Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 341 He doesn't cooperate and won't give him a chicken

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng came to the store. When Gu Zheng arrived, the store was not open yet, but Xiang Kai had already arrived.

Now that the supply volume has increased, Xiang Kai is no longer delivering goods alone, but with several people, including people from the Shaw Brothers, who can only pack a thousand chickens every day, so they can only rent one carriage of the high-speed rail, otherwise there is no Can't deliver.

Even if the entire car is booked, it must be delivered in time. Whether it is roast chicken or bucket chicken, it is the best cooked on the day. Xiang Kai knows this very well, so even if it is very hard to run every day, he never No delay.

"Master Gu!"

Seeing Gu Zheng, Xiang Kai was stunned for a moment, and then came over to say hello, he still seemed a little reserved at this moment.

Different from the last time, the last time Gu Zheng was still famous, even if he was a little famous, it was still a small celebrity. Now Gu Zheng is famous all over the country. The new generation of kitchen gods is the idol in the hearts of all young chefs. Xiang Kai also pays attention to the whole country Knowing the results of the ancient competition in the food competition, when facing the ancient competition, the mentality inevitably changed.

"Thank you for your hard work during my absence!"

Gu Zheng nodded with a smile. He knew that Xiang Kai had been delivering goods during this time, rain or shine, and running like this every day for so long was really not easy.

"This is what I should do. Let me introduce to you. This is Shao Yibai. Now the daily bucket chicken and roast chicken are delivered by the two of us in charge!"

Shao Yibai is a member of the Shao family. After all, they deliver so much goods every day and have to pay for the goods. They need a reliable person to follow. Although the Shao family has always wanted to change the purchaser, but Boss He disagrees, they can only keep The status quo, if you continue to deliver goods, you need someone to continue to follow.

“Good old board!”

Shao Yibai didn't treat Gu Zheng like Xiang Kai did, but he also had respect in his eyes. After all, Gu Zheng was a real celebrity and a capable person.

Gu Zheng nodded slightly, as a greeting. He planned to go to Licheng County again today to meet Boss He, Xiang Ming and Shao's people, and completely eliminate this hidden danger.

Five hundred barrel chickens and five hundred roast chickens were all hot when they were delivered, and they were all delivered from the first high-speed train in the morning.

The employees in the store receive roast chicken and barrel chicken, and the store manager settles the payment with them. The payment for barrel chicken and roast chicken is settled on the same day, and they have never been in arrears. There is enough cash in the store to do it. .

Guji Chicken Blood Soup has a very good reputation in this area. No matter what the source of goods is, they will pay when they are delivered, and they have never been in arrears.

"Xiang Kai, I will go back with you today!"

After the payment was settled, Xiang Kai and Shao Yibai were about to go back. When they were leaving, Gu Zheng suddenly stopped Xiang Kai.

Xiang Kai was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at Shao Yibai.

Gu Zheng is not around these days, and they all know that Gu Zheng will go to their place as soon as he comes back, so he can know why without guessing. During this period of time, Shaw Brothers has really been thinking about changing suppliers. After all, the price given by others can be profitable. out many times.

One hundred and eighty-one catties, someone indeed offered such a price, which was the same as the price of roast chicken in Guzheng's store, and they didn't need to deliver the goods, they would pull them by themselves.

The one who wanted to buy the barrel chicken was also a restaurant. The reason why they gave such a high price was purely to attract regular customers with the delicious barrel chicken. He didn't think about how much money he would make from the barrel chicken. The most is to sell 198 like Gu Zheng, without any profit at all, and may even lose a little bit.

For Shaw, no matter how much others sell, as long as the price is high, they can earn more. That's why their minds have been so unstable recently, and Gu Zheng has to go there himself.

The high-speed rail goes directly to Yongcheng, and Xiang Kai's car is parked here, and they just take his car back together.

Xiang Kai's car is no longer a bread, but a Passat. This is a new car he bought. Although the profit of roast chicken is the same as before, but selling five hundred more chickens every day is equivalent to making a lot of money. His family is still Shaw Brothers, and they have made a lot of money during this time. Xiang Ming is not a pedantic person. If he makes money, he can improve his life and buy a better car for his son.

"Master Gu!"

Xiang Ming was waiting at the door of the store. Now the store has been renovated and the backyard has been expanded. It will not work if the backyard is not expanded. He has to cook more than 500 roast chickens every day. The workload is heavy and the space needed has also increased. Quite a lot.

Fortunately, it was not difficult to cook the chicken. Except for the core part, he had to do it, and he hired people to help him, so that they didn't have to be too tired.

"Master Xiang, Boss He!"

Gu Zheng walked over with a smile, and when he learned that Gu Zheng was coming, Boss He went directly to Xiang Ming and waited. If Gu Zheng didn't agree, Boss He planned to pick up Gu Zheng at the high-speed rail station.

Boss He's two farms are very prosperous now. Not only has he made a lot of money, because raising chickens requires a lot of natural feed, but it has also driven many villagers around him to make money. Many villagers are now providing him with feed. Going out to work can earn more than working outside.

Boss He is very clear about how all this came about. It can be said that without Gu Zheng, there would be no such things, so when Shao was shaken, he immediately went to warn that if Shaw dared not supply Gu Zheng, he would not supply Shao. Provide Lu's chicken supply, forcing Shaw to reject all temptations from outside.

It can also be said that without him, Gu Zheng's store would have no chickens to sell. Of course, Shao's fate would not be so good.

"Master Gu, I'm sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, and I'm tired of you coming here yourself!"

Boss He stepped forward and said apologetically to Gu Zheng. In his opinion, he was the one who introduced Shao to Gu Zheng, and it was also Gu Zheng who made Shao's bucket chicken famous. Now that Shao wants to cross the river and demolish bridges, he is not a gentleman at all. for.

Although Boss He is also a businessman, he is a very principled person. Otherwise, he would not have operated the chicken farm to such an embarrassing level and would not have changed any business ideas.

"Boss He, you are serious. I didn't think carefully at the time. I came here this time to solve this problem!"

Gu Zheng chuckled. He really came here for the Shaw's Bucket Chicken. When he bought these two kinds of chicken, he thought that the two kinds of chicken would be very popular, but he ignored people's hearts.

He never worried about Xiang Ming's side. Xiang Ming's principles were stronger. If not, he would have left this small town long ago and went to a big city to develop. He would have a better life in a big city, and it would be better than here. Much stronger.

"Master Gu, don't worry, I will supervise Shaw's side and never give any villains an opportunity. Also, I got up early and prepared a shareholding statement. I planned to convert your payment for the goods directly into Although the shares are not many, only 30%, but this 30% has a veto power!"

Boss He spoke quickly, and really took out a file bag. This was actually a question he had thought about before.

Shaw can suppress it for a while, but not for the rest of his life. Moreover, his Lucai chicken has already been imitated by others. His chicken raising skills are not available to others, but it is not a secret recipe. If you want to learn it, you will definitely be able to learn it.

Once other people also have Lu Caiji, he will have no way to suppress Shao's, and then he will have no way to do business with Gu Zheng.

After thinking for a long time, he came up with the idea of ​​giving Gu Zheng shares. 30% of the shares is not much, but he does not own all the shares. Some old employees and people who have invested before have some shares. It's only a little more than 60%, giving Gu Zheng 30% is equivalent to giving half.

He is more than 30% and Gu Zheng is 30%. As long as he supports, Gu Zheng's veto power is absolutely no problem.

Using this method, he not only expressed his support for Gu Zheng to the outside world, but also made some villains stop thinking about him. At the same time, he also showed Shao Shi that he was completely with Gu Zheng. Man, Shaw better not think otherwise.


Gu Zheng was very surprised. Looking at the document bag sent by Boss He, his eyes were full of surprise.

He didn't think as much as Boss He thought, but he did have a way to solve this hidden danger, otherwise he wouldn't have come here in person, but he never expected that Boss He would actually give him equity.

"Yes, don't be too small. According to the payment you gave at the beginning, you can buy the factory, but there are other people in the factory who hold shares. If you think 30% is less, I will give you 40%, 50% is fine! "

Boss He spoke quickly, and when it comes to 50%, he is also gritting his teeth. He has a total of 60% of the shares, and 50% is given to Gu Zheng. He is equivalent to only a little over 10% of the shares. After all, he created it by himself. Changzi, this is tantamount to giving up. He is struggling to make such a decision.

"Boss He, you misunderstood, I don't want your shares!"

Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head lightly. He never thought about asking for shares. Chicken farms make money, but they can't compare to the profits of Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup, not to mention that Gu Zheng doesn't care about money at all.

However, Boss He's move moved Gu Zheng very much. He understood that it was not easy for Boss He to make such a decision.

In any case, Boss He is tantamount to giving away the money and benefits in his hands for nothing, even if the money is not valued by others, it is most of him.

"Master Gu, I really want to give it to you!"

When Boss He saw Gu Zheng's refusal, he immediately made a distinction. He didn't have any good way to solve the problem in front of him, so he thought of using the payment for the goods to pay for the shares.

Having said that, when Gu Zheng placed an order, even if he directly asked for shares, he would agree. After all, it was a good time for the farm to develop.

"Boss He, I appreciate your kindness, but I really don't need your shares, and I have a way to solve this problem this time!"

Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head, he is not only the owner of Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup, he is also a practitioner, a fairy chef, he has too many ways to solve this difficult matter for Boss He.

The reason why he came in person was because he wanted to see the attitude here. This time, he didn't come in vain. Boss He and Xiang Ming didn't let him down, nor did they live up to his trust.

As for Shaw Brothers, the two parties have no special relationship at all. If they really can't cooperate, then it's better not to cooperate. If Shao Brothers doesn't cooperate with them, it will be Shao Brothers who will lose in the end, not him.

"Guban, do you have a solution?"

Both Boss He and Xiang Ming were stunned for a moment. They also knew that Gu Zheng had just returned, but they didn't expect that Gu Zheng, who had just returned, already had a solution to the problem.

Master is indeed a master, unlike them who have been worrying for so long and have no good ideas.

Although Tongziji has nothing to do with Xiang Ming, after all, it was Gu Zheng's help that made their life better, their business more prosperous, and their reputation even greater. Seeing Shao's behavior of crossing the river and demolishing bridges hurts Gu Zheng.

He and Boss He had also discussed it before, but there was no good way, and finally thought of giving shares.


Gu Zheng smiled again.

For any food, the most important thing is the taste. Whether it is Wang's Roast Chicken or Shao's Bucket Chicken, the reason why such a high price can still be recognized is because of their unparalleled taste.

At the beginning, Gu struggled to find these two kinds of food, but because of the test of finding the best folk snacks in the country, whether it is Wang's Roasted Chicken or Shao's Bucket Chicken, they both deserve to be number one in the country.

Since it is the first, it doesn't matter if the price is high. In the past, they produced very little, so they were not well-known. With the help of Gu Zheng, they increased their production, and gradually gained some fame.

It can be said that the most delicious and good taste is the key to their real fame.

Who is Gu Zheng? He is a fairy chef. Both barrel chicken and roast chicken are just second-class ingredients. It is very simple for Gu Zheng to increase their taste. According to Gu Zheng's original idea, he first helped Wang's roast chicken improve Taste, if Shaw can cooperate, it will improve the taste of their barrel chicken.

Even in an ordinary Tongzi Chicken restaurant, Gu Zheng can still make them taste like Tongzi Chicken, surpassing Shaw's. During this trip to Shushan, Gu Zheng harvested more than just ingredients.

But seeing Boss He's attitude, Gu Zheng immediately changed his mind.

Rather than unilaterally improving the taste of the two chickens, it is better to start directly from the raw materials to improve the quality of Lucai chicken.

Lu Caiji can be imitated by others. After all, there is not only this kind of chicken with inferior ingredients, and others can also make it. But Lu Caiji, which has been transformed by the secret recipe of ancient disputes, he believes that no one can imitate it. Not coming.

In this way, the taste of the two kinds of chicken will become better, but only Boss He can provide the raw materials, and no one else can do it.

In Xiang Ming's shop, Gu Zheng uttered his new idea, Boss He and Xiang Ming's eyes widened, especially Boss He's lips were still trembling slightly.

"Gu, Master Gu, what you said is true, do you really have a way to improve the taste of Lu Cai's chicken?"

Boss He asked in a trembling voice. Gu Zheng was not clear. Boss He and his father had been working hard to find ways to improve the taste of Lu Caiji. The efforts of several generations led to the current Lu Caiji. Lu Caiji is already perfect, at least Boss He has no way to continue to improve.

He didn't expect that there was another method for Gu Zheng, and it was a method that others could not imitate.

This is tantamount to saying that he can do things that his father and even grandpa can't do, and can also make his chickens truly unique. How can he not be excited.

"Of course, I can not only improve the taste of Lucai chicken, but also shorten the time for Lucai chicken to come out of the cage!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. The breeding time of Lu Caiji was too long, more than five months. If it had not been for such a long breeding time, Boss He would not have been so embarrassed at the beginning, even if Gu Zheng had taken a fancy to the delicious food made by Lu Caiji , also placed the order first, and waited for more than five months before a large number of Lucai chickens were launched.

Compared with other chickens that have been released for two months or even forty days, the release time of Lucai chickens is indeed a blemish.

"You can also shorten the time your Lucai chickens are out of the cage!"

Boss He stood up all of a sudden. If someone else said this, he would just sneer. It took several generations of the He family to let Lu Caiji have such a time to come out of the cage. You must know that the earliest Lu Caiji basically took a year to get out of the cage. develop.

For a year, ordinary farms simply cannot accept it, nor can they bear it.

"It's not very sure that it can be shortened to the shortest, but it's still possible to release it in two months!"

Gu Zheng thought for a while, and then said something, Boss He has already stood there completely, two months, and he can be released in two months, if he can be released in two months, it will save more than half of the time, save time, It means saving costs.

This is more than that, saving time, more than doubling the output, and saving costs, if this is the case, their profits can be doubled several times.

"This is some secret formula I developed. You put it into the chicken food. You don't need to put too much. One pack is diluted and fed to a thousand chickens. One pack per day. I have 30 packs. You take it first. Let’s do an experiment, let’s talk about it if the experiment is successful!”

Gu Zheng took out a small box, which contained some powder. The box was not big, about the size of a mobile phone. There might not be even a ounce of powder in a small box.

Looking at this small box, even Boss He has doubts in his heart.

Just such a little thing can make Lucai chickens taste better and shorten the time for slaughter. Most importantly, this little thing is actually a thousand chickens, and the amount of feeding for 30 days is too exaggerated.

"Let's try it first. In addition, you invite the boss of Shaw Brothers, and I will talk to him alone. If he is willing to continue to cooperate, then continue. If he is not willing, I will not stop him, but Lu Cai, who we have promoted There is no reason to supply chickens to competitors, he can choose Lu Cai chickens if he wants them, as long as they don’t feed him the secret recipe!”

Gu Zheng put down the box and said another sentence.

"Don't worry, Gu Bo, if he doesn't cooperate, I won't give him a single chicken!"

Boss He hurriedly said something again, and his eyes fell on the small box that Gu Zheng put down again, his eyes were full of heat.

Although he doesn't believe that this little thing can improve so much, there is a voice in his heart that keeps telling him that Master Gu will never lie, never deceive him, this little thing may really bring him enough shock Accidents and gains.

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