Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 315: Banquet

The main ingredients, salt and water, the stone cooker uses are the same as Guzheng. As for the things he has more than Guzheng, they are: common pheasant produced in the Shu Ruins, pork and pork bones from small fragrant pigs, and other ingredients. There are some ginger and scallions, some goji berries and red dates.

The bones and meat of pheasants and small fragrant pigs, Gu Zheng knew that the stone cooker was to use them to make soup. As for ginger and green onion, after Gu Zheng saw it, he sighed secretly.

As for the quality of ingredients, ordinary people can only judge by experience. It is impossible for Gu Zheng to have an extremely accurate tool spirit for judging the grade of ingredients. The ginger and green onion used in the stone cooking, one is of inferior grade, and the other is of inferior grade!

When the main ingredients are ordinary, the auxiliary ingredients such as onion and ginger are of inferior grade. As long as they are handled properly, not only will they not reduce the taste of the food, but they can also play a role in covering up and enhancing the taste.

But if the grades of the ingredients are ordinary, and the grades of the onion and ginger accessories are only low, this will have some counterproductive effects, and it is better not to use them.

As for the grades of wolfberry and red dates, one is inferior and the other is ordinary. Putting these two things in the soup is considered to be the two commonly used medicinal materials for soup in the world, and what they play is a kind of food tonic. This is why there is no small circle of ordinary people to learn from each other, they really can be let go or not.

The method of stone cooking is very traditional. First, the soup is made with pheasant, small fragrant pork, pork bone, ginger slices, red dates, and wolfberry, and then various main ingredients are put into the broth in the clay pot at intervals with.

Holding the very hot clay pot with both hands, the stone cooker began to input internal energy into it to cook. Then, at the right time, he added salt and green onions.

It took a little longer for Gu Zheng to process the ingredients. He roasted the eight kinds of mushrooms, grilled them, steamed them, marinated them, and blanched them.

After finishing the processing of the ingredients, Gu Zheng put the mushrooms into the clay pot when the water temperature is suitable, and put them in an orderly manner, and put the salt at the same time. During this process, Gu Zheng has been watching the fire carefully, and from time to time, he sniffs his nose and savors the aroma in the clay pot carefully, so as to make judgments, operate with this, and make up for not using it. The disadvantages brought about by fairy art.

Gu Zheng pays attention to the aroma in the clay pot, and in his nostrils, the aroma of the stone cooker's 'mushroom soup' is unavoidable.

Shicui's 'Mushroom Soup' has been prepared and has entered the heat preservation stage. However, he didn't make a sound to disturb, but just watched Gu Zheng quietly.

Gu Zheng's 'Mushroom Soup' hasn't been prepared yet, and he uses Tiexian Jue from time to time to pour out the trace substances in the soup that can affect the taste.

When using fairy art before, it was very simple to remove traces of matter. Gu Zheng can use the water control art to sink these things into the bottom of the pot, and finally just don’t use the soup at the bottom of the pot. Or use the water control method to let them attach to the soup surface, and then let Gu Zheng take it out. And such an operation would naturally not require the frequent use of spoons like Gu Zheng did now.

The aroma wafts from the ancient clay pot, which is different from the aroma of the 'mushroom soup' of the stone cooker, making everyone in the kitchen flap their noses.

"Master Gu, why did you pour soup frequently just now? There is no foam in the soup!"

"Master Gu, why don't you use your inner energy?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng's 'Mushroom Soup' had been made, Shi Yan and Chen San immediately asked.

"Frequent serving of soup is to make the soup taste more delicious. I don't use inner strength, because I want to challenge myself!"

When Gu Zheng answered the question, he put the mushroom soup made by the two together.

"Master Gu, now that the two soups are ready, let's ask the people in this room, who will be the referee?" Shi Yan asked.

"For the sake of fairness, what do you think of not allowing the people in the room to be referees?" Gu Zheng asked back.

"Sure, there are disciples outside who are responsible for passing the dishes today. They usually don't come to the kitchen. They are dispatched temporarily. We can call three people in, and how about winning two out of three rounds?" Shi Cooking said.

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean too!"

After Gu Zheng answered, he and Shi Yan went outside the kitchen together, and called three Shushan disciples who were on standby to come in.

"The mushroom soup here, you have a taste, which one is more delicious?"

Shicui gave the mushroom soup that the two of them had filled to the three disciples who passed on dishes respectively.

The three disciples started to eat at the same time, and after amazement flashed across their faces, they devoured it hungrily.

"Which mushroom soup is more delicious?"

Shi Cook asked the first disciple who passed on dishes.

"It's all delicious. It's over before I can eat enough." The disciple of Chuancai said regretfully.

Shi Yan rolled his eyes: "I must name the most delicious one!"

“This bowl is the most delicious!”

The bowl picked up by Chuancai disciples represents the mushroom soup made by Gu Zheng.

"Why is this bowl delicious?" Shi Yan asked unwillingly.

"I can't describe it, it's the most delicious anyway." Chuancai disciple scratched his head.

"And you?"

Displeased with the stone cooker, he asked the second Chuancai disciple.

"I also think this bowl is the most delicious!"

The bowl picked up by the second Chuancai disciple also contained Guzheng mushroom soup.

"What's the reason?" Shi Yan was a little anxious.

"It's over before I taste the taste. How about Shi Chu give me two more bowls, so I can taste it?" The second disciple of Chuancai said with a smile on his face.


It stands to reason that Shi Yan shouldn't show that he cares, let alone give him a second chance, after all, the disciple of Chuancai has already given the answer once.

However, Gu Zhengdu just folded his arms and smiled, which made Deacon Hu, who wanted to say something, just keep his mouth shut.


After eating two bowls of mushroom soup, Chuancai disciple licked his lips eagerly, then solemnly raised the bowl containing the ancient mushroom soup: "This is still the best, as for the reason I can't say, I can only be Said, it gave me a feeling like walking in the mountains and forests under the scorching sun, which is very wonderful.”

"forget it!"

Seeing that Shi Huan was getting more and more angry, Chen San tugged on his sleeve. According to the rule of two wins in three rounds, Shi Cook had already lost, and there was no need for the third Chuancai disciple to speak. If the third disciple said that his cooking was delicious, he could save some face, but if the third disciple still said that Gu Zheng's mushroom soup was more delicious, it would be as embarrassing as it would be up.


Shi Yan said one word persistently, and then asked the third passer-by disciple: "It's your turn!"

The third Chuancai disciple was about to lift up the bowl of Guzheng mushroom soup in his hand, but when he saw Shi Chuan's wide eyes, he quickly put it down again.

"It's okay, just tell the truth!" Deacon Hu finally spoke.

"I also think this bowl is the most delicious!"

The third Chuancai disciple finally lifted the bowl that he wanted to lift.

"Okay, you can go out now!"

Deacon Hu let the three Chuancai disciples leave, and then looked at Shi Cook: "Shi Chu, you don't look good if you don't restrain yourself like this! It's just a competition, winning or losing is normal, you should be careful."

"What Deacon Hu said is true!"

Although he said so in his mouth, the stone cooker quickly filled a bowl of mushroom soup made by Gu Zheng.

"Master Gu, according to the agreement, I lost the stone cooker, but radish and cabbage each have their own love, so I am a little bit dissatisfied with the loss! How about we have another match after you compete with Chen San?"

Shician, who had tasted the mushroom soup, really felt that the mushroom soup made by Gu Zheng was a little bit worse than his.

"One more match with Stone Chef will be avoided, there is still business to do today!"

Originally, it was a competition with lower strength, but who would have thought that there would be a strange creature who would not admit defeat! With this kind of person, Gu Zheng would naturally not compete with him again, and even canceled his plan to taste the taste of his mushroom soup.

"Okay, I get it now!"

Shi Yan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he immediately told Chen San something.

Gu Zheng laughed secretly, and after Shi Fan finished speaking, he said to Chen San: "Chef Chen, can our discussion begin?"

When encountering a bad-mannered chef like Shi Yan, Gu Zheng doesn't want to compete with Chef Chen anymore. But there is an appointment ahead, let's compare it!

"Yes, but I have a condition. Next time I don't choose these disciples to taste dishes. They are all laymen! This time the referee only needs one, how about choosing Elder Meng?" Shi Yan said.

Elder Shushan Meng is the most delicious elder. Although Gu Zheng has never met this person, he has been mentioned by others, and he has done something related to him.

Back then, when Gu Zheng and Luo Xiao went to the back of Shu Mountain, they took the colorful bird's egg, which was ordered by Elder Meng from Elder Feng.


After Gu Zheng responded, he looked at Deacon Hu: "It seems that this matter will trouble Deacon Hu even more!"

"You're welcome, Master Gu. My task today is to serve you! I'll go and invite Elder Meng here. He will definitely be very interested in this kind of thing."

After Deacon Hu left, Gu Zheng and Chen San immediately made their respective preparations.

At the back of Shushan Mountain, the purple harvested by Guzheng could not see the sky, and a lot of it was distributed to Shushan Mountain. Most of the purple that was distributed to Shushan fell into the hands of Elder Feng, who used the spring water from the ground to make the sour bamboo shoots on the ingredients list of the closing banquet.

The meat used in the 'Sour Bamboo Shoots' is not ordinary pork or beef, but a kind of leg meat from the Shu market called 'Dixing Bird'.

The food grade of the sour bamboo shoots is ordinary, and the meat of the ground bird is also ordinary. When Gu Zheng ordered from the ingredient list, he also ordered the sour soup in which the sour bamboo shoots were soaked, and some oil from the ground bird.

Although the ground bird is a spirit beast, it is not the first time Chen San has cooked it. He is still very confident in handling this kind of food.

Before the competition, Chen San said that among the ingredients used by Gu Zheng, there are two kinds of auxiliary ingredients. He does not use these two kinds of auxiliary ingredients, and he uses the auxiliary ingredients that he thinks are better. The two supplementary materials he refers to are the sour soup for soaking sour bamboo shoots, and some reticular oils from the stomach of ground birds.

Chen San didn't use the soup of sour bamboo shoots and the oil of ground birds because he didn't have enough understanding of these two things! In his opinion, the soup soaked in sour bamboo shoots is very sour and has a strange smell! He didn't know what Gu Zheng was doing with the soup soaked in sour bamboo shoots. Anyway, he felt that this thing was not suitable for this dish at all.

As for the ground bird's oil, although the reticular oil is a bit special, it looks extraordinarily white and tender, as if it is semi-liquid. However, this kind of oil is full of a ground bird's body odor, which really makes people feel that it is not suitable for high-quality dishes.

Gu Zheng was processing the ingredients. He knew that Chen San was watching him, and he also knew that Chen San didn't use sour soup and ground bird oil. It was because he couldn't control these two unconventional ingredients. The auxiliary materials used by Chen San are more abundant than that of stone cooking.

Ingredients powder, oil, green and red pepper, minced garlic, starch.

The auxiliary ingredients used by Chen San do not sound too much, but after the analysis by Qi Ling, the powder alone contains: pepper, dried ginger, cinnamon, ginger, star anise, kaempferen, cumin, cardamom, Spices such as skin peel, angelica dahurica, woody fragrance, clove, grass fruit.

When I heard the analysis of Qi Ling at the beginning, Gu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. After all, Shushan is a famous school. Although practitioners usually don't have high requirements for appetite, there are still such grades in the kitchen. Good spices, this is really not what ordinary people can make up.

Shred the green and red peppers and sour bamboo shoots. After the ground bird meat is boiled in the soup, tear it into shreds along the texture.

Put oil in the pot. After the oil is hot, add the ground bird meat and fry until it changes color, then remove it.

Use the remaining oil in the pot to sauté the minced garlic until fragrant, then add shredded green and red peppers and shredded sour bamboo shoots and stir-fry until they are broken, then pour in the fried ground bird meat and stir-fry evenly. During the cooking time, Chen San's internal strength penetrated into the pot many times, acting on the ingredients.

As for Gu Zheng, it also took a lot of time to process the ingredients.

First boil the ground bird meat and tear it into shreds, then put it into the sour bamboo shoots and sour soup that is boiled and turned off the heat for a short while.

The sour soup soaked in ground bird meat, Gu Zheng had already treated it with trace substances during the boiling process, so that when it was really boiling, the people in the kitchen were sucking it hard Nose, deeply appreciate the refreshing, but not pungent nose, smelling the sour aroma that makes people want to drool! And this special sour fragrance has completely disappeared the strange smell in Chen San's heart!

It was originally discovered by Gu Zheng, and the method of using it to make sour bamboo shoots was also told to Elder Feng by him, so he has an incomparable understanding of the effect of sour bamboo shoot soup.

After the ground bird meat was processed, Gu Zheng refined the semi-liquid ground bird oil, and also processed the trace substances during the process, so that the trace substances belonging to the ground bird body odor completely disappeared, and the rest There is only one kind of fragrance that cannot be described.

Stir-fry the soaked ground bird meat with ground bird oil. After frying for a while, Gu Zheng pours in the shredded sour bamboo shoots and stir-fries together. Sour bamboo shoots are inherently salty, so there is no need to add salt again.

Without the water control art and fire control art to display, Gu Zheng can only work harder to control the fire.

There was a sour smell coming out of the pot, and the smell was stronger than what Chen San made before, and it made people's stomachs growl when they smelled it.

Finally, the dishes were ready to be cooked, and the cooks who were busy at the beginning also stopped what they were doing at this moment, looking at Elder Meng who was about to start tasting.

Elder Meng had already arrived, but he saw that Gu Zheng and Chen San were concentrating on cooking, so he didn't disturb them. Seeing that Gu Zheng's 'Sour Bamboo Stir-fried Pork' had been completed, he said, "I have been tormented by the sour smell for a long time, now I can finally taste the deliciousness!"

Without saying anything more, Elder Meng walked straight to the 'sour bamboo shoots and pork' made by Chen San.

"Elder Meng, you should taste the dishes of Master Gu first, after all, he is a guest."

Chen San remembered what Shi Yan had told him. What Shi Yan had told him before was that the dishes that were tasted first were more disadvantaged.

In fact, it was right for Shi Cook to tell Chen San like this. After all, this is not a professional food review. In a professional food review, the judges only taste a little of one dish, and then they will immediately taste the next dish.

However, the three disciples who passed on dishes before all finished one dish and then ate another dish! There are a lot of things to eat, and there is a time interval, which makes it easy to be impressed only by the second course.

Elder Meng glanced at Shi Fan with a strange expression, as if he understood what Shi Yan was thinking about him, shook his head and smiled, and walked towards Gu Zheng's 'sauer bamboo shoots fried pork'.

"From a picky point of view, the 'Sour Bamboo Stir-fried Pork with Sour Bamboo Shoots' made by the head of Gu is inferior to the color in the color and aroma. After all, there is no shredded green and red pepper in it, which looks too plain. And the food The color is different from the taste, and the color should be relatively brighter, which can arouse people's appetite more."

"However, this has little effect on my final evaluation. After all, this is not an overly professional evaluation, and there are many other factors in it, such as the fact that the head of Gu didn't even use his internal strength, and the amount of ingredients used is different. Wait, it's normal for the color to be affected a little because of this."

Gu Zheng didn't expect Elder Meng to comment on color. And Chen San, who was under a little stress because of Shi Yan's loss in the sparring session, relaxed a little after hearing this insignificant comment.

Elder Meng picked up Gu Zheng's plate of 'Fried Pork with Sour Bamboo Shoots', sniffed it lightly and then closed his eyes, as if he had taken a sip of wine and was savoring the taste carefully.

"Acid, a very transparent acid with a different fragrance."

After Elder Meng commented on the fragrance, he picked up the chopsticks and put some sour bamboo shoots in his mouth. After chewing a bit, he said again: "I've eaten the sour bamboo shoots made by Lao Feng before, and the taste is nothing to say. Gu Zhang The sour bamboo shoots in this dish taste better than the ones I've eaten, but it's not amazing."

Gu Zheng agrees with Elder Meng's evaluation. It is useless to use immortal techniques, and the taste of the sour bamboo shoots can be improved a little. In a dish with mixed flavors, it is already considered good. After all, stir-frying is no better than stewing soup. It is difficult for Gu Zheng to remove all trace substances that can affect the taste without using magic.

After tasting the sour bamboo shoots, when Elder Meng picked up a piece of ground bird meat, he added another sentence: "The oil used by the ancient master to cook is actually the oil of ground birds, and the sour bamboo shoots we tasted just now did not contain any Bad taste, although this is expected, it still makes me a little admired."

As soon as the words fell, Elder Meng put the ground bird meat into his mouth.

The expression of Elder Meng remained unchanged when the ground bird meat entered the mouth, but when he started chewing, his eyes opened wider and wider, and the frequency of chewing became faster and faster.

After eating a bite of meat, Elder Meng's face was full of surprise.

"Sure enough, the most outstanding part of 'Sour Bamboo Stir-fried Pork' is the ground bird meat! I have eaten ground bird meat before. This kind of meat that needs to be shredded to eat usually has a woody taste. , and this kind of taste is not so wonderful.”

"The ground bird oil used by the ancient head is less contaminated on the outside of the ingredients, but the inside of the meat is a little more. This kind of different change makes the taste of the original woody taste much more fragrant and tender. It also tastes even better!"

"Moreover, the local bird meat cooked in sour soup makes the original tenderness that has changed due to the oil quality more prominent, and therefore has a more transparent but not offensive sour taste! And this sour taste, It is more refreshing than the general sour taste, and it is even more eye-catching!"

Elder Meng paused, and then looked at the other cooks: "Is the rice steamed?"

"It's almost ready." A cook replied.

"Okay, wait for Master Gu's plate of 'Fried Pork with Sour Bamboo Shoots'. I want to enjoy it with rice. This must be a wonderful experience!"

Looking forward to the next experience, Elder Meng hurriedly rinsed his mouth and picked up the 'sour bamboo shoots fried pork' made by Chen San.

"I won't comment on the color. As for the fragrance, it's pretty good at first, but compared with the one from Sect Master Gu, it's obviously not as good. The refreshing sense of transparency is not enough!"

While shaking his head, Elder Meng took a piece of sour bamboo shoots into his mouth, and frowned as he ate.

Without making any comments, Elder Meng took another piece of ground bird meat and put it in his mouth. His neck was stretched out, obviously hard to swallow, and Chen San wanted to cry.

"Chef Chen, your 'Sour Bamboo Shoots Stir-fried Pork' is not bad, at least I can feel that you have made this dish with great care. The flavor of the spices in the meat is also very good, but in essence, the taste It is still firewood. Among the effects of the two ingredients, the feeling of sour taste after entering the meat is even more different from that made by Gu Zhangmen! I won’t say more, you will understand when you try Gu Zhangmen’s cooking. There is a gap."

Elder Meng has already given Chen San a lot of face. It was okay when he ate the sour bamboo shoots just now. When he ate the ground bird meat, he almost couldn't help spitting it into the trash can. The goods have to be thrown away!

Chen San didn't question Elder Meng's words, but he still tasted the 'sour bamboo shoots and pork' made by Gu Zheng.

"Master Gu, I lost, I am convinced!"

After tasting the 'sour bamboo shoots fried pork', Chen San's face was full of disappointment.

Gu Zheng's "Sour Bamboo Stir-fried Pork" has made a great breakthrough, and it is still a breakthrough in a good way. Compared with Gu Zheng's "Sour Bamboo Stir-fried Pork", what he did is very mediocre. This is Chen San The feeling in the heart.

Gu Zheng didn't say much, just nodded.

In fact, whether it's Chen San or Shi Cook, their cooking skills are also good, but it's still the same sentence, people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away.

"Elder Meng, try it. This is the 'Mushroom Soup' that Sect Leader Gu and I made before, and it's still keeping warm!" Shi Yan smiled flatteringly at Elder Meng.

"I'll try it even if you don't tell me, there are vegetables and soup, and my meal will be considered perfect after waiting."

Elder Meng's voice paused, and then he looked at Shi Cooker with a half-smile: "Whose one do you want me to taste first?"

Shi Yan was embarrassed, but he still insisted on his idea: "Let's try Master Gu's first!"


Elder Meng smiled, and took the 'mushroom soup' made by the two of them out of the clay pots.

"Let's talk about the color first. The 'Mushroom Soup' made by the head of Gu only has various mushrooms. In the 'Mushroom Soup' made by Shi Chu, there are red dates, wolfberries and green onions floating in it. This color is no better than 'sour bamboo shoots'." The color of fried meat, 'sour bamboo shoots fried meat' is a meat dish, brighter color is good, but 'mushroom soup' is a pure mountain vegetable dish, the green onion you put in it first makes me think It’s a failure, it suddenly loses its aura, and it feels vulgar! Shi Chu, maybe it’s because radish and cabbage have their own favorites, this color, I think the ‘true color’ of Master Gu is better!”

Elder Meng just commented on one thing, Shi Yan's face was already wrinkled like a bitter gourd.

"Elder Meng commented from the point of view of vegetarian dishes, so I'm afraid that the soup I made with my heart will backfire." Shi Chuan thought.

In the 'Mushroom Soup', eight kinds of bacteria were used in common. Elder Meng tasted a little of each, and the expression on his face also changed according to the taste of different bacteria.

For the time being, he didn't comment on the mushrooms. After eating the mushrooms, Elder Meng took another sip of the soup before speaking.

"Although I haven't watched how Master Gu makes the 'Mushroom Soup', I have learned from the taste of the mushrooms that there are different ways to process the ingredients, such as steaming and roasting, with a variety of patterns, and the taste is also very good."

"As for the soup, the wonderful taste of the mixture of eight kinds of bacteria is like a spring rain, which makes people feel that the world seems to be much fresher."

"This soup dish is excellent, but it's not as amazing as the previous 'Sour Bamboo Bamboo Stir-fried Pork'! However, it also has something remarkable, at least the mushrooms in it retain their respective flavors to a large extent, Let a dish have a variety of tastes!"

After commenting on Gu Zheng's 'Mushroom Soup', Elder Meng picked up Shichuang's Mushroom Soup.

If only in terms of smell, the aroma of Shichuang's 'Mushroom Soup' is stronger than that of Guzheng.

"Chef Shi, I also love meat, and I don't even like meat! But when I'm used to eating meat, a kind of unique vegetarian food suddenly appears, which still makes people's index fingers twitch. Your soup is very fragrant, but But it’s not as pure as Sect Master Gu’s.”

After commenting on the taste of Shicao's 'Mushroom Soup', Elder Meng tasted eight kinds of mushrooms and soup in turn.

"Chef Shi, you have also put your heart into it. Whether it's through the order of putting it in one after another or through the control of internal strength, your initial starting point is to want to preserve the taste of the fungus itself to the greatest extent. However, At this point, you are not as good as the head of the ancients. The taste of the mushroom itself is still preserved, but it has not yet broken away from the characteristics of "one pot stew". It's the same! Originally, their flavors were not so indistinguishable, but the broth has blurred them, or unified them."

"As for the taste of the soup, under normal circumstances, there is no need to talk about it, but it depends on who you compare it with. Therefore, I think the one made by Master Gu is delicious!"

Elder Meng's words fell to the ground, and he took the lead in applauding, and the kitchen suddenly burst into applause.

Gu Zheng clasped his fists at the crowd, said a few polite words, and started the busy work of the closing banquet.

Shi Cook was still a little bit dissatisfied, but he also knew that this round of discussion was over.

"Rice, where does the rice go? The old man is about to start eating, 'Sauer Bamboo Stir-fried Pork' with 'Mushroom Soup', I can't wait!"

The cooks didn't dare to make Elder Meng wait any longer, and quickly served hot white rice.

Seeing that what Elder Meng ate was delicious, many cooks secretly swallowed their saliva, imagining a plate of "sour bamboo shoots fried pork", a bowl of "mushroom soup", and a bowl of fragrant white rice. What an experience it will be.

"Cool, so delicious!"

What Elder Meng ate was sweet and delicious, and finally some cooks couldn't bear it.

"Master Gu, can you make some special dishes and soup like this later, so that we can try it too?"

"That's right, Sect Leader Gu, please forgive me!"

A cook took the lead to speak, and immediately several other cooks joined in.

Under normal circumstances, the cook is not bad at eating! But who told Gu Zheng to make the 'Mushroom Soup' and 'Sauer Bamboo Stir-Fried Pork' that they couldn't make? What's even more tragic is that they were not on the banquet list for the closing banquet, so if you want to enjoy the delicious food that Elder Meng is enjoying now, you have no choice but to beg for the zither.

"This..." Gu Zheng elongated his voice, then smiled and said, "Of course I didn't ask him!"

"Thank you, Master Gu, thank you, Master Gu!"

Cheers rang out immediately, and Gu Zheng was naturally very happy. A group of cooks begged another cook to cook food. It's quite interesting to think about it.

"Not bad, Xiao Zhengzi, you really won this match." Qi Ling's voice sounded.

"Please, can you be normal?"

Gu Zheng was full of black lines, and Qi Ling used the name Xuan Qizi called him.

"Hehe, that's a pretty good name! Why did you have such a big reaction? You did a good job today, keep it up!" Qi Ling said happily.

Qi Ling's recent changes are really not small. Apart from the changes on the bright side, every time she talks to Gu Zheng, if she doesn't want to continue talking, she will have a feeling of drifting away just like her happy voice just now. This is to let Gu Zheng understand that she is escaping.

"Why do I always have the feeling that Qi Ling seems to have ulterior motives for the competition between me and Shi Yan and Chen San?" Gu Zheng secretly said, then shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Anyway, Qi Ling didn't directly ask similar questions. , he asked in vain.

In the evening, the living room of Shushan Banquet.

In the festive atmosphere with lights and festoons, the thirty tables in the banquet hall were already full.

As the banquet was approaching, Qin Haotian, head of Shushan Mountain, began to speak.

"The dinner is for celebration, and we have harvested the cultivation resources for the next few years from the Shu Ruins, so that we can live less difficultly in this dharma-ending era."

"This year's Shu Ruins opened, and many things happened. Some of the disciples will never show up again! However, they died well and deservedly. They gave their lives for us to live better! So for the first glass of wine today, let's respect those disciples who died in the Shu Ruins!"

After Qin Haotian toasted with everyone, they all poured the wine on the ground.

"Today's second glass of wine, we want to respect the people who came out of the Ruins of Shu alive! They have more or less contributed to the fight against the blood soul. They are all heroes and models of righteousness in the world! "

When Qin Haotian finished speaking, Gu Zheng and the others stood up. After everyone respected each other, they drank the second glass of wine.

"The third glass of wine is a wish wine. I won't say too many congratulations. I just hope that the Shushan lineage will coexist and prosper in the world!"

Everyone raised their glasses again and drank the third glass of wine.


At Qin Haotian's order, the musicians in the banquet hall played ancient music. The disciples of Chuancai also got busy immediately.

After that, there was a lively scene of eating, drinking and drinking.

However, it is inevitable that some people are happy and some are sad. In fact, everyone already knew that after the Shu Ruins incident, Ziyun Palace would become even stronger, and Emei, which had been at the bottom of the five branches for many years, would also rise because of this.

The dishes made by Shi Yan and Chen San are actually very good. If they participated in the food competition that Gu Zheng participated in the outside world, they should also rank in the top fifteen, and the dishes they made naturally won the prize. Everyone's praise. However, the finale that appeared later made everyone's praises even more endless.

The next day, near noon, Chu Xiaochen came to find Gu Zheng.

Chu Xiaochen's memory has been "woven" by Gu Zheng, but she still remembers some things. She remembers that Gu Zheng helped her and was also her benefactor, but in this process, she was less moved, so that she would not Just like before, the battle against ancient times is very different.

"Gu Zheng, I came to you this time because I have something to ask for."

The memory was changed, and Chu Xiaochen's expression became much normal when he spoke, as if he was looking at a friend with a slightly better relationship.

"Say it!"

Gu Zheng said bluntly, in fact, he had already guessed the purpose of Chu Xiaochen's coming to him at this time.

"The only sects that can compete for the quota in the Spirit Sword District that can be obtained by paying tribute are the Ziyun Palace and the Emei School. I would like you to give up this competition and give up the quota to Ziyun Palace!" Chu Xiao morning road.

"Okay! Then I will tell Elder Lin who is in charge of registering the payment of tribute, that Emei will give up the qualification to compete in the Spirit Sword District."

Now that he had already guessed, Gu Zheng agreed without hesitation.

When he first came to Shushan, Gu Zheng had a plan to get the tribute quota.

However, since the reward for beheading the blood soul has given Emei such a quota, then the quota that can only be obtained by paying tribute, Gu Zheng doesn't care.

"Thank you."

After thanking Chu Xiaochen, he sent another invitation to Gu Zheng: "I'm going to try my luck in the Spirit Sword District now, do you want to come together?"

"I'm going to Zangjian Peak too, but I want to wait until the afternoon to try my luck." Gu Zheng shied away.

To make Chu Xiaochen not so moved, Gu Zheng just didn't want to get too close to him! Originally, according to Chu Xiaochen's current attitude, it would be fine to go to Zangjian Peak together. However, at the closing banquet last night, Gu Zheng learned from an elder in Shushan that Chu Xiaochen's partner was a big jealousy, and he didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

Chu Xiaochen frowned: "Why do you have to wait until the afternoon to go to the Spirit Sword District instead of going to Hidden Sword Peak?"

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