Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 350 Invitation from Nobles

Shu Yu knew that Gu Zheng's cooking skills were very good, and he knew it when he was studying.

Later, Gu Zheng made omelettes, and she also ate Gu Zheng's omelets, and knew the taste, and then Gu Zheng went to participate in the Hangzhou Food Competition, and Gu Zheng won the championship.

At that time, in her opinion, Gu Zheng's culinary skills were very good, definitely reaching the level of a master, but that's all. She never thought that Gu Zheng would win the national food competition.

And it is said to be the most powerful champion, the champion with the highest gold content.

The first place in the country is completely different from the first place in the previous Hangzhou competition, and the national food competition is the most recognized competition in the country. Gu Gu contends for the first place, which means that he has suddenly become the most famous person in the food industry.

"I didn't hide it. I haven't always shown my cooking skills before!"

Gu Zheng said something with a smile, Shu Yu was slightly taken aback, Gu Zheng's words were correct, he did not hide his cooking skills, he even cooked for them before.

They themselves did not expect that Gu Zheng had such good cooking skills.

"How is your business?"

Gu Zheng changed the topic. He had shown his culinary skills before, but at that time he had not been inherited by Tiexian. Compared with the current culinary skills, there was a world of difference. Shu Yu would not know this, let alone will think of.

"I have opened 150 directly-operated stores in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Sioux City, 70% of them are profitable, 20% are flat, and only 10% are in a loss state, but all of them are profitable. It’s a new store, it’s not well-known yet, I believe it will be profitable soon!”

Speaking of his own business, Shu Yu became more interested. This time it was Gu Zheng's turn to be surprised. Shu Yu's small shop has only been open for more than a year. I didn't expect to have opened so many shops. The most important thing is It is a direct store.

A direct-sale store is to invest by oneself to open it, while a franchise store can collect money from others and let others open it in their own name, which has a completely different meaning.

In more than a year, 150 directly-operated stores have been opened. Although the investment in such a small store is not large, it costs at least 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. If the store is larger, it will be even higher. This is equivalent to more than a year. , Shu Yu has already invested tens of millions.

Although Gu Zheng also made a lot of money, he is really different from Shu Yu. First of all, he got the old soup from the Sun family and made chicken blood soup with better taste. Later, he found some of the most delicious ones. food.

Secondly, he also has the Chang family as a partner, which can save him any worries. Shu Yu makes small fast food, very cheap wontons. Lin Run is not as high as his chicken blood soup, and it is a small shop , Under such circumstances, it is really not easy to open so many directly-operated stores.

Another point is that Shu Yu never relied on her parents. Gu Zheng knows this very well. If she had relied on her parents, she would not have opened such a small shop by herself.

To be able to do this on his own alone, Shu Yu is definitely the number one among his classmates.

As for him, although he earns more than Shu Yu, he does not rely on himself. He has the cheating tool of Tiexian Ling and the partner of the Chang family, and finally earned so much. The nature of the two is different.

"That's great, congratulations!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his thumb, and his old classmate started his career, and he was also very happy, happy for Shu Yu.

"But this is still not as good as you. Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup has become a benchmark in the fast food industry, a benchmark that cannot be copied!"

What Shu Yu said this time is also true. Many people want to make money like Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup, but unfortunately they don't have the taste of Gu Ji. Without that taste, they can't attract customers.

The existence of Guji also proves once again the rule of taste. The real food must have the best taste.

"Let's go inside and talk!"

Gu Zheng pointed to the coffee shop next to them. They have been talking on the road, and many people have turned their heads to look at them. This is really not a place to talk.


Shu Yu readily agreed, and at the coffee shop, Gu Zheng also learned about Shu Yu's entrepreneurial journey over the past year.

Her current development is indeed good, but in fact it is also very difficult. Not long after Gu Zheng left, she started to prepare for a branch store. She asked for money to open a branch store. She didn't have much money, so she wanted to raise money.

She only has a small shop, and it is not easy to raise money. After finding a lot of people, they were unwilling to invest in her. Finally, a venture capitalist took a fancy to her business, but only invested 500,000 yuan.

With 500,000 yuan, at most two stores can be opened, which is not up to Shu Yu's expectations.

However, it is better to be able to open two stores than not to be able to open them. Relying on the 500,000 yuan and relying on these three stores, the reputation of the three stores is very good, and the profits are generated quickly, which makes the venture capital very satisfied. An additional investment of five million was added.

Relying on the 5 million, and then borrowing from the bank, Shu Yu has thoroughly developed her Royal Food Wonton, and it has grown to a scale of 150 today. Also because she has developed so fast, she is still in negative equity. I owe a lot of money to the bank.

However, the overall benefits of all her stores are very good. Catering is a profitable business. Seventy percent of her stores are now profitable, and more than 50% of her stores can fully recover their costs within a year. The development of the industry will pay back in two years at the latest.

The 30% are unprofitable, most of them are newly opened, and it is not yet time to make a profit. Only three have been in a state of loss because of the wrong location, but the loss is not much, and Shu Yu can fully support it.

Because the venture capital invested relatively early, after several capital increases, the venture capital still holds 30% of the shares, so Shu Yu only has 70% of the shares, and the company is no longer hers alone.

The venture capital also wanted to continue to invest and increase its shareholding, but Shu Yu refused. Now that it has expanded, it can't be fat at one go. It must first digest all the current ones, live safely, and expand later.

"Why don't you engage in chain franchising, so that you can relax a lot and make more money!"

Gu Zheng asked casually, direct sales requires investment by oneself, chain franchising not only does not need to pay money, but can also charge a franchise fee, and then provide the source of goods and earn a fortune, no matter how you look at it, the franchise model is more cost-effective.

Shu Yu shook his head: "Many people wanted to join, but I refused. I don't plan to follow the franchise model in the future. All of them will be sold directly. Franchising is more profitable, but the forest is big, and bad birds are easy to come out. One or two franchise stores It can destroy my brand, and my most valuable thing now is the brand, which must be protected!"

"In addition, the really good ones, the top companies don't use the franchise model, they are all directly operated by themselves, which is easier to control!"

Shu Yu considered the franchise model at the beginning, but it would not be famous, and no one would like to join. Now that she is famous, she feels the benefits of direct sales again, so she no longer considers joining.

Gu Zheng agrees that he would rather develop slowly and maintain his own brand. Many people want to join his Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup, but he has never agreed.

It is very happy to meet old acquaintances in a foreign country, let alone meet old classmates in a foreign country.

Gu Zheng and Shu Yu had dinner together before leaving. They made an appointment to go back to the food festival together. Gu Zheng is a special guest of the food festival, and they will cook food at that time. Shu Yu also said that he must go to taste it.

Back home, Gu Ming hadn't left work yet, so Gu Zheng simply took out the ingredients from Primordial Space and prepared to cook a more delicious dinner.

It was he who cooked the meal yesterday, but all the ingredients were used here. The ingredients used by Gu Ming are not bad, but they are only inferior, not much inferior, and none of them reach the ordinary level.

The ingredients that Gu Zheng brought out are all above average, and the texture and taste will be even better.

When Gu Ming came back, Gu Zheng had just finished cooking. Gu Zheng made four dishes, which were eaten by Gu Ming. This meal finally made Gu Ming understand why those people said that Gu Zheng was the first dish this time. The highest gold content.

Changing the ingredients, the food made is really extraordinary.

He would never be able to make such a delicacy by himself. Gu Ming praised Gu Zheng very much, which made Gu Zheng very proud, but it is a pity that it is not good to be too proud. After the praise, Gu Ming changed the subject and asked Gu Zheng Try to provide him with these better ingredients.

Fortunately, Gu Ming didn't want much. If he wanted more, Gu Zheng couldn't help it. These good ingredients were all saved by Gu Zheng, and he didn't have much.

Fortunately, what Gu Ming wants are all popular ingredients, and some of them are ingredients that Gu Zheng can improve. He can provide a lot of such ingredients.

Even if Gu Ming doesn't want it, Gu Zheng will leave a part of it to him, after all, this is his father, and he is currently his closest relative.

At the same time, in a small town in England, the leader of the five Indians was kneeling on the ground, looking at a mirror in front of him.

What appeared in the mirror was a vortex. Facing this vortex, the Indian leader did not dare to raise his head.

"Can he really absorb your strength?"

A dull voice came from the mirror, and the Indian leader nodded hurriedly: "Yes, master, Titak's power was once absorbed by him, but he returned it later!"

Titak is the unlucky guy who was sucked away by Gu Zheng before.

"He also said that he is from Emei, let us tell you!"

The leading Indian continued to kneel, talking softly, the vortex in the mirror kept shaking, but no sound came out.

"The plan is cancelled, you guys come back first!"

After a long time, the voice in the mirror said something, and the head Indian kowtowed immediately, and then left the room. After he left, a faint sigh came from the mirror.

"Emei, I haven't been back for a long time!"

The next day, Gu Zheng got up early in the morning. The opening ceremony of the Lyon Food Festival was held today. As a special guest, he was going to attend today. The distance from Paris to Lyon is not close, and the high-speed train takes more than an hour, so he needs to go early Set off.

Chang Le once said that he would use a private jet to pick him up, but Gu Zheng refused. He just came to participate in an event and didn't want to be so high-profile.

It wasn't until Guzheng in Lyon that he realized that he had thought wrong before. Even if Chang Le sent him off with a private jet, he would not make a high profile. There are too many private jets here.

The Lyon Food Festival has become a place for European aristocrats to have fun a few years ago, but now it has become more serious. Not only European aristocrats, but also aristocrats and rich people from many other places have begun to participate.

The most typical ones are people from Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Several princes participated in this food festival. Not only did they have private jets, but they also brought their pets. Some brought eagles, some pythons, and even Leopards and lions.

However, these pets are required to be kept in cages and are absolutely not allowed to be released, and the police are specially watching.

Even so, they are very high-profile. There is a prince who walks on carpets from the moment he gets off the car, and the places he walks must be covered with carpets. Carpets that have been walked once will never be walked again, and must be high-end carpets.

In this way, he will walk away thousands of meters of carpet in one day.

There are many tricks of Middle Eastern nobles, and there are also many tricks of these ancient nobles in Europe. Some people use a car to pull a house directly. They are all dressed up as medieval knights, not modern armies.

A modern army, even if they are aristocrats, cannot be brought out so swaggeringly.

All in all, there are all kinds of things here, only what you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't see. It is an eye-opener for the ancient capital to sigh. I never thought that people can play so many tricks.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, my name is Hao Sen, and I have a French name of La Lampe. This time, I will serve you all the way!"

After Gu Zheng arrived at the food festival venue, a person came to pick him up soon. The person who came to pick him up was an oriental face, but he had already joined the French nationality and was a French-Chinese.


Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and shook hands with him politely. Hao Sen was about twenty-five or sixteen years old. He was not tall, just over 1.7 meters tall, but he looked very energetic.

Gu Zheng has a good impression of him. The reason is very simple. When he introduced himself, he first introduced his Chinese name. Regardless of whether it was because Gu Zheng came from China, Gu Zheng was very satisfied with his introduction like this.

This is different from the young man I met before, that is, a scum who has forgotten his ancestors.

"On behalf of Sir Brown, thank you for coming to this event!"

Hao Sen took all of Gu Zheng's things and said something, but Gu Zheng turned his head in surprise: "Sir Brown, what's going on? Wasn't I directly invited by your organizing committee?"

"Sir Brown is one of the members of the organizing committee, and he invited you to participate, so you are not only the invitation of the organizing committee, but also Sir Brown's distinguished guest!"

Hao Sen explained slowly, while Gu Zheng's eyes widened, quite speechless.

His invitation letter only had the name of the organizing committee, and he never mentioned Sir Brown, but he didn't expect such a person to appear here.

And hearing what Hao Sen meant, it seemed that he was invited by Sir Brown. It was originally a public invitation, but suddenly he became a private guest, which made Gu Zheng a little uncomfortable to accept.

In fact, Gu Ming knew this a long time ago. The invitations of the so-called organizing committee are all the nobles themselves. Although he doesn't know which noble invited him, he understands that there must be a noble behind the ancient dispute.

The reason why Gu Ming didn't say anything was because he wanted Gu Zheng to experience it for himself, so that he would be even more disgusted, and would not participate in such activities in the future.

This Sir Brown is a Spanish nobleman, but he stays in France all year round. He is young, in his early thirties, and he is an inherited title. His ancestors have been European nobles for hundreds of years.

The first update, make up for yesterday's update, and there will be more

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