Sensing that the battle could begin, Brother Hantan's son took the lead in attacking the six-winged demon. He opened his mouth and sprayed dragon-shaped lightning towards the six-winged demon. While waving the dragon's claws, he let the air blast explode next to the six-winged demon.

Facing the air blast from Brother Hantan's son, the six-winged demon flapped its wings and rushed towards Brother Hantan's son. Moreover, because he was flying too fast, the air blast from Brother Hantan's son could not attack the six-winged demon. In terms of damage, even if the explosive power of the air blast can affect the Six-Winged Demon, it will not have any effect on him because the Six-Winged Demon is already a late-stage Golden Immortal.

By flying quickly, the six-winged demon escaped the damage caused by the air blast from Friar Hantan's son. As for the dragon-shaped lightning sprayed by Friar Hantan's son, the six-winged demon waved its wings, making the dragon-shaped lightning drag like a drag. Brother Hantan and his son flew over.

Brother Hantan and his son finally understood that the six-winged demon's three pairs of wings each have different magical powers. The effect of his first pair of wings is acceleration, and it is through this first pair of wings that he Only by accelerating can he avoid the hit of the air blast. His second pair of wings has the magical power of manipulation. It is precisely because of the magical power of his second pair of wings that Brother Hantan's son's dragon-shaped lightning appears. In this case of Lord Devouring, as for the magical power of the Six-Winged Demon's third pair of wings, he had already used it when flying towards Brother Hantan's son. That was when his third pair of wings was waving, There will be a raging storm.

I have to say that the six-winged demon's three pairs of wings are still very powerful. Under normal circumstances, he is already a late-stage Golden Immortal. With the magical power of the three pairs of wings, he can indeed easily take down the son of the Hantan monk. However, wings are not something only six-winged demons possess. Monk Hantan and his son also have them.

"If my wings are phoenix wings, then the wings behind your back are just chicken wings."

Brother Hantan and his son sneered. While shining brightly, four gorgeous wings of different colors stretched out from behind. He did not hesitate to use the magical power of Feather Immortal Clothes. He had no doubt that in this case, if he Without using the Feather Immortal Clothes, he would have no chance of defeating the six-winged demon.

"I didn't expect you to have wings, but you only have four wings. Why do you fight with me?" the six-winged demon screamed.

At this moment, Brother Hantan and his son were just avoiding and had not yet used the magical power of his wings, so the six-winged demon did not know how terrifying the four wings behind Brother Hantan's son were.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will let you see the power of my four wings, and let you know whether the wings are powerful or not. The number of them is not the key factor."

Now that they have used the magical powers of the Feather Immortal Clothes, in the next five minutes, Brother Hantan and his son can activate the four magical powers of the Feather Immortal Clothes at will. There is no need for him to worry about the six-winged demon. If he uses it, he will use all the magical powers he can use against the six-winged demon.

"I'm not used to this kind of scene. Let's change the scene."

The purple wings behind Brother Hantan's son flapped, and the barrier space appeared, trapping him and the six-winged demon in a small area.

The six-winged demon was frightened and was suddenly dropped into a small space. This made him feel that the situation was not good. He immediately waved his claws and attacked with the barrier of the Crazy Team's enchantment space. The result was based on his strength. , it is almost impossible to destroy the barrier of the enchantment space.

"Don't show fear in your eyes, this is just the magical power of the first wing." Brother Hantan and his son sneered.

"shut up!"

The six-winged demon's claws waved again, and the claw wind with the late-stage destructive power of the Golden Immortal also flew towards the Hantan monk's son.

"Want to attack me? Are you qualified?"

The white wings behind Brother Hantan's son flapped, and a strange force acted on the six-winged demon. The six-winged demon suddenly let out a strange scream. He found that the claw wind he waved actually rebounded. It was completely different from the dragon-shaped lightning he used to control Brother Hantan's son before! His method was just laborious control, while Brother Hantan's son's method was effortless rebound. He had no doubt that not only his claw wind, but even if he fanned out the storm now, it would still be affected. The strange force on his body bounced back.

"No need to scream again and again, this is just the second magical power of my four wings. Now I will let you see what the third magical power of my four wings is!"

Brother Hantan's son's words fell to the ground, and the golden wings behind him also flapped. A powerful storm appeared, and the entire enchantment space turned into a storm field. If the storm he displayed was similar to the six-winged demon before, Comparing the storm displayed, from a scene perspective, it is simply like a grandpa and a grandson.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. If you want to hurt me, it will be extremely difficult. I can tell you clearly that I can use teleportation many times. Once I reveal the effect on me, With the rebound force on my body, I move to your side in an instant, and I can grab your head with one claw!"

The six-winged demon screamed with anger, no matter whether what he said was true or false, or whether it was feasible or not, Brother Hantan and his son laughed at this matter.

"Teleportation? No matter how many times you can use teleportation, in front of me, as long as I don't want you to use it, you won't be able to use it!" Brother Hantan's son roared: "I will let you do it now. See the last magical power of my four wings!”

The cyan wings on the back of Brother Hantan's son waved, and the power of the forbidden air immediately acted on the six-winged demon. The six-winged demon, who was already a stern and soft-hearted demon, suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart! He had always been proud of his six bat wings, but he never thought that one day he would be crushed by someone with four wings.

The son of Brother Hantan is indeed in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. In terms of realm, he is not as high as the six-winged demon, and the six-winged demon's defensive power is also amazing. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy for him to kill the six-winged demon, but really But there was nothing he could do. After he used the magical power of the Feather Immortal Realm and trapped the six-winged demon in the enchantment space, whether the six-winged demon was coiled up like a dragon or lying down like a tiger, he would be easily captured. He kills!

After all, the six-winged demon did not dare to attack the son of the monk Hantan. No matter what kind of attack the six-winged demon launched, the son of the monk Hantan could bounce it back, and this rebounding power would last even for a moment. After being released by the six-winged demon, Brother Hantan's son was still able to wave his white wings and re-bless him with this rebound power.

The six-winged demon cannot attack Monk Hantan's son, but Monk Hantan's son can cause a raging storm to affect the entire space. The six-winged demon cannot escape through teleportation when the space has been sealed. , no matter how fast it is, there is no way to avoid this indiscriminate attack.

What's more, in addition to the raging storm, Brother Hantan's son also has powerful dragon-shaped lightning. Under such circumstances, the six-winged demon can no longer control his dragon-shaped lightning, so he can only Maybe he was bombarded by his dragon-shaped lightning.


With a scream, the six-winged demon, which had been blasted several times by dragon-shaped lightning, was finally killed by Brother Hantan's son, and the special space that the six-winged demon brought Brother Hantan's son into, It was also shattered because he died in space.

The son of Brother Hantan returned to Gu Zheng and his father, so he easily counterattacked the six-winged demon, but he was not too happy. The trump card of Feather Fairy Clothes had been used, and Although the effectiveness of his magical power has not ended yet, he has no target to attack.

"What are you looking at? Are you not convinced? If not, treat me a second time!"

Looking at the six-winged demon's angry gaze, the son of the monk Hantan provoked him again.

Without answering Brother Hantan's son's words, the six-winged demon just gritted his teeth at him: "I can't kill you, so why can't I kill your father? Even though I gave you the highest level of hospitality. , if a medium-sized treat is used on your father, it should make your father die miserably, right? After all, your father is only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. I still don’t believe that he can have the same supernatural powers as you. Vast!"

Without giving Brother Hantan and his son any time to say anything, the six-winged demon waved its wings, and Brother Hantan was immediately drawn into the space used for the duel.

Staying in the duel space, Hantan seemed to be sizing up the six-winged demon on the surface, but in fact his previous exchange with Gu Zheng outside was still echoing in his mind.

When Brother Hantan's son was fighting the six-winged demon, both Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan were able to see the two of them fighting through the light curtain in the sea.

At that time, Brother Hantan asked Gu Zheng how he could defeat the six-winged demon when he faced off against it. After all, if you just look at it from the outside, it seems that he has no possibility of defeating the six-winged demon. He does not have the magical powers like his son Feather Fairy Yi.

"You can try your magical power of possession."

This was Gu Zheng's advice to Brother Hantan.

Monk Hantan has been aware of the magical power of possession for some time. It has to be said that this is a very powerful magical power, but under normal circumstances it can only be used on some kind of big demon, and once the magical power of possession is activated, Hantan will Brother Tan himself will also be in a state of being unable to move.

After possessing the magical power of possession for a period of time, Brother Hantan also wanted to develop this magical power in depth. No matter how he could not move while possessed, this was a drawback that could not be ignored. If he could get rid of this drawback , then possession is really not a powerful supernatural power.

Brother Hantan's in-depth research on the magical power of possession is directed towards the two magical powers of raining fish bones from the sky and ink rendering. If any of these two magical powers can be integrated with the magical power of possession, the magical power of possession will be enough. The above is relatively perfect. At that time, even if the Hantan monk's body cannot move, his means of injuring the enemy will still have an exaggerated ink color, or fish bones falling from the sky.

But it is a pity that after studying for a period of time, Brother Hantan felt that it was difficult to integrate those two magical powers with possession.

"Perhaps as the master said, theory and practice are two different things. This is the time to take a gamble!"

Brother Hantan was ready to take a gamble. Theoretically speaking, it would not work if he wanted to activate the fish bone or ink rendering while possessed. However, this theory has never been put into practice, because every time he activates the possession, it will affect Han. Brother Tan has a great influence, so he didn't have the courage to find a chance to really try it before. But the current situation is an opportunity that Brother Hantan has to try, because apart from this idea, he I don’t know what method I should use to defeat the six-winged demon.

After all, Gu Zheng had told Brother Hantan when he was outside that his magical power to control monsters and illusions should have no effect on this guy like the six-winged demon, but he didn't object. When the time comes to fight, the Hantan monks can also try to use these two magical powers on the six-winged demon.

"Are you already stupid? Were you scared to death?"

The six-winged demon's mocking voice pulled Brother Hantan out of his thoughts.

"I was not frightened, I was just thinking about how to kill you." Brother Hantan told the truth.

"Very good, keep your fighting spirit." The six-winged demon's voice squeezed out from between his teeth: "I failed to kill your son before, but now I will definitely kill you, and I won't let you die. Very comfortable! I'm not afraid to tell you that I have one characteristic that is similar to my brothers, that is, every time I fight with different people like you, I can awaken a magical power. Do you want to see it and fight with you? What was the supernatural power I awakened when I was there?"

"No, I'm not interested at all!" Hantan Xiu shook his head.

"You'd better experience it. It would be a pity if I didn't let you experience such a wonderful magical power!"

The six-winged demon laughed loudly, the protection of the power of law that originally acted on him disappeared, and the battle could begin.

When dealing with Brother Hantan's son before, the six-winged demon allowed Brother Hantan's son to take the initiative. This time he didn't want to give in to Brother Hantan, so the moment the protection of the power of law disappeared, he had already attacked Hantan. The monk launched an attack, using his newly awakened magical power.

The wings of the six-winged demon flapped collectively, and the sky in the entire space changed from pure color to fiery red. A large number of meteorites fell from the sky, and smashed towards the Hantan monks headlessly.

The meteorite falling from the sky has a very powerful momentum, which makes the monk Hantan feel that no matter how he hides, it will be a mistake.

Faced with the meteorite falling from the sky launched by the six-winged demon, Brother Hantan naturally responded. He caused a light array to appear above the head of the six-winged demon, and one fish bone after another fell from it. He used his attitude Tell the Six-Winged Demon that although his attack methods are not powerful enough, he is not afraid of the Six-Winged Demon at all.

When the meteorite falling from the sky was about to hit Brother Hantan, Brother Hantan decisively entered the state of atomized dragon body. He wanted to use this method to hide reality.

Brother Hantan's idea was correct. Although the meteorite was powerful, it could not harm his atomized body. He also rushed towards the six-winged demon. He was going to try to launch his attack on the six-winged demon. Those two magical powers.

"It's kind of interesting, you can actually hide the truth with a lie!"

The six-winged demon sneered, and pushed his claws forward. After a strange strong wind blew by, the monk Hantan's atomized dragon body was lifted.

At the same time, the wings on the back of the six-winged demon flapped, and the fish bones that originally fell from the sky flew towards the Hantan monk.

Brother Hantan frowned, and the six-winged demon method of controlling monsters was activated, but the feedback this method brought to him was like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Want to control me? Go to hell!"

Not only did Brother Hantan fail to defeat the six-winged demon, but he actually angered the six-winged demon.

However, the six-winged demon seemed furious, but in fact he did not intend to let Brother Hantan die easily, so he did not use his most powerful method, but just let more dense meteorites hit the monk Hantan with his roar. Go and restrict the Hantan monk to enter the state of atomized dragon body to avoid.

Brother Hantan really wanted to launch an illusion attack on the six-winged demon now to see if he could succeed, but there were too many attacks flying towards him, and he could only find a way to avoid them when it was important to save his life.

The way Brother Hantan can avoid it is to teleport, which can be said to be a no-brainer. He knows that the six-winged demon can sense the fluctuations of his teleportation, and he also knows that the six-winged demon will definitely ambush him, but he also knows that, The six-winged demon wanted to kill him, so even if it launched an ambush on him, it would not kill him. Then that time would be the time for him to use illusion magic on the six-winged demon.

Seeing Brother Hantan's body disappear, the six-winged demon smiled contemptuously. The first pair of wings behind him waved wildly. With his super speed, he arrived at the place where Brother Hantan was about to appear in advance. He raised his sharp claws and prepared When Brother Hantan appeared, he first tore off a piece of his flesh.

The Hantan monk appeared, and the six-winged demon's prepared claws had already fallen. Although the dragon body of the Hantan monk was also very powerful, the six-winged demon's claws were even sharper. His claws fell directly from A piece of flesh was torn off Brother Hantan's body.

Brother Hantan grinned in pain, but he did not forget to use his illusion magic power on the six-winged demon.

What a pity, the six-winged demon is completely immune to illusions! Moreover, Brother Hantan's act of using illusions on him also angered him. His claws fell on Brother Hantan again, tearing off a piece of flesh from Brother Hantan's body.

Two pieces of flesh were torn off one after another, and Brother Hantan couldn't help but scream in pain. He subconsciously waved his dragon tail to fly the six-winged demon away.

The six-winged demon hid and flew aside with two pieces of Brother Hantan's body. This time he did not speak, but his actions already spoke a thousand words. The two pieces of meat he would tear off Brother Hantan's body , put it in his mouth and chewed it vigorously, blood immediately dripped from the corner of his mouth. He was using his actions to show Brother Hantan that he was determined to eat Brother Hantan alive.

"I want you to die!"

Friar Hantan has always been a cannibal, so there is no reason for him to be eaten by others. The behavior of the six-winged demon made Friar Hantan completely obsessed.

Originally, Brother Hantan had planned to see if he could fight with the six-winged demon for a while. He would not activate the magical power of possession until absolutely necessary. No matter how he activated the magical power of possession, no matter whether he could succeed or not, one thing was certain. The damage he will suffer afterwards will be more serious, and this damage cannot be recovered by absorbing the original energy of ordinary monsters.

But now, the flesh has been eaten by the six-winged demon, and the Hantan monk, who was completely overtaken, decisively activated his magical power of possession.

"You disgusting guy, get off of me quickly!"

The six-winged demon screamed, and Brother Hantan's body suddenly disappeared, and then he lay on his back. This magical method controlled by the power of laws made it impossible for him to escape, and he didn't know that he Is Jing Ming now feeling terrified or disgusted?

"I will go down if you ask me to go down? Why! Let me tell you, between the two of us today, either you will die or I will live! I can't move now. If I could move, I would definitely bite off two pieces of your flesh. !”

Brother Hantan's voice was right next to the six-winged demon, which made him realize what it meant to be like a light on his back and a stalk in his throat.

The six-winged demon fell into madness. He went to heaven and earth to try his best to get rid of the Hantan monk who was possessing his back.

It is a pity that the magical power of possession is very strong. Under the influence of the power of law, unless its time is up, or the six-winged demon is dead, even if the Hantan monk wants to end it early, it will not be possible. arrive.

The six-winged demon jumping up and down soon realized the fact. He said fiercely to the Hantan monk: "I don't believe that your disgusting magical power has no time limit. Anyway, I have a lot of time. Let us two Just spend it like this! Once your magical power is over, I will tear off your flesh piece by piece and let you watch me eat them."

"You are really vicious! Then you have to ask for a blessing. Don't eat my flesh before you become the energy to increase my strength." Brother Hantan also responded with a vicious tone.

"Who do you think you are? Do you still want me to become the energy that enhances your strength? Stop dreaming! Don't think I don't know. You can't use any attacks at all in this disgusting state!" The six-winged demon said.

"Indeed, what exists in this space is not your body, so even if I kill you, you cannot become the energy that enhances my strength. But for me, as long as Fang is right, it is revenge! As for Say, you think I can't launch any attack on you, then you are really wrong, I will let you see now whether I can launch an attack on you!"

Brother Hantan's voice was trembling when he said this. He was really too excited, because he finally made a major breakthrough in the integration of possession and other magical powers. He was able to Activate the magical power of ink rendering!

Being able to perform ink rendering while possessed is an incredible breakthrough. This will mean that the combat power of Hantan monks has been improved by more than one level. Even when encountering a being like Gu Zheng, who is full of tricks, it is possible. Defeat the opponent, who makes the magical power of possession belong to the magical power of the power of law!

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