Passing through the space channel was originally a very fast thing, but this time it took three times as long as before.

Gu Zheng's brows were frowning tightly. When passing through the space channel, the time was extended three times. This was not because of the distance, but because someone had tampered with the space channel where he was just now. Gu Zheng was in the space channel. I have experienced that kind of abnormal fluctuation.

"Master, what happened just now?"

After their vision returned to normal, Gu Zheng and the other three were already in an underground building. Brother Hantan and his son immediately asked in unison. They also mastered the way of space now, so they also noticed the appearance of people passing through the space passage. That kind of abnormality is just that their understanding of the way of space is not deep enough, so they don't know what the abnormality represents.

"Someone tampered with the space channel we passed through, and the result was that we didn't appear where we really should have appeared." Gu Zheng said.

"Ah?" Brother Hantan's eyes widened.

"Master, this is not the place where we should really appear, so where is this place? Isn't it the treasure space?"

The son of Brother Hantan also spoke. The environment in front of him was the interior of an underground building. Behind Gu Zheng and others was normal soil, and in front was a simple stone door.

"According to the treasure map, we should have appeared directly on the fourth floor of the treasure. But after someone tampered with our space passage, we did not appear on the fourth floor of the treasure. We should have appeared on the fourth floor of the treasure. Outside the first floor door.”

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. The inside of the fourth floor of the treasure house and the outside of the fourth floor of the treasure house seemed to be just a door, but in fact there was a huge gap. After all, while talking, Gu Zheng had already used his spiritual mind to explore the door in front of him. He found that the door was very simple, just like the bronze door he first encountered on the first floor of the treasure. A spiritual body was born.

"Master, who do you think may have tampered with our space passage?" Brother Hantan asked again.

"can not say it clearly."

Gu Zheng shook his head, but in fact he had a guess in his mind. This guess had two directions, one was the weapon spirit, and the other was the Void Demon Lord.

Gu Zheng thought it was a weapon spirit. Gu Zheng thought it was unlikely. In his opinion, the current weapon spirit must be in a sleeping state due to backlash. How could it make such a big intervention?

Gu Zheng also thought it was unlikely that he was the Demon Lord of Nothingness.

Gu Zheng believed in a great demon like the Demon Lord of Nothingness. Even though he had the ability to change the space passage, if it was really him, what was his purpose in doing so? Gu Zheng couldn't figure it out.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Gu Zheng didn't think about it for the time being. He led Brother Hantan and his son towards the stone gate.

A puff of smoke suddenly emerged from the stone door. After the smoke fell, a human face appeared on the stone door.

Gu Zheng had known for a long time that there was a spirit in Shimen, so he was not surprised to see a human face appear on Shimen. Brother Hantan and his son did not know about it in advance, so they immediately stayed on guard.

"Enter, welcome to your arrival." The spirit of Shimen spoke first.

"How are you going to welcome me?"

Gu Zheng's tone was not very good. The place he originally wanted to go to was changed. He was not in a good mood and was hostile to the spirit of the stone gate.

"Of course I would like to welcome you with a mission." The spirit of the stone gate said.

"Then just tell me, what mission do you want to give me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"You are not the only one who enters. There are three of you. The task I gave each of you is also one. Only those who pass the task test are qualified to enter the fourth level of the treasure."

Hearing what the spirit of Shimen said, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Before entering the space passage, he also thought about whether to include the Hantan monks and his son into the inner magic bead, but in the end he did not do so because he was worried about the space in the treasure. There are restrictions on treasures. If that were the case, Brother Hantan and his son would have to stay in the Heart Demon Bead all the time. But the current situation is that there are no restrictions on treasures. On the contrary, it is because Brother Hantan and his son did not care. In the magic beads, you have to accept the test of the spirit of the stone gate.

"Tell me, what kind of mission do you want to give the three of us?" Gu Zheng spoke again.

"There are many things on my body. Each of these things represents a task. Only if you each choose one can I tell you what the task corresponding to your choice is."

There are indeed many things on the stone door, including carved patterns of monsters, door knockers, runes and the like.

In fact, Gu Zheng didn't want to make a choice, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't make a choice. Now that the treasure map had disappeared, if he wanted to enter the fourth level of the treasure space, he had to pass through the stone door in front of him, but there was another stone door on the door. The protection of the power of law cannot be used strong, so he can only complete the test of Shimen.

"There are three types of difficulty corresponding to the tests for these things on my body. The more difficult the test, the more generous the reward will naturally be. You must make a choice within one minute. After this time, I will fall into a deep sleep. Then you will no longer be able to enter the treasure space." The spirit of the stone gate spoke again.

Since there was no way around having to accept the test, the Gu Zheng trio began to pick out the patterns on the door.

The spirit of Shimen seemed to have a calm expression, but it was actually looking at the three Gu Zheng people who were choosing. It was actually sneering. It was entrusted by the spirit spirit to show off to Gu Zheng and them here. This is how the spirit spirit changes the space channel. the ultimate goal.

The Stone Gate Spirit Ancient Zheng and the three of them made a choice, but in fact, no matter what pattern they chose, the arrangement he gave was to let Gu Zheng take the simplest test, and let Hantan monk and his son take the difficult test. He wanted According to Qi Ling's wishes, this method allowed Gu Zheng to successfully enter the treasure space, leaving Brother Hantan and his son behind.

When Gu Zheng was choosing something, he was very particular about luck, and he immediately fell in love with the auspicious cloud pattern on the stone door.

Brother Hantan and his son, one chose the door knocker of the stone door, and the other chose the animal head with the door knocker in its mouth.

"The auspicious cloud pattern represents the least difficult test. As long as you take out what I need in the next minute, I will send you to the fourth level of the treasure space."


Gu Zheng stopped the explanation of the Spirit of the Stone Gate because the so-called one minute was too short, and he still had something to ask.

"What do you mean, are the three of us going to be tested one by one?"

Gu Zheng had such doubts, naturally because of what the spirit of Shimen said.

"Isn't this a normal thing? The choices are made by you one by one, and my answers are given one by one. Of course, I give them away one by one." The voice of the spirit of the stone gate was a little unhappy: "Don't fight again. Stop me, if you interrupt me again I will directly determine that your mission has failed."

Gu Zheng did not pay attention to the spirit of Shimen, but sent a message to Brother Hantan and his son: "Wait a minute, you two need to be more careful. I have a special feeling that is not very good, but this special feeling is very vague. According to the My understanding is that you must be more cautious about the test given to you by the spirit of the stone gate."

"I know, Master."

Brother Hantan and his son sent a message to reply to Gu Zheng, and the spirit of Shimen also continued to speak to Gu Zheng at this time: "What I need is very simple. You only need to give me a treasure in one minute." , I don’t have any special requirements for treasures, be it fairy weapons, elixirs, or any material, as long as it can really be regarded as a treasure! However, it is precisely because the requirements are relatively simple, so after you gave it to me After the treasure, the reward is just to send you to the fourth floor of the treasure space. There are no additional rewards other than that. Now the time starts!"

The request of the spirit of Shimen was really simple. Gu Zheng took out something from the inner magic bead with a thought.

There were a lot of good things in Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Pearl, but what he took out was just an ordinary high-grade ingredient. He had a lot of ingredients of this level in his mind. He was not a stingy person to begin with, but for the Spirit of the Stone Gate He didn't have a good impression, so he was more careful about the things he brought out.

"This is a high-grade ingredient, and it can also be regarded as a super herb. There are many high-grade elixirs that can be refined. You also said that materials can be used, so it can also be regarded as a treasure. ." Gu Zheng said.

"Polygonatum odoratum jelly grass."

The spirit of Shimen called out the name of the ingredients in Gu Zheng's hand.

"Yes, the Polygonatum odoratum can indeed be regarded as a treasure. You have completed my test. Now give me the Polygonatum odorifera and I will send you to the fourth level of the treasure space first."

According to the request of the spirit of the Shimen, Gu Zheng delivered the Yuzhu Xiancao, and a strong suction force suddenly appeared on the Shimen.

Gu Zheng did not resist the suction force generated on the stone door, and his figure immediately disappeared from the sight of Brother Hantan and his son.

The vision in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng appeared on the fourth floor of the treasure space.

As usual, he did not move immediately, and Gu Zheng used his spiritual thoughts to explore the current space.

At the same time, the spirit of Shimen spoke to the second monk Hantan who made a choice.

"You chose the animal head on my body, which corresponds to a difficult test, and a difficult test also represents a generous reward. Next, I will send you into a special space. As long as you are in that special If you defeat the monster with the corresponding beast head in the space, I will give you a reward for completing the mission." The spirit of the stone gate said.

"Okay, then send me into that special space!"

As Brother Hantan finished speaking, the spirit of Shimen sprayed a stream of white mist towards him.

The white mist obscured Monk Hantan's sight. After the white mist disappeared, the place where Monk Hantan was born turned into a space the size of a square.

The animal head on the stone gate is a nine-headed lion, and in this square-sized space, there is also a nine-headed lion standing. He is the target that the Hantan monks want to defeat.

The nine-headed lion is the strength of Jinxian in the later stage. It is protected by the power of law. Three breaths after Hantan Monk entered this space, the protection of the power of law on the nine-headed lion disappeared, and Hantan Monk took the lead in attacking it. .

A rotating light array appeared above the head of the nine-headed lion. This was Brother Hantan who used the magical power of fish bones falling from the sky on it. The fish bones falling from the light array were faster than before, and the color also changed from before. The white turned into gold, just like a golden sword. As for the power of the fish bone, it was also enhanced to the late Golden Immortal stage because the strength of the Hantan monk had advanced to the late Golden Immortal stage.


The three heads of the nine-headed lion roar at the same time, producing a total of three effects.

The first effect was that the light array that would have followed the nine lions like a shadow stopped at its original position and remained motionless.

The second effect is the magical power of Hantan monk to drop fish bones from the sky. A total of one hundred fish bones can fall down. It takes about a minute for these fish bones to fall. And in the roar of the nine-headed lion, the fish bones that can be brewed in the light array, Fifty sticks were taken out in an instant.

The third effect was that fifty fish bones pulled out of the light array by the nine lions were shot towards the Hantan monk along with the cry of the nine lions.

Brother Hantan's eyes widened. The situation he least expected to see had already occurred. The nine heads of the nine lions should have nine different magical powers.

Brother Hantan's guess was correct. The nine heads of the nine-headed lion did have nine different magical powers. However, Brother Hantan should be aware that the strength of this nine-headed lion is only in the late Golden Immortal stage, so he can only use three at the same time. The magical power of the head, if its strength is already at the peak of the Golden Immortal, then it can use the magical powers of six heads at the same time. If its strength reaches the early stage of the Daluo Golden Immortal, it can use nine kinds of magical powers at the same time! The effects produced by using magical powers alone and using multiple magical powers at the same time are completely different.

Facing the fifty golden fish bones flying over at the same time, Brother Hantan definitely did not dare to resist. He instantly entered the state of atomized dragon body. He had to avoid the attack of the golden fish bones by turning reality into virtuality.

However, the monk Hantan had just entered the state of atomizing the dragon body when the nine-headed lion roared three times at the same time, and it used three new magical powers at the same time.

The first kind of magical power breaks the state of the atomized dragon body of the Hantan monk, so that the Hantan monk still faces the danger of being penetrated by the golden fish bone.

The second magical power is the sonic attack of lion monsters, which is possessed by lion monsters. Fortunately, Hantan monk's soul power has been mutated twice, and he has good resistance to sonic attacks. The nine-headed lion's lion Roar, it didn't have any impact on him.

The third magical power, the nine-headed lion has the ability to block space. It directly blocks the space of the Hantan monk, preventing the Hantan monk from avoiding the golden fish bone by teleportation.

"Do you think there's nothing I can do about it?"

Brother Hantan roared, as before, he had no choice in the face of this situation, but now his strength was already at the late stage of Golden Immortal, and when he was promoted to the late stage of Golden Immortal, he had awakened his great magical power.

Along with the roar of the Hantan monk, his reminder became larger, and the silver scales all over his body became more dazzling, and his defense and brute strength were improved. Not only that, a huge coiled dragon phantom also appeared behind him. The coiled dragon phantom shot towards the dragon flying towards the Hantan monk. A fiery red barrier suddenly appeared in front of the Hantan monk. It is the great magical power 'Coiling Dragon Guard' that monk Hantan awakened after his strength was promoted to the late Golden Immortal stage.

After activating the Coiling Dragon Guard, Brother Hantan broke through the confinement of the nine-headed lion on his body, and the fiery red barrier provided by the phantom of the Coiling Dragon behind him also blocked the instant attack of the golden fishbone for him, although this resistance was only It took only a moment, but it was enough for Brother Hantan. He seized this rare moment, dodged the golden fish bone attack, and at the same time activated his clone magical power.

After his strength was promoted to the late Golden Immortal stage, Brother Hantan improved in all aspects, and his clone magical power had not been used for a long time. The fundamental reason was that at that time, his strength was not up to standard. Too low, but after his realm reached the late Golden Immortal stage, his strength was considered to have reached the standard. The clone he separated was also the strength of the late Golden Immortal stage, but it just couldn't match the magical powers of the late Golden Immortal stage and could only be used Some simple spells, but even so, they are usually enough.

Brother Hantan used the magical power of the clone when he activated the Coiling Dragon Guard, so the four clones he separated all had the shadow of the Coiling Dragon behind him. The magical power of the Coiling Dragon Guard is not just The defensive magical power is both offensive and defensive, so the five coiled dragon phantoms simultaneously sprayed powerful fireballs at the nine-headed lions.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Like a meteor falling from the sky, the fireball ejected by the coiled dragon's shadow did not hit the nine lions who were dodging, but it still made a deep pit on the ground of the space. After the explosion, it turned into a fireball. A sea of ​​fire spreading on the ground.


The three heads of the nine-headed lion, which had not used magical powers before, roared at the same time, showing three new magical powers.

The first kind of magical power is to see through. The space ripples due to the activation of this magical power. This is an indiscriminate attack that cannot be avoided at all. Although it will not cause any harm to the real person, the four clones of the Hantan monk are in After being touched by this wave, it immediately disappeared.

The second magical power is to enhance oneself. With the emergence of this magical power, the original fur of the nine-headed lion all turned golden, and it turned from a physical monster to a metallic monster with extremely high defense.

The third magical power is the offensive magical power. A large amount of golden runes were sprayed out from his mouth. Those runes hit the Hantan monk with extremely strong force.

The phantom of the coiled dragon behind Brother Hantan helped Brother Hantan raise a fiery red defensive barrier. At this time, Brother Hantan also completed the execution of the nine-headed lion illusion.

The nine-headed lion was affected by the illusion cast by the Hantan monk. Even if some of the bright runes that originally flew towards the Hantan monk fell to the ground, as for the ones that had not yet fallen, they no longer had any strength to protect them. The fiery red barrier of the Hantan cultivator blocked it.

However, without any new move from the Hantan monk, the nine-headed lion had already seen through the Hantan monk's illusion and attacked the Hantan monk again.

Brother Hantan also launched a new attack on the nine-headed lion. This time the new attack was on the control of monsters.

After his strength reached the late Golden Immortal stage, Brother Hantan already regarded his illusion methods and control of monsters as his new trump card. After all, the improvement of strength affects all aspects of oneself. The power of all the magical powers of Brother Hantan has been enhanced, and among his magical powers, the ones with the greatest enhancement are his illusion magic powers and the means of controlling monsters.

Monk Hantan didn't want to use his trump card unless he had to, but after gaining the magical power of illusion, he had no choice but to use the magical power of controlling monsters. But what he didn't expect was that the magical power of controlling monsters was also not available to the nine-headed lion.

"This is impossible!"

Brother Hantan roared angrily. Now his magical power to control monsters can have some effect even on monsters at the peak of the Golden Immortal. When used on the nine-headed lion, the reaction is like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Isn't it the damn stone gate spirit that's targeting me?"

Brother Hantan had doubts, and his doubts were not wrong. He was indeed targeted by the spirit of Shimen. The spirit of Shimen gave Brother Hantan a very difficult test within the scope that he could make the decision.

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