*** looked at Gu Zheng and nodded: "Speak!"

"Shushan Emei's family, regarding the matter of entering the 'Energy Battlefield', I think we will have a 50-50 split! However, when Shushan disciples come to Emei, they must abide by Emei's rules, and that's all I ask for."

Some people sing bad faces, and some people have to sing red faces. The so-called 50-50 opening has long been an established thing, but it is just a show for Shushan. Is it really 50-50? The Chaos Tower is an ancient competition, and the quota to enter the "Energy Battlefield" is also an ancient competition, so the 50-50 opening is just the 50-50 opening that Shushan imagined.

"I agree with what the head of the ancients said. For the Emei family in Shushan, the 50-50 opening is the best thing. Like Ouyang, you said 30%, it seems a bit born, doesn't it?" Liu Yunzi laughed.

"Since the leader has spoken, I won't say anything more about the quota. But, what about the time? You don't plan to use the 'Energy Battlefield' forever after just a jar of immortal wine? , I was the one who found the body of the nine-storey pagoda, and I was the one who restored the original 'Energy Battlefield' to use! You all want to exchange a pot of fairy wine for eternity, but the reward is a bit low!" *** said.

"Ouyang, Ouyang, you really care about everything!" Liu Yunzi shook his head endlessly: "Tell me, what price do you want Shushan to pay in exchange for permanence?"

"Emei has been in decline for too long. Some things are urgently needed by Emei, but for you Shushan, these things are not too rare. I want fifty fifth-rank realm pills and fifty fifth-rank exotic fruit pills. "

What *** said made Liu Yunzi's eyes widen: "Ouyang, are you kidding me? There are quite a few Realm Pills and Different Fruit Pills in Shushan, but it's not like you can take out a lot of them casually. , The consumption in the school is also very huge. What's more, what you want are five-grade pills, not third-grade and fourth-grade pills. Do you think your requirements are too much? Besides, you are a practitioner of the fifth-level realm of the Emei Sect. Not more than five, right? Is it interesting that you want so many fifth-grade pills?"

"Of course it's interesting! Shushan needs to develop, so don't we need to develop in Emei? Is there really a lot of these things you want?" *** squinted her eyes and asked back.

In fact, Emei is really not bad for this elixir nowadays, but it is one thing to be not bad, but it is another thing to ask Shushan for it. Besides, Liu Yunzi was crying poor, and he was very accurate in determining the quantity of the pill, so that he would neither lose Emei nor make it difficult for Shushan to accept.

Sure enough, Liu Yunzi did not speak immediately, he was silent for a moment, and then said again: "Okay, fifty pills of the fifth-grade realm and fifty pills of the item's different fruit. It's a matter of sitting on the ground and raising the price!"

"Naturally, Shushan Emei is also a family!" *** laughed.

"Since the matter is basically settled, we will go back to the school later. As for the Shushan disciples who have entered the 'Energy Battlefield' for training, they will arrive in the near future." Liu Yunzi said seriously.

"No problem. After they come, if the 'Energy Battlefield' can be used, let them use it first. If it can't be used, let them wait here. Anyway, the interval between whether it can be used or not will not be too long." * **road.

Liu Yunzi nodded, and then looked at Gu Zheng: "Master Gu, actually, I have one more thing to do when I come to Emei this time."

"Senior Liuyunzi, please tell me," Gu Zheng said.

"This time I come to Emei, I need your help to do two wind speed food repairs and two iron armor food repairs."

Liu Yunzi's words made Gu Zheng happy. The last time he did Zengyuan Food Cultivation in Shushan, he didn't get any benefits, but the "weaving" he did before was not in vain, and now the benefits have come to him.

"Of course it's okay to be a food cultivator, but senior Liu Yunzi should know the rules, right?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I know, the materials are provided by us, and then there is a 5% remuneration, right?"

Liu Yunzi smiled, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that when Gu Zheng confronted Xuan Qizi, he reduced the original 20% remuneration to 5%.

"Yes, when does Senior Liu Yunzi want it?"

"At the latest at night, we have to go back to Shushan."

"Yes, I will make it before the evening, so that you can take it away."

"Liu Yunzi, why do you need these two kinds of food cultivation? Who are they for?" *** asked curiously.

"Of course it's for the disciples in the sect."

When he said this, Liu Yunzi had a slight pain in his face. Gu Zheng's 'fabrication' of wind speed food cultivation and increasing yuan food cultivation made the materials needed for these two food cultivations a bit scary. .

However, the flesh pain on Liu Yunzi's face was only fleeting. After all, after doing these two kinds of food cultivation, the things they can exchange for them must be worth the money.

The change in Liu Yunzi's expression did not escape ***'s eyes, *** frowned and said, "Use this kind of thing for the disciples in the sect, and when the 'Kunlun Ruins' is about to open, what should Shushan do this time?" Could it be that you got the quota to enter the 'Kunlun Market'?"

The Kunlun Ruins are in the Kunlun Mountains, and they belong to the same nature as the Shu Ruins. It is also the place where the resources of the Kunlun Sect can sit firmly on the right path.

Compared with the Shu Ruins, the Kunlun Ruins are more dangerous, and there are restrictions on the cultivation level to enter it, and the highest level of this cultivation base cannot exceed the fifth level of inner strength! Of course, the more dangerous the place, the richer the rewards. The resources produced in the Kunlun Ruins are better than those produced in the Shu Ruins.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for so many years, and I finally won two places this time." Liu Yunzi said with emotion.

"Since Shushan won the spot in the Kunlun Ruins this time, that old guy Xuan Qizi must be in the Kunlun faction, right? No wonder you came here this time." *** said.

"Senior brother is indeed in the Kunlun faction, but he is not there for the two places in the Kunlun market. He has other things to do."

When Liu Yunzi said these words, his expression was very serious, which made *** couldn't help asking: "Did something happen?"

"It is true that something has happened! The Kunlun Divine Stone of the Kunlun Sect began to appear abnormal a few days ago. The light on it flickered on and off, which made people feel uneasy!"

Liu Yunzi's words made ***'s heart tremble. Kunlun is the number one sacred mountain in China and the ancestor of the dragon veins in China. There is a huge Kunlun sacred stone in the Kunlun school. This stone is crystal clear like jade and will automatically emit light.

The light on the Kunlun Sacred Stone represents the luck of the world. If the light is strong, the luck will be strong, and if the light is weak, the luck will be weak. Often when there are major changes in the world, the light on the Kunlun Sacred Stone will also appear to be strong or weak. . However, as Liu Yunzi said flickering, this kind of situation has never been heard before.

"Flickering, what does this represent?" *** murmured.

"I don't know what it means, but Ouyang, have you noticed that there have been frequent activities in the magic way recently? Regarding this, my senior brother and the master Yufeng of the Kunlun School have speculated that maybe the abnormality of the Kunlun sacred stone this time has something to do with the magic way. It will be a sign of the decline of the righteous way and the prosperity of the evil way."

After Liu Yunzi finished speaking, the hall became quiet, and everyone was thinking about something.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that the atmosphere became tense, Liu Yunzi laughed out loud.

"The opinion of my senior brother and Master Yufeng is just a guess. No matter what the light of the Kunlun Divine Stone represents, what should we do or what should we do? There is no need to worry too much about it." Liu Yunzi's voice paused , and then said in a joking tone: "Ouyang, you avoided the previous battles between good and evil because you were a casual cultivator. Now, you are the elder of Emei. If there is another battle between good and evil , let me see if you can still be alone!"

"Today is different from the past. If there is another big battle like that, I will definitely fight on behalf of Emei!" *** said solemnly.

"Okay, after all, he has become the Supreme Elder of our Shushan branch sect, and he has become more responsible, not bad!" Liu Yunzi winked and said.

"Fuck you!" *** laughed and cursed.

After Liu Yunzi's gag, the atmosphere in the hall became better again. After everyone chatted casually for a while, Gu Zheng asked Liu Yunzi to ask for two kinds of food repair materials, and left the hall first.

A medium-level main ingredient, plus two speed-related accessories, in addition to three accessories that do not conflict with the main ingredient, this is the most basic requirement for wind speed food repair.

The last time Gu Zheng did Fengsu Shixiu was during the ranking event of the branch sect in Shushan. Because of Fengsu Shixiu, he defeated Situ Chengwei of Situ's family, which improved Emei's ranking in the branch sect, and finally more Got a quota to enter the Shu Ruins.

Last time, in order to defeat Situ Chengwei, Gu Zheng added more ingredients to the Fengsu Food Cultivation, and made it with: lightning nectar, fairy fish, eggs, sky noodles, rice milk, ocean flowers and sapphire celery. Medium-level wind speed food repair. And Shushan asked Gu Zheng to do the wind speed food repair this time, and the grade requirements are also medium!

Ordinary-level wind speed food repair requires one medium ingredient that meets the requirements, plus five ordinary ingredients that meet the requirements. However, this most basic requirement, after being 'woven' by Gu Zheng, the required materials have been doubled! As for the middle-grade wind speed food repair, in Gu Zheng's "weaving" material list, the ingredients needed are four times more than the ingredients he used to make the wind speed food repair last time!

"Four medium-quality main ingredients, plus twenty-four common-grade materials, and eight of them are also related to speed!"

Looking at the huge pile of ingredients spread out on the table, Gu Zheng smiled until his eyes narrowed. Among these ingredients, all related to speed are spirit beast inner alchemy. As for other ingredients, most of them are biased towards medicinal materials, unlike those used by Gu Zheng for wind speed food repair, which are almost pure ingredients .

"Unfortunately, even if there is a need for a relatively partial food cultivator like the wind speed food cultivator, Shushan can only do it once or twice at most, and the number of each time will not be too much, otherwise it can really make a good profit !"

Gu Zheng showed regret like a profiteer on his face, picking and choosing the materials given by Liu Yunzi. Among these materials, the better ones, he will naturally keep them in his pocket, and the ones with average materials, which he does not lack, will be used for the guest of Shushan.

"It's pretty good to be able to make such a fortune, so you can be content! When you went to Shushan, you were a little short of the materials for a wind speed food repair, and now you are doing a wind speed food repair for Shushan, don't say One requires a 5% reward, just for the complete wind speed and food repair materials, you hacked six of them, how bad you are!" Qi Ling scolded Gu Zheng, not to mention laughing too much Happy.

"Is it bad? So-so! In fact, I can't be said to be bad. It can only be said to be Shushan's support for Emei. Look at how kind and righteous they are!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"You have to frighten you!" Qi Ling's voice paused, and then said: "Speaking of which, after you pick and choose the materials given by Shushan, the leftovers are really not good! You are confident that you can use these ingredients , can you make a mid-level wind speed food repair?"

"Based on my current cultivation and understanding of ingredients, if I don't have this confidence, I would be too stupid. What's more, even though I pick and choose ingredients, they still belong to the qualified category. As for how to use them These ingredients that have just met the qualification requirements, I have an idea to make a medium-grade food repair with a longer growth time."

While speaking, Gu Zheng began to process the ingredients.

No matter what kind of food cultivator it is, Tiexian not only gave a general outline of the material list, but also passed on some experience to Gu Zheng. I don’t have much experience with this, it’s like a formula for solving problems. Although Gu Zheng knows the formula, the problems he encounters are different every time. How to use the formula to solve it will test his strength. .

For example, now, Gu Zheng has never used the panacea and medicinal materials given by Shushan to do wind speed food repair before, but when he sees medicinal materials and panacea, he will naturally think about their characteristics and how to deal with them. How they deal with it can better become a part of the formula.

The seven ingredients were quickly processed by Gu Zheng, and the water in the pot was almost boiled. Gu Zheng put the ingredients into it in order, carefully observing their changes.

The fire-control formula and water-control formula never changed their intensity from time to time. Gu Zheng also took away some trace substances that affect the efficacy of the medicine through the rising water vapor in the soup during the casting of the spell. The Wood Control Jue is also used. After all, among the materials given by Shushan, except for those related to speed characteristics, the rest of the materials are medicinal materials of the plant system.

Half an hour passed, and the dense mist lingered on the pot. Although it kept circling, it didn't appear like the last time when I was doing the wind speed food repair, there was no such thing as the extremely fragrant transformation.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there is no extremely fragrant form, it seems that the level of the wind speed food repair this time has not reached the middle level!" Qi Ling laughed.

"Come on, do you think it's still the same as before? I have my own judgment and understanding of food. Extremely fragrant shape cannot be the only criterion for measuring success and failure. After all, almost none of the ingredients used this time are as fragrant By the way, if you have to say there is, it is also the fragrance of medicine!"

"What's more, although it doesn't appear in the form of extremely fragrant, it can be considered to have reached a certain level. Otherwise, what is the matter with the mist on the pot? Isn't this the mist that originally formed the form of extremely fragrant? "

"To put it bluntly, the appearance of the extremely fragrant form is not because it has touched the mysterious law in the dark, and reached a certain level in the fragrance, so it will trigger the vision. Now the white mist on the pot, you Dare to say, does it not touch the law to some extent? Has it reached a certain standard?"

Gu Zheng spoke very fast, and he naturally talked a lot.

"What is the law?"

Qi Ling was excited in his heart, but he didn't dare to reveal the slightest thing in his voice.

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