, and it needs to be tested again before it can be opened!"

Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng another temptation, allowing him to pay on credit first and then pay it back.

This sounds good, pick it up first, there is enough space to take away the treasure here, and then complete the test after returning, but if this test cannot be completed, it means losing all the prehistoric space, and he will have no prehistoric space in the future This is a good cheater.

Thinking about it carefully, although the punishment for failure was heavy, the temptation in front of him was great, so he couldn't help but nodded and agreed.

"Heir of the Tiexian, confirm to accept the test of expansion of the Great Desolate Space. The rewards for this test will be issued in advance, so we cannot give up and must be completed. If the test fails, all the Great Desolate Space will be taken back!"

Qi Ling's voice sounded, and before Gu Zheng had time to ask, he suddenly appeared in the prehistoric space.

The prehistoric space was filled with the things he had put in before, and it was crowded, all around the gray mist.

The gray fog around the space suddenly rolled up, and the surrounding gray fog retreated, retreating a distance that was twice as much as before.

Although the gray fog has only doubled, but because this is a square space, after all the surrounding gray fog recedes, the actual space has increased by at least three or four times, much larger than before.

It's like a one-meter square. After being reduced to two meters, the original one-square-meter space becomes four square meters, which is equivalent to four times the expansion. With this expansion, the entire prehistoric space immediately appears much empty.

"Heir of Tiexian, the content of this test is..."

Gu Zheng immediately pricked up his ears, which is related to whether he can have the prehistoric space in the future, so he must listen carefully.

"Lord Tiexian, take pity on the people. He once visited the people and cured tens of thousands of people with incomplete taste buds. The descendants of Tiexian should also have such kindness. For this test, the descendants of Tiexian need to find 100 people with incomplete taste buds and treat them as diet therapy. All cures!"

The task was finished quickly, and Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It sounds like this test is not difficult. In reality, there are indeed many people with incomplete taste buds or degenerated taste buds. For example, some people are born unable to taste salty or sweet tastes. There are also acquired reasons that destroy the taste buds. Can't taste it.

Gu Zheng used to be a food critic, so he knows this very well, and even knows where to find such a person.

In this way, this task is not too troublesome, or very light. It is rare for Qi Ling to be kind and not give him a task that makes him difficult.

"Reminder, chicken blood soup is useless for taste buds, you need to use other therapeutic methods!"

Qi Ling said something again, but Gu Zheng's eyes widened. Chicken blood soup is useless? The dietary therapy he currently knows is like chicken blood soup, but he knows several kinds of food repair, but diet repair and diet therapy are not the same concept.

This is equivalent to saying that he has no way to go for treatment, even if he finds someone, it's useless.

"The test time is half a month, if you fail to complete it within half a month, it will be considered a test failure!"

"Wait, Qi Ling, you asked me to treat people, you have to teach me the method of treatment!"

Gu Zheng shouted anxiously, isn't this embarrassing, it's like asking a person to cook without giving him ingredients, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Find the method yourself, it's not within the scope of this tool spirit!"

Qi Ling said something confidently, Gu Zheng's eyes widened again, damn Qi Ling, you can't praise him, something happened just after you praised him, sure enough, his test will not let you complete it so easily, the big pit is behind waiting.

It's a pity that no matter what Gu Zheng said, Qi Ling stopped talking to him.

The helpless Gu Zheng had no choice but to exit from the prehistoric space. As soon as he came out, he saw three people with big eyes. *** was standing there, and Du Wei was holding Bill. He didn't know what he was doing.

"I just said, I didn't do it, your head is back!"

When Bill saw Gu Zheng, he yelled in a hurry. They were all together just now. When Gu Zheng suddenly entered the Primordial Space, it was as if he had disappeared. Even *** couldn't sense his existence. Wei was in a hurry.

All three of them are here, and it is impossible for someone to take Gu Zheng away. After he couldn't find Gu Zheng, Du Wei immediately caught Bill. There are only four of them here. There was no one else either.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng came out early, otherwise Bill would have been miserable.

"Master, where did you go just now?"

*** asked in a hurry, the disappearance of Gu Zheng was so weird, even he didn't know how Gu Zheng disappeared or how it appeared, there was no sign at all.

"I went to tidy up the space, and I can put down more things later!"

Gu Zheng explained a sentence without explaining in detail. Anyway, he did expand the space so that more things can be stored.

As for the test, let's talk about it after leaving here. After all, the most important thing right now is the treasure here. Now the prehistoric space has expanded several times, and it can completely hold all the things here.

"Space Immortal Artifact, can it still enter people?"

*** and Du Wei both stayed there, and there is a space fairy ***, but let alone entering a person, stuffing a mouse will not work, Gu Zheng's space fairy can not only hold so many things, but also Can enter people.

But thinking of Gu Zheng's master, *** immediately felt relieved.

Who is Gu Zheng's master? That is the highest level existence between heaven and earth. It is not surprising to have such a space fairy. Only Du Wei is still stupid and a little dizzy. There is no such treasure in Emei.


Gu Zheng didn't explain carefully, he entered the room and began to move the wine inside. With space, these wines can't be let go at all, they are all wines that can increase internal strength and immortal power, they are absolutely good treasures.

After Gu Zheng went in, Du Wei suddenly turned his head and looked at Bill.

"I swear, I swear again..."

Bill was very smart, and immediately made another soul oath. He knew that this was a secret belonging to others, and it was a secret that could not be revealed. Since he had seen it, if he did not swear, he might be silenced.

Du Wei nodded slightly. Bill already knew one thing, and it doesn't matter if he knows one more thing, as long as he doesn't say it.

The wine was quickly emptied, and Gu Zheng entered the sixth room.

The sixth room is filled with all kinds of swords. Although it is not as spectacular as that of Shushan Mountain, it also gives people a sense of shock. A low-level fairy weapon, but it is also a fairy weapon at a low level, a serious fairy sword.

In addition, there is also a middle-level fairy sword, which is an incredible treasure.

All the swords were taken away by Gu Zheng, not a single one remained.

The seventh room is full of knives, all kinds of knives, and the eighth room is full of miscellaneous weapons, such as guns and hammers, all of which are of good quality.

In the ninth room, Bill was stunned for a moment. It was actually filled with things used by the Western cultivation system, and it was also used by the Dark system.

Magic robes, magic cloaks, magic wands, etc., and there are several high-grade treasures that can only be used by masters at the same level as fairy artifacts. Bill's eyes are straight and his lips are trembling.

"Western system, accept!"

Gu Zheng glanced at Bill, and then stepped forward to collect all these things. Although these things are not needed, they can be exchanged with Westerners for the treasures they use.

Every time Gu Zheng took one, Bill's lips trembled. He really regretted it now, regretted bringing Gu Zheng and the others, and regretted teaching Aiweier that set of moves.

If it wasn't like this, when he came here in the future, everything here would be in his pocket. So many treasures are gone now, and Bill's heart feels like bleeding.

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