Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 360 Are you willing to come back

"Forgive him, I said yes, we have to tell the head!"

*** said lightly, Du Wei was slightly taken aback, and asked again: "Senior, the master you mentioned, but the master of Emei?"

"That's right, this is our head of Emei!"

*** nodded directly, while Du Wei was a little dazed, the head of Emei was so young, and *** had already joined Emei.

With the addition of ***, Emei's strength can be imagined, and it must be greatly improved.

"Senior, have you already joined Emei?"

Even though he knew that *** must have entered Emei, he still couldn't help asking, after all, where the identity of *** is kept, this is a veteran cultivator much older than him.

"That's right!"

"In this way, Emei finally has an immortal cultivator again, and there is hope for Emei's recovery!"

Du Wei breathed a sigh of relief, *** looked at him, and then said: "I am not the only immortal cultivator in Emei, now there are three immortal cultivators, who are you?"

What *** is asking is also what Gu Zheng wants to ask, who is he, and he has been defending him before, it seems that he only started after seeing the Emei Ring. If this is the case, it is very likely that he has a relationship with Emei.

But in the history of Emei, there has never been such a cultivator. All the cultivators have been recorded. Either they entered the prehistoric fairyland, or they died when their lifespan was exhausted. There is absolutely no one named Du Wei.

"There are three immortal cultivators!"

Du Wei was stunned again, and then there was joy on his face, as if he was really happy, while the black-clothed demon cultivator frowned, wanted to say something but didn't say it.

"Master, please spare him this time, I can guarantee that he will never target you again in the future!"

Du Wei pleaded for the black-clothed demon again. The black-clothed demon stood silent, but he was grateful in his heart. It was not easy for Du Wei to help him speak at this time.

"Elder Supreme, what has this man done, why did you say that before?"

Gu Zheng didn't answer Du Wei's words, but asked ***, hearing Gu Zheng's question, *** narrowed his eyes, and there was a murderous look on his body.

"He is a demon cultivator. The demon cultivator has some quick methods, which are harmful to the harmony of nature, but he will be restrained and will not do too much. This person's original name is Shen Ziming, with Zhenghe, and his name is very good. But what he did , has nothing to do with his name!"

"In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, he was already a cultivator of immortals, but he actually helped Man Qing to massacre three million people in Sichuan Province. The reason why he did this was to get the blood of these five million people to cultivate his blood demon. Dafa, such a matter of anger and grievances, let alone the righteous way, even the devil way will not tolerate him, and finally joined forces to hunt him down, but unfortunately let him escape, but from then on he dare not go back to Huaxia, as long as he goes back, as long as he has his breath, he is right The two demons will definitely gang up and hunt them down!"

Three million people?

Gu Zheng opened his mouth wide, this is also a set of horror, three million, not three hundred, not thirty thousand, but a full three million, so many people, all of them were killed by him.

No wonder *** saw him like this and said she couldn't spare him.

"Originally, as long as the affairs of the secular world do not affect us, we will not bother. It is normal to change dynasties. This is all the secular world's own business. Thousands of people, heinous crimes, no matter what, they can't be washed away!"

*** After saying something again, Gu Zheng has raised his head and looked at Du Wei: "Senior Du, I don't know who you are and what relationship you have with Emei. We won't talk about this, but what he has done Is there any reason to forgive him?"

"If you forgive him, what about the three million souls, tell me?"

Gu Zheng looked straight at Du Wei. Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, Gu Zheng's questioning was very powerful. Du Wei hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say.

"I made a big mistake, but if I didn't do it at that time, my lifespan would be exhausted. Only in this way can I be promoted and have more lifespan!" the black-clothed demon cultivator distinguished.

"For your own life, three million people have to sacrifice for you, why do you have it?"

Gu Zheng asked loudly. This time, the black-clothed demon cultivator was not talking, but kept his head up. Obviously, he didn't think he had done anything wrong. A person like him is the kind of person whose life and death has nothing to do with him Let alone three million, even thirty million, as long as it is beneficial to him, I am afraid he will dare to kill.

"Elder Supreme, this person cannot be left behind!"

Gu Zheng turned his head and said something to Mao Zedong. The murderous intent on Mao Zedong was more intense, but the black-clothed demon cultivator secretly felt something was wrong, and suddenly stabbed the red sword in his hand at Du Wei.

Du Wei has been helping him and pleading for him, but at this time, not only did he not reciprocate Du Wei, but suddenly made a secret move.

"Shameless villain!"

*** screamed angrily, Du Wei was very close to the black-clothed demon, although he also reacted, but he got too close, and was stabbed in the body by his red sword, spilling a lot of red blood.

Du Wei, who was stabbed, was thrown directly towards the gun by him, and he flew backward quickly.

"Elder Supreme, go after him, I'm here!"

Gu Zheng yelled in a hurry, *** nodded, and immediately flew out, Gu Zheng walked to Du Wei's side, Du Wei had already fallen to the ground, the sword just pierced through his stomach, his injury very serious.

Du Wei lying there, his hat fell off, revealing his true face.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Zheng was stunned again, his face was full of knife marks, he couldn't see his appearance at all, it was very scary.


Du Wei spoke weakly, while Gu Zheng pressed his wound, signaling him not to speak.

Du Wei's injury was serious, but he is an immortal cultivator, so this kind of injury is not fatal, but the red sword of the black-clothed demon cultivator is weird, and Du Wei's blood keeps flowing out, which cannot be stopped at all.

"A medium-level immortal pill can save him!"

Qi Ling said something suddenly, but Gu Zheng was very surprised, and quickly asked in his heart: "Isn't the Xianyuan Dan used for cultivation? How can it save people?"

"Xianyuan Dan is for cultivation, but it also depends on who refines it. Your intermediate Xianyuan Dan is made by Lord Tiexian himself. It has very strong spiritual power. Lord Tiexian is invulnerable to all poisons. He made it The Xianyuan Pill that came out has a special kind of spiritual power. There was poison on the sword of the man just now. Right or wrong, he immediately took out a medium-level Xianyuan pill and fed it to Du Wei.

First of all, Du Wei is not a bad person. It can be seen from his pleading for the black-clothed demon cultivator that he is not only not bad, but may even be pedantic.

Secondly, Du Wei did help him before, without Du Wei stopping the black-clothed demon cultivator, it would be difficult for Gu Zheng to persist until the arrival of ***, and one more point, Gu Zheng didn't figure out what relationship he had with Emei, at this time You can't just sit back and watch him die.

Xianyuan Dan is very precious, but it is not as good as a human life, especially this life has helped him before, strictly speaking, saved him.

As soon as the Xianyuan pill entered his stomach, Du Wei immediately felt a warm current spread all over his body. Soon his wound stopped bleeding, and even his seriously injured internal organs began to repair themselves.

Fortunately, he didn't hurt his heart, otherwise Gu Zheng wouldn't be able to save him even with the Immortal Yuan Pill.

Although Gu Zheng saved his life, but also because of his new injuries and old injuries, his strength has dropped drastically. Now he may not have the strength of the realm of transforming gods, and can only be compared with the realm of transforming qi.

But even if his strength declines, he is still much stronger than ordinary inner strength practitioners. After all, he is a cultivator of immortality.


Du Wei took a breath back and thanked him. He knew that Gu Zheng had saved him, but he hesitated a bit about what to call Gu Zheng, and finally didn't call out.

"Are you still thinking of pleading for that demon cultivator?"

Gu Zheng asked again, this is the real version of the farmer and the snake, Du Wei helped the magic repairer wholeheartedly, but the magic repairer almost killed Du Wei in the end.

In the heart of that demon cultivator, only he is the most important, and everything else can be sacrificed. No matter how Du Wei intercedes for such a person, Gu Zheng will never let him go. Letting him go is tantamount to causing trouble for himself.

Du Wei gave a wry smile and didn't speak. It's useless to say anything now. Moxiu really did too much. He actually used him to give himself time to escape, which he never thought of.

If Gu Zheng wasn't here today, he might be over like this.

"Who are you, and what is your relationship with Emei?"

Gu Zheng stared at him, and asked again, Du Wei must have something to do with Emei, otherwise he would not have behaved like before, let alone want to save himself after seeing Emei Ring.

"I am actually an abandoned disciple of Emei!"

After hesitating for a while, Du Weicai slowly talked about him. He was indeed related to Emei, and he was even a disciple of Emei before, and he was the best among Emei disciples.

Du Wei was born in the late Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty. It was a troubled time, but he was lucky. He met the elder Emei at that time, who was also a cultivator of immortals, and brought him to practice in Emei. His talent was very good, and it only took him four years. In ten years, he reached the realm of cultivating immortals.

Forty years to break through successfully and become a true immortal cultivator, this is already a remarkable existence, it is impossible now, except for Gu Zheng, who is himself a cultivator of immortals.

As an immortal cultivator, he was naturally high-spirited, shouting to eliminate demons and defend the way. At that time, the aura of heaven and earth had disappeared, but the various sects still had their heritage, and the number of immortal cultivators at that time was much more than now.

It's a pity that Du Wei failed to eliminate the demon and defend the way, and he almost fell into a demon.

The story is very simple and bloody. Hundreds of years after becoming an immortal cultivator, he fell in love with a female disciple of the Demon Sect. The most ridiculous thing is that the female disciple has not yet reached the realm of an immortal cultivator.

Righteousness and evil are incompatible. Although it is not possible to shout and kill every day, it is absolutely not allowed for righteous and evil disciples to be together, especially on the Emei side.

People including Shushan came and asked Du Wei to kill the female demon cultivator, otherwise he would be killed.

The result of beating mandarin ducks with sticks can be imagined. At that time, Du Wei didn't think he was wrong at all, and finally led the female demon to fight a bloody road and escaped. Since then, he has never returned to Huaxia.

Because he was a disgrace to Emei, Emei completely removed him, and his name was not even on the genealogy, so Gu Zheng didn't know the existence of this person, but people of the older generation had heard of his legend, but also It's just a legend.

When he ran away, he was injured, and his hidden wound was left over from that time.

The female demon cultivator was also injured. In the end, the female demon cultivator failed to break through to the realm of immortal cultivators. After living for more than three hundred years, she died after exhausting her life force. The reason why she was able to live so long was because Du Wei created the extradition The technique of celestial power deprives her of her celestial power, introduces it into her body, and prolongs her life.

But no matter what, it wasn't her own. In the end, she died. After thousands of years, Du Wei was alone, hiding in India.

Gu Zheng was stunned after hearing this. He didn't expect Du Wei to have such a tortuous story, let alone that Du Wei and Emei had such a deep relationship, or that he was a disciple of Emei.

Although he was delisted, it cannot change the fact that he is from Emei.

"I don't hate Emei, I only hate that I'm not strong. If it wasn't for my master and a few uncles who released the water, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to run away. I always remember their kindness, but it's a pity that they are gone now!"

Du Wei sighed, at the beginning he was only in the realm of transforming spirits, and his master had already reached the peak of refining virtual reality, if it wasn't for his master's secret help, he really wouldn't be able to escape.

His master didn't die, and after breaking through the Golden Immortal, he went to the Primordial Immortal Realm, which was a bit of relief to him.

"Old dog blood, I didn't expect it to exist!"

Gu Zhengqing shook his head, Du Wei stared at him blankly, and couldn't help smiling wryly.

From the present point of view, this is dog blood, but it was definitely a very forbidden thing at the time, and there was no possibility of allowing it, so he fell into this end.

In fact, it is not easy for righteous disciples to be with Moxiu now, and they are not allowed, but it is not as strict as before. After all, there is a reason for existence, Moxiu has always existed, and neither side can do anything to the other.

"Are you willing to return to the Emei Gate Wall?"

Gu Zheng asked suddenly, and Du Wei suddenly raised his head, looking at him in disbelief.

Returning to Emei, he thought about it when he was dreaming, but he didn't dare to think about it after waking up, because he knew it was impossible. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng would ask such a question suddenly.

If someone else asked, he might just smile and would never answer, but Gu Zheng is different, Gu Zheng is the current head of Emei.

He represents the whole Emei. He said that if Du Wei goes back, then Du Wei can go back. Now the whole Emei is his biggest.

This is different from other sects. In other sects with immortal cultivators, the head will always respect the elders of the immortal cultivators and listen to the opinions of the elders, but in Emei, the three elders of the immortal cultivators all listen to the ancient disputes. Gu Zheng has absolute power in Emei.

What's more, the matter of Du Wei has passed for so long, and now the Emei disciples have no impression, and it will not attract strong opposition at all.

"I, can I really go back?"

Du Wei was a little choked up. Things that he dared to think about in his dreams suddenly appeared in front of him. No wonder he couldn't control himself like this. It has been more than a thousand years. It's good at a glance.

"I said you can go back, you can go back, as long as you want!"

Gu Zheng said heavily that he is the head of Emei, commonly known as the number one, or the number one with absolute power. As long as he does not disband Emei, or do things that are treasonous and outrageous, what he says is the iron law in Emei. will listen.

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