The strength of the stick that Gu Zheng smashed was very ingenious. This stick only broke the power of the law protecting the super space monster, and then he moved the super space monster into the heart magic bead.

When Gu Zheng was dealing with this super space monster, his Divine Mind Crane was also dealing with another super space monster, but because the super space monster was good at the way of space, it was difficult for Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane to catch up it. However, these monsters are really stupid, so many of their companions have been wiped out, they still don’t know how to escape, and they still want to take advantage of it in a roundabout way, but the result is that they didn’t take advantage of it, but they lost their lives. All hooked up.

Once again, he was forced by Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane to escape by teleportation, but this time the last remaining super space monster was not so lucky. When it appeared from the space, Gu Zheng was able to freeze The Immortal Extinguishing Art also happened to hit it.

After fixing it, Gu Zheng slammed it with a stick, the force was still ingenious, it just broke the power of the law protecting the super space monster, and then collected it into the heart magic bead with a thought.

At this moment, there are no space monsters in the battlefield observed by the naked eye. After all, the remaining space monster is a special space monster, and the special space monster is invisible to the naked eye. Son is chasing it.

Gu Zheng used the Jue of Extermination of Immortals again. He wanted to block the space to prevent the special space monster from teleporting. Haven't caught it yet.

Sensing the space fluctuation that the monster in the special space was about to appear, Gu Zheng played out the Immortal Extermination Art that had been brewing, and landed on the monster in the special space that appeared.

The space was sealed off, and even monsters in special spaces could no longer teleport. The ripples of soul power launched by Brother Hantan's son directly swayed on it, releasing the protection of the power of the law. Protected by the power of the law, the son of the monk Hantan took him into the phantom crystal as soon as he thought about it.

In this ancient battle, they eliminated thousands of space monsters. Of course, most of these space monsters were collected in phantom crystals.

Compared with the previous battles, the battle this time is not a waste of time. At least among the huge number of space monsters, there are two super space monsters and two special space monsters, and they are handed over to the cold pool monks. The father and son came to study, and as for Gu Zheng, he was on his way with the Heart Demon Orb, still heading to the end of the Great Trench.

Brother Hantan's soul power has already mutated twice, so the two special space monsters caught this time will be studied by his son, and as for himself, he will study the two super space monsters.

The two super space monsters are both in the heart magic bead, and they were separated and isolated in two small spaces by Gu Zheng.

At this moment, in a small space in the Heart Demon Orb, the cold pool cultivator has tortured a super space monster to a half-dead state. Only this state is the most suitable for exploring it with soul power.

Cultivator Hantan put his hand on the head of the super space monster. This is a common procedure used by ancient monsters to search for souls. In fact, for the detection of super space monsters, Cultivator Hantan does not have to do this. Anyway, the methods he uses are similar to Gu Zheng's is different, but he just thinks it's more fun this way.

A moment later, the cold pool monk withdrew his hand from the top of the super space monster's head, and then mercilessly ended its life, which was another meaningless investigation.

"Master, do you think the investigation of this super space monster can gain anything?"

Among the monks in the cold pool, Gu Zheng, who was controlling the Heart Demon Orb, opened his mouth. He had already checked four or five super space monsters, but the results were all the same blank.

"I don't know if I can gain something. After all, things like space monsters need your soul power to study, not my divine sense."

When Gu Zheng spoke, he saw his thoughts moved, and he dropped the monk in the cold pool into another space of the heart magic bead, where there was another super space monster waiting for the monk in the cold pool to investigate.

Cultivator Hantan is actually not as patient as his son, and he no longer has any hope of finding anything on the super space monster. However, since the matter of detecting the super space monster was entrusted to him, he would still complete this matter, so after being captured by Gu to that space, he immediately started to attack the super space monster, with a slap in the face It landed on the body of the super space monster and sent the super space monster flying.

When the super space monsters are in the big trench, they are not particularly easy to deal with, as if they are fish in the water, but this is Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb after all, and the space that Gu Zheng puts them into is all to control the space. They are banned, and in a sealed space, they are like fish out of water, and some of the magical powers they had before can't be displayed here.

To deal with a super space monster that can't display any supernatural powers, the cold pool monk naturally tortured it to the point of serious injury, and then pressed his hand on the head of the super space monster.

In the past, the detection of super space monsters gave the monks in the cold pool the feeling that they had stuck their heads in clear water. It wasn't that they couldn't reach everything, but what they could see was rather vague, as if there was nothing wrong with it. It's worth observing, but this time it's different, it still feels like putting your head into the water, but there seems to be a luminous spot in the water, which is a sight I've never encountered before.

"Could it be that the investigation of super space monsters is finally getting better?"

Cultivator Hantan was overjoyed, and quickly chased after the so-called light spot, but the light spot was still in the distance, and it didn't take long for the soul power of Cultivator Hantan to touch it.


The moment the monk Hantan's soul power touched the light spot, there was a bang in his head, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

This is a gloomy space, it looks like a cave, the cold pool cultivator stood there in a daze, and in front of him was a very strange monster.

The reason why the monk Hantan stood there in a daze was not that the monster in front of him was very strange, but a feeling in himself, which made him understand that he did not come to this space with his real body, he was forcibly forced by his soul power. Ingested here, and turned into the appearance of the main body.

In this special space, besides having the same body as the outside, the cold pool monk also has the same ability. Whatever damage he receives here, the outside body will also show the damage. If he dies here, then It is equivalent to the fact that he is dead on the outside, and all this is because he is good at the light spots inside the super space monster.

"What does this represent? Does it represent danger and opportunity?"

Brother Hantan murmured in his heart, needless to say about the danger here, as for the so-called chance, there is a reason why Brother Hantan would say this, the reason is that the strange-looking monster in front of him actually has The protection of the power of law means that it is a special monster, and it is likely to give the monks of the cold pool a task, so this is why the monks of the cold pool did not immediately attack it.

"Enter, you are welcome here."

The strange-looking special monster spoke to the cold pool monk.

"Why did you take me in here?" Brother Hantan asked.

"Because you touched the mark I left in that super space monster, and thus triggered the mission, your soul power was transferred to this special space." The strange-looking special monster said.

"This seems to be a task that I can't refuse!"

Looking around, Brother Hantan has discovered that there is no way out here.

"Indeed, once this task is triggered, you will have no choice!" said the strange-looking special monster.

"Since there is no choice, why don't you tell me about this mission?"

Brother Hantan nodded. He looked calm on the outside, but he was already very cautious in his heart. This was the first time he took on the task alone. The son has a long face.

"The mission is very simple, you just need to defeat me." Said the special monster with a strange appearance.

"What is the punishment for failure and the reward for victory?" Brother Hantan asked again.

"The end of failure is death. The reward for defeating me is to give you a qualification. This qualification requires you to deliver certain supplies in order to obtain the ultimate benefits." Said the strange-looking special monster.

"Is defeating you just a qualification?" Brother Hantan frowned.

"That's right, get ready! The battle will start after three breaths."

There is no longer any chance for the monks in the cold pool to ask questions. The strange-looking special monster waved his hand, and the cave they were in began to become wider and quickly became a venue suitable for fighting skills. The monks in the cold pool seized the time , looked at this special monster with a strange appearance.

There is no longer any chance for the monks in the cold pool to ask questions. The strange-looking special monster waved his hand, and the cave they were in began to become wider and quickly became a venue suitable for fighting skills. The monks in the cold pool seized the time , looked at this special monster with a strange appearance.

The reason why this special monster has a strange appearance is because it has an upper body similar to that of a super space monster, and super space monsters are basically human-shaped, and their bodies are translucent. The upper body is also the same as the super space monster. As for its lower body, it squats on the ground like a toad monster. In other words, it has four legs and two arms. As for its strength, it has never been According to the aura it exudes, monk Hantan judged that it should have the strength of Jinxian's late stage.

The time of three breaths passed quickly, and the monk Hantan took the lead. With a thought, a light array of fish bones from the sky appeared above the head of the special monster, and the fish bones with the destructive power of the mid-term golden fairy fell towards the special monster below. .


The special monster that was stabbed by the fishbone seemed to have only a pair of skins containing clear water. The fishbone pierced the skin, and the clear water inside immediately scattered on the ground, but the clear water scattered on the ground moved at an extremely fast speed. He rushed towards the monk in the cold pool.

Brother Hantan frowned slightly. He could feel that there was a big problem with the clear water, but he was not sure how to deal with it, so he chose to fly into the air.

However, at the moment Brother Hantan flew into the air, the clear water on the ground also chased him in the air.

The monster power in the monk's body vibrated, and an extremely cold force spewed out from his mouth. After acting on the pool of liquid, the effect on it was only a momentary freezing.

The liquid that was instantly frozen and then thawed in an instant was shot at the monk in the cold pool again, and the speed was faster than before!

So far, Brother Hantan has no idea of ​​the power of the liquid. All he has is a premonition. He feels that he cannot touch the unknown liquid with his body. It was precisely because of this that the cold pool monk didn't want the liquid to get on his body.

But now, the unknown liquid can't be shaken off like tarsal maggots, and the monk in the cold pool slapped it directly with his dragon claws, thinking in his heart that no matter what the result after shooting it, at least the ink color should be wiped out first. Render it implanted.

The bad premonition in the cold pool monk's heart came true. After the dragon claw touched the unknown liquid, the ink color rendering that could have been implanted in the unknown liquid in an instant failed to implant, and the unknown liquid was like a spirit snake. Generally, it directly wraps around his body along his dragon claws.

The unknown liquid entangled the body of the monk in the cold pool, bringing a strong freezing force, so that the body of the monk in the cold pool where it passed was a little stiff. Supernatural powers.

The body instantly turned from solid to empty, and the unknown liquid that was originally wrapped around the body of the cold pool monk fell to the ground, and the cold pool monk felt a little relieved. If it doesn't work, then this time he might really end up here.

The atomized dragon body is effective against unknown liquids, which gives the monks of the cold pool a chance to breathe, so they have to launch a counterattack against unknown liquids.

There are only a few kinds of supernatural powers that the monk in the cold pool can display. Since the fishbone from the sky and the ink color rendering have no effect on the unknown liquid, he uses his soul power to try to control the unknown liquid, and the unknown liquid is not everything. Didn't do it, it changed from transparent to milky white like a chameleon, it seemed to be aimed at the atomized dragon body of the monk in the cold pool.

After the color turned milky white, the unknown liquefied and formed a sharp arrow, and shot towards the cold pool monk in the air. Although he was not shot, the cold pool monk knew that if the milky white sharp arrow hit him On his body, he would definitely be able to break his atomized dragon body, and the result would definitely be fatal enough, but fortunately, his soul power to control monsters had already acted on the milky white sharp arrow, and the sharp arrow flying in the air The momentum of the arrow could not help but slow down.

The momentum of the sharp arrow can be slowed down, which shows that the sorcery that the cold pool monk wants to control has played a role. He was overjoyed that he originally wanted to continue to control the milky white sharp arrow, but after thinking about it, continuing to control it is not enough. It must be successful, it is better to attack it now. After all, during the short period of time when he was controlling the milky white arrow, Brother Hantan could feel a force of resistance that was about to get out of control. s failure.

As soon as he thought of it, Brother Hantan raised his dragon claw and shouted towards the milky white sharp arrow. This time, when he hit the milky white sharp arrow, he wanted to take the opportunity to implant the magical power rendered in black. Although the cold pool cultivator also used the supernatural power of ink color rendering before, and it ended in failure, but now the targets are different in form, and the results may be different. This is like his supernatural power of atomizing the dragon body. Attacks that can cause damage to him will also lose their effect after his body becomes atomized.

Brother Hantan was right. After his dragon claws hit the sharp arrow directly, he directly sent the sharp arrow flying, and the supernatural power rendered in black was successfully implanted in the sharp arrow. However, when the sharp arrow was blown away, his control of the sharp arrow also failed. During the process of flying out, the sharp arrow changed its shape again, trying to change from a solid to a liquid, and its change made The cold pool monk felt that the ink color he had finally implanted in his body would disappear without a trace because of the other party's physical transformation.

"It's really a tough opponent, it depends on whether it's life or death!"

Brother Hantan decided to use illusion magical powers on the opponent who had already turned into a liquid. Although this guy's shape is changeable, it is a special monster. It is judged that his illusion magic power can also have an effect on this guy, and this may be his only chance to come back.

With a flick of his soul power, the monk in the cold pool activated illusion magic on the opponent who had turned into a liquid state. The opponent who was still twisting in the air and wanted to change into another form suddenly became motionless.

From the outside, it was impossible to see what the opponent of the cold pool monk was going through, but as a caster of illusion, the cold pool monk could see what his opponent had experienced in the illusion.

The form of the opponent in the illusion is in the form of a special monster, and it is precisely because of the illusion that Brother Hantan understands why this special monster looks like a combination of a super space monster and an ordinary monster, because it is indeed like this It is precisely because of the illusion that Brother Hantan probably guessed what it would want if he defeated this special monster! After all, illusions contain the principle that illusions come from the heart, and what the special monster sees in the illusion is exactly what it wants most.

Everything is going in a good direction, the special monster failed to see through the illusion, and the longer it stays in the illusion, the less likely it is to see through the illusion crystal, and its strength will also decrease. In this process, it was gradually weakened. If judged according to the current form, it is only a matter of time before the cold pool cultivator passes this test.

On the side of the cold pool monk, he was trapping a special monster with an illusion, and the expression on his body in the heart magic bead was very peaceful, and at this moment, the ancient struggle had come to the end of the great trench.

Since thousands of space monsters have been killed before, Gu Zheng did not encounter any space monsters on the way to the end of the Great Trench, and even luckier did not even have a space trap meet.

"Master, let me out."

When Gu Zheng was about to create a space channel, the voice of Brother Hantan's son sounded.

Brother Hantan's son's voice came from the magic crystal. When he killed those monsters before, he was fighting with the magic crystal. After the battle was over, he wanted to return to the magic crystal to study the two special space monsters. Gu Zheng also directly received the magic crystal into the Heart Demon Orb, and now he asked Gu Zheng to release him, not to put him in the big trench, but to put him in the space of the Heart Demon Orb, with his Father stays together.

"Your father seems to have fallen into a certain state."

On a thought, Gu Zheng transferred the son of monk Hantan to another space in the Heart Demon Orb, and did not let him stay with his father, lest his father would be disturbed.

"Master, did my father enter some kind of mysterious realm when he was researching super space monsters?"

Brother Hantan's son's voice was a little excited. He hadn't made any progress in the research on super space monsters, and now his father was able to enter a certain state while studying super space monsters. There will be a breakthrough in this matter.


Gu Zheng responded that although he had been on his way with the Heart Demon Orb, he could still feel what happened in the Heart Demon Orb.

"What about you? Have you gained anything from studying special space monsters?"

Although Gu Zheng already knew that Brother Hantan's son must have gained nothing, if he had gained anything, then he must be elated at the moment, but he still asked this question.

"No." Brother Hantan's son's voice paused, and then he said: "I have a feeling that the fourth change of soul power should be restricted by the power of laws. Before certain requirements are not met, simple Just studying special space monsters should not make any progress, so if I catch special space monsters in the future, I will let my father study them."

He didn't say anything, Gu Zheng was about to open the space channel, leading to the last area of ​​the space world at the current stage.

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the lines that constitute the space world appeared in front of his eyes. The power of Dao shot out from between him, and he fiddled with the lines of the space structure of the power of Dao, and soon a space channel was created. come out.

When Gu Zheng was about to step into the space passage, the son of the monk Hantan couldn't help asking curiously, he asked Gu Zheng why he didn't enter the void space this time.

You can collect ingredients when you enter the void space. Although there is no shortage of ingredients in the ancient competition, if you are lucky enough to collect fairy fruits or treasures of heaven and earth, this is also a very good thing. Moreover, after entering the void space, you can still see the new void demon king, the pangolin, and it may not be certain that you can get any help from it.

Facing Brother Hantan's son's question, Gu Zheng replied that the space world at the current stage is already very unstable, and he doesn't want to waste any more time on ordinary things. Let's talk about this task after we finish it.

The sight in front of the eyes alternates between light and dark, and Gu Zheng appears in the last area of ​​the space world at the current stage. (end of this chapter)

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