Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's son pouted and said, "If the night here is not like the four-way space, then it will be really boring."

"What? When you were in the four-way space before, didn't you have the addiction to killing?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Master, our father and son had enough addictions when we were in the four-way space, but it's not because we haven't killed monsters for a while, and our hands can't help itching! Besides, this place is different from the four-way space. Killing here Monsters can be regarded as a change of taste." The son of the monk Hantan said.

Gu Zheng was speechless. The father and son were really militants. How long have they been away from the four-way space? In less than a day, these two guys have already reached the point where their hands are itchy.

Instead of going back to the Heart Demon Orb again, Gu Zheng had completed the ripening of the six aquatic plants today, so he sat cross-legged outside the valley, seemingly closing his eyes to rest his mind, but in fact began to use his spiritual thoughts to control the surrounding area. Probe.

Gu Zheng's investigation was not to find anything, it was a habit of being idle and in an unfamiliar environment, but what he didn't expect was that his investigation actually found something. He spotted a sneaky monster.

The sneaky monster looks like a young wild boar, and it is using the earth escape technique to walk towards the place where Gu Zheng and the others are.

The wild boar monster whose strength is only in the realm of returning to the void has not been able to find that it has been targeted by Gu Zheng's divine sense, but Gu Zheng has already discovered that there is enough aura in its eyes, and it is a monster that can be searched for souls .

For monsters with sufficient intelligence, Gu Zheng's attitude has always been to catch them and search for their souls.

However, since the wild boar monster was approaching where they were, and his divine sense was unable to complete the work of searching for souls, so he didn't disturb it, and let it approach recklessly.

Everything happened too fast, and the monk Hantan and his son were behind Gu Zheng, so they didn't pay close attention to what happened just now.

The medicinal materials in the medicine field room, if classified according to the level of ingredients, are all high-level. Naturally, Gu Zheng would not be polite to include all of them in the Heart Demon Orb. However, it is not the medicinal materials that have gained the most in the ancient competition in the medicine field room, but a set of gemstones needed for arranging the spirit gathering array.

It is said that the son of the monk in the cold pool will use super electric light bubbles to surround the dark figure, but every time this black figure rushes over, it will hit the palm of the sky, if the long shadow is not destroyed If it falls, then the super electric light bubble of Brother Hantan's son will be broken by the shadow of the palm before it touches the dark figure.

"Okay, if you really have such a cave in your memory, I will spare your life."

After searching for the soul of the wild boar monster, Gu Zheng really found the cave it mentioned, and it's not too far away, so he can go there now and come back after dark.

Gu Zheng's three-person team stood on the boulder, and this boulder was the road leading to the cave.

"Master, what was that just now?"

Gu Zheng's already frowning brows frowned even tighter, and he found that the aura of this figure pounced again had changed from the original Golden Immortal Early Stage to the Early Golden Immortal Stage.

Gu Zheng didn't dodge at all, and he didn't rely on the golden scale armor to do this, but he knew that the nails of the black mummy couldn't penetrate his body, and the super electric bubble of the monk Hantan's son would definitely kill it first. Income it.


"Is he dead, is this a corpse change?"


However, Yin Feng was just a foreplay, and following Yin Feng was a dark figure, and while that figure was flying towards Gu Zheng, it cast palm shadows all over the sky.

The black mummy can indeed absorb damage and transform it into its own strength, but since Gu Zheng asked the son of the monk Hantan to use super electric glow bubbles to deal with it, it means that super electric glow bubbles have a good ability to restrain it. The kind of electric attack it released would not be absorbed by the black mummy.

"Use your super electric light bubbles to enclose it, it is really not afraid of brute force attacks." Gu Zheng said to his son, a monk in the cold pool.

Although the neck was pinched and it was difficult to make a sound, the wild boar monster's eyes were not blind, so it saw the appearance of Gu Zheng and others.

"It should be a cave for a cultivator. From the memory of the wild boar monster, I saw the fairy array that sealed that cave. It should be left by a cultivator." Gu Zheng said.

Gu Zheng didn't want to waste any time, anyway, the wild boar monster was not protected by the power of law, so he directly started searching for the wild boar monster's soul.

While plunging towards Gu Zheng, the dark figure once again hit the palm shadow that filled the sky.

"From the memory of that wild boar monster, I found that the Centipede Dragon God we are going to face later has something it needs. If it waits there obediently, then after we kill the Centipede Dragon God, I have given it a chance by leaving it what it needs," Gu Zheng said.

Next, Gu Zheng is going to the medicine field room, where fifty medicinal herbs are cultivated. Due to the existence of the spirit gathering array here, these medicinal herbs that have not seen the light of day are still growing vigorously.

"That's right, it's indeed a corpse transformation, but this corpse transformation is a bit unusual, it doesn't seem to be afraid of brute force attacks."

"Forgive the entrant!"

Gu Zheng originally planned to directly search for the soul of the wild boar monster, but after hearing its intentions, he postponed the plan.

The gate of the cave was covered by the fairy formation, and those who didn't know anything about the fairy formation would not be able to see that there was a cave here.

Without saying anything to the wild boar monster, Gu Zheng greeted Brother Hantan and his son, and the team of three went on the road again.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. The instant contact just now made him aware of something. From the dark figure, he felt that its strength was only at the early stage of Golden Immortal, but he did not use the first stick of his shocking stick technique. I don't think it caused any harm to the dark figure.

Since the soul search is inevitable, the wild boar monster did not dare to struggle, but chose to cooperate obediently, otherwise the ordinary soul search would become a forced soul search because of its struggle, which would be a very painful thing.

Of course Gu Zheng was prepared, and besides, he was not an ordinary Golden Immortal, not to mention that he was still wearing golden scale armor, but the Immortal Extinguishing Art shield on his body alone was not something that this evil wind could destroy.

This time, Gu Zheng didn't use the shocking stick to deal with it, but shot Mie Xianzhang at it.

The cave is the kind of cave for the immortal cultivators. There are alchemy room, tool refining room, medicine field room, sundries room, and a main room.

After flying for about a stick of incense, Gu Zheng and the others came to the mountainside of a large mountain.

There are things used for refining in the refining room, but they are useless to Gu Zheng. Whether it is the equipment itself or the finished products of the refining, their grades are too low.

Gu Zheng strode back and forth on the platform, and from time to time he slapped the void. His seemingly weird behavior was actually breaking the formation protecting the cave.

Explosive sounds were produced in the air, whether it was the chaotic palm winds played by the black figure, or Gu Zheng's Immortal Immortal Palm, the two different palm winds collided in the air and produced a loud noise, all of which disappeared in smoke. But at this time, the dark figure was already very close to Gu Zheng, and the three-person team could see its appearance clearly. It was wearing broken fairy clothes, and its fairy body was so mutilated that its skin and flesh had turned black. , and even bones were exposed in some places, he was indeed a dead body.

The son of the cold pool monk responded, and at the same time brewed a super electric light bubble.

The wild boar monster that had just been shot out of the ground suddenly squeezed out a painful sound from its throat, because its neck had been pinched by Gu Zheng, and it was brought to the side.

"Master, do you think that wild boar monster will wait there obediently?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

With a slight sound, the restriction on the stone door was broken, and the stone door of the main room was separated towards the two sides.

"You just wait here obediently, and I will talk about it when I come back!"




Just when the wild boar monster was fantasizing that one day it would become a big monster, a strange force of repulsion suddenly appeared in the soil it was familiar with, and that force of repulsion was very powerful , without waiting for the wild boar monster to react effectively, it was already squeezed out of the soil by the crowding force.

The last side room is the sundry room, and the things in it are naturally sundries. Although there is nothing of value, Gu Zheng still put them into the heart magic bead.

The wild boar monster quickly conveyed its intention to Gu Zheng with its mental strength.

"I have it!" The wild boar monster hurriedly said: "I know a cave, and there may be something that the entrant needs in that cave!"

A moment later, the light array broke, and the originally closed gate of the cave also opened automatically because of the shattering of the fairy array, and a dusty aura spread over the surface.

"It should be the owner of this cave!" Gu Zheng said.

Following Gu Zheng's side, listening to the whistling wind, Brother Hantan couldn't help asking curiously: "Master, what kind of cave is that?"

There are many kinds of palm winds from the dark figure, otherwise, the description of Man Tian would not be used. Gu Zheng's Immortal Immortal Palm only had one blow, but the palm wind condensed was huge and heavy.

In no hurry to enter the cave, the cautious Gu Zheng first used his spiritual sense to go deep into it to investigate the situation inside.

The main room is also the place where immortal cultivators retreat and practice, and if there are any good things in a cave, they are usually in the main room, but the main room is sealed, and Gu Zheng's spiritual sense cannot detect the situation inside.

Under Gu Zheng's method of breaking the formation, the originally inconspicuous Dongfu fairy formation gradually revealed the outline of the gleaming light formation.

There is a set of utensils needed for alchemy in the alchemy room, which is what Gu Zheng wants more. With these things, he can make alchemy by himself, so as to prepare for cooking alchemy. However, it is a pity that the owner of the cave used this set of alchemy equipment to refine poisonous pills, and all the alchemy equipment has been polluted, and can no longer be used to refine normal pills.

"Master, since you already know where the cave is, why do you want that wild boar monster waiting there?" Brother Hantan asked.

"Immortal formation? What kind of fairy formation?"


Pressing his hand on the stone door of the main room, the celestial power was applied to the restriction along the palm of his hand. Gu Zheng wanted to open the stone door of the main room to see what was inside.

On one side is a bottomless cliff, and on the other side is a huge rock that connects the mountain and extends above the cliff.

Gu Zheng put down the wild boar monster, and the wild boar monster hurriedly said: "Understood, the little one will wait here obediently."

Sure enough, from another angle, the super electric glow bubble of Brother Hantan's son touched the black mummy's body one step ahead.

"Do you have the value to let me spare your life?" Gu Zheng asked.

On the side of Brother Hantan's son, the super electric glow bubble had just brewed successfully, and the dark figure rushed over again.

Gu Zheng swung the Skyscraper stick in his hand, and his strength instantly changed from the early stage of Golden Immortal to the middle stage of Golden Immortal. After he smashed the shadow of the palm that filled the sky with one stick, he hit the black figure again.


That is to say, at the moment when the stone door of the main room was separated, a dark wind roared out from inside. This dark wind carried an extremely cold breath and corrosive power. , but this time, he will definitely suffer a big loss. He will either be frozen or melted by the extremely strong corrosive force in an instant, becoming seriously injured.

Black dry and wet is very strong, even if it is wrapped in the super electric glow bubble, it will attack the inner wall of the super electric glow bubble without interruption, but it is a pity that the son of monk Hantan is a golden fairy himself. In the mid-term strength, once enemies of the same level are wrapped in his super electric glow bubble, there are very few examples of being able to get out of trouble.

Brother Hantan's son also spoke. Although he didn't look carefully, whether it was the dark wind after the door of the main room was opened, or the evil spirit brought out by the black shadow when it launched an attack, the son of Brother Hantan I feel that the black shadow just now does not look like a living thing.

"Whether it's waiting there or not, anyway, that represents its chance, and if it doesn't wait, it means it has no fate with that chance." Gu Zheng said lightly.

Knowing what Brother Hantan's son was thinking, Gu Zheng also said: "Don't worry, it's not some difficult fairy formation, it's just an ordinary fairy formation used to seal the entrance of the cave, but the grade of the fairy formation is not high. It's low, if the strength doesn't reach the Golden Immortal realm, it's impossible to break through, otherwise the things in the cave would have been cheaper than the wild boar monster."

With a muffled sound, the black figure was sent flying and disappeared into the dark main room.

Through the observation of the Eye of Dao, Gu Zheng found that although these two gourd elixirs are not suitable for cooking Danyuan Food Cultivation, they can be used as nutrients to cultivate immortal cane and the six aquatic plants, so Gu Zheng gave them to Put it away.

This contact made Gu Zheng understand more things. This dark figure can absorb damage in a strange way to improve his own strength! And the fundamental reason why its strength can be improved from the early stage of Golden Immortal to the middle stage of Golden Immortal is that it has absorbed the damage from the Ancient Staggering Stick Technique. Absorbing damage to improve one's own strength, there is no need to fight it with brute force if it is indisputable.

"Master, this guy is really strange, the simple electric light and thunder fire are not enough to destroy it! Can you let the super electric light bubble explode?"

The black mummy is indeed very strong, even though its body is surrounded by thunder and fire, it is still struggling and resisting in the super electric bubble.

The fact is indeed like this, the black mummy cannot absorb the electric light falling from the super electric light bubble. Due to its own peculiarity, although it will not convulse under the attack of the electric light, it will not be able to withstand the electric light after all. The continuous attack, the body that was already dehydrated, finally burned under the continuous attack of the electric light.

There was another muffled sound, and Gu Zheng's second stick scattered the shadows of palms all over the sky, and hit it again, sending it flying.

Just like the open mouth of a giant beast, the super electric glow bubble swallowed the black mummy in an instant, and the son of the monk in the cold pool immediately continued to control the super electric glow bubble, and the electric glow that descended from it fell on the ground one after another. On the body of a black mummy.

In an instant, the arms of the black mummy became very long, and the nails on the fingers gleamed faintly, like an iron awl thrown by a colleague, stabbing at Gu Zheng's chest.

However, no matter how low the level of these items related to refining equipment is, everything that Gu Zheng has done will be wiped out, including the alchemy furnace that could not be used by him in the alchemy room before, and he has also taken it into his heart In the magic bead, anyway, there is a lot of space in the heart magic bead, and putting these things in it doesn't take up much space at all. More importantly, things like this may not necessarily be useful to a special monster in the future, just like the gold and silver treasures in the mortal world before, this kind of thing is also of little value to Gu Zheng , but the golden toad monster needs them.


The wild boar monster is still stalking happily in the soil, not aware of any danger at all. It will come to the valley to practice every day, because once at night, after the original fragrance of birds and flowers in the valley becomes rotten, some poisonous mist containing the breath of dragon blood will also It will enter the soil, which is a kind of energy it needs for cultivation.

Although the alchemy equipment in the alchemy room has been polluted, Gu Zheng still entered the alchemy room, because there are still two gourd pills there. If he only uses his spiritual sense to detect, Gu Zheng just knows that the two gourd pills are not of low grade. Poison elixir, but he doesn't know the real purpose, but to know the real purpose of these two gourd elixir, he still needs to observe with the eye of Tao.

Brother Hantan's son also had a shadow of the fairy formation, and he was afraid that Gu Zheng would say that it was a triple or quadruple fairy formation.

Sure enough, almost when Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the dark figure rushed over again.

As the owner of the super electric glow bubble, the son of the monk Hantan is naturally more aware of the situation in the super electric glow bubble than others, but his understanding of the black mummy is not as clear as Gu Zheng, so can he pass the explosion of the super electric glow burst? To solve the black interference, he is not very clear.

"Wait a minute."

Gu Zheng did not immediately give a direct answer to Brother Hantan's son's inquiry, because during the period when Brother Hantan's son trapped the black mummy with super electric glow bubbles and tortured him, he was already in the black mummy who was not idle. He wandered around the mummy's cave, and found a jade slip, and he was currently checking the contents of the jade slip.

"Just use your super electric glow bubble to trap it, it doesn't need us to kill it."

Taking down the jade slip placed on his forehead, Gu Zheng said with a smile, the original small problem, after he read the contents of the jade slip, he already knew how to solve it.

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