Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 355 Earl Karl


"Is this really what you did?"

"No wonder you have to apply for reconsideration, here is the reason!"

Gutrang nodded, and the people around immediately exploded. Several people standing with Gutrang immediately stepped back. Many people shook their heads there, and some people still had hatred and anger on their faces.

Although it is an aristocratic game, from the very beginning, everyone has agreed with each other that no one is allowed to cheat and must rely on real skills, otherwise if he cheats today, the victim may be himself tomorrow.

They like to play and like this kind of game, but they also have their own rules, and those who don't follow the rules will also be punished and eliminated by them.

Gutlang was completely stunned. He didn't know why he nodded just now. He shook his head hurriedly and said, "No, it's not like that. I didn't. I didn't do it?"

"I ask you, is that cigarette in your pocket given to you by Little John, don't rush to deny it, look at the top of your head, what is it!"

Gu Zheng stepped forward and asked again. Gu Trung raised his head subconsciously, and immediately saw a monitor.

The monitor made his eyes narrow slightly, but Little John felt very bad. He was the one who gave the things to Gutrang behind his back, but Gutrang himself didn't know this. Once he admitted, not only Gutrang would be finished , even he has to follow.


Little John yelled loudly, and just as he was about to walk over, Sir Brown was already standing in front of him, blocking his way. Sir Brown's face was still extremely gloomy.

He and Little John are deadly rivals. Little John had encouraged Gutrang to challenge himself first, and he could accept it, but he couldn't accept the other party's despicable methods.

At this time, how could he let little John pass by.

"Yes, it was given to me by Little John!"

Gutlang sighed violently, took out the cigarette launcher, and put it aside. A few young nobles ran over and looked at it carefully with the cigarette launcher, amazed.

Gutrang didn't know that Little John was carrying surveillance. In his opinion, there was surveillance. As long as he called it out, everything he had done before would be revealed to the world. It would be even more embarrassing to admit it. It is better to admit it now, because it is impossible to hide passed.

Little John secretly scolded Gutrang as an idiot in his heart, as long as he refused to admit it, the people here would have nothing to do with him.

After all, everyone has different identities. Gutrang himself is not an aristocrat, but his father is a newly promoted knight, and a knight who has a good relationship with the queen.

With such a background, people here would always be scruples about saving face. Unfortunately, it is too late now. He admits that even if the queen is here, he cannot be protected, but there is no need to protect him. Even if he is found to be cheating, he will not be protected. No matter what punishment you receive, you will be expelled from this circle in the future, and your reputation will become bad.

It's like a gambler caught cheating, it will be very difficult to be in this circle in the future.

"Little John, what else do you have to say?"

Sir Brown turned his head sharply and looked at Little John angrily. Gutrang made a dirty move, but this trick was not done by himself, but by Little John, which made Sir Brown even more unacceptable.

Yin himself has become like this, it's no wonder he can accept it.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng discovered all this and stopped him, otherwise he would succeed in his scheme, and he would not only lose a casino, but also be ashamed.

"I have nothing to say, Gutrang cheated himself, and then tried to pull me into the water, that's it!"

Little John shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face. Gutrang admitted, but it didn't mean he would admit it.

As long as he doesn't admit it, these people can't do anything to him.

"There is more than one cigarette, the whole pack of cigarettes is on him!"

Gu Zheng suddenly said something again, Sir Brown looked at Little John again, Little John's eyelids jumped slightly, and he shook his head again: "I don't understand what you mean, Mr. I gave the so-called cigarette launcher to Gutrang, then check the monitoring, if not, please Mr. Gu Zheng, please return me Qingbai!"

Little John was very cautious. He knew that the surveillance would not be able to capture him, so he said this on purpose.

After checking the monitoring, I am afraid that Gu Zheng and the others are the ones who are passive.

"What about the scent, where is the scent?"

A little girl sniffed her nose and walked in quickly. Many people turned their heads and saw surprise on her face.

"Princess Tana, why are you here?"

A young nobleman ran over in a hurry, and the little girl who came here was the same girl who came all the way smelling the fragrance. Her nose was very good, which really allowed her to find the source of the fragrance.

This little girl's identity is not ordinary, she is the youngest princess in the Netherlands, although the Dutch royal family is symbolic like other royal families, but she is a princess of real value after all, with natural noble blood.

Most of them are nobles here, so they all know him.

"right here!"

The little girl ignored the young nobleman and went straight to the kitchen counter where Gu Zheng was cooking just now. She was stunned when she saw the pot, and then pursed her mouth, as if she wanted to cry.

"It's gone, it's gone, you all ate it up!"

She found the source of the fragrance, and she found it very accurately. It was here. Unfortunately, she came late, and there was nothing left in the pot.

"Princess Tana, there are other things here, I hope you can wait!"

After talking softly to the young noble beside her, Princess Tana raised her head reluctantly, pouted and asked, "What's the matter?"

The young Hui talked briefly about what happened just now, and Princess Tana's expression changed again.

"It's not easy to check what kind of surveillance, just search him!"

Princess Tana stretched out her finger, pointed at Little John and said, Little John's face instantly became ugly, but soon returned to normal.

The cigarette launcher was indeed on his body, and he would be finished if he was searched, but no one here dared to search his body. Without evidence, they couldn't do it. The evidence of surveillance was prevented beforehand.

After all, they are all nobles, and face is very important.

Sir Brown was also in a dilemma. He was sure that Little John did this, and he could do it, but he really couldn't do a body search, even if the evidence was found.

Forcibly searching an aristocrat offends everyone else.

"If you don't search, I'll come!"

Princess Tana yelled suddenly, and rushed directly to Little John. Little John was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, Princess Tana was already close to his body and directly grabbed his arm.

Princess Tana's speed was very fast, and her hand had already landed on Little John's body. Just as Little John was about to resist, she had already taken out a cigarette box from Little John's body, and returned it.

All this happened very quickly, not to mention Little John, Princess Tana had already pulled out the cigarette case from Little John before anyone else could see clearly.

"Is it this one?"

Holding up the cigarette case, Princess Tana asked softly, Little John's face became even uglier, and he shouted loudly: "Give it back to me, quick, damn it!"

"Who did you say killed him?"

Little John had already run over, but Princess Tana lowered her face. Not only did she not return it to him, but she led him to run around in the hall. Even though Princess Tana was only about 1.5 meters tall, she was not slow to run. How about Little John? Can't catch up.

Gu Zheng looked at them with interest.

This Princess Tana is a bit interesting.

Princess Tana has no inner strength, let alone immortal power, which can be confirmed by the ancients, but her skills are extraordinary, and ordinary people do not have such skills.

Her body is very flexible, and it can be seen that she has definitely practiced. It is impossible for Little John to catch up with Princess Tana.

"Princess Tana, Mr. Gu Zheng is the master I invited. His cooking skills are very good. The food you just looked for was made by him. Can you give me the cigarette case in your hand?"

Sir Brown yelled hastily. He was very worried that Princess Tana would take Little John outside with the cigarette case, so that Little John would not be able to admit it when he came back.

After all, they had gone out and left everyone's sight. He could say that the cigarette case in Princess Tana's hand was not his, but that they framed it together. As long as they refused to admit it, there was nothing they could do.

But it's different here, it's all under everyone's noses, and it's impossible to deny it.


Princess Tana agreed very readily. After saying "OK", the cigarette case flew out of her hand and landed firmly in Sir Brown's outstretched hand.

She is so accurate, if she joins the basketball team, she will definitely be the main pitcher, and she can't say anything about scoring three-pointers.


Sir Brown opened the box and took out the same cigarette launcher as Gutrang's, and there were not just one, but five of them. That is to say, he brought six of these things.

Many people gathered around Sir Brown. After seeing clearly, they all looked at Little John. Little John was no longer chasing Princess Tana, and he was bending over to catch his breath.

"Little John, what else do you have to say?"

Sir Brown raised the cigarette case and shouted angrily, this time it was really stolen.

Sir Brown was still hesitating before, but he didn't expect Princess Tana to appear out of nowhere and help him a lot. He is not easy to search, but Princess Tana can. Although Princess Tana is also a nobleman, she is not in their circle at all. Don't care about them either.

However, several of them were suitors of Princess Tana, and the young man who just walked over was one of them.

Princess Tana had no scruples and helped them get the evidence. Now everything is clear. Little John himself has malicious intentions. He brought a small aircraft that can contaminate food and a cigarette launcher. He felt that Gutrang might not be able to After winning Sir Brown, he secretly gave the things to Gutrang.

Gutrang did use it, but it was discovered by Gu Zheng and then revealed.

Gutrang admitted everything, but Little John denied it. Now that everything is out, even if Little John wants to deny it, everyone is glaring at him. Little John's behavior can be said to be more abhorrent than Gutrang.

"The things are indeed mine, I admit, but Gutrang asked me to help him get them, he only took one, and the rest are his!"

Seeing that he couldn't deny it, Little John suddenly poured water on Gutrang again.

"You, you are talking nonsense. I didn't know there was such a thing beforehand. Don't believe him!"

Gutlang was in a hurry, but he didn't expect Little John to pour the dirty water back, and shouted angrily, he had already been harmed by Little John, and now Little John framed him again, and now the person he hates the most is Little John .

"Little John, you are also a nobleman, is that interesting?"

A man in his forties came out, looked at Little John, and said something in a deep voice. Seeing him, Little John didn't speak, and bowed his head in silence.

"Count Karl!"

Some people yelled, and the person who came out was the highest among them, and also the person with the highest title. This was an earl, a real earl, not the kind of earl who was granted later, but a hereditary earl.

Such an earl with a history is a real nobleman.

As soon as Earl Karl stood up, the matter had come to a conclusion. Little John was full of bitterness, and finally nodded slightly: "Count Karl, I was wrong!"

He can no longer deny it, and if he continues to deny it, he will lose face to Earl Karl. He can ignore many people at the scene, but he can't do it against Earl Karl. Earl Karl has too much influence, even greater than his father. .

"Let's go, little John, don't come here again!"

Earl Karl said lightly that his words were equivalent to expelling Little John from the circle. Although there was no punishment, this was more serious than punishment.

This is equivalent to saying that no one in this circle will have any contact with Little John in the future, not only this food festival, but also in the future. Little John's interpersonal circle was ruined in half.

In terms of influence, Little John has almost lost his interpersonal influence. After all, the rest of him knows many people who are not as good as him, many ordinary people.

"Gutrang, you lost!"

Count Karl turned his head again and looked at Gutrang. Facing Count Karl, Gutrang didn't have any objection, just nodded there, admitting that he had lost.

"Take out the bet you lost, and you don't want to participate in this event!"

Count Karl said something again, Gutrang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately nodded quickly, looking a little happy.

Compared with Little John, his punishment is much lighter, but he is not allowed to participate in this activity, which means that he has not been expelled from this circle, and he can continue to stay in this circle in the future.

This was definitely a surprise for him.

The others didn't have any opinion on Earl Karl's handling. Those who are here are not stupid, in fact, they are all smart. They can all see that Gutrang was tricked and became Little John's gun.

His challenge from the very beginning was that, in this way, he was actually a victim, and after being exposed, he did not deny it, and generously admitted it, and accused Little John, so everyone can accept his mistakes .

"Brown, you won, we will remember your grievances!"

Earl Karl said something to Brown again. His words were more serious, which was equivalent to a promise. Brown’s original dissatisfaction disappeared without a trace. It was a surprise to him that Earl Karl could say this to him. , is even more surprising.

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