Play this world, play the Demonic Continent.

"My lord, these clothes make me feel uncomfortable!"

After landing outside the Grand Duchy, Hui Ru was still complaining. She was not used to this. Not to mention Hu Yidao, even Hou Ping glanced at her from time to time.

"Let's just settle for now. This is the only way we can do it here!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and then asked Hou Ping to take his invitation and hand it to the guard in front of the city gate.

There is also a city here, and there is also a city gate. There are two demons in red guarding the door. Both of these guards are men.

The demon clan is very strange. The men are all tall and burly, but the women are thin and tight. The men and women here look very disharmonious, and I don’t know why they are like this.

A lord, who is also a great presence on the territory of the demon clan, the guard did not dare to neglect after receiving the invitation, and immediately ran in to report to the grand duke of their principality. Their grand duke's power was only equivalent to that of a high-level warrior, and did not reach the level of heaven. level.

Not long after, the owner of the principality, Grand Duke Versailles, came to the city gate and greeted Lord Gu Zheng and his party in a grand manner.

Gu Zheng's name is a bit weird, but who makes people lords? Lords have this privilege.

"This is for you!"

Gu Zheng threw a gold coin to the guard, who immediately laughed from ear to ear. The Evil Continent was short of resources. Naturally, there was no Yuanqi Card, the circulating currency of the Four Saints Continent. However, gold and silver were very popular here, and ordinary people's transactions They were all copper coins and silver coins, and gold coins were basically only circulated among nobles.

The silver coins here have a silver content of almost one penny, so the purchase volume of silver coins is very low, only equivalent to ten copper plates, but the gold coins contain full gold, and one gold coin is equivalent to one hundred silver coins.

In other words, a gold coin in the Evil Continent is equivalent to a vitality card in the Four Saints Continent, and its purchasing power is still considerable.

The guard was rewarded with a gold coin. No wonder he was so happy. The other guard looked at him enviously. If he had known that he had run faster just now, if he had gone to report, then wouldn't the gold coin be his?

"Sir, please come inside!"

Grand Duke Versailles said nothing to this, and just invited Gu Zheng to his castle with a smile.

Yes, there are castles in the city. There are several castles in the city, but the largest one is the residence of Archduke Versailles. He is the real owner of the city.

"Lord, you want a carriage, a luxurious carriage pulled by eight horses, right?"

At the banquet hosted by Archduke Versailles, Gu Zheng made his request. He asked Grandduke Versailles to help him build a luxurious carriage that was bigger than the one he had in the Four Holy Continent.

The Evil Continent has a characteristic. The more high-profile the people here are, the more others will value you and the less they dare to bully you. Unlike the Four Saints Continent, there is also the characteristic that wealth cannot be leaked.

"Yes, the most important thing is comfort and luxury. The things inside the carriage must not be missing!"

Gu Zheng nodded slowly. The carriage must not only have a bed, but also a sofa, table, tea cabinet and wine cabinet. This is a large mobile RV with more than one room.

There was only one room before, so Hou Ping and Hu Yidao just let a girl like Huiru spend time with them in the carriage in the open air. Gu Zheng was a little reluctant to go, so this time he specially ordered two more rooms to be built.

The room can be given to Hou Ping, but it will never be given to Hu Yidao.

"Lord, your request is not impossible, but it costs too much. If you look at the crystal cups, you will need several sets. I, I am here..."

Archduke Versaille looked troubled. Even though he was a grand duke, he had limited financial resources. He could build such a large carriage, but he really couldn't fulfill the requirements of the ancient war.

All the drinks and tea sets must be made of crystal, even the lamps must be made of crystal, the sofa must be made of buffalo leather, the finest buffalo leather, the carpet must be made of mink, etc. These things are not his It is now possible with financial resources.

"Is this enough?"

Gu Zheng took out a vitality stone. This vitality stone could only cut out about three thousand vitality cards at best, which was not a big deal.

Three Thousand Vitality Cards, in the Four Saints Continent, the most they can do is build the frame of this carriage according to Gu Zheng's requirements. Gu Zheng selects the best for everything.

"Enough, enough!"

Seeing this vitality stone, Archduke Versail's eyes immediately brightened up and he nodded repeatedly.

This vitality stone is of course enough. Resources are scarce here. The value of the vitality stone far exceeds that of the Four Saints Continent. Such a large vitality stone is not only enough to build the carriage required by Guzheng, but also a lot more. Guzheng did not say what is left. If he wants what he bought, it may belong to him, Archduke Versailles.

By building a luxurious carriage, befriending a lord, and making a lot of money, Archduke Versaille felt that today was his lucky day and that good luck was coming.

Money can make the world go round, and it can also make a great man full of energy.

Without Gu Zheng's urging, Grand Duke Versailles quickly went to supervise the construction of the carriage Gu Zheng wanted, and Gu Zheng settled down comfortably in Grand Duke Versailles' castle.

He doesn't go out, but Hou Ping, Hui Ru, and Hu Yidao go out every day. This is Gu Zheng's request. He wants them to become familiar with everything in the Evil Continent as soon as possible and get familiar with dealing with the people here as soon as possible.

"Shameless, obscene!"

As soon as they came back that day, Hui Ru was angrily losing her temper, while Hou Ping and Hu Yidao were embarrassed.

"What's going on?"

Gu Zheng came over with a smile and asked directly.

"Lord, ask them!"

Gu Zheng looked at the two of them, and finally Hou Ping said embarrassedly: "Master, didn't we go out to familiarize ourselves with the situation here today? We saw a strange house, so we went in, but we didn't expect that it was here. The brothel, we were held back by the people inside and refused to let us out. You also said you wouldn’t let us use our power. In the end, our clothes were almost torn before we ran out!"

"Are you running out? I think you don't want to come out!"

Hui Ru glared at them again, and Gu Zheng and Na Le laughed loudly. These two boys actually sneaked into someone else's brothel. They really did belong to them.

"He really ran away. If he had the power, we would have used it long ago!"

This time it was Hu Yidao, who also had a grimace on his face. Gu Zheng laughed for a while and then asked: "How is it? How do you know this place?"

"It's okay. In fact, many things here are the same as the Four Saints Continent, but there are some minor differences!"

Hou Ping, Hu Yidao, and Hui Ru really found out many differences from the Four Saints Continent. For example, although the Four Saints Continent is also hierarchical, it is not like here. The hierarchies are so strict that every level can go to places. , the places where you cannot go are clearly stipulated.

Just like the previous brothel, it was not a place for low-level people to go. Hou Ping and Hu Yidao didn't know that they thought there was a big fat sheep coming and they would be allowed to leave.

In addition to level, the attitude towards the strong here is also different.

The attitude of the demons towards the strong is naturally submissive. Like the two demon women that Gu Zheng met before, they are the minority here. Many women will not refuse any call from the strong. of.

Furthermore, although there is a lack of vitality here, they still have strength because of their long lifespan. There are also many monsters. Monsters are not divided by ethnic groups like the Four Saints Continent. The monsters here are divided by power, such as Versail. There are tens of thousands of monsters living in the Grand Duke's territory, and they must obey the orders of Grand Duke Versailles, not their own ethnic group.

The monsters could enter the city directly, which surprised the three people who saw it at first.

In this way, they didn't have to worry about what would happen if they took Simba out. Gu Zheng was still thinking about whether they could take Simba out for a walk in two days.

"Lord, the horse you want has arrived. Do you want to take a look? It is definitely the best horse!"

Just as he was talking, Archduke Versail came with a flattering smile on his face.

"Hou Ping, go ahead!"

Hou Ping is a groom, so it's normal for him to go see the horses. Gu Zheng didn't go, so he was too lazy to do this little thing.

The eight horses that Archduke Versail found were indeed good, and they were bought with only forty gold coins from Archduke Versail. In the Four Saints Continent, they would be equivalent to forty vitality cards, which was not expensive.

However, we must not use vitality cards to calculate here. Anyway, Archduke Versailles did not intend to trade vitality stones. All he used were gold coins. He had inventory. Even if he spent more gold coins, it would be great if he could keep these vitality stones.

There are gold mines in his territory, but there are no Yuanqi stone mines. He still has a lot of gold coins. Even if ten gold coins are exchanged for one Yuanqi card, I am afraid he is willing to exchange all the gold coins.

Hou Ping went to see the horse. The horse was really good and there was nothing to choose from. He didn't say anything about the price given to him by Archduke Versailles.

Grand Duke Versaille said that all the vitality stones were made into vitality cards. These horses were bought with forty vitality cards. Of course, he used gold coins, but he was not telling the truth.

Forty Vitality Cards bought eight horses. The price was still acceptable. Hou Ping didn't have any doubts and went back to resume his life.

Gu Zheng smiled. He knew everything Versail had done and the value of the vitality stones and vitality cards in this world, but he didn't say anything. What he wanted was a carriage. Before the carriage could be built, , he won’t say anything.

That vitality stone is now Versail's driving force. He must be given enough power so that he can better build the carriage he wants.

For ten consecutive days, Hou Ping and three others went out, followed by three people and a beast. Gradually, they became more and more familiar with this continent and became more and more like the people here.

That's right, Gu Zheng keeps them going out just to improve their disguise. Just pretending is not enough. There must also be a lifestyle and habits here, so that they can hide it from everyone.

Otherwise, once the identity of the human race is revealed, I'm afraid they will become a being that everyone shouts about.

Just because everyone shouted for beating, it didn't mean that they could beat him, but Gu Zheng had completely lost all intention of coming here to play, so this was not the result that Gu Zheng wanted.

Adapt, let them all adapt to this place and become what it is like here, then this can be avoided.

As for myself, haha, Gu Zheng has no intention of changing it. If he changes it, will he still come to play?

A full month after arriving here, Versail finally pulled the luxurious carriage he had worked so hard to build in front of the castle.

Indeed, as Gu Zheng said, they are all the best wood, and the materials used in the car are also the best. The lamps are crystal cups, the cups are crystal cups, and all the leather materials are genuine. All expensive varieties.

On the carriage, Versail really put his heart into it.

"Lord, we have used up the vitality stones. You have high demands, so I don't have any left!"

When he came to Gu Zheng, Fansail seemed a little embarrassed. In fact, he didn't move the vitality stone. It was placed in his treasure house. He only used the gold coins he had accumulated.

“It’s already great to be able to make it!”

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded. There was no need for Gu Zheng to expose his little thoughts, but seeing him always asking for credit made Gu Zheng a little unhappy.

After the carriage was built, Gu Zheng took Hou Ping and the others to bid farewell to Versailles, and left here to officially begin his travels.

After they left, Versail immediately returned to his castle and his treasure house, looking at the vitality stone and laughing silly.

There are many good things in his treasure house, but nothing can compare with the price of this vitality stone.

You must know that even the princes and kings have never seen such a large vitality stone. They have more accumulated vitality cards that they are not willing to use.

After looking at it for a full hour, he left his treasure house with satisfaction.

And next, he would go into the treasure house to take a look at this vitality stone almost every day. This vitality stone was like the most beautiful woman, attracting him.

Until one day, after he entered the treasure house, he immediately discovered that the vitality stone was missing. That day, the entire city could hear the roar of their Grand Duke. His vitality stone had been stolen, and he didn't even know who had stolen it.

In the distant royal city where another prince lived, Gu Zheng put away the vitality stone with a smile.

"I gave you a chance, but you haven't used it, so I'm sorry, I took it back. Anyway, you told me, you have already used it up!"

Gu Zheng didn't feel embarrassed at all. He went back to get it ten days after he left. If Versail had cut the vitality stone or used it, Gu Zheng would have just gone back, but in the end he didn't have it. Gu Zheng simply Just take it away.

Who told him to keep deceiving himself and saying that he had spent all his money, which aroused Gu Zheng's curious revenge.

Hou Ping and Hui Ru didn't know that Gu Zheng had already gone back to take revenge on Versail in such a short period of time.

Prince Hulip is the owner of this royal city. This royal city is not small, with a population of almost one million. There are 800,000 people inside the city and more than 200,000 people outside the city.

In addition to the royal city, Prince Wheelip also has three grand dukes, seven marquises, a total of ten city fiefs, and more than twenty small earl castles. The earl fiefdoms are few, and they basically only have members of their own family and servants. Only people like marquis and grand dukes can truly build their own cities.

Prince Hulip has these people under his command, but it does not mean that they all live in their own fiefdom. There is a grand duke and three marquises who have been living in the royal city and do not want to return to their own fiefdom. Their fiefdom is far less prosperous than the royal city.

Prince Hulip is considered a monarch in the Evil Continent. He just doesn't call himself the emperor, but his kingdom is a real country, and all the nobles are conferred by Prince Hulip.

Gu Zheng did not come in as a lord this time. The status of the lord was too high. When he came here, he would definitely be welcomed by the prince. Gu Zheng only entered the royal city as a young viscount.

A viscount is also a noble, but he does not have a fiefdom. Gu Zheng is playing the role of a down-and-out viscount at this time, but the family has left a little more wealth, but it only has these things in front of him, a luxurious carriage, and a few servant.

Viscount Gu Zheng checked into the best inn in the city.

If there is a good place, Gu Zheng will certainly not be forced to live in a shabby place. This place is not called an inn, but a hotel, but the nature is the same. It is a place to stay and eat anyway.

Unlike the Four Saints Empire, eating and accommodation are separate. Unlike the Four Saints Continent, you can eat and listen to music after walking out of the inn into the lobby.

It doesn't matter whether they are separated or not. Although they are separated, they are adjacent and very close after all.

“I’m really not used to the way of eating here!”

Hou Ping took the knife and fork and looked at the cut beef on the table. He sighed again. The beef fried here was far inferior to the beef roasted in Guzheng. He didn't know how people here could eat it with gusto.

“As the Romans do!”

Gu Zheng ate with gusto. The ingredients here were of high quality, pure green and pollution-free. Although the food was not as good as his own, it was already pretty good.

"Here's some wine, it's not bad!"

Hou Ping poured himself a glass of wine. It was red, like blood, and looked beautiful in the crystal glass.

They brought the crystal cups themselves. Although the inn was nice, they didn't have any crystal cups for them. However, nobles here could use crystal cups and were allowed to bring their own tableware when eating.

In fact, many nobles here will bring their own things with them when traveling. Of course, there are also bandits in this world. Everything depends on your strength and luck.

Because of the crystal cups, their table received the most attention, and Gu Zheng held his head high, seeming to enjoy the attention.

"Lord Viscount, let me feed you!"

Hui Ru stood up and served Gu Zheng to eat. Hu Yidao turned his head away from his taste. The other guests at the table looked at Gu Zheng with envy.

"This is Baron Calishan. Nice to meet His Excellency the Viscount!"

A young man suddenly walked towards them. The young man also showed his noble medal. Unexpectedly, he was also a noble.

He was also holding a wine glass in his hand, but it was an ordinary wooden cup, and he wanted to compete with Gu here.

"Nice to meet you too, Your Excellency Baron!"

Gu Zheng's cup clinked with his, and there was far less crisp sound than the clinking of crystal cups. However, seeing Gu Zheng's answer to him, Baron Jialishan seemed very excited and drank the wine in one gulp.

Gu Zheng slowly tasted it. A baron was also a lonely baron.

Duke, Marquis and Bozinan are the title system here. Unlike the Four Saints Continent, one starts with an earl, and then goes to a marquis and a duke. Princes and titles are generally only available to people in the royal family, and people with different surnames are not crowned kings.

The Evil Continent is a mess. There are kingdoms of kings, principalities of dukes, and even some earls have established a small country. However, such countries generally do not exist for long. If you do not have the strength to establish a country of earls, it is better not to establish one.

Therefore, the lowest level on the Evil Continent is the marquis state. There are not many such countries, and there are not many big countries with emperors. There are more kingdoms and principalities, which are everywhere.

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