In the far north, there are three consecutive days of daylight.

Hou Ping was shocked again. He didn't expect that there was still a place in the world where it could have continuous daylight. There was no accident in Gu Zheng. This world is a planet, and it was normal to have several consecutive days during the day.

The Lion King, on the other hand, has been here before, but he has never seen it appear during the day continuously. He was extremely shocked at this time, especially when he saw that Gu Zheng didn't care about it, and his sense of mystery about Gu Zheng was greatly increased. few.

"what is that?"

Hou Ping pointed to the distance, and a green light appeared in the sky, with a halo, which was very beautiful. Gu Zheng smiled, this is the aurora, the aurora appeared.

This time Beiyuan did not come in vain.

Gu Zheng was just here to see the scenery, not for the battle between humans and monsters. At this time, the Lion King also understood this. He could only feel sorry for the Tianpeng King and the dead Wild Boar King. If they didn't care about Gu Zheng at all, If you ask, nothing will happen to them if you don't answer.

It's a pity that they are so self-righteous that they not only harm themselves, but also harm others.

However, he was surprised that there could be such a perverted strong man like Gu Zheng in this world, and Gu Zheng seemed to know a lot of things. Although he told Gu Zheng the secret of Ascension Platform, he looked at Gu Zheng and seemed to be interested in it. I didn't particularly care about this.

A strong man knows how to ascend to the upper world, but he doesn't care?

What also frightened the Lion King was that Gu Zheng actually knew how to use the Seal King's fork, and gave the fork to Hou Ping and taught him how to use it.

He saw with his own eyes that Hou Ping refined the Seal King's fork. It was incredible that the fork could penetrate into Hou Ping's body. Not only that, Hou Ping could also release the fork, attack from a distance, and even make the fork fly back and forth. If you move, a bad fork can pass through your body from behind.

This fork seemed to be alive in Hou Ping's hands, much more powerful than in the hands of the Seal King.

The Lion King believes that even though he is an intermediate-level heaven-level person, if he fights Hou Ping with a fork, he will definitely lose, and failure means death.

If the Seal King could use this fork weapon like this just now and Gu Zheng couldn't take action, then the two of them would have failed. They couldn't beat the Seal King who could control the weapon like this.

At this moment, the Lion King was even more afraid of Gu Zheng. The Seal King had been holding this weapon for hundreds of years. He didn't know that this weapon could be used in such a magical way. Gu Zheng knew just by looking at it that the most important thing Yes, Gu Zheng didn't even take a fancy to such a weapon and directly rewarded it to Hou Ping.

In the eyes of the Lion King, this is a reward. Even though he and Hou Ping killed the Seal King together, without Gu Zheng's help, it would have been impossible for the two of them to kill the Seal King.

After staying in the Arctic for almost ten days, Gu Zheng began to return.

The little mare was forced to pull up the carriage, looking very reluctant. She had no choice. Those horses were all ordinary horses and could not withstand the severe cold in the far north. Gu Zheng accidentally froze to death because of this. This ancient dispute even scolded Hou Ping.

If you can't even see a horse, what's the use of him.

When Gu Zheng scolded Hou Ping, the Lion King was trembling. This was a heavenly level, and he still had a powerful weapon. As a result, he was scolded like a child and did not dare to talk back. He accepted it honestly. As a result, Hou Ping was scolded, and the Lion King became even more awed and afraid of Gu Zheng.

At the same time, the Lion King was a little envious of Hou Ping for being scolded by Gu Zheng.

If it were him and he accidentally killed the horse pulling the cart, Hou Ping would probably be able to eat lion meat at night, a heaven-level one.

Beiyuan had seen it, and Gu Zheng returned. On the grassland, the Lion King immediately ordered his demon clan to find eight of the best horses to pull the cart for Gu Zheng. The little mare got into the cart with a leisurely hum and said to Hou Ping snorted twice.

It seemed to be complaining about Hou Ping, which caused it to pull the carriage for so long.

This little mare is really about to get her wits about her.

"You are too big. I will give you a training method that can make your body smaller!"

In the car, the more Gu Zheng saw the Lion King's huge body, the more he disliked it. It was okay in Beiyuan. Once he returned to the human city, the Lion King would not be able to enter the city like this. Entering the city would only scare people away. .

As for the cultivation method of becoming smaller, it is really simple.

Gu Zheng didn't even think about it and threw away the seventy-two changes. The Lion King got the seventy-two changes. He didn't care at first, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked at it, the more scared he became, and in the end he was completely stupid. Eye.

You can change whatever you want, this is not a skill at all, this is a divine method.

The excited Lion King knelt down and thanked Gu Zheng repeatedly. Gu Zheng then remembered that this skill was indeed not simple, but since he had taken it out and there was no reason to take it back, he simply asked Hou Ping to practice with him.

Gu Zheng also threatened Hou Ping, saying that if he dared to feed a horse to death, he would ask him to turn into a horse to pull the cart next time. Gu Zheng's words immediately caused the little mare to neigh. It seemed that the little mare agreed very much with this suggestion.

The ride back was uneventful.

King Tianpeng and Tian Weipeng both knew that they were coming back and had been waiting for the news in fear. It was not until they left Beiyuan completely that the father and son relaxed and celebrated with a big drink.

In Dachang Mansion, the Generalissimo of the Suzaku Empire is still here.

Half a month ago, the demon clan suddenly sent back all the 200,000 people who had been captured. The general thought at first that they were some treacherous plot, or that they wanted to exchange these humans for something, but he did not expect that they were really honest. They really sent people back. Not only did they come back, but many of the things they took away were also returned.

After that, all the monsters retreated to the depths of Beiyuan, not talking about attacking at all.

The generalissimo was nervous for many days and sent people to inquire in various places. Finally, he got a rough idea from some of the captured monsters.

The demon clan seems to have suffered a big loss from humans. The level of the captured demon beasts is not high, and they have all been heard about. The specific situation is not clear. Generally speaking, two humans entered Beiyuan, and someone from the wild boar clan provoked them. After being killed by two humans, Zhu Gangfeng of the wild boar clan led more than thirty members of the high-level warrior clan and the guards to catch the two people. In the end, they were all killed, and the guards were imprisoned.

Many demon clansmen in Beiyuan have seen the matter of raising wild boars in captivity, so they cannot keep it a secret.

After that, the Tianpeng King, the Wild Boar King and the Lion King were dispatched together. It seemed that the Tianpeng King was injured, the Wild Boar King was killed, and the Lion King was captured. Then the Tianpeng tribe issued an order for a full retreat, and then the captured humans were also captured. Sent back.

The generalissimo looked at the news and remained silent.

Two humans, which two humans are so powerful? At this time, he thought of the two Gu Zheng who left without saying goodbye.

Gu Zheng is said to be a saint-level powerhouse, but it is only said to be possible, without confirmation. They have indeed entered the grassland, and they are very similar to the two humans mentioned by the captive monster. If it is really them, all this is really possible.

But in this way, this war was not won by him at all, but by Gu Zheng who entered his home and defeated him.

It's a good thing not to fight, but it always feels weird to rely on others to win.

"Report to the Generalissimo, that big car has appeared?"

Someone came outside to report. The marshal put his thoughts aside and asked casually: "Big car, what big car!"

After saying that, he was stunned for a moment. The big car, he remembered, was the big car that Gu Zheng left. He had previously ordered that he should report to him immediately when he found this big car. His subordinates were here to report.


The Generalissimo immediately stood up and went thirty miles out of the city to greet him. As soon as he arrived, Gu Zheng's carriage came galloping in from a distance, pulled by horses.

The people who discovered the carriage before were scouts. The relay report by the scouts only gave the general marshal thirty miles of time to leave the city to meet him. Gu Zheng's carriage was not running very slowly. If it had not stopped on the road, it would have only taken him thirty miles to meet him. nothing.

"Generalissimo of the Suzaku Empire..."

The Grand Marshal saluted solemnly. He already understood that the reason why the war between humans and demons ended this time, and that the two hundred thousand humans were able to come back, was all because of the ancient struggle.

After all, he is the generalissimo. Although he did not win the battle, he is still very satisfied that he can save these people and stop the war.

Gu Zheng didn't be polite to him, said a few words and left for the city.

Two hundred thousand humans were indeed sent back, and Dachang Mansion also gained some popularity. Knowing that Tian Weipeng was honest and had no evil intentions, Gu Zheng let him go for the time being.

The ancient struggle in Dachang Mansion continued, and he walked directly inland, but this time it was not the direction he came from, but towards the southwest. Next, he planned to go to Dabai Mansion first, then follow Dabai Mansion all the way west, and finally enter the White Tiger Empire .

I have been to the Stardust Sea in the east and Beiyuan in the north. Gu Zheng also plans to visit the desert in the west.

Daxia Mansion, the southwest city of the Suzaku Empire, is opposite the Dabai Mansion of the Qinglong Empire, but there is still more than 500 miles between the two mansions. In addition, there are two mountain ranges separating them.

Daxia Mansion is as lively as Dabai Mansion. There are many people with weapons on the streets. This is usually the case in border mansions.

"Dad, that dog is so cute!"

Gu Zheng was holding a poodle and walking slowly on the street. A child looked at the little brown-haired poodle in his hand and said to his father enviously.

The Lion King Simba rolled his eyes, you are the dog, your whole family is a dog, I am the Lion King on the grassland, an overlord-like existence, forget it, if I am not as familiar with you as a child, a poodle will be a poodle, my lord likes it That’s it.

The seventy-two transformations into the Lion King have not been completed, but it can be done to a certain extent by becoming larger and smaller. He is now smaller like the ancient Zheng, and he really looks like a poodle.

Hou Ping also heard what the child said and chuckled.

It's really interesting that someone who is a powerful person in the heavenly realm, the Lion King in the heavenly realm, is now regarded as a poodle.

Gu Zheng didn't pay any attention to this. He took Hou Ping and Simba in his arms and went shopping on the street. He liked the feeling of making a big purchase, especially when he didn't lack money.

Is Guzheng now short of money? Not bad at all.

He still has several huge vitality cards that can be divided into hundreds of millions of vitality cards. He probably won't be able to spend all of these vitality stones. He won't waste them after he spends them. It happens that he still needs vitality stones to build the ascension platform. I will give them to them when the time comes. Used when ascending.

Everything Li Langlang left behind must be destroyed by him.

But this thing is really nothing. The vitality stones mixed with impurities are far inferior to the fairy stones. These vitality stones were all garbage that no one picked up in the ancient world, and this is only the case in the lower realm. Being treated like a treasure.

"Brother Gu!"

Someone suddenly called Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng shook his head helplessly, sighing in his heart.

Are everyone in this world idiots? Jin Yu had a beard and looked disfigured at first glance. He was a member of the Qinglong Empire, and now he appeared in the border city of the Suzaku Empire. He was obviously on a mission, but he was being called at this time?

Yes, it was the Jin Yu he knew before. Gu Zheng originally wanted to go to Dabai Mansion to see him, but he didn't expect to meet him in Daxia Mansion, let alone what he was like.

Gu Zheng had noticed him before, but he didn't pay attention to him just because he was disguised. Fortunately, he noticed Gu Zheng and immediately came to say hello. What on earth was he here for?

"What's your purpose for doing this? Do you know that it's easy to be exposed when you greet me like this?"

Gu Zheng reluctantly reminded him that his words were not threats.

When he was in the Suzaku Empire, people were paying attention to him along the way, and this was an order from the emperor. It was not to monitor him, but to see if he needed anything and provide convenience at any time.

Another point is, don't let anyone interfere with Gu Zheng, so there has never been any dandy showing off his power along the way, only to be discovered by Gu Zheng and destroy his prestige.

"You're right, Brother Gu, stay here next time, I have important things to do!"

As soon as Gu Zheng said this, Jin Yu's expression changed and he immediately turned around, trying to pretend not to see Gu Zheng, which made Gu Zheng even more speechless.

It's okay if you don't act pretentious. Gu Zheng guarantees that he has been watched by others. Sure enough, people who have been paying attention to Gu Zheng from a distance will now start to notice Jin Yu. It's just because Gu Zheng is here and no one is there. Dare to come.

"Forget it, tell me what you are doing here, I will help you do it, and then go back quickly!"

After all, Jin Yu had met him once. Although he had his own relationship, the people of the Suzaku Empire did not dare to do anything to him, but it was still a fact that he was exposed because of himself.

"It's nothing. The Suzaku Empire has been fighting against the Beiyuan monster before. We heard that the Beiyuan monster suddenly released 200,000 people from Dachang Mansion and then had a truce with the Suzaku Empire. We can't figure out the situation. , Dabai Mansion sent us to investigate and see if we can find out what happened!"

"That's it?"

Gu Zheng was speechless. The news from Dabai Mansion was too late. He was almost arriving at Dabai Mansion, and the people here still didn't know what was going on.

But think about it, when he was in the Qinglong Empire, the news from the Suzaku Empire was very slow. Now that the Dabai Mansion doesn't know the situation, it's normal to send people to investigate.

But what can you find in Daxia Mansion? If you want to know what's going on, you have to go to Dachang Mansion.

Forget it, there is no need for Jin Yu to make this trip. He is lucky to have met him and can tell him about it later.

In the luxurious suite of the best inn in Daxia Mansion, Hou Ping received instructions from Gu Zheng and told Jin Yu about their Beiyuan and his entourage in detail. After listening to what Hou Ping said, Jin Yu still opened his mouth wide and said He looked like he couldn't believe it.

Everything that happened to Beiyuan was because of Gu Zheng, because he just met Gu Zheng a few months ago, and at that time he was only an average warrior?

Now Gu Zheng is no longer a middle-level warrior, not even a high-level warrior, not even a heaven-level warrior, at least a strong man with saint-level strength?

What about fighting?

Am I dreaming or are you dreaming? Hou Ping, you kid, you can’t tease me like this. By the way, you are already a Heaven Ranker in everything else. You are a Heaven Ranker. Do you believe that I ate this table?

And that poodle, the lion king on the grassland?

Are you going to say that Gu Zheng's little mare is also the king of horses? Are you going to say that the little fork in your hand is also made of black iron? Are you going to say that the sun comes out in the west?

Jin Yu didn't believe a word of what Hou Ping said.

It was daytime for several days in a row, there was beautiful light in the sky, it was all white with ice and snow, the meat of the Seal King was delicious, etc. Jin Yu felt that Hou Ping could become a novelist, definitely better than he used to be a bandit. There is a head start.

By the way, Hou Ping was a bandit before. How could you expect a bandit to tell the truth?

"Brother Gu, he teased me, you should punish him!"

Jin Yu turned around and spoke aggrievedly to Gu Zheng, but the story Hou Ping told sounded really good and could make people's blood boil. It's a pity that the story is just a story, and it's not true.

"He's not kidding you, Simba!"

Gu Zheng saw what Jin Yu was thinking at a glance and shook his head gently. The little poodle got Gu Zheng's order and immediately jumped to the ground, and soon turned into a big lion, with its head almost touching the roof of the house.

The big lion's head was right in front of Jin Yu, who was so frightened that he almost peed.

Is this the poodle just now? Why did this cute poodle suddenly become so unlovable?

Hou Ping floated helplessly, and the little fork kept spinning around him. Jin Yu looked at the big lion, then at Hou Ping, at the big lion, then at Hou Ping, and finally squinted his eyes. , fainted and fell to the ground.

Jin Yu was so frightened that he fainted. It was beyond Gu Zheng's expectation that his mental endurance was so fragile.

After waking up Jin Yu, it took a long time for him to slowly accept it all.

Jin Yu, who accepted the facts, looked at Gu Zheng with resentment. Who was Hou Ping? He was a bandit leader. He was only a junior high school student at the beginning. If Gu Zheng hadn't redeemed him, I'm afraid he would have made a lot of contributions in the military. Return to freedom.

But he only followed Gu Zheng for a few months, and he actually became a heaven-level person and possessed such magical weapons.

It was obvious that he had known Gu Zheng earlier. If he had known that he would have followed Gu Zheng back then, Jin Yu was full of regrets. If he had followed Gu Zheng back then, maybe he would be the one who could fly. He did.

And the little poodle, Jin Yu, is even more complicated.

He still couldn't connect the terrifying big lion just now with such a cute poodle. These were obviously two types of creatures, so how could they be the same thing?

And the most important thing is Gu Zheng. This guy who was obviously of equal strength when they met him is now so terrifying that the whole Beiyuan has bowed down. If he hadn't been sober all the time, he would even doubt whether he was the one who had the same strength. I overslept once and slept for hundreds of years.

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