Gu Zheng left and continued towards Dabai Mansion. He was still alone, a little mare.

The difference is that when he first came out, he only had three vitality cards. Now he has almost 3,300 vitality cards, and his wealth has increased by a thousand times. In this world, he is not said to be a rich man, but at least he is from a wealthy family, some small No one in the aristocratic family has more cash than he does.

Of course, it's just cash, and the Xiaoshi family still has a lot of other wealth.

However, compared to ordinary people and the middle class, Gu Zheng is already considered a wealthy person.

Three thousand vitality cards are converted into thirty thousand taels of silver. Ten taels of silver is enough for an ordinary family of four to live for a month. If exchanged for the wealth of the earth, the monthly living expenses of an ordinary family of four is about two thousand. This is Don't count the favors and etiquette, only count the food aspect.

If you include favors, clothing and children's expenses, the monthly living expenses are at least 3,000 yuan.

A family of four living in the city, not much more than 3,000 yuan.

According to this calculation, ten taels of silver is equal to three thousand, ten thousand taels of silver is equal to three million, and thirty thousand taels is nine million. If the current wealth of ancient times is converted to the earth, it is almost ten million. Ordinary people and The middle class really can't compare to him.

With three thousand three hundred Yuan Qi cards, Gu Zhengai returned to Da'an Mansion to buy the exercises. The exercises were not the most important to him, and he did not want to be the most powerful person in the world. Everything was done as he pleased. .

After walking for two days, Gu Zheng encountered a monster alone for the first time.

A little monster with the power of thirty cows, not to mention now, can defeat even the original Gu Zheng. Soon this monster became the tooth sacrifice of Gu Zheng. Who knows that this is a bull monster? Monsters, Gu Zheng likes to eat beef very much. The meat of monster beasts is more tender and delicious.

Along the way, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry. He didn't arrive at Dabai Mansion until the eighth day after leaving the village.

Dabai Mansion is one of the oldest families in the Qinglong Empire. The head of this family is named Bai. Dabai Mansion was originally their fiefdom and was built on this basis.

The contemporary head of the Dabai Mansion is the Zhenbei Marquis. The Dabai Mansion is located on the northernmost side of the Qinglong Empire. Further north is the Suzaku Empire. There are wars between the two countries. The head of the Dabai Mansion is a well-deserved title for the Zhenbei Marquis.

There is also Wanfa Pavilion in Dabai Mansion. Wanfa Pavilion is the largest Kung Fu shop in the Qinglong Empire. Their shops are open all over the Qinglong Empire. They have branches in every mansion, and each branch is so comprehensive.

This time Gu Zheng is richer than last time, and now he can finally take a look at some of the secrets and techniques that he couldn't read last time.

"God-Slaying Robbery!"

The warrior Gu Zheng saw first, he had practiced the Soul-Eating Spear, which was a medium marksmanship. After practicing the medium marksmanship, he could practice advanced marksmanship. A secret book called the God-Slaying Spear came into view.

The God of Slaughter has a domineering name, but I don’t know how powerful it is.

A clerk in the store introduced it to him, and within a short while, he knew the power of this god-killing gun.

The God-Slaying Spear opens one hundred and thirty acupuncture points, and is an advanced-intermediate skill. Once practiced, the power can reach 8,500 oxen, and the explosive power is also advanced-intermediate.

It's not that there aren't high-level techniques in the shop, there are some with power over ten thousand oxen, but at this level, the difference between them is of little significance to Gu Zheng. Eight thousand five hundred oxen is enough.

Another point is that the high-level and intermediate skills are much cheaper than the high-level ones. This skill can be purchased with only 800 vitality cards. The cheapest high-level skills cost 1,500 vitality cards. The difference is nearly double. .

It's enough, not to mention that now Gu Zheng likes to use guns and wants to use guns.

Eight hundred vitality cards, buy them.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't hesitate to buy this technique, the guy couldn't help but look at Gu Zheng a few more times. Although Gu Zheng was not a young man of seventeen or eighteen this time, he didn't look too old, and he was definitely not older than Thirty years old, people who are no more than thirty years old buy high-end products, it is better to buy them by themselves, which makes him think more.

What he was thinking about was not robbery or anything like that, but his identity in Guzheng. People who came from really big families didn't need to buy the exercises themselves. Only casual cultivators or people from small families would come out to buy them.

Generally, even if you buy it, you should only buy it after you have mastered the intermediate skills, or you are about to master the intermediate skills.

It does not mean that if you buy a skill, you will definitely be able to practice it, but people who can buy high-level skills almost have an assessment of their own strength. If you can't practice it, buying it is useless and a waste of time.

In other words, Gu Zheng is very likely to be someone who can master advanced intermediate skills. At his age, if he is close to completing the intermediate skills now, it is estimated that he can also master the advanced skills in ten years.

Anyone who can master high-level skills, even if they are only high-level or low-level, is no longer an ordinary person. They are the targets of recruitment by major families and major cities.

After buying the God-Slaying Spear, Gu Zheng went to the psychiatrist again.

The low-level spiritual cultivation techniques are okay when used with mid-level warriors, but are a bit weak when used with high-level ones. He now needs an intermediate spiritual master cultivation technique.

As for high-end ones, I can't afford them.

Even if he could afford it, Gu Zheng now had to buy an intermediate spiritual master's training method first. After completing the low-level training, he could practice the intermediate level, and after completing the intermediate level, he could practice the high level. This was a sequence.

"Starry Sky Jue!"

Gu Zheng fell in love with a book on the cultivation techniques for intermediate spiritual masters, Man Tian Xing Jue.

Mantianxing is not the Yuanshen Mantian. There are only eighteen Yuanshen in this skill. Many intermediate and intermediate skills exceed the number of Yuanshen. Mantianxing is a skill cultivated by a mid-level and advanced spiritual master. Law.

There are eighteen souls, each with different functions, and each soul has more than one characteristic.

There are many characteristics, so it is difficult to practice, so this technique only has eighteen souls.

Looking at the price, Gu Zheng secretly nodded, buy it, a mid-to-high-level spiritual master practices the technique, and there are 2,500 vitality cards.

It just so happened that all three thousand three hundred vitality cards were spent in one go, leaving him with only a dozen scattered vitality cards left.

These Yuanqi cards are probably only enough for him to buy some more ingredients and supplements. The ones he bought before have been used up. After all, he is purifying and using them, so he can only bring out one bottle. He eats a lot, and now he has spent more than ten years. Damn it, it would be weird if I didn’t use it up.

After buying the materials, Gu Zheng looked at the only vitality card he had and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He, the descendant of the Immortal Tie, came to this world, but he became a pauper one after another. There was no one like him. Now he wants to find out what bandit dens are nearby. He can make a lot of money by robbing bandit dens. A lot of.

"My lord, that's it!"

Gu Zheng didn't know that after he left, the guy who sold him the exercises quickly went to the back hall and kept reporting to a fifty-year-old man wearing brocade clothes. What he said was all about Gu Zheng, including Gu Zheng's Appearance, characteristics, and the skills purchased by Gu Zheng, etc.

A person buys two books of high-intermediate and intermediate-advanced exercises, and one is a martial artist, and the other is a mentalist. If they are bought together for others to use, then it is okay, but if they are not, then the problem will be big. .

According to the clerk's observation, when Gu Zheng purchased the exercises, the questions he asked were very similar to his own needs. It was really his own needs. It was true that one person practiced two exercises. The martial artist was a high-level one, and the spiritual master was an intermediate-high level. This way There are probably not many people in this world who can cultivate both martial arts and martial arts.

There is one in the Dabai Mansion, the son of the city lord, but he has not trained as a warrior to a high level. He is thirty years old and is currently training as a warrior and a spiritual master at the same time. He is training at the middle and low levels, just to complete the training quickly, and wait for the higher level. There is no time to overdo it.

"I understand, you go down first!"

The man in brocade thought for a while and then gave an order. The man immediately retreated. He was stopped before he could go out and was given a bag containing twenty vitality cards.

This was a reward for delivering the message to him, twenty vitality cards, which proved that his message was still very important.

"Anliu, go check this person's identity and don't disturb him!"

The man in brocade clothes suddenly gave an order, walked out of the darkness, bowed to him with fists clasped, and then disappeared into the darkness.

"A few days ago, the boy from the Jin family came back and said that he met a person who practiced both Jingwu and Jingwu, but he was a middle-level martial artist and a low-level spiritual master!"

The man in brocade clothes said to himself that Jin Yu had returned to Dabai Mansion long ago with six sets of military crossbows. Jin Mansion was also considered a wealthy family in Dabai Mansion, and all the senior officials knew about this.

The sixth set of military crossbows came from Da'an Palace. The palace owner went to Kyoto to file a complaint. Even though Da'an Palace did not admit it, Kyoto still sent people to investigate them. At this moment, Da'an Palace is busy investigating internally. .

This incident made everyone in Dabai Mansion feel happy.

There are so many palaces in the Qinglong Empire, and all of them do not live in harmony. They also have competition, especially Da'an Palace and Dabai Palace.

Dabai Mansion is located on the border, facing the Suzaku Empire. The atmosphere in the mansion has always been tense, with many military weapons and seriousness from top to bottom.

Da'an Mansion is right behind them, but they live a luxurious life and are extremely corrupt. It is impossible for the people of Dabai Mansion to have no objections. Now that they find an opportunity, they must give them some eye drops.

He didn't know all this ancient contention. He only knew that if Yi Yuanqi stayed in an inn, he would stay in a similar inn, and if he had to eat, he would spend up to ten days. With his appetite, he would probably use it up in three days.

In these three days, he really wanted to find a place to make money.

As for being a cook selling delicacies, Gu Zheng didn't even think about it. The reason why he sold it to Jin Yu before was because he happened to meet him. Jin Yu's attitude was pretty good. Eating alone was boring, but it was better with two people.

Let him cook for others, the people here are not qualified.


Gu Zheng thought about something again and immediately walked towards the center of Fucheng. There were bandits everywhere and there were rewards. Lao Hu had told him about these before on the road, but he didn't care.

He didn't really know what these bounties were about until he killed Taishan.

Soon, Gu Zheng arrived at the government office. The government office was very big, and there was a large square. There were two walls on both sides of the square, covered with various notices. The rewards for each government were posted here, and the wanted ones were posted here. If so, it will be posted at the city gate.

On the bounty side, there were not many bandits and robbers, but quite a few monsters. Gu Zheng even unexpectedly saw a monster.

The big lion he met at Lion Ridge was also on the reward list.

According to the list, this lion was causing trouble in Da'an Prefecture, but the army of Da'an Prefecture was incompetent and allowed the lion to escape. Finally, it ran into Dabai Prefecture and killed a person in the village. Now Dabai Prefecture has also begun There is a reward for killing him, and whoever can kill him will be rewarded with fifty vitality cards.

After all, this lion is not very powerful. If it weren't for Earth Escape, it wouldn't have fifty vitality cards.

Secretly writing down the bandits on the reward list, Gu Zheng turned around and left.

Bandits generally have low bounties, with the highest being only six hundred Vitality Cards. However, some monsters have very high bounties. One high-level monster has a bounty of up to five thousand Vitality Cards.

However, Gu Zheng had a different idea. The bandits' bounties were not high, but they were rich. The monsters were high, but only the monsters themselves had little wealth.

The most important point is that monsters act alone and are difficult to find. Unlike bandits, they basically have fixed nests and can be attacked.

Three days later, Gu Zheng ran out of his last vitality card and walked out of the inn.

In the past three days, he has practiced 60% of the God-Slaying Technique. Now his strength is about 6,000 niu, which is ten times higher than before.

He has fully trained Mangyissing. Mangyissing cultivates Yuanshen. The training of a spiritual master is different from that of a warrior. Although they both absorb resentment, the spiritual master purifies and absorbs it, and the amount absorbed is much less than that of a warrior.

Warriors absorb it on a large scale and purify it later.

Even so, he was being watched while practicing. From the beginning of his practice, someone knew that the Dark Six was near him and had been observing him.

Someone was watching him, and Gu Zheng knew it, but he just didn't pay attention.

No matter who is staring at him, as long as he doesn't stretch out his hand, Gu Zheng will not be polite if he does.

"He has practiced advanced warrior skills, and can absorb vitality very quickly. At the same time, he has also practiced spiritual master skills?"

In the back hall of Wanfa Pavilion, the man in brocade frowned as he listened to An Liu's report.

The guy's guess was right. This person was indeed a master of both Jing and Wu, but he was not the kind who was about to reach the end of his training, but had already completed it.

He had specifically asked Jin Yu before, and he could tell from his appearance that this person was the person Jin Yu had met before, Gu Zheng.

He has asked people to check a lot in the past few days. Gu Zheng is from Da'an Prefecture, but his identity certificate was paid for by someone later. He was in Daqing Prefecture before, and no one in Daqing Prefecture knew this person. The presence.

"Da'an Mansion!"

The man in brocade couldn't help but snorted coldly. It was easy to apply for identity certificate in Da'an Mansion. If you dare to do this in Dabai Mansion, you will definitely be arrested as a spy.

"Now that he has started to practice advanced skills, you are back. Don't stare, lest you be discovered by him!"

The man in golden clothes said calmly, it is enough to know the situation of Gu Zheng. He is still investigating. If it can be ruled out that Gu Zheng is not a person from a hostile country, then such a person can be recruited.

Behind Wanfa Pavilion is the royal family, and he is very confident in recruiting them. The most important thing now is to find out the details of the ancient dispute.

The first bandit Gu Zheng targeted was one hundred and twenty miles north of Dabai Mansion. It was the real border between the two countries, a place where neither side cared about them.

The reward for that bandit was only 500 vitality cards, but there were many bandits in that village. More than one bandit had a bounty on his head, and there were four people with bounties on his head. In total, there were 1,000 vitality cards.

The important thing is that the bandit's nest has a large number of people, more than 500 people.

There are a lot of people, and it takes a lot of money to feed these people. The bandit den is definitely much fatter than the one in Vulture Mountain.

After leaving the city, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry and did not let the little mare run quickly. He took his time and took two days to reach the area near the bandit's den.

Heishan is three hundred miles wide and is the junction of Qinglong and Suzaku. There is a trade road in the mountain. Heishan Village relies on this trade road to live a life without worries.

Black Mountain is much more dangerous than Vulture Mountain, and the two countries are bordering each other. It’s not like the Dabai Mansion has not thought about annihilating them, but once they send troops, people from the Suzaku Kingdom on the opposite side will come, and if they are not careful, it will turn into a dispute between the two countries.

The same goes for the Suzaku Kingdom. They have to pay the fee, and the Qinglong Kingdom doesn't dare to let them cross the border at will. Who knows if the bandit suppression is real, if it is a cover, they will be in trouble.

In this way, Black Village lives happily between the two countries.

Not many people knew the specific location of Heishan Village, and Gu Zheng didn't ask. He just followed a caravan slowly. Since the bandits here charge protection fees, there must be someone from them on the way.

Sure enough, in the middle of the commercial road, more than twenty bandits were standing there, all holding weapons. The caravan people smiled and went up to pay the money, and quickly walked over.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?"

There was only one person in Gu Zheng, and he was stopped. This was a business road, and most of the people passing by were caravans. It was rare for a person to pass by. Even if there were people, they would sneak past at night instead of walking over in a big way.

Those who sneak past are all spies from various countries.

"I heard that there is a black village here. The head of the village owner Hei Datou is worth five hundred vitality cards. Is that right?"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and the little bandit who asked the question was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

Before he even raised his knife, he was shot away by Gu Zheng, and his body hung directly on the tree. It looked like he would not survive.


There were more than 20 bandits, one of the leaders immediately shouted, and everyone gathered around. Gu Zheng didn't kill them, he shot them one by one, and quickly picked out all their hand tendons, and all the weapons fell on the on the ground.

The most powerful among these people are only mid-level and high-level, and they only have the power of three thousand cattle, so they are no match for Gu Zheng.

There are more than 20 people, and there are three middle-level warriors. This strength is much stronger than that in Vulture Mountain.

"I ask, you answer, where is Black Mountain Village?"

Gu Zheng walked up to the mid-level leader, pointed his gun at him, and spoke slowly.


This man had some backbone. He snorted and turned his head.

Gu Zheng didn't ask. He gently moved the tip of the gun forward. Before he could turn his head, his neck suddenly felt cold. When he turned his head, he found that he could no longer say a word, and a hole was exposed on his neck. .

One shot, kill.

"I ask, you answer!"

Gu Zheng walked up to the second man and pointed the tip of his gun at him. The man couldn't help but swallowed his saliva when he looked at the miserable condition of his companions beside him.


Before he could say anything, Gu Zheng handed over the tip of the gun, took back the gun, and Gu Zheng said lightly: "Timeout!"

"I said, I said, I said anything, don't kill me!"

When Gu Zheng's gun was pointed at the third person, that person howled quickly before he could ask questions. Gu Zheng killed two people in a row, which put great psychological pressure on him. He would completely collapse. There was no need for Gu Zheng to ask, he was willing to confess everything.

"It's too late!"

Gu Zheng's spear tip stayed for a while, and then suddenly he handed it over again. The man who was willing to speak reluctantly opened his mouth, and finally fell to the ground suddenly.

He was willing to say it, but he only expressed his attitude, but didn't say where the place was. Gu Zheng didn't know he had the chance and killed him directly.

Regarding the bandits, Gu Zheng didn't take them seriously at all. If Xiao Liu hadn't been very cooperative on the Vulture Mountain side and the other bandits were willing to be good, Gu Zheng would have asked General Jin Yu to send them all to the government even if he didn't kill them all.

Kill bandits, kill good people.

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