Although the Lava Phantom Demon King is dead, he has obtained the key to enter the last layer of the inner space of the Red Flame Mountain, and has experience in the upper layer of space, Gu Zheng also believes that the Lava Phantom Demon King gem he obtained is a gemstone, It is also his reward in the current space, but the situation is still not optimistic.

Gu Zheng and the others have known for a long time that the difficulty of the four-story space inside the Red Flame Divine Mountain increases step by step. The lava explosion spider emperor encountered at the first stage was at the early stage of Golden Immortal, and the strength of the lava bloodthirsty demon encountered next was at the middle stage of Golden Immortal. , the strength of the lava phantom demon king just killed is in the late stage of Jinxian. If calculated according to the degree of increasing strength, the strength of the big demon in the last layer of space will reach the peak of Jinxian! Moreover, there should be a large number of little monsters, and their strength will reach the early stage of Golden Immortal. After all, in this space now, the strength of the lava phantom that appeared at the beginning is already at the peak of returning to the void, and it has reached the peak after the mutation. In Jinxian's early stage, Gu Zheng was also slightly injured.

Judging from these existing experiences, in addition to the stronger monsters in the last layer of space, the space will also have more restrictions on Gu Zheng and them, and no one knows what the next restriction will be.

In addition to the two factors that cannot be ignored, the increase in the strength of monsters and the restriction, there is another factor that Gu Zheng and the others also attach great importance to. The hole card, Zhong Guzheng used teleportation, and Brother Hantan's son used the supernatural power of the feather fairy clothes, although the supernatural powers of the feather fairy clothes can last for five minutes, if you enter the last layer of space now, the feathers Xianyi's supernatural power has not yet expired, and it seems that it still has some advantages, but it is not! Because the supernatural power of Feather Immortal Realm will be invalid once they cross the space, and the space they are in now is definitely not the same space as the upper space.

In addition to these factors, there is another most important factor that cannot be ignored, that is, will the big monster in the last layer also choose opponents to fight? If so, the situation will become dire. Their side is extremely unfavorable! After all, everyone understands the principle that power divides and disperses. The big monster in the last layer is strong enough. If any one of the three-person group is selected to fight one-on-one, then after comprehensive analysis, Gu Zheng thinks that all but Apart from his ability to fight, the father and son of the cold pool monks are not good enough. They can almost say that they have no cards that can be used to deal with the big monster.

He has the key to the last space in his hand, but Gu Zheng, who is holding the key, has his eyes closed. He needs to meditate now, and he needs to think again about the danger he is about to face.

Seeing Gu Zheng close his eyes and knowing that he was thinking about something, the Hantan monk and his son did not dare to say a word, and the air became heavy and oppressive from this moment.

After a while, Gu Zheng's closed eyes finally opened, and monk Hantan and his son asked in unison.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan and his son knew all the factors, and they were eager to understand what kind of decision the ancient dispute made in the face of such a situation.

"Before we came to Chiyan Mountain, we felt that there was enough time for this mission, but now it seems that this time is not enough, at least there is no time for us to stay here for a day, and wait until the used hole cards are restored. Enter the last layer of space again."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan and his son nodded. They also knew that time did not allow them to do this. In the current space world, they still have three things to do, and each of them will take time.

"You two also have the ability to produce special feelings now, let's rest in place for half an hour now! During this half hour, you should try your best to think about things related to the last layer of space, and see if you can We can't have a special feeling because of this, so that we can have enough understanding of the last layer of space before we set foot in it. If we can develop a special feeling for the last layer of space, things may not be so difficult, but if it happens not out..."

Gu Zheng didn't continue to speak, but closed his eyes again. He already had a countermeasure in his heart that he couldn't produce special feelings, but he didn't want to say it at this time, so as not to affect the father and son of the monk Hantan.

Seeing that Gu Zheng closed his eyes again, even if there were ten thousand curiosity in his heart, the father and son of Hantan monks did not dare to continue to ask. They could only follow what Gu Zheng said, closed their eyes and began to think about the last layer of space. matter.

Half an hour is actually not short, at least it can make people think about many, many things.

If it's just random thinking, half an hour may pass without knowing it, but if it's thinking to solve a problem, especially in the current situation of the Gu Zheng trio, half an hour is really extremely long.

When the time came, the Gu Zheng trio opened their eyes almost at the same time. They did not communicate with each other, but they knew through looking at each other that luck was not on their side this time. For a long time, there was no special feeling for the last space.

"According to my guess, after killing the big monster in the last space, there will definitely be a passage to leave the Red Flame Mountain." Gu Zheng paused, and said again: "A battle like ours, and a series of battles like ours. It won't last long, so you two will hold the key first, stay in this layer of space, and when you feel the time is right, then use the key to enter the last layer of space, if I have defeated that space by then Big monster, we can leave together."

Gu Zheng didn't say what if he couldn't defeat the big monster, there are some things that don't need to be said.

Brother Hantan and his son are very nervous. They want to fight side by side with Gu Zheng, but the current situation really doesn't allow it. Even if they want to say something about it, after seeing Gu Zheng's firm eyes, what they want to say Those words also swallowed in his stomach.

"Master, you are invincible!"

Brother Hantan and his son saluted Gu Zheng and said this in unison.

Gu Zheng nodded to the father and son of the cold pool monk, and put the lava phantom demon king gem in his hand into the depression of the cloud layer, while the father and son of the cold pool monk retreated to the side at this time to avoid being ingested by the sky light that will appear later The last layer of space.

The cloud layer was opened, and the gem of the lava phantom demon king fell. Gu Zheng didn't reach out to pick it up. He wanted to leave the key to the father and son of the cold pool monk. The skylight fell from the upper space and shone on Gu Zheng. The eyes of both monk Tan and his son disappeared.

The sight in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng finally came to the last layer in the inner space of Chiyan Shenshan.

The environment in front of me is similar to the previous few floors. The same thing is that there are densely packed caves here, and the difference is that there is no spiral staircase here. After all, the current space is already the last floor, and there is no need for things like spiral stairs leading to the next space.

A smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face. Originally, he felt that it was a rather unfortunate thing that he could not have the special feeling of facing the last space in the last half hour. He is on their side, but now Gu Zheng feels that luck is actually on his side, because he made a correct decision, that is, he did not bring the father and son of the monk Hantan to the current space.

Gu Zhenghui thinks this is because the limit in the current space is one less than that in the third space, and the way of space is actually limited here. Restrictions, restrictions on divine thoughts and soul power, it is abnormal that such restrictions will be reduced. The only explanation is how many restrictions there are on the entrants in the entire space inside the Chiyan Mountain. Depends on the number of participants!

Gu Zheng's understanding was not wrong. How many kinds of restrictions there are in the inner space of Chiyan Shenshan really depends on the number of entrants. Fortunately, this time he didn't let the father and son of the Hantan monk follow him in, otherwise he would be here. In the last layer of the most difficult space, the number of restrictions is no longer as simple as adding one! But now because he is the only one coming in, the number of restrictions has not increased but decreased by one. Fortunately, the reduced restriction is still the most critical restriction for Gu Zheng, as long as the way of space is not restricted. , so Gu Zheng is still unable to use the magical powers of the fairyland and teleportation, but at least he has the ability to sense space, and this ability to sense is very important in his level of battle.

In the previous three-layer space, every time the little monsters appeared, there was a lot of movement, but this time it was different. There was no sound at all when the little monsters appeared, because all the little monsters that appeared this time were those that could fly. Another species, and Guzheng had seen it before, was the unicorned winged whale they encountered before entering Chiyan Mountain.

The one-horned feathered whale that Gu Zheng and the others encountered before they entered the Chiyan Mountain was already considered a big monster at that time! After all, before approaching the Chiyan Mountain, among the monsters that Gu Zheng and the others encountered, very few of them had reached the early stage of Golden Immortal, let alone those in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. There are as many as eight of them, and there are no other little monsters following them at all. They are just a wave of well-deserved big monsters.

However, in the last layer of the inner space of the Scarlet Flame Mountain, the outside world is the one-horned winged whale of the big monster, which has already been reduced to the little monster at the beginning.

When he first saw the unicorn whale appear, Gu Zheng had already swung the sky stick to attack. Because he had fought the unicorn whale before, he was even a monster that could launch a combined attack, and he could drive away the unicorn. If you kill some of them before they launch the combined attack technique, it will be beneficial and harmless to break their combined attack formation at that time.

Wielding the skyscraper stick and hitting again and again, Gu Zheng was very grateful in his heart. He was glad that although the little monster he met this time was stronger than he expected, and he was able to perform combined attacks, but fortunately his Immortal Extermination Art can restrain this kind of monster. Otherwise, the huge number of one-horned winged whales would be difficult to kill even with the magic power of the fairyland, not to mention that he couldn't even use the magical power of the fairyland here.

However, at the moment, Gu Zheng didn't use the Immortal Extinguishing Technique, he was waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity might come soon, after the unicorned whales launched the joint attack technique.

The one-horned feathered whales that Gu Zheng and the others encountered outside Chiyanshen Mountain launched a joint attack as soon as they came up, but the one-horned feathered whales here are different. They seem to be in no hurry because of the large number of groups. Instead of launching a combined attack, he launched a general sorcery attack on Gu Zheng.

It's not unreasonable for the unicorn whale to use ordinary black magic to target Gu Zheng. After all, the combination attack is equivalent to a big move. If it is not necessary, no matter whether it is a human or a monster, it is not unreasonable. I am willing to use it easily, because this kind of supernatural power, which is equivalent to a big move, has certain disadvantages after it is used! Just like the combined attack technique of the unicorn whale, once they are activated, they cannot move until the combined attack technique is broken, and once the combined attack technique is broken, they will also suffer severe damage. backlash.

The unicorn whales are not stupid. When Gu Zheng kept slaughtering their kind with sky sticks, they still didn't use the joint attack technique. That's because they didn't feel the real danger of group destruction. Hundreds, even if Gu Zheng killed ten or eight, it would have little effect.

The clouds and mist are lingering and highly corrosive. This is the attack launched by the one-horned winged whale. If the strength of Jinxian's early stage encounters such poisonous mist, the fairy power shield on the body will be disintegrated in an instant, and Without the protection of the shield of immortal power, the immortal cultivator who was attacked would soon die.

The cloud and mist unleashed by a single-horned whale is enough to make the early-stage Golden Immortal cultivators daunting, not to mention many one-horned whales activated this magical power at the same time, so that the current space appears as a kind of cloud. In a blurred state, even a mid-Golden Immortal cultivator would not be able to last long in such an environment.

In addition to the cloud and mist attack, the wings of the unicorn whale, which is like a bird, can also send out wind blades one after another when it flaps, and the power of this wind blade, if it is just to kill the early golden immortal cultivator, the speed will be even faster quick! Moreover, since the unicorn whales are monsters that can launch combined attacks, even if there are a large number of them, no matter what kind of attack they launch, there will be no problem of accidental injury. If the attack they launch falls on the partner's On the body, it will not cause harm at all.

Gu Zheng's figure is very flexible, and it is not easy to attack him. The one-horned winged whales began to roar, and with their roar, countless icicles spewed out from their mouths, and the attacks formed were simply indiscriminate, and The power is also great. It is really very difficult for the immortal cultivators in the early stage of Jinxian to survive under such an attack method.

The unicorn on the top of the head is shining brightly, but the one-horned winged whales who have no choice but to use their magical powers, which are regarded as trump cards, spiral waves emerge from the unicorn above their heads, and circle around the entire space There is really no way to avoid the back and forth in the middle! And this kind of spiral fluctuation is extremely harmful, not to mention obliterating the immortal cultivators in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, even the immortal cultivators in the late Golden Immortal stage.

Hundreds of unicorn whales, all kinds of powerful sorcery, are only aimed at an ancient dispute in the early stage of Jinxian, but they can't cause any damage to the ancient dispute. On the contrary, their population is still decreasing. It's because the ancient battle is not simply the early stage of the Golden Immortal!

The reason why Gu Zheng can remain uninjured in such an environment is that he has used his golden scale armor feature. Within three minutes, unless his strength reaches the late stage of Jinxian, it is impossible to hurt him at all. This is the top defensive immortal. The characteristics of the golden scale armor! Although the spiral wave attack of the unicorn whale may obliterate the immortal cultivators of the late Jinxian period, this does not mean that its destructive power has completely reached the late Jinxian period.

Since the unicorn whales can't hurt Gu Zheng, it is not difficult to slaughter these unicorn whales under the effect of Gu Zheng's shocking stick technique. By the third stick, the destructive power is already stronger than most golden immortals in the later stage, let alone the fifth and sixth sticks. Moreover, the shocking stick method is not a single-target attack, especially in this environment where monsters are relatively dense, every time Gu Zheng swings, more than one unicorn whale is injured.

Due to the use of the shocking stick technique, Gu Zheng seems to have a high fighting spirit on the outside, as mighty as a god descending from the earth, but in fact Gu Zheng is also a little anxious in his heart. He hopes that the unicorn winged whale will launch a combined attack on him at one point , because the characteristics of his golden scale armor are about to expire. Once that time comes, he will no longer be able to remain unscathed under the siege of such a large number of unicorn whales.

It is a pity that three minutes is too short. Even if Gu Zheng hunted desperately, in three minutes, he could only behead the unicorn whales that originally numbered over a hundred, and there were still more than sixty left. However, the number of unicorn whales with only over 60 left is still confident. They still don't use fighting skills, and they still want to kill Gu Zheng through their general sorcery.

In view of this situation, there is no way for Gu Zheng to use the supernatural power of the golden scale armor, and the supernatural power of the golden scale armor is actually very simple, that is, to double its characteristic time, that is to say, Gu Zheng can only use the supernatural power of the golden scale armor. The invincible time has been increased by another three minutes.

In the previous three minutes, the number of unicorn whales killed by Gu Zheng with a skyscraper stick has exceeded 80, so if there are more than 60 remaining, if they do not use their joint attack technique, Gu Zheng will die. He must be able to smash them all to death before the golden scale armor's magic power expires.

Lifting the sky stick in his hand, and then lifting it up, Gu Zheng was numbly harvesting the unicorn whales, but he also felt a little pity in his heart. After all, these unicorn whales are the strength of the middle stage of Jinxian. If it is Hantan The monk father and son are here, and the dead unicorn whales will not be wasted, and all of them can be converted into the energy needed for their father and son to improve their strength.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Under the fierce blow of the sky stick, one after another the narwhal whales were blown to pieces.

At this moment, there is still a minute and a half left for Guzheng's golden scale armor to be effective, but there are only less than thirty unicorn whales left. At this time, the unicorn whales finally panicked. Light rays that can be connected in series are shot from the horns, and they are finally about to launch a joint attack.

Gu Zheng no longer used the sky stick to deal with the one-horned winged whale, and instead used the Miexian Jue, he began to use Fajue one after another.

Instead of using the Immortal Extermination Jue in the past, Gu Zheng did not hit the Jue in the void this time, but directly hit the barrier created by the combined attack of the unicorn and winged whales. What damage the barrier does, but the shocking results come quickly.

The narwhals haven't sensed the danger yet, they are still brewing a method that can kill Gu Zheng in one blow, and it doesn't take long to prepare this method

The trump card brewed by the narwhal has been completed. The rays of light from the unicorns on the heads of more than 20 narwhals interweave into a miniature narwhal.

The miniature unicorn whale has extremely powerful destructive power, it can instantly kill the strong man at the peak of Jinxian with one blow, the horror of this combined attack technique! After all, there are only about 20 unicorn whales, and their strength is only in the mid-stage of the Golden Immortal, but after the blessing of the joint attack technique, their combined attack power has reached the point where it can instantly kill the peak of the Golden Immortal. It's not scary!

However, in addition to the destructive power that can instantly kill the peak of Jinxian, what is even more frightening is that the miniature unicorn whale also has a powerful and special momentum. It feels like it also has the effect of sealing the space, which makes it unrealistic to choose to use teleportation to avoid this situation in common sense.

Facing the miniature unicorn whale, Gu Zheng is not at all panicked. He has already prepared in advance. The complete set of excavations has been hit on the barrier protecting the unicorn whale. The miniature unicorn whale cannot fly. That barrier can only explode on the spot!

Things were not different from what Gu Zheng had imagined. The one-horned winged whale that could fly out of the barrier, but because Gu Zheng had played a set of Immortal Extermination formula in advance, it exploded when it hit the barrier.

Since the mini narwhal is made up of the rays of light from the unicorns on the heads of all narwhals, its explosion returned those rays of light, and the effect was to directly make the narwhals howl in pain, The body twitched.

The unicorn whales twitched collectively. Although their injuries were not serious, this was a taboo in a joint attack, and their formation instantly collapsed as a result!

There are advantages and disadvantages to the joint attack. While it provides strong protection and destructive power for the narwhals, if they are destroyed, the narwhals will immediately suffer serious backlash! Therefore, at the moment when the combined attack of the unicorn whales broke, more than 20 unicorn whales vomited blood collectively, and were instantly seriously injured.

Of course, Gu Zheng would not give up the opportunity to beat the dog in the water. He immediately waved the sky stick in his hand at the seriously injured unicorn whales.

Although the unicorned whales are seriously injured, they can still fight back, but it is a pity that the magic power of Gu Zheng's golden scale armor has not expired, and even if they attack, they can't hurt Gu Zheng's star.

Explosions continued to be produced, and it was naturally easier to deal with the severely injured unicorn whales than the normal ones. Therefore, under Gu Zheng's hand, more than 20 unicorn whales were killed. In less than a minute, they were all smashed to pieces by Gu Zheng.

The unicorn whale is dead, but the expected applause did not appear, and a bold idea was born in Gu Zheng's mind. He felt that the unicorn king would definitely exist, and it must be based on his current state. He was mighty, so he didn't dare to come out of the cave, and the magic power of his golden scale armor hadn't expired yet, so why didn't he take advantage of this opportunity to enter the cave where the one-horned feathered whale king was and give it a dismount! (end of this chapter)

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