Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 358: Demon Cultivator

In each event, there will basically be a winner, that is, the person who has gained the most.

Generally speaking, 20 million yuan is considered a lot, and 30 million yuan can basically be the winner. After all, this kind of event is held once a year, and no one will lose their fortune to gamble.

Thirty million yuan, plus the dividends from the chef and the food association, has actually won more than 50 million yuan. It is definitely a big winner. Such a big winner is usually not seen until the end.

But who made Brown bet big this time, the two times added up to more than 100 million, even if he gave Gu Zheng half of it, he would have more than 40 million, and he could basically become the winner this time.

For Brown, he hasn't won as much in years and lost a few last year.

Some people are happy, others are unhappy, and it is not the Middle Eastern prince who is unhappy, but someone else.

Someone saw that the prince of the Middle East had lost and challenged him. As a result, the prince of the Middle East called out a bet of 50 million, which was only a little less than the bet with Brown. Then the prince of the Middle East won, and that person lost 50 million at once.

His depression can be imagined, but helpless, who let the chef he hired be inferior to others.

On the third day and the fourth day, the activity continued, and Brown would challenge every day, but unfortunately no one has challenged.

In the past two days, the Middle East prince has had two battles, but the stakes are not high. He is the one who challenges others. No one will challenge him anymore. When others challenge him, the bet is only one or two million, up to three million. Bets over 10 million are basically absent.

As for Brown, every day is a challenge if he has nothing to do, and it's good to get some small gifts.

It is said that it is a small gift, but it is worth more than a hundred thousand yuan, and if it is added up, it is also very impressive.

Time flies, and until the eighth day, no one agreed to Brown's challenge. In this event, Brown has become recognized as the strongest one. It is said that it is Brown, but it is actually an ancient dispute. This also makes some people think, is it Instead of going to Huaxia in person, invite several famous masters.

Master Huaxia's culinary skills are indeed extraordinary.

On the ninth day, no one agreed to Brown's challenge, and Gu Zheng was at a leisurely pace. Watching the competitions of masters from all over the world every day was a special experience. At least they could learn the culinary skills of their respective places, so they wouldn't look boring. These masters Some of his special skills are really good, and they have given Gu Zheng a lot of inspiration.

In addition, you can receive a small gift every day. After Brown gets three pieces every day, he will let Gu Zheng choose one from them at will, regardless of the value.

After eight days, Gu Zheng already had eight small gifts, and the value of these small gifts was more than one million euros.

On the ninth day, Brown went to challenge as usual, and there were not many people left. Except Earl Karl and his two best friends, he planned to challenge everyone again, so the time was just right.

Doing so seems to make a lot of enemies, but it is not.

Everyone has challenged, and everyone has no opinion, which means that everyone has a number of people. If they do not challenge and deliberately keep some people, the people who were challenged before will feel very uncomfortable and think that Brown is deliberately targeting them.

Do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

As for Earl Karl and the other two, because the qualifications for the challenge are all there is, they will be left after they are used up, and others will not say anything.

"I accept!"

Sir Brown is challenging a rich man this time. He has no title, nor does his father have any. He is an emerging rich man.

What he didn't expect was that the rich man actually agreed to his challenge, and this was the third time he had accepted the challenge in this event.

Seeing that someone accepted Brown's challenge, many people turned around and were very surprised.

"I want you in Clandry Castle in England!"

The man quickly stated the bet he wanted. Many people's eyes lit up when they heard this bet, and some people regretted why they hadn't thought of this before.

Ancient castles are some ancient castle buildings, and there are many in Europe. They are all cultural relics and cannot be destroyed.

Some old castles are still in use, and some old castles are unoccupied because of the distance and inconvenient transportation facilities. But even if unoccupied, the maintenance of these old castles is still indispensable every year, especially in the UK. The requirements are strict and must meet government requirements for maintenance.

If you can't do it, or if there is any damage to the castle, you may even go to jail if it is serious.

More than ten years ago, there was a wave of castle craze in Europe. Many people wanted to buy a castle. At that time, the castle was very expensive. A set cost at least a few million, and the more expensive ones even tens of millions.

But as everyone found out that the castle was not so convenient, and even had to tie their hands to live in it, many people began to sell the castle. Later, the economic crisis caused the price of the castle to plummet. In Huaxia's words, it was the collapse of the castle. up.

Because of the annual maintenance cost of up to millions, many people are unwilling to own the castle, and there is even a phenomenon of selling the castle for one euro.

The castle that was sold for one euro was because there were still debts. Sir Brown's castle certainly had no debts, but the value would not be that high, and the highest value was only one million euros.

If it weren't for its location, the value would be even lower.

Not expensive, this castle has a different meaning to Sir Brown, because this castle was not bought by Sir Brown himself, but passed down from his ancestors, and it is an ancestral property.

Such things, not to mention not lacking money, would not sell even if they lacked money. Sir Brown has been maintaining the castle at a high price, and he also stays there for a month or two every year to remember his ancestors.

His family's glory, commemoration, etc., all exist in it, that is his small family museum.

He would definitely not gamble with something like this. If he gambles, if he really loses, he will break the contract. Well, it's still okay to bet one million dollars for one time, and most importantly, such a bet can disgust Brown.

Sure enough, Brown's complexion became very ugly.

It's a pity that he initiated the challenge, and the content of their activity is that as long as it is under the other party's name, they can gamble. There is no limit. This castle is under Brown's name, and there is no violation of qualifications.

"I promise!"

In the end, Brown reluctantly agreed, the bet was not big, but he was disgusted. Fortunately, Gu Zheng has absolute strength, so he doesn't have to worry about losing.

The chef brought by the rich man had been wearing big sunglasses and a mask before, so that people could not see him. The people around him didn't care about this, and it wasn't the first time he saw this.

This phenomenon has happened before. Some chefs cherish their own reputations, so they come here in disguise, and these nobles don't care. What they want is the cooking skills of these chefs, and it doesn't matter who they are.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. This person looked the same on the outside, but he gave Gu Zheng a very dangerous feeling.

"Qi Ling, what's the matter with this man?"

Gu Zheng asked in his heart, he is a cultivator now, it must be abnormal for him to feel danger in his heart.

"This person, there is no problem for the time being!"

Qi Ling replied directly, Gu Zheng stayed for a while, there is no problem for the time being, what does this mean, is there a temporary problem if there is no problem?

"There is no problem for the time being. He is normal now, but it is hard to say in the future and in the past. There are traces of other powers used on his body, but the specific power, because there is no one now, I don't know!"

Qi Ling explained to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng frowned slightly.

This person is really weird, but it is a pity that there is no problem at present, but since there is no problem now, it means that he is not a threat to him now.

But where did that sense of danger come from?

Someone agreed to the challenge, and the next thing is Gu Zheng. This is the third time Gu Zheng came to cook. This time Gu Zheng didn't do anything special, and he was going to make chicken noodle soup.

The standard chicken shredded noodle soup can make many servings at a time, which is more suitable for this kind of competition.


Standing in front of the kitchen counter, Gu Zheng was just about to cook when he suddenly raised his head and screamed in his heart.

A majestic force came from the air, and fell directly on the opposite chef wearing a mask. The opposite chef's body froze slightly, but soon returned to normal.


"The immortal power of the demon cultivator!"

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly. This power came very quickly and was very fierce. After it came, it was detected by Qi Ling. This is very pure fairy power, and it is the fairy power of a demon cultivator.

Since it is a demonic cultivator, the opponent's routine is also clear. This is similar to a demonic cultivator's technique on the upper body of a ghost, which allows one demonic cultivator to directly control another person.

Unlike the previous Indians, the Indians only borrowed power, and they were still themselves. After this person let this power enter his body, he was no longer himself, but someone else.

His body and his consciousness have become someone else, just like a ghost's upper body.

That is to say, the person opposite Gu Zheng is no longer the original chef, but has become a demon cultivator, a very powerful demon cultivator. The opponent's strength is at the stage of transforming gods, and he is the second among the three realms of cultivating immortals.

In the current ancient battle, it is barely able to fight against the immortal cultivator who refines and transforms energy. In the face of a strong person who transforms gods, he can run as far as he can. With his body like this, he couldn't exert all his strength at all.

The current strength of the opponent is at most only the state of transforming gas, and it is still in the early stage.

In this way, the ancient struggle is not without the power to fight.

Gu Zheng looked at him, and he also looked at Gu Zheng.

"Interesting, I actually met a cultivator. If you take the initiative to admit defeat in this match, I can give you a favor!"

The other party spoke, his voice was very gloomy, and it was sound transmission. Only Gu Zheng could hear his words, and no one else could hear them.

"It's easy to talk about other things, but it's impossible to admit defeat in cooking!"

Gu Zheng refused. If the other party's request is not too much and he can accept it, it's okay to agree. After all, he doesn't know who the other party is, and he is in France now. Who knows where this guy's body is.

If his body is also in France, Gu Zheng will be in trouble.

*** is stronger than him, and much more powerful, but *** is still in the country, and I don't know how long it will take to wait for *** to fly, so if it can be avoided, Gu Zheng really doesn't want to have a conflict with the opponent.

It's a pity that the other party made a request that he couldn't agree to.

It is impossible for him to admit defeat in cooking, even if Gu Zheng agrees to Qi Ling, he will not agree, and what Gu Zheng is going to do this time is Tiexian cooking, admitting defeat is tantamount to admitting that Tiexian's cooking is inferior to others.

In this case, the spirit of the weapon will not explode.

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished, don't regret it!"

The person on the opposite side snorted coldly. He spoke Huaxia dialect with a bit of a local accent. Gu Zheng can be sure that this is a Chinese person, a Chinese demon cultivator.

No matter how you look at it, it seems weird that a Chinese demon cultivator is possessed by a chef and even came to participate in this comparison.

Gu Zheng ignored him and started to make his own stuff, and the other party also started to do it. Although the other party was a magician, his cooking skills were not bad, and his ingredients were not bad.

All his ingredients are of ordinary grade.

The ingredients for Gu Zheng's side are also of ordinary grade. Both of them cooked it very quickly, and brought it to the judges in a short while.

As far as the ingredients are concerned, the two are quite equal. Gu Zheng has the blessing of immortal power, and the other party also has, and the other party also used some fairy arts to assist them. They are evenly matched. The five judges are also a little entangled in the food of the two. After a long time, it was finally decided that the winner was Gu Zheng.

Tiexian's culinary skills are still better than the opponent's.

"Boy, be careful!"

The other party transmitted the voice again, and left after talking about the power. Gu Zheng looked up at the sky. He didn't know where the power went, but he knew very well that the power would not be too far from here, absolutely not. It is in Huaxia.

In China, it is impossible for him to use such a method.

After the strength left, the person on the opposite side also returned to normal. He was a little surprised to see that he lost, so he took another look at Gu Zheng deliberately. Perhaps in his heart, as long as 'that person' came, he would not lose, but no. Thinking of this is the result.

Sir Brown won again, but this time he won very little. The other party also offered a million-dollar property, so there was nothing to be happy about.

But after this game, he has more confidence in Gu Zheng.

"Sorry, I have to leave first!"

Gu Zheng said something to Brown, and then left here. Why did the magician on the other side possess a chef, and why did he come to participate in this boring competition? What is his purpose?

And where is his body, these are all things that need to be considered by Gu Zheng, after all, it is always a danger for such a powerful magician to be in an unknown place around him.

Go out to Guzheng and contact *** immediately, facing the magic cultivator in the realm of transforming gods, it is best if *** comes.

*** has already set off, but it will take eight hours for him to come here, which is already the fastest speed, that is to say, within eight hours, Gu Zheng will have to face the demon cultivator by himself.

Gu Zheng didn't go back to the hotel, and went directly to a remote place in the suburbs. It was useless for him to go back to the hotel. Since Moxiu had his eyes on him, he couldn't run away. Moxiu had many ways to find the person he was looking for. He Instead of hiding in the hotel, it's better to come out and make more preparations.

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